Where are the Progs? Obama calls illegal immigrants gangbangers without the liberal media outrage!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Last week, GOP presidential candidate and billionaire entrepreneur Donald Trump was severely criticized for his extremely poorly-chosen reference to illegal Mexican immigrants as being criminals who bring drugs into the United States and commit rapes on U.S. soil. Via the media, the story gained public outcry which resulted in Trump needing to clarify his statement repeatedly since he announced his candidacy, according to Yahoo! News on Thursday. Additionally, over the backlash of his remarks, he has lost his Univision and NBC connections to air a beauty pageant of which he is part owner. Additionally, his line of clothing will no longer be in Macy’s stores.

While all of this is going down on Trump, he says that the liberal media is unfairly ignoring what President Barack Obama has said about illegals coming from our neighbor to the south. While Trump maintains that his only purpose for speaking ill of illegals who have entered the country from Mexico was his way of stressing that the U.S. needs to make its borders strong and to stop illegal immigration, he asks why the media has not headlined what Obama said this week about illegals who come from Mexico. While Obama didn’t say they were rapists or drug dealers, he did basically lump the bad ones together as “gangbangers.”

The liberal media outcry over the blatant disrespectful and negative terms being used against the same persons who Trump disrespected is obviously not there. As reported by Mediaite, while speaking at a town hall event in Nashville, President Obama did, in fact, refer to the nation's illegal immigrants as gangbangers.

Trump pointed out on his Instagram account that he and Obama actually agree to some extent on this. Therefore, instead of being troubled as to Obama’s classification of some illegal immigrants, Trump’s incredible concern is that the media gives Obama a pass for criticizing the same people that Trump criticized - and was taken to the woodshed for. Trump says that his comments on immigration were actually far less controversial than the president’s recent remarks about that segment of society.

Specifically, Obama said:

"We should not be encouraging illegal immigration. What we should be doing is setting up a smart, legal immigration system that doesn’t separate families, but does focus on making sure that people who are dangerous, people who are gangbangers or criminals – that we’re deporting them as quickly as possible."

So, according to Trump, he and Obama want the same element in the United States’ society to be kept out – and Trump wants to know why he’s chastised by the “liberal” media for saying it and Obama isn’t.

For good measure, this was Donald Trump's statement on illegals entering the United States from Mexico in his speech last week:

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best… They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Through it all, Trump insists that he loves Mexicans, according to USA Today. He told Don Lemon on CNN that he has a great relationship with the country of Mexico. Beyond that, he says that he had a great relationship with Mexican people. Yet, for Trump, the fallout appears to be continuing. He is currently the guy many people love to hate over his remarks.

These instances make it apparent that all politicians need to watch what they say. Words obviously stick. If Trump wants to make a point about some illegal immigrants from Mexico being criminals, he needs to state supportive data with his assertion when speaking in public to justify his claim. If he has no hard data, he needs to keep his mouth closed on the topic. Moreover, President Obama should be even more careful - as he is the president and not a 'wannabe' - and he needs to have data to back his accusations about immigrants being gangbangers by stating the verifiable approximate number of gangbangers that are of concern and possibly even stating where these alleged gangbangers are -while even naming some of the worst. Obviously, we aren't living in a time when unsubstantiated accusations against a group of any people will fly via a politician's public speech.

More... Obama calls illegal immigrants gangbangers without the liberal media outrage - National Conservative Examiner.com
Did Obama call all immigrants criminals and rapists like Rug Burn did? Of course not. That's the difference.

Fail, VaginaLatte. Major fail.

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