Where do you think all this division and hatred in America is leading?

No they are not, back them up, do what you want others to do!

You made these outrages claims now back them up with actual real facts, not perceived far left drone religious dogma!
What claim would you like backed up? be specific... are you sure you want to keep embarrassing yourself?

I quoted your claim, read and back it!

Otherwise admit you are wrong!
What claim, I don't see what you are talking about...

The original claim that started this!

or did you make so many false claims (far left religious dogma) you are not sure which one you should back up?
The fact that it takes 5 back and fourths for you to simply reference a statement shows how ridiculous you are. You still haven't clearly made an argument. What a joke. Maybe sixth time is a charm? Want to try again? What claim of mine are you taking issue with and why?

No it just goes to show you are to lazy to go back and see the original post I quoted when I called you out for what you are. A far left drone!
What claim would you like backed up? be specific... are you sure you want to keep embarrassing yourself?

I quoted your claim, read and back it!

Otherwise admit you are wrong!
What claim, I don't see what you are talking about...

The original claim that started this!

or did you make so many false claims (far left religious dogma) you are not sure which one you should back up?
The fact that it takes 5 back and fourths for you to simply reference a statement shows how ridiculous you are. You still haven't clearly made an argument. What a joke. Maybe sixth time is a charm? Want to try again? What claim of mine are you taking issue with and why?

No it just goes to show you are to lazy to go back and see the original post I quoted when I called you out for what you are. A far left drone!
Strike 6... Want to try again?
I quoted your claim, read and back it!

Otherwise admit you are wrong!
What claim, I don't see what you are talking about...

The original claim that started this!

or did you make so many false claims (far left religious dogma) you are not sure which one you should back up?
The fact that it takes 5 back and fourths for you to simply reference a statement shows how ridiculous you are. You still haven't clearly made an argument. What a joke. Maybe sixth time is a charm? Want to try again? What claim of mine are you taking issue with and why?

No it just goes to show you are to lazy to go back and see the original post I quoted when I called you out for what you are. A far left drone!
Strike 6... Want to try again?

See far left drones are to lazy to go back and look at what started all this.

Go back at look at the post I quoted when I called you a far left drone. I pointed you to it, now go and support those accusation or admit you are wrong!
What claim would you like backed up? be specific... are you sure you want to keep embarrassing yourself?

I quoted your claim, read and back it!

Otherwise admit you are wrong!
What claim, I don't see what you are talking about...

The original claim that started this!

or did you make so many false claims (far left religious dogma) you are not sure which one you should back up?
The fact that it takes 5 back and fourths for you to simply reference a statement shows how ridiculous you are. You still haven't clearly made an argument. What a joke. Maybe sixth time is a charm? Want to try again? What claim of mine are you taking issue with and why?

No it just goes to show you are to lazy to go back and see the original post I quoted when I called you out for what you are. A far left drone!
You've called me a far left drone dozens of times on this board, you sound like Charlie Browns teacher

I quoted your claim, read and back it!

Otherwise admit you are wrong!
What claim, I don't see what you are talking about...

The original claim that started this!

or did you make so many false claims (far left religious dogma) you are not sure which one you should back up?
The fact that it takes 5 back and fourths for you to simply reference a statement shows how ridiculous you are. You still haven't clearly made an argument. What a joke. Maybe sixth time is a charm? Want to try again? What claim of mine are you taking issue with and why?

No it just goes to show you are to lazy to go back and see the original post I quoted when I called you out for what you are. A far left drone!
You've called me a far left drone dozens of times on this board, you sound like Charlie Browns teacher

And you keep proving that you are!

You made a lot of wild and baseless accusations and I called you out on them and asked to prove them.

Now you refuse to do it!

Just like all far left drones you have nothing!
What claim, I don't see what you are talking about...

The original claim that started this!

or did you make so many false claims (far left religious dogma) you are not sure which one you should back up?
The fact that it takes 5 back and fourths for you to simply reference a statement shows how ridiculous you are. You still haven't clearly made an argument. What a joke. Maybe sixth time is a charm? Want to try again? What claim of mine are you taking issue with and why?

No it just goes to show you are to lazy to go back and see the original post I quoted when I called you out for what you are. A far left drone!
Strike 6... Want to try again?

See far left drones are to lazy to go back and look at what started all this.

