Where Do Billionaires Come From?

Instead of arguing over a redistribution of income, restructure markets in such a way that vast private fortunes never come into existence in the first place.

Its none of your business how much someone else earns, get a job moocher earn your own damn money.
ts none of your business how much someone else earns, get a job moocher earn your own damn money.

Trump’s G-7 scam further illustrates he’s a faux-rich moocher — and not the billionaire he claims to be

^^^ Mooching deadbeat leftist who want's other people to pay his bills.
One thing is certain about billionaires, they are psychopaths. They could alleviate much suffering, but they don’t.

That moron Bezos is using his massive wealth not to help the poor or sick, but to build a space station on Mars because he thinks our time is limited on Earth. What a fucking jack ass.
One thing is certain about billionaires, they are psychopaths. They could alleviate much suffering, but they don’t.

That moron Bezos is using his massive wealth not to help the poor or sick
Jeff Bezos’ Whole Foods slashes medical benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time workers

"Amazon-owned grocery chain Whole Foods Market announced last month that it is eliminating medical benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time workers employed at its stores across the United States...."

"The healthcare cuts for his employees stands in sharp contrast with the vast wealth of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos who sits atop a personal fortune of $115 billion.

"Analysis provided by consumer tracking group Decision Data found that Bezos makes enough money in 2 to 6 hours to more than cover the cost of an entire year of benefits for all of the workers facing cuts."
Bezos is one sick MFer.

Jealousy is an ugly thing.
Jealous of his part-time workers. What an ass.

Jealous of him you dumb fuck...do try and keep up.
Don't laugh. Might hurt yourself!
Jeff Bezos’ Whole Foods slashes medical benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time workers

"Amazon-owned grocery chain Whole Foods Market announced last month that it is eliminating medical benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time workers employed at its stores across the United States...."

"The healthcare cuts for his employees stands in sharp contrast with the vast wealth of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos who sits atop a personal fortune of $115 billion.

"Analysis provided by consumer tracking group Decision Data found that Bezos makes enough money in 2 to 6 hours to more than cover the cost of an entire year of benefits for all of the workers facing cuts."
Bezos is one sick MFer.

Jealousy is an ugly thing.
Jealous of his part-time workers. What an ass.

Jealous of him you dumb fuck...do try and keep up.
Don't laugh. Might hurt yourself!

I cannot help but to laugh at people like you.
Market distribution of income, is in fact a given, because it's part of the market.

Due to lobbyists legislation...

Manipulating government contracting to their advantage.

Because wealth controls governance here....

China was home to more members of the global top 10% than ... For the first time ever, there are more ultra-wealthy people in China than the US .

top 10% is a statistical facade , try the top 1%, or better yet, top point 1% , and get back to us on wealth inequity....

You cannot restructure markets in such a way that vast private fortunes never come into existence in the first place without removing the ability of a family like mine to go from just above poverty level to the top 10% in 5 years.

You're asking if a meritocracy can exist in a 'casino capitalist' society

Rather grand Q Gator....

How many children were helped by Dr. Salk, who didn't patent his polio vaccine so he could be a billionaire?

A lot, his story is iconic....

One thing is certain about billionaires, they are psychopaths. They could alleviate much suffering, but they don’t.

That moron Bezos is using his massive wealth not to help the poor or sick, but to build a space station on Mars because he thinks our time is limited on Earth. What a fucking jack ass.
One thing is certain about billionaires, they are psychopaths. They could alleviate much suffering, but they don’t.

That moron Bezos is using his massive wealth not to help the poor or sick
Jeff Bezos’ Whole Foods slashes medical benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time workers

"Amazon-owned grocery chain Whole Foods Market announced last month that it is eliminating medical benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time workers employed at its stores across the United States...."

"The healthcare cuts for his employees stands in sharp contrast with the vast wealth of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos who sits atop a personal fortune of $115 billion.

"Analysis provided by consumer tracking group Decision Data found that Bezos makes enough money in 2 to 6 hours to more than cover the cost of an entire year of benefits for all of the workers facing cuts."
Bezos is one sick MFer.

Jealousy is an ugly thing.
That seems to be the standard response.

Where does envy come from?

envy - Dictionary Definition

"Envy comes from the Latin word invidere, which literally means 'look upon.'

"You know when you say something funny or smart and someone gives you the evil eye?

