Where is the Benghazi cover-up Republicans promised?

It is far from over. Barry is scared, Hilly is scared, Holder is scared.

"If ya caint do the time, don't do the crime"
"bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" "whatcha gonna do when they come for you"

Scared? Of what? Scared of the lies the Republicans have fermented via their lapdogs in the main stream media?

when did ABC and Chris Matthews become republican lap dogs? the only lies have come from obama, hillary, rice, carney, reid, and pelosi

Sensationalism sells baby!

Why it's Watergate, Iran Contra, Monica Lewinsky and Teapot Dome combined
Hey, Embassy Security was a fail, totally unprepared for the 9/11 Anniversary, in spite of Intelligence warnings. Failed Government Policy, Administration more concerned with Political Correctness than Security. Fail. Where were the Marines? Why were no Marines stationed at the Embassy? Policy Failure. Incompetence. What else could it be? Blaming a Video for Weeks after? President Ambiguity incapable of saying anything concrete. Could not find his spine during the attack, more interested in disassociation and plausible deniability than Leadership. There is no story here. Like Obama leadership, it's just pathetic and pointless.
Hey, Embassy Security was a fail, totally unprepared for the 9/11 Anniversary, in spite of Intelligence warnings. Failed Government Policy, Administration more concerned with Political Correctness than Security. Fail. Where were the Marines? Why were no Marines stationed at the Embassy? Policy Failure. Incompetence. What else could it be? Blaming a Video for Weeks after? President Ambiguity incapable of saying anything concrete. Could not find his spine during the attack, more interested in disassociation and plausible deniability than Leadership. There is no story here. Like Obama leadership, it's just pathetic and pointless.

September 12 -- White House spokesman Jay Carney, in response to questions about whether the attack was planned

"It's too early for us to make that judgment. I think -- I know that this is being investigated, and we're working with the Libyan government to investigate the incident. So I would not want to speculate on that at this time."

September 12 -- Obama, at a campaign event in Las Vegas, again uses the "act of terror" line

"No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America."

He repeats the line again the next day in Golden, Colorado. "I want people around the world to hear me: To all those who would do us harm, no act of terror will go unpunished."

September 13 -- Jay Carney

"The protests we're seeing around the region are in reaction to this movie. They are not directly in reaction to any policy of the United States or the government of the United States or the people of the United States."

September 13 -- A senior U.S. official tells CNN that the Benghazi violence was a "clearly planned attack"

"It was not an innocent mob," the official said. "The video or 9/11 made a handy excuse and could be fortuitous from their perspective, but this was a clearly planned military-type attack."

What the Obama administration has said about the Libya attack - CNN.com

Most incompetent cover-up, ever!

I wonder if Obama is getting a kick-back on all the blinders being bought by Democrats and Liberals this week?
Hey, Embassy Security was a fail, totally unprepared for the 9/11 Anniversary, in spite of Intelligence warnings. Failed Government Policy, Administration more concerned with Political Correctness than Security. Fail. Where were the Marines? Why were no Marines stationed at the Embassy? Policy Failure. Incompetence. What else could it be? Blaming a Video for Weeks after? President Ambiguity incapable of saying anything concrete. Could not find his spine during the attack, more interested in disassociation and plausible deniability than Leadership. There is no story here. Like Obama leadership, it's just pathetic and pointless.

September 12 -- White House spokesman Jay Carney, in response to questions about whether the attack was planned

"It's too early for us to make that judgment. I think -- I know that this is being investigated, and we're working with the Libyan government to investigate the incident. So I would not want to speculate on that at this time."

September 12 -- Obama, at a campaign event in Las Vegas, again uses the "act of terror" line

"No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America."

He repeats the line again the next day in Golden, Colorado. "I want people around the world to hear me: To all those who would do us harm, no act of terror will go unpunished."

September 13 -- Jay Carney

"The protests we're seeing around the region are in reaction to this movie. They are not directly in reaction to any policy of the United States or the government of the United States or the people of the United States."