Go back at look at the post I quoted when I called you a far left drone. I pointed you to it, now go and support those accusation or admit you are wrong!
Strike 7 the inning is almost over. Which accusation do you take issue with? I wrote a whole paragraph. See typically in adult debate we state specifically what we are taking issue with and make a counter argument or explain why we are taking issue. We don't call the other person a name and then go through dozens of interactions avoiding making a point. Unless you are a child or a malfunctioning bot, which is what i'm leaning towards right now.
The original claim that started this!

or did you make so many false claims (far left religious dogma) you are not sure which one you should back up?
The fact that it takes 5 back and fourths for you to simply reference a statement shows how ridiculous you are. You still haven't clearly made an argument. What a joke. Maybe sixth time is a charm? Want to try again? What claim of mine are you taking issue with and why?

No it just goes to show you are to lazy to go back and see the original post I quoted when I called you out for what you are. A far left drone!
Strike 6... Want to try again?

See far left drones are to lazy to go back and look at what started all this.

Go back at look at the post I quoted when I called you a far left drone. I pointed you to it, now go and support those accusation or admit you are wrong!
Strike 7 the inning is almost over. Which accusation do you take issue with? I wrote a whole paragraph. See typically in adult debate we state specifically what we are taking issue with and make a counter argument or explain why we are taking issue. We don't call the other person a name and then go through dozens of interactions avoiding making a point. Unless you are a child or a malfunctioning bot, which is what i'm leaning towards right now.

See this is how the far left acts when you call them out on their BS and ask them to back up their claims. You can even point them to it and they will still refuse!

Proves that once again the far left has nothing but far left religious dogma.

They wood much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Come on back up your claims, or does that mean you can not do it?
Where do you think all this division and hatred in America is leading?

Back to Obama's doorstep.
The fact that it takes 5 back and fourths for you to simply reference a statement shows how ridiculous you are. You still haven't clearly made an argument. What a joke. Maybe sixth time is a charm? Want to try again? What claim of mine are you taking issue with and why?

No it just goes to show you are to lazy to go back and see the original post I quoted when I called you out for what you are. A far left drone!
Strike 6... Want to try again?

See far left drones are to lazy to go back and look at what started all this.

Go back at look at the post I quoted when I called you a far left drone. I pointed you to it, now go and support those accusation or admit you are wrong!
Strike 7 the inning is almost over. Which accusation do you take issue with? I wrote a whole paragraph. See typically in adult debate we state specifically what we are taking issue with and make a counter argument or explain why we are taking issue. We don't call the other person a name and then go through dozens of interactions avoiding making a point. Unless you are a child or a malfunctioning bot, which is what i'm leaning towards right now.

See this is how the far left acts when you call them out on their BS and ask them to back up their claims. You can even point them to it and they will still refuse!

Proves that once again the far left has nothing but far left religious dogma.

They wood much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Come on back up your claims, or does that mean you can not do it?
Strike 8... One more and the inning will be over and i'll be done wasting my time with you for the day. So i'll state this very clearly. You are yet again being a hypocrite, calling me too lazy to go back through a paragraph that I wrote and guess which parts you take issue with and what needs to be explained, when at the same time (actually 8 times now) i've asked you what specifically you want explained, what specifically you take issue with.

You are being dishonest as always... You didn't call me out on anything. You responded to a post a made to Ray and simply said "More proof you are a far left drone!" Thats not calling me out or asking me to back anything up. It is grade school name calling.

So again, we are at the last pitch of the inning. Are you going to let me strike out the side and end the inning or are you going to state specifically what you think are "wild and baseless accusations" and I will be happy to respond.
No it just goes to show you are to lazy to go back and see the original post I quoted when I called you out for what you are. A far left drone!
Strike 6... Want to try again?

See far left drones are to lazy to go back and look at what started all this.

Go back at look at the post I quoted when I called you a far left drone. I pointed you to it, now go and support those accusation or admit you are wrong!
Strike 7 the inning is almost over. Which accusation do you take issue with? I wrote a whole paragraph. See typically in adult debate we state specifically what we are taking issue with and make a counter argument or explain why we are taking issue. We don't call the other person a name and then go through dozens of interactions avoiding making a point. Unless you are a child or a malfunctioning bot, which is what i'm leaning towards right now.

See this is how the far left acts when you call them out on their BS and ask them to back up their claims. You can even point them to it and they will still refuse!

Proves that once again the far left has nothing but far left religious dogma.

They wood much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Come on back up your claims, or does that mean you can not do it?
Strike 8... One more and the inning will be over and i'll be done wasting my time with you for the day. So i'll state this very clearly. You are yet again being a hypocrite, calling me too lazy to go back through a paragraph that I wrote and guess which parts you take issue with and what needs to be explained, when at the same time (actually 8 times now) i've asked you what specifically you want explained, what specifically you take issue with.

You are being dishonest as always... You didn't call me out on anything. You responded to a post a made to Ray and simply said "More proof you are a far left drone!" Thats not calling me out or asking me to back anything up. It is grade school name calling.

