Where is Mitch McConnell?

McConnell was the only Senate Republican to attend the funeral for Beau, and he's stayed away from GOP attacks on Hunter
Mitch sees the majority as a good in itself. You get the majority because it’s good to get a majority, and you be very careful with your majority because you wouldn’t want to lose your majority. That’s why Republicans don't really govern as conservatives (outside of tax hikes). Instead, they expand the federal role in education and energy while expanding Medicare and never repealing Obamacare.

The most aggressive thing Mitch has done with his majority is fill the courts, which is basically cost-free politically and is also a retribution for the dirty things Chuck and Harry did on judges, from blocking Miguel Estrada to abolishing the filibuster in 2013
HE's an OLD MAN with an obvious blood disorder. HE's in hiding till Trump's gone, and can you blame him. Trump is the TYPOHID FUCKIKNG MARRY OF COVID. Another one bites the dust. And Rainman went down possibly literally yesterday.

Mitch wants to live to see the next congress. Stop picking on him!!!!
McConnell was the only Senate Republican to attend the funeral for Beau, and he's stayed away from GOP attacks on Hunter

Democrat funerals are political rallies. Democrats attack them for not going and then attack them if they do
Leaders from around the world have congratulated Joe Biden on his election as President.

Mitch McConnell served with Biden in the Senate for decades. Why hasn’t he come forward with a congratulatory message?
Where are the rest of the Republicans ?

Do they still fear Trump so much?

He was just on the Senate floor. Did not congratulate Joe and lied about the Senate.

Chuck is now there congratulating Joe and Kamala and is talking about the lack of getting anything done in the Senate.
Sitting back to see how the hand plays out. Smart move. He doesn't really care what Trump does. He'd be just as glad to see the backside of him. What he doesn't want to do is jeopardize the possibility that those two GA Senate seats heading to run off don't go Democrat. Then, he loses his power because Harris holds the tie breaker. Of the two races, Loeffler is the most vulnerable.
Has nothing to do with Biden winning

Biden extended a hand of cooperation to Republicans last night.

Mitch needs to show some class and stop being such a Dick

I understand. McConnell might be a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. If he's accepting Biden's hand of cooperation, he's doing through back channels which is totally appropriate. But he won't come out and display that to the media. That would appear to his party and the Trump faithful that's he's kneecapping the President and effectively putting a pin in his upcoming legal temper tantrum. :)

I'm not saying it's the right play. But it's the smart play for him. I happen to think McConnell is the single biggest cancer in Washington. He is largely responsible for the government's dysfunction.
Mitch needs to show whether he still cowers before Trump
Mitch is not cowering. He is evil, worse than Trump ever was.

Trump lost, Limbaugh is dying of cancer, Putin is stepping down next year. He has Parkinson’s. And something is bad wrong with Mitch.
Leaders from around the world have congratulated Joe Biden on his election as President.

Mitch McConnell served with Biden in the Senate for decades. Why hasn’t he come forward with a congratulatory message?
Where are the rest of the Republicans ?

Do they still fear Trump so much?
Waiting for the recount genius. LOL
What recount?

Georgia is the only recount and Biden doesn’t need it
Even that count has gone up.

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