"Envy all the way.

can be used as a noun or as a verb: Envy (noun) is the feeling you have when you envy (verb) what someone else has."
Instead of arguing over a redistribution of income, restructure markets in such a way that vast private fortunes never come into existence in the first place.

Its none of your business how much someone else earns, get a job moocher earn your own damn money.
ts none of your business how much someone else earns, get a job moocher earn your own damn money.

Trump’s G-7 scam further illustrates he’s a faux-rich moocher — and not the billionaire he claims to be
Due to lobbyists legislation...

Because wealth controls governance here....

top 10% is a statistical facade , try the top 1%, or better yet, top point 1% , and get back to us on wealth inequity....

You're asking if a meritocracy can exist in a 'casino capitalist' society

Rather grand Q Gator....

A lot, his story is iconic....

One thing is certain about billionaires, they are psychopaths. They could alleviate much suffering, but they don’t.

That moron Bezos is using his massive wealth not to help the poor or sick, but to build a space station on Mars because he thinks our time is limited on Earth. What a fucking jack ass.
One thing is certain about billionaires, they are psychopaths. They could alleviate much suffering, but they don’t.

That moron Bezos is using his massive wealth not to help the poor or sick
Jeff Bezos’ Whole Foods slashes medical benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time workers

"Amazon-owned grocery chain Whole Foods Market announced last month that it is eliminating medical benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time workers employed at its stores across the United States...."

"The healthcare cuts for his employees stands in sharp contrast with the vast wealth of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos who sits atop a personal fortune of $115 billion.

"Analysis provided by consumer tracking group Decision Data found that Bezos makes enough money in 2 to 6 hours to more than cover the cost of an entire year of benefits for all of the workers facing cuts."
Bezos is one sick MFer.

Jealousy is an ugly thing.
That seems to be the standard response.

Must be because it is the truth.
Instead of arguing over a redistribution of income, restructure markets in such a way that vast private fortunes never come into existence in the first place.

Its none of your business how much someone else earns, get a job moocher earn your own damn money.
ts none of your business how much someone else earns, get a job moocher earn your own damn money.

Trump’s G-7 scam further illustrates he’s a faux-rich moocher — and not the billionaire he claims to be
View attachment 292434

As someone who has 'secede' in his sig line , i'm curious just what you plan to get away from JWB?

The "super rich" make their money by negotiating deals (as opposed to working for a salary) - beyond that, the rest is commentary.

And yes, on some level billionaires or millionaires who make their money "illicitly" do so because people give it to them, "Big Tobacco" or "Fast Food", for example would be out of business if everyone stopped smoking.

Saying "it can or will" never happen is dishonest, Rome wasn't built in a day. (I believe "addictions" will probably always be a part of human nature, but specific industries like Tobacco could become obsolete if people made lifestyle changes).
They start life with a million dollar "gift" from the old man.
And what are you going to do about it?

When hasn't family or inherence always played a role in part on what people possess (even including genetic factors, such as IQ)?

If actual "living conditions", not mere "comparison" to someone else's salary or net worth are used, then the average middle-class America is "super-rich" compared to a 3rd would country anyway.

Arguments about "wealth" which merely compare dollars, but don't focus on actual living conditions are worthless to me, because they're merely childish whining and bemoaning what one can't have, as if it would ever make the underclass' miserable and meaningless lives happier to begin with.
How do wealthier people stop you from achieving success?

By keeping us in debt Gator

By lobbying special interest legislation(s) that only big $$$ can comply with

By monopolizing through political channels only big $$ has access to


Lets assume your conspiracy theories are more than theory...explain how your ability to achieve has been hindered by those who may be lobbying legislators and monopolizing through political channels.

explain this>>>


haha...you poor twisted fuckers...you should know that wealth is not "DISTRIBUTED"
Wealth is created / generated....start there.
In the meantime, shove you LefTarded beggar videos up your ass.

haha...you poor twisted fuckers...you should know that wealth is not "DISTRIBUTED"
Wealth is created / generated....start there.
In the meantime, shove you LefTarded beggar videos up your ass.
Capitalist markets distribute goods and services based on ability to pay; are you smart enough to perceive any alternatives?

NationStates • View topic - "From each according to his ability......"
Where Do Billionaires Come From?

Their parents.
Bill Gates is a good example. Even though his parents were not among the richest one percent, they had an income that allowed Bill to acquire ten thousands hours of computer programming experience before he left for Harvard, and he's made good use of government since he moved on:

Should We Have Billionaires?

