Where Is The “Climate Emergency”?

Why do you assume that my lack of knoweldge of ONE TINY PORTION of the earth's climatic history would indicate that have a profound lack of knowledge of the topic? Much less how do you thus "prove" it?

You DO know what "prove" means, correct?

In the real sciences we seldom deal in "proofs" (that's mathematics). We always couch our findings in language such as "the most likely correct hypothesis". There is always information that we don't have, errors in the measurements, etc. So the best you can do is to come asymptotically close to "proof" while never really getting there.

There's a reason that p-values are never perfectly zero.
Because any good scientist will understand why something is the way it is before they try to predict what it will do in the future. You don't know why the earth's climate is the way it is or what that means for today's conversation.
Or even if it did rise, it probably would be measured in millimeters.
It's been rising for the past 22,000 years. For the 1st 16,000 years the slope was much higher. About 6,000 years ago the rate of rise changed to ~3 mm per year. I love it when they make projections like a 1 ft rise by 2050 because within 10 years we will be able to see how badly mistaken they were.
Because any good scientist will understand why something is the way it is before they try to predict what it will do in the future. You don't know why the earth's climate is the way it is or what that means for today's conversation.

You have based this finding on exactly ONE event in the earth's long history.

You have grossly over-extrapolated.
Guessing we'll find out.

Why do you expect that there are psychics who can tell you EXACTLY what will happen? What we DO know is things will change. And rapidly compared to human history.

Imagine, on a global scale, suffering what the Maya did? Their climate (locally) changed and became drier. It collapsed their society and arguably their society was one of the largest and most powerful in mesoAmerica. Then suddenly they are gone.

That was a local climate change.

Now imagine a bunch of local climate changes happening simultaneously across the developed world. And happening rather quickly.
Well it depends where you live. Many people have already had to leave their homes. It is reckoned that the Syria war was caused by climate change. People from the country unable to grow their food eventually got very cross and went into the cities and from that things sparked off.

But it is pretty much here now for us all. In the IPCC's latest report Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
they say that if we do not change our usage of fossil fuels in only 8 years we will be at 3 degrees warming. Sadly I believe that will happen as I do not see Governments in a panic to stop this happening, even though most will still be alive. instead we are playing at wars one of the worse things for the climate. Too busy playing at being big boys to do the decent thing and provide a liveable world for everyone who will be alive in 8 years and after.
(It is worth pointing out that until now the IPCC's reports have always erred on the side of saying things would be less bad than they turned out to be.)
Well it depends where you live. Many people have already had to leave their homes. It is reckoned that the Syria war was caused by climate change. People from the country unable to grow their food eventually got very cross and went into the cities and from that things sparked off.

But it is pretty much here now for us all. In the IPCC's latest report Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
they say that if we do not change our usage of fossil fuels in only 8 years we will be at 3 degrees warming. Sadly I believe that will happen as I do not see Governments in a panic to stop this happening, even though most will still be alive. instead we are playing at wars one of the worse things for the climate. Too busy playing at being big boys to do the decent thing and provide a liveable world for everyone who will be alive in 8 years and after.
(It is worth pointing out that until now the IPCC's reports have always erred on the side of saying things would be less bad than they turned out to be.)

Reckoned by whom? What evidence did they present to support their claim?

I will tell you that none was presented. They provided opinion, but no facts to back them up.
Reckoned by whom? What evidence did they present to support their claim?

I will tell you that none was presented. They provided opinion, but no facts to back them up.
I have heard it loads of times from the history to people whose job it is to know such things, I haven't read it in any book, just noticed it being talked about. War is recognised as one of the consequences we can expect from climate change. That makes absolute sense. There are people in Africa who are having to move from where they live as it is too hot to grow things. Probably most of the central Americans you have trying to get into the US are moving because of climate change. I think it is in Indonesia that already people are having to leave their homes because of rising waters. Look at your own summers. Worse fires all the time. Look at Europe's summers. Each year the temperature is warmer and last year we had fires and floods to beat all. This world has to get off fossil fuels like now or in 8 years with 3 degrees warming we are going to be chasing something we cannot get back and I gave a link to that.
1000 feet of ice would be considered deep, dummy. The overwhelming majority of the past half million years the planet has been at or near glacial temperatures.

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I didn’t want to confuse her with measurements of ice depths! And, it’s still Arctic today
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It's already over. The only people pushing this are those who stand to profit from it.
Anyone watch the PGA golf at Hilton head, SC this weekend? Hmm a lot of beaches and homes on the shore. I guess those people are privileged. BTW, water level looked low.
What you seem to take no little joy in is randomly finding climate change in the earth's history and then demanding someone tell you exactly WHY THAT TEMPERATURE CHANGED RIGHT THEN AND THERE! And if they fail to know THAT EXACT POINT
I take quite a lot o f joy watching warmers with no answers trying to finagle their way around their lies. And, warmers who can’t state where climate is changing today, extremely
So you didn't read the article you posted? Hint: it ISN'T because of lowering sea levels.

"Coastal geomorphologist Dr Paul Kench said coral reef sediment was responsible for building up the islands."

LOL, I have known this already and there are more on this I could post but you as usual missed the point.

Some of those islands exist BECAUSE of the reefs being there.

THOSE ISLANDS ARE ATOLLS. What do you THINK they are usually made of??????


God you are stupid as shit since most islands in the oceans have them and yet Sea level rise isn't covering them over which is the point you miss over and over and there are other Islands made by volcanoes that are also keeping pace with sea level rise.
God you are stupid as shit since most islands in the oceans have them and yet Sea level rise isn't covering them over which is the point you miss over and over and there are other Islands made by volcanoes that are also keeping pace with sea level rise.

I wish you read the article you posted. Because the reason the islands are increasing in size is due to coral chunks being washed up on them.

Wow. I may be "stupid as shit" but at least I can read. I don't know what that says about YOU, though.
I wish you read the article you posted. Because the reason the islands are increasing in size is due to coral chunks being washed up on them.

Wow. I may be "stupid as shit" but at least I can read. I don't know what that says about YOU, though.

God you are stupid as shit since most islands in the oceans have them and yet Sea level rise isn't covering them over which is the point you miss over and over and there are other Islands made by volcanoes that are also keeping pace with sea level rise.
God you are stupid as shit since most islands in the oceans have them and yet Sea level rise isn't covering them over

Sometimes the rate of ONE thing is HIGHER than the rate of another.

Wow. This honestly seems like pretty elementary stuff. Not sure why it is confusing to you.

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