September 13 -- A senior U.S. official tells CNN that the Benghazi violence was a "clearly planned attack"

"It was not an innocent mob," the official said. "The video or 9/11 made a handy excuse and could be fortuitous from their perspective, but this was a clearly planned military-type attack."

What the Obama administration has said about the Libya attack - CNN.com

Most incompetent cover-up, ever!

What did Rice say on the sunday shows and on what day?

what did obama say at the UN and on what day?

what did hillary say to congress and on what day?

if you are going to post a chronology, post all of it.
AHA! Put that in your e-mail pipe and smoke it.

Where is the Benghazi cover-up Republicans promised? - CBS News

The most incendiary charge aimed at the president is that, in order to insulate himself in an election year, he and his team made up a fake story about a "spontaneous uprising" in Benghazi and downplayed intelligence that it could have been a premeditated attack by known terrorist organizations. There has been so much spinning from the president and his staff in the aftermath of the attack, this storyline seems possible--when the public spin is this bad it is easy to imagine deeper rot. The emails help your imagination along. They destroy the impression left last November by White House spokesman Jay Carney that only a single word was changed in the process, which can get your adrenaline up. But when you pull on the thread in search of evidence for the Big Story, your heartbeat slows. The emails show a lot of CIA and State Department action, but comparatively little White House meddling, and certainly nothing near the level of meddling that would be required to put in the big fix.
How large a moron are you? XXXL?

run liberals run

Where is the Benghazi cover-up Republicans promised?

They contrived the ‘cover up.’

It’s the evidence they couldn’t come through with.

And for good reason: there isn’t any.
The heroes who tried to protect the Ambassador were killed about 7 hours after the Military was ordered to "stand down" from a rescue attempt. Apparently only the president can order the Military to stand down from a mission. Obama lied and people died.
It is far from over. Barry is scared, Hilly is scared, Holder is scared.

"If ya caint do the time, don't do the crime"
"bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" "whatcha gonna do when they come for you"

Scared? Of what? Scared of the lies the Republicans have fermented via their lapdogs in the main stream media?

Woodward has even come out and said this is "big deal" as far as coverups go.


Now what lies little troll?

The Ambassador begged for extra security (oh and btw the latest bullshit that he turned down extra security is completely blown out of the water)

The consulate had been bombed twice that we know of before the massacre on 9/11

The Libyan Militia security force rejected protecting the Ambassador on his trip to Benghazi.

Yes you read that right. The Ambassador's security team was a Libyan Militia group. Oh swell idea that one out of Washington.

How much further do you want me to drill this up your ass troll?

Grab your vaseline because I can do this all night and make you wish you died as a child.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of liberal lies on Benghazi.
The heroes who tried to protect the Ambassador were killed about 7 hours after the Military was ordered to "stand down" from a rescue attempt. Apparently only the president can order the Military to stand down from a mission. Obama lied and people died.


And he slept through the slaughter.

It is far from over. Barry is scared, Hilly is scared, Holder is scared.

"If ya caint do the time, don't do the crime"
"bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" "whatcha gonna do when they come for you"

Scared? Of what? Scared of the lies the Republicans have fermented via their lapdogs in the main stream media?

Woodward has even come out and said this is "big deal" as far as coverups go.


Now what lies little troll?

The Ambassador begged for extra security (oh and btw the latest bullshit that he turned down extra security is completely blown out of the water)

The consulate had been bombed twice that we know of before the massacre on 9/11

The Libyan Militia security force rejected protecting the Ambassador on his trip to Benghazi.

Yes you read that right. The Ambassador's security team was a Libyan Militia group. Oh swell idea that one out of Washington.

How much further do you want me to drill this up your ass troll?

Grab your vaseline because I can do this all night and make you wish you died as a child.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of liberal lies on Benghazi.

