Where Is The Heavily Armed Raid By The FBI? Biden / Democrats Demonstrate Corrupt 2-Tiered Justice System

Dumbass, Trump and his lawyers were caught lying lying and lying again about keeping those documents. When you fully co-operate you don't get "raided".

Are you seriously too fucking stupid to understand the vast difference?
How much do you get paid per post to run interference on this?
FAILED thread.
Your desperation is noted.
The "RAID" was to get back what trump failed to turn back.

trump STOLE his documents, hid them at his personal, unsecured residence, and refused to give them back, filing lawsuits to keep them in his own possession.

See the DIFFERENCE. of course you don't.
Failed thread.
The difference is Biden had no right to even be in passesion of them as Vice President and why after 6 long years do they suddenly pop up after using the Trump raid as cover. They are paying you to much to post interference, you are not good at it.
Comey testified Hillary lied about having classified and trying to destroy the evidence. He publicly declared she broke laws then successfully attempted to save her criminal ass by stating she was too stupid to know she was breaking laws.

No FBI raids.
No raids on the Clintons' homes / offices.
No raids on the Clinton Foundation.

Now Biden is exposed for having classified documents for 6 YEARS.

No FBI raid on the WH.
No FBI raid on the Bidens' homes.
No publicity - it was hidden for months
- Definitely not released just before the midterms

The double-standard / 2-tiered partisan Justice System and its political stench can not be hidden / ignored.
It sure is fun watching these Biden ass-licking douchebags squirm.
You’re not far off! He fought legally for about 16 months after which he just decided to illegally refuse to comply with a grand jury subpoena.
wrong again. just plan wrong. There was never any GJ subpoena. He was continuing to work with the NA on other items, including allowing them to come to his home to review them...even after he gave them 15 boxes in Feb of 2022.

He wasn't hiding anything like Xiden did for 6 years
President Biden has stated that taking classified documents from the White House is ‘irresponsible.

Under the Biden Administration, the Department of Justice and National Archives have made compliance with the Presidential Records Act a top priority.

"We expect the same treatment for President Biden, who has apparently inappropriately maintained classified documents in an insecure setting for several years."

Biden, Democrats, the fake news media, and snowflakes will.attempt to excuse, justify, ignore, minimize, and make ho away President Biden's own illegal possession of classified documents for YEARS....

As you can already see, they have already started.
Poor MAGAts....don't have the brain power to differentiate. :itsok:

No one is paying me anything, I post my honest opinion here for nothing. You are welcome nutbag.
Your replies are straight up DNC talking points on this subject, seriously how much?
I guess I am supposed to call you a name, so, moonbat!
There is no "I" in Qult
There is $54 million in Chinese funds in the private office that Joey Xiden hide top secret documents for the past 6 years. The only question is, what else did they get for that $54 million?
Personal thought is over-rated. Life must be easier when you let others do your thinking for you....ah, the simplistic life of sheep.

Look how hard they fight to keep non-thought as the status quo.

Every day on this board is an abject lesson in how hard they battle to avoid having to be responsible for their own cognitive processes.

any word on who else saw them over the yrs??
No. Idea. I saw the initial report yesterday from CBS News, on Youtube, shortly after they broke the story. I read another today on AP, basically saying the same and that they were they notified the proper authorities including National Archive that took possession next morning and started the investigation with DOJ.

I too, would be interested in not only who has seen them in the last 6 years, but also what they pertained to, as I am well aware from experience first hand not all top secret classified are created equally. Which brings up two things. 1. Kind of doubt there is a way to know with certainty who has seen the document from the locked closet. 2. The very nature of classification precludes (in this 10 document case, as in the 300 document case with Trump) from us, in the general public knowing what the documents really covered. Hmmmmmmm.
"On Monday, Fox News confirmed that a batch of records from Biden's time as vice president, including a "small number of documents with classified markings," were discovered at the Penn Biden Center by the president's personal attorneys on Nov. 2, according to Richard Saubel, special counsel to the White House."

Classified documents in Biden's possession for 6 (SIX) YEARS....

No 'Unprecedented' raid.
No heavy-armed FBI raid.
No big deal.

'One Justice System for THEE, And Another For Criminal ME!'
-- Democrats

And as was pointed out this morning on the local radio show?

The Vice President has no power to declassify any government material........he had these above top secret documents for years.....unsecured.....
There is $54 million in Chinese funds in the private office that Joey Xiden hide top secret documents for the past 6 years. The only question is, what else did they get for that $54 million?

But Tumpyberra is the liar's liar.

"a New York Post article published in April 2022 noted that the University of Pennsylvania—not the Penn Biden Center itself—had received $54.6 million in Chinese donations between 2014 and 2019.

The University of Pennsylvania is not alone in accepting donations from China. From 2013 to 2020, U.S. universities accepted nearly $1 billion in Chinese donations, with Harvard accepting the lion's share, according to Bloomberg.

There is no evidence that the Penn Biden Center received any of the Chinese money, nor is there any reason to believe that Chinese foreign agents were granted access to the documents in exchange for a donation.

On Biden's inauguration day, January 20, 2021, The Washington Post reported that Trump made a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidency.

University of Pennsylvania spokesman Stephen MacCarthy told the New York Post that the Biden think tank had "never solicited or received any gifts from any Chinese or other foreign entity." Biden has had no direct involvement with the think tank since becoming president.

No. Idea. I saw the initial report yesterday from CBS News, on Youtube, shortly after they broke the story.

Was this in NOVEMBER 2022, prior to the midterm elections, when it was actually exposed?

No, Biden's crime was hidden for months and 'leaked' out only after the midterms and after the Democrats, Bidens, and fake news media could get ahead of it, develop and strategize a plan to minimize it / try to make it fo away.
No. Idea. I saw the initial report yesterday from CBS News, on Youtube, shortly after they broke the story. I read another today on AP, basically saying the same and that they were they notified the proper authorities including National Archive that took possession next morning and started the investigation with DOJ.

I too, would be interested in not only who has seen them in the last 6 years, but also what they pertained to, as I am well aware from experience first hand not all top secret classified are created equally. Which brings up two things. 1. Kind of doubt there is a way to know with certainty who has seen the document from the locked closet. 2. The very nature of classification precludes (in this 10 document case, as in the 300 document case with Trump) from us, in the general public knowing what the documents really covered. Hmmmmmmm.
if by locked closet youre talking about trumps stuff, you at least can rest knowing its not just a private residence but one with highest of security and protected by secret service 24/7,,

with bidens docs they had little to no security and accessed by unknown amounts of people,,

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