Where in the real world are AR-15 and the like are used for good?

Oh...and what site would that be?
I'd like to check it out and see these conservatives first hand.
<name of site edited out to conform with board rules> a bunch of you were also telling me that cops had no obligation to protect those poor murdered kids, in Vuvalde. Is that you as well?
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justplainpoltiics.com a bunch of you were also telling me that cops had no obligation to protect those poor murdered kids, in Vuvalde. Is that you as well?

Thats actually true,not that I agree with that sentiment but it is true. But I dont see why you'd be worried about it considering your side wants to defund the police.
And the name is Uvalde fer fukes sake.
Then go back and examine them. Can you make the argument that no other gun could have been used. That without that AR, and not, say, a shotgun, or a rifle, or even a pistol, the outcome would have been different.

And I like your little rifle montage, it was comical. Like, why the fawk do you need a pistol grip. And spare me the whole bullshit about maneuverability, close quarters, and the other questionable rationalizations. Do you think the people of Ukraine have used AR's to keep the Russians at bay? No, they have used hunting rifles, real hunting rifles.

Look, despite all the ways you want to change the argument, it really boils down to a simple cost benefit analysis. Will banning assault rifles stop school shootings? No. But it will cut down on the lives lost and the carnage rendered. And at what cost? What, you needle dick dipshits don't get to feel like Rambo anymore? That shit doesn't even move the needle. When the zombie apocalypse comes, you guys will be short changed? Take out some zombie apocalypse insurance, hell, I will sell you a ten million dollar policy for a mere hundred dollars a month.

Like I have mentioned, you guys supporting the assault rifle are fools being played by the gun manufacturers. I doubt it cost more than $150 to build one, especially when you can build one yourself for about that much. With economies of scale, for the manufacturers, it is probably significantly less. Hell, that is the whole reason the NRA is so hyped up. That was once a fine organization, hell they sponsored me half a century ago, when they were about shooter safety and teaching that to kids. Now they are little more than a propaganda outfit for the gun manufacturers running a slush fund for their operators.
Yeah, nobody cares what you think. Run along, Slappy. Have your little bitch fit somewhere else.
No military grade assault rifles? Since when? And yes, I've read the spin that there is no such thing as military grade weapons. That's bullshit.
Does it come with a bayonet chainsaw?
Not at all. But leftists seem to be fascinated with penises.
Only my own. To be fair though, it's pretty magnificent. Every women I've been with, and there have been 2, could not stop talking about how "adequate" it was. Isn't that nice?

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