Woodward is a r-wing paid, political hack. President Obama is not hurt by the witch hunts against him nor will he be. Check the latest polls... Obama is emerging even stronger for them. :clap2:

Epic failure baby!
AHA! Put that in your e-mail pipe and smoke it.

Where is the Benghazi cover-up Republicans promised? - CBS News

The most incendiary charge aimed at the president is that, in order to insulate himself in an election year, he and his team made up a fake story about a "spontaneous uprising" in Benghazi and downplayed intelligence that it could have been a premeditated attack by known terrorist organizations. There has been so much spinning from the president and his staff in the aftermath of the attack, this storyline seems possible--when the public spin is this bad it is easy to imagine deeper rot. The emails help your imagination along. They destroy the impression left last November by White House spokesman Jay Carney that only a single word was changed in the process, which can get your adrenaline up. But when you pull on the thread in search of evidence for the Big Story, your heartbeat slows. The emails show a lot of CIA and State Department action, but comparatively little White House meddling, and certainly nothing near the level of meddling that would be required to put in the big fix.
Why did Susan Rice go on five Sunday talk shows and claim the Benghazi attack was the response to a video? Who gave her those talking points? Why was she sent out with those talking points when the administration clearly knew this was false? Who sent her out with said talking points? These are four key questions we still don't have the answer to eight months after the attack it sure seems like someone is trying to cover something up.
Scared? Of what? Scared of the lies the Republicans have fermented via their lapdogs in the main stream media?

Woodward has even come out and said this is "big deal" as far as coverups go.


Now what lies little troll?

The Ambassador begged for extra security (oh and btw the latest bullshit that he turned down extra security is completely blown out of the water)

The consulate had been bombed twice that we know of before the massacre on 9/11

The Libyan Militia security force rejected protecting the Ambassador on his trip to Benghazi.

Yes you read that right. The Ambassador's security team was a Libyan Militia group. Oh swell idea that one out of Washington.

How much further do you want me to drill this up your ass troll?

Grab your vaseline because I can do this all night and make you wish you died as a child.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of liberal lies on Benghazi.

Woodward is a r-wing paid, political hack. President Obama is not hurt by the witch hunts against him nor will he be. Check the latest polls... Obama is emerging even stronger for them. :clap2:

Epic failure baby!

WTF? Woodward is a liberal, always has been. where do you get this crap?
Scared? Of what? Scared of the lies the Republicans have fermented via their lapdogs in the main stream media?

Woodward has even come out and said this is "big deal" as far as coverups go.


Now what lies little troll?

The Ambassador begged for extra security (oh and btw the latest bullshit that he turned down extra security is completely blown out of the water)

The consulate had been bombed twice that we know of before the massacre on 9/11

The Libyan Militia security force rejected protecting the Ambassador on his trip to Benghazi.

Yes you read that right. The Ambassador's security team was a Libyan Militia group. Oh swell idea that one out of Washington.

How much further do you want me to drill this up your ass troll?

Grab your vaseline because I can do this all night and make you wish you died as a child.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of liberal lies on Benghazi.

Woodward is a r-wing paid, political hack. President Obama is not hurt by the witch hunts against him nor will he be. Check the latest polls... Obama is emerging even stronger for them. :clap2:

Epic failure baby!

:lol: Woodward is a right wing political hack?

I guess you missed the polls where the American public believes in the Benghazi and the IRS investigations.

But that doesn't mean Americans aren't paying attention to the administration's troubles this week. While a separate Gallup poll this week found that American attention to the Benghazi and IRS stories this week was actually below average for other news stories they've tracked, most Americans (54 percent for IRS and 53 percent for Benghazi) were following the stories either "very" or "somewhat" closely, and most (74 percent and 69 percent, respectively) believe both stories warrant further investigation. In the CNN poll, majorities of respondents believing the IRS and Benghazi stories (55 percent) are important to the nation, while 53 percent would say the same about the AP phone records story.

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