So again, we are at the last pitch of the inning. Are you going to let me strike out the side and end the inning or are you going to state specifically what you think are "wild and baseless accusations" and I will be happy to respond.

I pointed you to the origin of all this and you are to lazy to go back and prove your comments!

That is on you and no one else!

You refuse to go back and back it up, because you know it is false and wanted other to prove you wrong. That is the typical far left mentality!

Now go back to the origin of this exchange and see what I quoted, then you should be able to see what lies you posted and should be able to prove those lies. Can
not make any more simplistic for you!

Come on now! Is that hard to go back a couple of pages for you? Do you know how to use the internet? Do you need your hand held? Do you need some coloring books?
Strike 6... Want to try again?

See far left drones are to lazy to go back and look at what started all this.

Go back at look at the post I quoted when I called you a far left drone. I pointed you to it, now go and support those accusation or admit you are wrong!
Strike 7 the inning is almost over. Which accusation do you take issue with? I wrote a whole paragraph. See typically in adult debate we state specifically what we are taking issue with and make a counter argument or explain why we are taking issue. We don't call the other person a name and then go through dozens of interactions avoiding making a point. Unless you are a child or a malfunctioning bot, which is what i'm leaning towards right now.

See this is how the far left acts when you call them out on their BS and ask them to back up their claims. You can even point them to it and they will still refuse!

Proves that once again the far left has nothing but far left religious dogma.

They wood much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Come on back up your claims, or does that mean you can not do it?
Strike 8... One more and the inning will be over and i'll be done wasting my time with you for the day. So i'll state this very clearly. You are yet again being a hypocrite, calling me too lazy to go back through a paragraph that I wrote and guess which parts you take issue with and what needs to be explained, when at the same time (actually 8 times now) i've asked you what specifically you want explained, what specifically you take issue with.

You are being dishonest as always... You didn't call me out on anything. You responded to a post a made to Ray and simply said "More proof you are a far left drone!" Thats not calling me out or asking me to back anything up. It is grade school name calling.

So again, we are at the last pitch of the inning. Are you going to let me strike out the side and end the inning or are you going to state specifically what you think are "wild and baseless accusations" and I will be happy to respond.

I pointed you to the origin of all this and you are to lazy to go back and prove your comments!

That is on you and no one else!

You refuse to go back and back it up, because you know it is false and wanted other to prove you wrong. That is the typical far left mentality!

Now go back to the origin of this exchange and see what I quoted, then you should be able to see what lies you posted and should be able to prove those lies. Can
not make any more simplistic for you!

Come on now! Is that hard to go back a couple of pages for you? Do you know how to use the internet? Do you need your hand held? Do you need some coloring books?
I didn't post any lies. You are the one making the claim that there were lies, yet you can't point to anything specific. What a joke. Thats Strike 9 BTW. Your out. Thanks for playing. That was one of the easiest innings i've ever pitched. Better luck next time.

I think the left has a serious problem with "reality" - they want to define it, which is "generally" an okay thing, but they take it to such extremes that it becomes "la la land."

It's like... transgenders want to "define" what sex they are, on it's surface that's fine, righties can, in general, deal with folks believing what they want to believe about themselves. However, that's not good enough for lefties, they not only want to "defy" reality, but they expect everyone else to do it as well under the threat of law. Lefties want to punish/fine people [righties] for "calling it like they see it" - for calling out /reality/. What was it the left said? "You can put lipstick on a pig..." Yet they cannot even see it.

Another example is the market's excitement about President Trump winning the election. The /day/ he was elected everything took off; I've made 2M since President Trump was elected, 2 fucking M, I've never seen this kind of explosion in my "low risk" stocks before. Not even back in the 90s when I risked a [then healthy] $10k on computer stocks and the internet took off. The kind of excitement we're seeing in the market, the enthusiasm, the "love" is unprecedented - I suspect because, like me, my ilk had thought that too many were swayed by the fluffy sounding ideals and lies of socialism and communism for there ever to be another capitalist president. Yet the left, looks at the reality and says it was Obama's economy, all of this is "because of Obama" or "democrats" fiscal policy. It's such bullshit, it's defying reality and expecting everyone else to go along with the "lie"

"Merry Christmas" a well wish around the holidays, the left defies that reality and inserts their own "it's insulting to other religions" and gets it banned all over the damn place as "religious dogma" -- They define reality and force everyone to goose step with their bullshit. Righties even let that one go, in an effort to compromise, to be "respectful" of other opinions, but it's never enough for the left - they always need a cause to "fight" over so they make shit up.