"Many of the country’s billionaires, starting with Bill Gates, owe their vast fortunes to these government-granted monopolies.

"As I, and others, have argued these can be extremely inefficient mechanisms for supporting innovation and creative work.

"Not only are they redistributing income upward, they also slow economic growth, and in the case of prescription drugs and medical equipment, impair people’s ability to get health care."
Assuming that everyone could become a "billionaire" is an unrealistic expectation to begin with - that's not the American dream, but of course a loser in life who has no morals, ambitions, or personal accountability could do more than waste his time envying others - if they don't, then their self-created poverty is on them.
One thing is certain about billionaires, they are psychopaths. They could alleviate much suffering, but they don’t.

That moron Bezos is using his massive wealth not to help the poor or sick, but to build a space station on Mars because he thinks our time is limited on Earth. What a fucking jack ass.
One thing is certain about billionaires, they are psychopaths. They could alleviate much suffering, but they don’t.

That moron Bezos is using his massive wealth not to help the poor or sick
Jeff Bezos’ Whole Foods slashes medical benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time workers

"Amazon-owned grocery chain Whole Foods Market announced last month that it is eliminating medical benefits for nearly 2,000 part-time workers employed at its stores across the United States...."

"The healthcare cuts for his employees stands in sharp contrast with the vast wealth of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos who sits atop a personal fortune of $115 billion.

"Analysis provided by consumer tracking group Decision Data found that Bezos makes enough money in 2 to 6 hours to more than cover the cost of an entire year of benefits for all of the workers facing cuts."
Bezos is one sick MFer.

Jealousy is an ugly thing.
That seems to be the standard response.

Must be because it is the truth.
Seldom are standard responses accurate. They are typically used by people who are uninformed, but that’s okay. It’s expected.
How do wealthier people stop you from achieving success?

By keeping us in debt Gator

By lobbying special interest legislation(s) that only big $$$ can comply with

By monopolizing through political channels only big $$ has access to


Lets assume your conspiracy theories are more than theory...explain how your ability to achieve has been hindered by those who may be lobbying legislators and monopolizing through political channels.

explain this>>>


haha...you poor twisted fuckers...you should know that wealth is not "DISTRIBUTED"
Wealth is created / generated....start there.
In the meantime, shove you LefTarded beggar videos up your ass.

haha...you poor twisted fuckers...you should know that wealth is not "DISTRIBUTED"
Wealth is created / generated....start there.
In the meantime, shove you LefTarded beggar videos up your ass.
Capitalist markets distribute goods and services based on ability to pay; are you smart enough to perceive any alternatives?

NationStates • View topic - "From each according to his ability......"

There is no such thing as a "capitalist" market in the term you're using, except in abstraction, that's effectively an anarchist argument - and the idea that the nature of an "anarchy" would be capitalist in that sense, unless everyone was an angel who agreed only to voluntarily exchange with others, as opposed to dominate or take things by force, is as utopian as Marxism.

I used to sympathies with the anarchist persuasion, since it was grounded on pure ideals of non-violence and voluntary cooperation, but I eventually accepted that some level of government is necessary due to the evil nature of man, and that anarchists were hypocrites - engaging in aggression to support their ideal of "non-aggression", with "non-aggression" being more or less physically impossible (given that at best, one could minimize aggression, but even using fighting words on the internet, or speaking in a public place in which sound waves aggress on others' ears without consent, are still minute forms of "aggression").

For that matter, I asked the anarchists why they voluntarily participate in government, and their response is that they were afraid of being killed if they left and founded their on voluntary society (which by the same logic, would mean that anyone "depending" on government to any extent is doing the same thing, or that one could easily argue that an association isn't "voluntary" if "the only alternative" is dying). They were also wrong, since there are groups of people such as "Freegans" who do find legal ways to voluntarily "go of the grid".

In addition to that, the anarchists would merely lie, use false dichotomies, or post false information, such as claiming that America's government was "totalitarian" or had become "socialist" (when in reality, if one is an anarchist, then they are anti-American, and the government was always "totalitarian" and socialist by that dishonest definition - in reality It is a Constructional government with checks and balances to prevent power consolidation, not a totalitarian or "tyranny", in which a ruler or monarch has unrestricted power).
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The billionaires need to look up the definition of “noblesse oblige.”

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