Where is the Constitutional Requirement for a birth certificate?

I can see RGS had his bowl of piss soaked Cheerios already this morning.

Are you going to argue that the Government be it Federal or State does not have the power granted by their Constitutions to pass laws to ensure proof of qualifications to elected office? That is after all what Swallow and Rightturd are claiming.

No, but I will argue that you have a stick permanently stuck so far up your ass that you sneeze splinters.

Is that the only thing you have to argue with sarges ass?
Well..here's the natural born citizen clause..

But I can't see any requirement for a birth certificate.

Not one.


I will play your moronic game.... How do you verify someone is a Natural Born citizen then?

Good question.

And at what point do you say the documentation that's been provided is acceptable?

Oh wait..nothing in the Constitution about it.:doubt:

When it's a true document and not a fraud.
Are you going to argue that the Government be it Federal or State does not have the power granted by their Constitutions to pass laws to ensure proof of qualifications to elected office? That is after all what Swallow and Rightturd are claiming.

No, but I will argue that you have a stick permanently stuck so far up your ass that you sneeze splinters.

Is that the only thing you have to argue with sarges ass?


Oh, I'm sorry ... wrong language.

I will play your moronic game.... How do you verify someone is a Natural Born citizen then?

Well that is for the electoral college to decide, since they are the only entity that is constitutionally empowered to judge the qualifications of a person to be POTUS. The matter is up to them to decide. If they want, they can call the psychic hotline. Or, they could ask to see the person's birth certificate. But the important thing here is that states cannot require a person to possess a birth certificate in order to get onto the ballot, because doing so creates a requirement to the office that they do not have the power to create.
If it's not in the Constitution, it is not required

A family Bible should suffice

Wrong as Usual, I guess you retards missed the part where the Constitution grants the Government the power to CREATE all LAWS needed to effect their given powers. And to delegate to the States the power on things the Fed does not create laws on.

The Constitution establishes the base line for who is allowed to run and serve and leaves to the Fed or the State legislatures the power to draft laws establishing how the Government will ensure the requirements are met.

But then you fucking retards are to stupid to understand simple concepts.

Do you mean the Constitution does not contain every law that we may need and that the rest are written by corrupt politicians and activist judges ?


Now find anywhere except your delusional head where anyone has made any such claim.
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The Constitution leaves that to the States and or the Federal Government to regulate VIA the "GASP" Congress and Legislature. Since the Federal Government has left that to the States THEIR Legislatures are free to do as they are and pass laws REQUIRING proof of identity at voting stations.


No, this is not true. The constitution leaves it to the electoral college to judge the qualifications of a person to hold the office of President. In fact, Congress and the states are prohibited from regulating the matter. The Supreme Court has been clear, in U.S. Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, that the only entities that can judge the qualifications of a person for federal office are specifically those entities described in the constitution, and that no state can create additional, extra-constitutional, requirements in order to get on the ballot for a federal office.

Oh, I'm sorry ... wrong language.


you are the one who brought up the subject dr. derp. Sarges ass as nothing to do with the subject, but you mentioned it. Dr. derp.

No, Sarge is just a grumplestilskin who doesn't have a right on his bed to wake up on.

Do yourself a favor and stick to herpin' your derp.

Do your own self a favor stick to defend bullshit, and stop dreaming about sarges ass.
you are the one who brought up the subject dr. derp. Sarges ass as nothing to do with the subject, but you mentioned it. Dr. derp.

No, Sarge is just a grumplestilskin who doesn't have a right on his bed to wake up on.

Do yourself a favor and stick to herpin' your derp.

Do your own self a favor stick to defend bullshit, and stop dreaming about sarges ass.

You quoted me, bigreb..... if you don't like what I have to say back I suggest you just shy away.

And what the fuck is "stick to defend bullshit?"
Article I section 4

Section 4 - Elections, Meetings

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of Chusing Senators.

The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall (be on the first Monday in December,) (The preceding words in parentheses were superseded by the 20th Amendment, section 2.) unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day.

The US constitution gives to the State Legislatures the power to run elections. This includes the power to make laws on how to determine the qualifications of candidates for said offices.

Article I Section 8

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

This grants the power to create any and all laws needed to ensure powers granted by the Constitution can be executed.

Article II Section 2

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

This establishes the qualifications to be or run for President and Vice President. As I will establish this Article also grants to the States the means to elect the President. Thus establishing the authority within the States to create laws which provide proof of qualifications to run.

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

Any more stupid questions?

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

You are leaving out some important parts to all of this. You exclude the clause that states that each house of Congress shall be the judge of the qualifications of its members. You also exclude the part that says the electoral college shall qualify the President to serve.
If it's not in the Constitution, it is not required

A family Bible should suffice

yea right.....ill believe a politician who swears to God he is telling the truth....

For our first 30 or so presidents, the only record of their birth was the family Bible

those guys back then cared about the Country more than the buffoons of today....and were much more trustworthy ......today.....not so much.....
Well..here's the natural born citizen clause..

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

But I can't see any requirement for a birth certificate.

Not one.


We have Birth certs to prove where and when we were born.

If there is a better way. let me know
It is not unreasonable for any politician running for president to be asked to produce proof of citizenship.

A birth certificate is the easiest way to do so. But it does not matter where a person is born only that he is a citizen at birth.

To be a citizen at birth one of the parents must be a citizen.
It is not unreasonable for any politician running for president to be asked to produce proof of citizenship.

A birth certificate is the easiest way to do so. But it does not matter where a person is born only that he is a citizen at birth.

To be a citizen at birth one of the parents must be a citizen.

True and not true
If a child born of American citizens is born in another country the parent must contact the nearest U.S. Embassy to file for the proper citizenship paper work.
Well..here's the natural born citizen clause..

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

But I can't see any requirement for a birth certificate.

Not one.


We have Birth certs to prove where and when we were born.

If there is a better way. let me know

That's not the point.

There's no verbiage in the Constitution that requires anyone to show a birth certificate.
Are you going to argue that the Government be it Federal or State does not have the power granted by their Constitutions to pass laws to ensure proof of qualifications to elected office? That is after all what Swallow and Rightturd are claiming.

Well I am taking it from the solicitation for gay sex..the matter is a little beyond your mental capacities.

On the first count..thanks but no thanks. Gay sex sort of disgusts me. Always has..always will.

On the second count....you seem to know very little about the Constitution.

The Federal government has certified the President as a natural born citiizen. And the Federal government is supreme in these matters. We don't live in a Confederacy.

In any case...I pointed out something that you idiots continue to bray about..and apparently it's hit a nerve. But your posts continue to display just how ignorant you are of the law.

the federal govenrment also protected slavery.

Up until it didn't. What's your point here?
So just saying your a nature born citizen is good enough??


I am posting that the Constitution does not require a Presidential Candidate to show a birth certificate.

If you can find the clause..be my guest.

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