"The confederate flag is nazi! Fuck that tradition of 'Southern Heritage' followed by people across the fucking globe, we say it's racist." Define reality, attack, and ban, because /everyone/ must live in the fantasy that the left creates in their heads.

"Milo is a nazi" ... "He's Jewish..." "He's a nazi and you're a racist white supremacist for supporting him!" Define reality, attack, and ban, because /everyone/ must live in the fantasy that the left creates.

"Trump is a white supremacist." "He fought to have African American's allowed into his resort, now the southern white house..." "He's a white supremacist and you are too if you support him. Punch a nazi!" Define reality, attack, and attempt to impeach, because /everyone/ will be /forced/ into compliance with the left's reality, made up in their heads, and if you don't, you "deserve" to be beaten, you "deserve" to die; your life, your health, your safety, are forfeit to the lefties invented reality.

There are so many examples of this mentality, yet the left can't even see it. There is no compromise in their world, because to them, /everything/, and I do mean everything (from banana peels to shoelaces,) is a matter of "life and death" that needs "violent" enforcement; and when the police won't enforce their ridiculous "reality", they call in fucking terrorists to come in and beat everyone else into submission.

And on the right, in the middle, we see /that/ as completely and wholly unacceptable. We reject it with every fiber of our being really, because not only are we clinging onto the idea of "America" (freedom, liberty, and justice even), but we're also clinging to 'reality'... Be it the 'reality' that ISIS is sending terrorists through refugee and immigration systems, be it the 'reality' that even real Nazi's have a right to speak in this nation, be it that perverts will take advantage of 'transgender' bathrooms, be it that our southern border is a disaster letting in millions and millions of "freeloaders" that take money off our tables... We see 'reality' and the left thinks that they can change that just by throwing a tantrum, that they have the 'right' - fuck they think it's an "obligation" - to force everyone else to see things their way.

When you get that kind of mindset, authoritarian, narcissistic, and offended, there is zero compromise...
See far left drones are to lazy to go back and look at what started all this.

Go back at look at the post I quoted when I called you a far left drone. I pointed you to it, now go and support those accusation or admit you are wrong!
Strike 7 the inning is almost over. Which accusation do you take issue with? I wrote a whole paragraph. See typically in adult debate we state specifically what we are taking issue with and make a counter argument or explain why we are taking issue. We don't call the other person a name and then go through dozens of interactions avoiding making a point. Unless you are a child or a malfunctioning bot, which is what i'm leaning towards right now.

See this is how the far left acts when you call them out on their BS and ask them to back up their claims. You can even point them to it and they will still refuse!

Proves that once again the far left has nothing but far left religious dogma.

They wood much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!

Come on back up your claims, or does that mean you can not do it?
Strike 8... One more and the inning will be over and i'll be done wasting my time with you for the day. So i'll state this very clearly. You are yet again being a hypocrite, calling me too lazy to go back through a paragraph that I wrote and guess which parts you take issue with and what needs to be explained, when at the same time (actually 8 times now) i've asked you what specifically you want explained, what specifically you take issue with.

You are being dishonest as always... You didn't call me out on anything. You responded to a post a made to Ray and simply said "More proof you are a far left drone!" Thats not calling me out or asking me to back anything up. It is grade school name calling.

So again, we are at the last pitch of the inning. Are you going to let me strike out the side and end the inning or are you going to state specifically what you think are "wild and baseless accusations" and I will be happy to respond.

I pointed you to the origin of all this and you are to lazy to go back and prove your comments!

That is on you and no one else!

You refuse to go back and back it up, because you know it is false and wanted other to prove you wrong. That is the typical far left mentality!

Now go back to the origin of this exchange and see what I quoted, then you should be able to see what lies you posted and should be able to prove those lies. Can
not make any more simplistic for you!

Come on now! Is that hard to go back a couple of pages for you? Do you know how to use the internet? Do you need your hand held? Do you need some coloring books?
I didn't post any lies. You are the one making the claim that there were lies, yet you can't point to anything specific. What a joke. Thats Strike 9 BTW. Your out. Thanks for playing. That was one of the easiest innings i've ever pitched. Better luck next time.

View attachment 159206

Yes you did and you refuse to go back and prove those comments!

I even pointed to the origin and yet you have proven yo are to lazy to back up your lies!

Because I am sure if they were truthful you would have been quick to prove your baseless comments!
Yes the far left loves to divide, it is the only way they can control and enslave certain segments of society.

If we all really got along what would the far left have to run on?
Liberals are losing the war the American people are fed up with them. Its their own fault they kept pushing and pushing until we were forced to give them a beating, now they are not so uppity.

Yes things were so aweful that republicans haven't passed anything of substance. Yet with no change now you are happy as a clam. Makes a lot of sense...

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