Where in the real world are AR-15 and the like are used for good?

Their value is in reducing the intense and debilitating anxiety and paranoia that The Commies and/or Deep State and/or White Replacement Paratroopers will be knocking at your door any minute to send you to a concentration camp owned and operated by George Soros and Hillary Clinton.

MAGA media has done its job well for 30+ years.
This from a lib who believes the man-made global warming doomsday myth
Matter not what their purpose is they are allowed for now, so until a law is passed regulating them like the Uzi just live with the thought anyone can own one as long as they can get their hands on it legally or illegally…
You cannot be serious. You have multiple bullets going out as you move you weapon slightly is like a true competent shooter taking multiple targeted shots. You just keep moving the weapon you will hit your target. No skill. No caution. Much collateral damage. You do not know weapons.

I've been shooting for over 50 years. I think I have a pretty good grasp on how it works.
So just keep moving and you'll hit your target huh....how does that work if you dont know where your shots are landing?
You're an imbecile,perhaps you should stick to what you know .



I want skilled gun users not a bunch of unskilled, dumbasses to buy an automatic weapon because they have no skill and will kill many more than intended.
Skilled marksman do not need automatic weapons. Dumbasses do.

Hmmm...semi autos are used in hunting all the time.
Unless of course you're referring to fully automatic weapons which would be stupid.
I've shown several instances of people defending their lives and families with ARs.

You'd just rather see them all dead.
Then go back and examine them. Can you make the argument that no other gun could have been used. That without that AR, and not, say, a shotgun, or a rifle, or even a pistol, the outcome would have been different.

And I like your little rifle montage, it was comical. Like, why the fawk do you need a pistol grip. And spare me the whole bullshit about maneuverability, close quarters, and the other questionable rationalizations. Do you think the people of Ukraine have used AR's to keep the Russians at bay? No, they have used hunting rifles, real hunting rifles.

Look, despite all the ways you want to change the argument, it really boils down to a simple cost benefit analysis. Will banning assault rifles stop school shootings? No. But it will cut down on the lives lost and the carnage rendered. And at what cost? What, you needle dick dipshits don't get to feel like Rambo anymore? That shit doesn't even move the needle. When the zombie apocalypse comes, you guys will be short changed? Take out some zombie apocalypse insurance, hell, I will sell you a ten million dollar policy for a mere hundred dollars a month.

Like I have mentioned, you guys supporting the assault rifle are fools being played by the gun manufacturers. I doubt it cost more than $150 to build one, especially when you can build one yourself for about that much. With economies of scale, for the manufacturers, it is probably significantly less. Hell, that is the whole reason the NRA is so hyped up. That was once a fine organization, hell they sponsored me half a century ago, when they were about shooter safety and teaching that to kids. Now they are little more than a propaganda outfit for the gun manufacturers running a slush fund for their operators.
Well, the reason I'm here is because I just came from another site and a bunch of you MAG-idiots were telling me to opposite. So now I don't know what to beleive.

Ya dumb ass.

How do you tell someone to opposite?
And I'm going to come right out and call you a liar. No conservative told you they hunt deer with a 5.56.
That sounds like something biden would say.
How do you tell someone to opposite?
And I'm going to come right out and call you a liar. No conservative told you they hunt deer with a 5.56.
That sounds like something biden would say.
Hey, man. Take care of your rage issues. I dont' have time for this. Sorry.
Rage issues?
So calling you out on an obvious lie is raging?
You sure are sensitive.
May I ask you something? Do you get up in the morning and say to yourself, "lets see how many people I can irritate today"? I just got here, buddy. Can you hold your fire for 10 seconds while I look around?

Thank you.

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