Where Is The Heavily Armed Raid By The FBI? Biden / Democrats Demonstrate Corrupt 2-Tiered Justice System

"On Monday, Fox News confirmed that a batch of records from Biden's time as vice president, including a "small number of documents with classified markings," were discovered at the Penn Biden Center by the president's personal attorneys on Nov. 2, according to Richard Saubel, special counsel to the White House."

Classified documents in Biden's possession for 6 (SIX) YEARS....

No 'Unprecedented' raid.
No heavy-armed FBI raid.
No big deal.

'One Justice System for THEE, And Another For Criminal ME!'
-- Democrats

"On Monday, Fox News confirmed that a batch of records from Biden's time as vice president, including a "small number of documents with classified markings," were discovered at the Penn Biden Center by the president's personal attorneys on Nov. 2, according to Richard Saubel, special counsel to the White House."

Classified documents in Biden's possession for 6 (SIX) YEARS....

No 'Unprecedented' raid.
No heavy-armed FBI raid.
No big deal.

'One Justice System for THEE, And Another For Criminal ME!'
-- Democrats

Biden's attorneys turned the documents over to the NA the day they were found, fool. The FBI didn't need a fucking search warrant to retreive docs from Biden like they did with that lowlife Trump.

See the difference?
"The notification from Biden lawyers to the DOJ, presumably on November 2nd, 2022, was kept under wraps until today when CBS first broke the news.

It should be noted that as vice-president Joe Biden held no declassification authority (as VICE President), so removal of the classified material is a much larger breech than the claimed comparison to President Trump declassifying documents and taking them to Mar-a-Lago."

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Did the former 1-term fuckup self-report the documents?
this is true, Adam Shifty had to admit he was using parody
'Using parody'?

The traiterous M*erF*er lied / committed perjury by claiming he had a whistleblower delivering criminal evidence against Trump....but it all unraveled and blew up in his face during the Impeachment coup attempts.

He thenwas caught authoring false transcripts he attempted to submit as actual evidence IOT overthrow the US govt through illegally removing a sitting President from office.

The fact tbat you and other snowflakes can't admit to that, as proven, shows how corrupt, false, and partisan, traitor-supporting shitbags you are.
How many did he sell?
How many did his brother and his son sell?
This was before dimensia riddled his brain,so the intent to profit from these thefts is clear.
The docs were turned over on the SAME FUCKING DAY THAT THEY WERE FOUND, JACKASS.
so, now that we know that joey xiden had top secret classified documents related specifically to Ukraine (the country his son was on the board of a corrupt gas company for) and his family made millions on…and he hide them in his office for over half a decade…what are your thoughts?

'B...b...b...b...BUT TRUUUUUUUUUUMP!'
'Using parody'?

The traiterous M*erF*er lied / committed perjury by claiming he had a whistleblower delivering criminal evidence against Trump....but it all unraveled and blew up in his face during the Impeachment coup attempts.

He thenwas caught authoring false transcripts he attempted to submit as actual evidence IOT overthrow the US govt through illegally removing a sitting President from office.

The fact tbat you and other snowflakes can't admit to that, as proven, shows how corrupt, false, and partisan, traitor-supporting shitbags you are.
sorry…i was using his own line against him…frankly i think it sounded worse when he admitted it was “parody” - he looked some foolish
"committing a crime is one thing. covering it up is what gets you in trouble" - Richard Nixon
'Using parody'?

The traiterous M*erF*er lied / committed perjury by claiming he had a whistleblower delivering criminal evidence against Trump....but it all unraveled and blew up in his face during the Impeachment coup attempts.

He thenwas caught authoring false transcripts he attempted to submit as actual evidence IOT overthrow the US govt through illegally removing a sitting President from office.

The fact tbat you and other snowflakes can't admit to that, as proven, shows how corrupt, false, and partisan, traitor-supporting shitbags you are.
When your ass is handed back to you it's always, BUT HILLARY! BUT SCHIFF!

Have another shit sandwich.
sorry…i was using his own line against him…frankly i think it sounded worse when he admitted it was “parody” - he looked some foolish
Looked like a traitor to me...
so, now that we know that joey xiden had top secret classified documents related specifically to Ukraine (the country his son was on the board of a corrupt gas company for) and his family made millions on…and he hide them in his office for over half a decade…what are your thoughts?
conspiracy thread time
Even the rabid, wildly insane, Trump-hating 'The View' declares Biden's classified document scandal effectively 'kills' the Trump Mara Lago case.

'Hard to make a fase against Trump' when Biden was just exposed as having committed an even worse classified document scandal / crime.

Oh shit, Democrats are fucked now. The epic hypocrisy, double standards and government corruption is on FULL DISPLAY. Will Biden hold himself accountable to the same standard he held Trump to?

Sounds like Biden committed a crime, will he be prosecuted to the full extent of the law?

No and no. For it's rules for thee and not for me with the Democrats.

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