Where does wealth hatred come from?

Is this why Repubs and Christians hate gay people? They are afraid of them? Are they afraid they will be turned into a gay person if they get too close to one?

Trollin', trollin', trollin' ----

This thread is not about homosexuality. It's about wealth hatred.

I reiterate my opinion that it's simply an issue of identity (which has a lot of psychological roots in each individual). Do you identify with the rich, or with the poor?

It's never a question of truth, or envy, or justice, or any of that for any question.

It's what side you are on. In this case of weath hatred, the right identifies with the rich and the left with the poor. How much money individuals have within each group is irrelevant. It's only about what side we are loyal to.

Choose a side, I would say. Be loyal to it. War is coming.

Hatred is hatred, if it works one way for wealth why not for gay people also?

Why do you suppose the "right" identify with the wealthy?
'Where does wealth hatred come from?'

Liberals / Democrats

Wealth is power, perks, elitist lifestyles, credibility, and the illusion that you are better than everyone else.

Wealth elevates elitists above 'Little people' they do not want to be associated with or hang around. It makes them better than others.

Wealth give them the ability and justification to 'RULE' other people, to be able to make decisions for other people, and let them believe they are smarter than others, like they know what is better than you do and know how to spend your money better than you do.

Wealth is 'liberating' to everyone, which makes it in the hands of middle and lower classes the 'enemy'. Only by keeping others poor and dependent on the hand out THEY provide makes them 'indispensable', keeps the poor and Middle classes voting for them to keep the programs / handouts that keep them poor flowing.

And liberals always push the 'redistribution of wealth' BS....as long as it is not THEIR wealth that gets seized and re-distributed.

And they will do anything to get and keep wealth. Harry Reid abused the power of the govt and used a militarized Bureau of Land management to attack an American family for his own personal profit. The case was just resolved, and the federal govt was REBUKED SOUNDLY for it's abusive and criminal use of power. Again, all of that happened because Harry Reid wanted to use public lands someone else was on to enrich himself even more.
Right now I know people who are caught up in a socialist run employer run situation, and it is a shame how that system screws over the good workers in favor of carrying the bad workers upon the good workers shoulders, and this is just so the corporation can keep a full employee staff ticking along for them.

Now how would you all like to be a worker who suffers in pay because your company has you subsidizing the pay for your fellow workers in order to keep them interested enough not to just leave or disintegrate in which they stay on the brink of anyway ? This kind of learned tactic by companies or corporations is as corrupt and un-American as it gets.

Companies trying to be too big causes this stuff to go on. Beware of companies that are trying to be to big, and trying to undercut the competition in order to be to big. When you end up in this type of company, just know what's going on, and then make your way out of there quick. This is why corporations lean on the side of socialism in the operational structures of their companies in dealing with their employees, but up above in management, and on up to CEO to investors they play the capitalist game.
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I remember reading a long time ago about how Ray Kroc, the multi-millionaire founder of MacDonald's, lobbied vigorously against raising the minimum wage. Hatred of the rich? How about hatred of the people who made you rich?
I remember reading a long time ago about how Ray Kroc, the multi-millionaire founder of MacDonald's, lobbied vigorously against raising the minimum wage. Hatred of the rich? How about hatred of the people who made you rich?

Any good business person would be against an artificial minimum wage.
[QUOTE="Golfing Gator, post: 19045063, member: 61808

Hatred is hatred, if it works one way for wealth why not for gay people also?[/quote]

Why are you trying to derail this thread? Is it because the left is losing so bad?

Probably. That's usually when thread derailing starts. Somebody is losing so they try to change the subject.

Why do you suppose the "right" identify with the wealthy?

Historical personal issues, I'd say, like one's father, one's neighbors, people we learn to identify with, our side. I think it makes a whole lot more sense to identify with people who do well than people who are ineffective and lazy and messy and criminal and impoverished!

Why do you identify with the poor?
I don't hate wealth
I love it, I just wish I were luckier, cause I'm a lazy ass
[QUOTE="Golfing Gator, post: 19045063, member: 61808

Why are you trying to derail this thread? Is it because the left is losing so bad?

Probably. That's usually when thread derailing starts. Somebody is losing so they try to change the subject.

Well, since I am not part of the left, why would I care if they are losing? Silly rabbit.

Historical personal issues, I'd say, like one's father, one's neighbors, people we learn to identify with, our side. I think it makes a whole lot more sense to identify with people who do well than people who are ineffective and lazy and messy and criminal and impoverished!

