Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?

What’s that?

800 feet of snow in Alaska this year?
It's like they are completely ignorant of the fact that the geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that are totally unrelated to CO2 or orbital forcing. Which is why they will act all surprised when the planet experiences a cooling trend that completely disproves their beliefs. Of course given the fact that the planet experiences more frequent and more severe climate fluctuations because of the planet's land mass configuration and proximity to thresholds to extensive continental glaciation, they really shouldn't be surprised at all.
It's like they are completely ignorant of the fact that the geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that are totally unrelated to CO2 or orbital forcing. Which is why they will act all surprised when the planet experiences a cooling trend that completely disproves their beliefs. Of course given the fact that the planet experiences more frequent and more severe climate fluctuations because of the planet's land mass configuration and proximity to thresholds to extensive continental glaciation, they really shouldn't be surprised at all.
The resorts are enjoying it
That's the reason the planet transitioned from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet which is our CURRENT climate. The same conditions which led to this transition still exist today and that's why it is relevant to any climate discussion concerning our PRESENT climate.

But please feel free to tell me about other events that you believe are affecting TODAY'S climate.
He can’t
He can’t
She can't.

No. I didn't.

Sea level rise is quite real, regardless of what the Maldives are doing.

People do stupid things literally all the time.

That would be flawed logic.

Would someone please explain to me the downside of this and how it is man's fault?

Where I live now was once and inland sea. Did man or climate change cause that? What corrected it to it's current condition?
Where I live now was once and inland sea. Did man or climate change cause that?

No, BUT THE ONLY REASON YOU KNOW it was an inland sea is due to geologic analysis. That same analysis is integrated into PALEOCLIMATOLOGY which is the study of ancient climates and ancient climate change. That's how we know how the NATURAL forcings work. And it is largely how we know that the CURRENT warming we see cannot be explained solely by natural forcings.

(Now, in reality, since I don't know where you live I'm going to take a guess and say that the reason you are no longer an inland sea, or what is often called an epieric sea is probably more related to plate tectonics and/or subsidence, or in the case of where I'm from (the midwest) filling in by erosion of the Appalachian Mountains. So it may have had exactly zero to do with climate change in the past.)
Would someone please explain to me the downside of this and how it is man's fault?

Where I live now was once and inland sea. Did man or climate change cause that? What corrected it to it's current condition?
Dude, Chicago was under deep ice and isn’t today. Well not deep ice, but still the Arctic.
No, BUT THE ONLY REASON YOU KNOW it was an inland sea is due to geologic analysis. That same analysis is integrated into PALEOCLIMATOLOGY which is the study of ancient climates and ancient climate change. That's how we know how the NATURAL forcings work. And it is largely how we know that the CURRENT warming we see cannot be explained solely by natural forcings.

(Now, in reality, since I don't know where you live I'm going to take a guess and say that the reason you are no longer an inland sea, or what is often called an epieric sea is probably more related to plate tectonics and/or subsidence, or in the case of where I'm from (the midwest) filling in by erosion of the Appalachian Mountains. So it may have had exactly zero to do with climate change in the past.)
So the plates disappeared?
So you didn't read the article you posted? Hint: it ISN'T because of lowering sea levels.

"Coastal geomorphologist Dr Paul Kench said coral reef sediment was responsible for building up the islands."
Certainly not sea rising
Dude, Chicago was under deep ice and isn’t today. Well not deep ice, but still the Arctic.

Chicago was not at the Arctic circle. The ice there was due to continental ice sheets (specifically the Laurentide Ice Sheet which originated in Canda).

But millions of years prior to that Chicago was in an ocean.

Back in undergrad (in downstate Illinois) I was taking a paleontology class and part of our assignments included going to the local quarry and finding fossils which we would then identify. These were PENNSYLVANIAN in age (~300million years old). I found a small SHARKSTOOTH in the quarry for my study. It was a cladodont level shark (small guy) that lived in oceans about 300 million years ago. A shark, in downstate Illinois).
So the plates disappeared?


Plates move things around. If something subducts, the plate disappears.

But the example I gave of my former home in Illinois is that part of the reason there's rocks there now is because the Appalachian Mountains eroded and were deposited in the epieric sea that was in the middle of what is now the N. American continent. No doubt there was also some degree of UPLIFT that also drained the sea.
Certainly not sea rising

Yeah, but that doesn't matter. We KNOW the sea level is rising. Warmer water EXPANDS (this isn't controversial) and causes some of the rise. We also know that a lot of land-based ice around the world is melting and running off to baselevel in the oceans (eg the Greenland Ice Sheet) and that added water is also increasing the sea level.

IF, at the same time, coral chunks also wash up on a beach and expand a landmass, that doesn't change ANYTHING ELSE.
Why does the warmest average temperature of the planet occur when the northern hemisphere receives the most sunlight (northern hemisphere summer)?

But again, you are dealing with ONE EVENT in Earth's history. No one is debating that changes in ocean currents can and DO cause changes in climate. But it means literally nothing beyond just being another climate driver.


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