Where do you get most of your news?

Where Do You Get Your News?

  • CNN

    Votes: 1 5.9%

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • FOX

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Local News

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • The Internet (Various)

    Votes: 10 58.8%
  • NPR

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newspaper

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Friends / Acquaintances

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AP

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Other (Please specify)

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
What's your primary source?

I used to watch Fox, but now, it's local news and that's pretty much it. I may read an article on the internet here or there that's of interest.....
Local news and online. Network teevee news is no longer network teevee "news".
What's your primary source?

I used to watch Fox, but now, it's local news and that's pretty much it. I may read an article on the internet here or there that's of interest.....
I get all my news at the only source that counts.


Not me reading the USMB Gazette.
What's your primary source?

I used to watch Fox, but now, it's local news and that's pretty much it. I may read an article on the internet here or there that's of interest.....
I get all my news at the only source that counts.

You know, as funny as that might sound, that is pretty true for me.

I don't let the CFR or elites tell me what is important.

If folks are talking about it here, or on FB and Twitter, I will check the foreign press and alternative press first, then check the to see what the official propaganda is saying.
It is a sad state of affairs.
I no longer watch any cable news or network news.
I watch local news, and read what I can on the net.
What's your primary source?

I used to watch Fox, but now, it's local news and that's pretty much it. I may read an article on the internet here or there that's of interest.....
I get all my news at the only source that counts.

You know, as funny as that might sound, that is pretty true for me.

I don't let the CFR or elites tell me what is important.

If folks are talking about it here, or on FB and Twitter, I will check the foreign press and alternative press first, then check the to see what the official propaganda is saying.
I actually am not kidding, my only other source of 'news' is talking to people about what is going on.

I get more sources here and way more opinions.
I have NPR on every morning, and we listen to conservative talk shows in the afternoon, but those are both so painfully biased, but so biased to the left and to the right, no one in their right mind could take what they say at face value. . .

Those are just to see how the nation is being brainwashed with. :badgrin: Pure entertainment, sort of like Oprah, or Dr. Phil, a train wreck mind you.

So, I forgot about those.
FOX, Neil Cavuto, Lou Dobbs, Drudge Report for news.

CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post, HuffPost for nonsense.

Various lesser outlets on both sides.
I have NPR on every morning, and we listen to conservative talk shows in the afternoon, but those are both so painfully biased, but so biased to the left and to the right, no one in their right mind could take what they say at face value. . .

Those are just to see how the nation is being brainwashed with. :badgrin: Pure entertainment, sort of like Oprah, or Dr. Phil, a train wreck mind you.

So, I forgot about those.
I listen to npr as well, mostly for the laughs.

once, on the way to work, they had one view, when trump came out having the same view they were against it. in 10 hours, they flipped.
What's your primary source?

I used to watch Fox, but now, it's local news and that's pretty much it. I may read an article on the internet here or there that's of interest.....
I get all my news at the only source that counts.

You know, as funny as that might sound, that is pretty true for me.

I don't let the CFR or elites tell me what is important.

If folks are talking about it here, or on FB and Twitter, I will check the foreign press and alternative press first, then check the to see what the official propaganda is saying.
I actually am not kidding, my only other source of 'news' is talking to people about what is going on.

I get more sources here and way more opinions.
I get all my news from porn. They may be faking it as well, but it's an honest fake.
I have NPR on every morning, and we listen to conservative talk shows in the afternoon, but those are both so painfully biased, but so biased to the left and to the right, no one in their right mind could take what they say at face value. . .

Those are just to see how the nation is being brainwashed with. :badgrin: Pure entertainment, sort of like Oprah, or Dr. Phil, a train wreck mind you.

So, I forgot about those.
I listen to npr as well, mostly for the laughs.

once, on the way to work, they had one view, when trump came out having the same view they were against it. in 10 hours, they flipped.

OMG! I so agree.

NPR is so great for laughs. Only the truly guillable and dimmwitted w/o any ability for critical thought have to believe anything they say.

They once had this guy on that used to work on the show, "The Apprentice," interviewed, and told the listeners how the whole show was staged to give us an "image" of Trump that was "not real."

Like no shit, any one that watches reality shows and doesn't know that it isn't all bullshit, is pretty stupid. As I am listening to this whole thing, I am thinking. . . if they can make folks believe that "The Apprentice" is reality, why would any of their listeners actually believe that this segment is reality? Don't they understand how media manipulation works? "The News" is, and always has been, no different than reality shows.

They are SOOOO stupid. What they were doing is just telling their entire audience that, with "The Apprentice" media was lying, just like they could possibly doing to them every damn day. . .


. . . . and OMG, don't even get me started on Limbaugh. I wish he would be interviewed by Terry Gross, just once. NOW THAT would be entertainment. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Local news and internet. If there is something big they are covering (like a terror attack or natural disaster), then I might tune into one of the cable networks for updates. I can't really take them seriously for anything else though, especially anything political in nature. I do not know the political lean of the anchorman on my local news channel, and that is how I want to keep it. Neutral news reporting please. I've had enough of them interweaving their personal opinions in with the facts.

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