Why do you identify with the poor?

I do not identify with either group, for I am neither poor nor rich. Or I am both depending on who you ask. According to the government my family is in the top 10%, which to some makes us rich and to others still makes me dirt poor.

Rich and poor is too much of a thing of personal perspective for me to identify with either.

So, I identify with people that favor liberty and freedom.

I identify with people that have chosen to serve their country.

I identify with people that are not filled with hate for any group.
Any good business person would be against an artificial minimum wage.

You don't sound left here --- you did in the last thread. I hope you are on my side, not the other side.

I am neither right nor left.

When we did that silly political quiz in another thread I was .57 to the right (mostly because of my views on abortion) and was just about 6 on the Libertarian scale.

I personally despise the zealots on both sides and think that they are the biggest problem with our country, they put party before country.
Jealousy and envy is a human trait as old as the hills. Some of us overcome it and some don’t.

It does seem to be more common among those on the left.
I remember reading a long time ago about how Ray Kroc, the multi-millionaire founder of MacDonald's, lobbied vigorously against raising the minimum wage. Hatred of the rich? How about hatred of the people who made you rich?

Any good business person would be against an artificial minimum wage.

Or an 8 hour day?
Something is wrong when the richest guy in the world has employees, who qualify for welfare.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19044702
My employer is far from wealthy

What is wealthy to you? My wife and I have a net worth over $1 million. Was in debt in 2000. We both now work for salaries, my wife got her Masters Degree, put our daughter through college, hold no mortgages, or other loans. We traveled to either Russia, Europe or Egypt just about every year. We get a beachhouse on the ocean every year. All our cars and my motorcyle are bought with cash.

We are wealthy - life is great. I vote Democrat. I don't hate myself.

Why create a another fake reality thread?

One of my three daughters and her high school sweetheart are super super rich and all self made over the past 25 years.

I don't hate them.

Why are you so miserable?
'Where does wealth hatred come from?'

Liberals / Democrats

Wealth is power, perks, elitist lifestyles, credibility, and the illusion that you are better than everyone else.

Wealth elevates elitists above 'Little people' they do not want to be associated with or hang around. It makes them better than others.

Wealth give them the ability and justification to 'RULE' other people, to be able to make decisions for other people, and let them believe they are smarter than others, like they know what is better than you do and know how to spend your money better than you do.

Wealth is 'liberating' to everyone, which makes it in the hands of middle and lower classes the 'enemy'. Only by keeping others poor and dependent on the hand out THEY provide makes them 'indispensable', keeps the poor and Middle classes voting for them to keep the programs / handouts that keep them poor flowing.

And liberals always push the 'redistribution of wealth' BS....as long as it is not THEIR wealth that gets seized and re-distributed.

And they will do anything to get and keep wealth. Harry Reid abused the power of the govt and used a militarized Bureau of Land management to attack an American family for his own personal profit. The case was just resolved, and the federal govt was REBUKED SOUNDLY for it's abusive and criminal use of power. Again, all of that happened because Harry Reid wanted to use public lands someone else was on to enrich himself even more.
Are you referring to this event in time surrounding the Bundy episode -

Then here we have during the Trump adminstration, where we are finding out that our FBI has been compromised and politicized prior to the Trump adminstration ?? Beware of crooked politicians who reek havoc in our nation, and cause the deaths of innocent American citizens who are just protecting what they have and who they Love in life. Strategically removing a threat by arresting someone is far different than going to war with American's in a Nazi type action.
I remember reading a long time ago about how Ray Kroc, the multi-millionaire founder of MacDonald's, lobbied vigorously against raising the minimum wage. Hatred of the rich? How about hatred of the people who made you rich?

Any good business person would be against an artificial minimum wage.

Or an 8 hour day?
Something is wrong when the richest guy in the world has employees, who qualify for welfare.
Yah the Welfare System needs reformed.

People on Welfare and food stamps should not be Obese.

They should be "working".
I remember reading a long time ago about how Ray Kroc, the multi-millionaire founder of MacDonald's, lobbied vigorously against raising the minimum wage. Hatred of the rich? How about hatred of the people who made you rich?

Any good business person would be against an artificial minimum wage.

Or an 8 hour day?
Something is wrong when the richest guy in the world has employees, who qualify for welfare.
Yah the Welfare System needs reformed.

People on Welfare and food stamps should not be Obese.

They should be "working".
More of that heavy handed form of govt. control you extoll...

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