Where is the tax return outrage?


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
Super rich Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has not yet released his tax returns as far as we know he is not being audited so why haven't they been released what is he hiding? Now granted Bloomberg much like Trump is under no legal obligation to make his returns public and it is still not a requirement to run for President but given how much outrage there was by many in and out of the media over Trump not doing this you would think we would see a tiny bit of outrage over this but nope nothing.
The only thing required are financial disclosures. Not tax returns.
This remains a non-starter moot point to me.

BTW, anti-Trumpers, you still no see Trump's tax returns.....:funnyface:.
If one is going to run for high office one should surrender
1). Health report
2). Tax returns
3) police reports even parking tickets
4). Personal public history
If an average person making 40 grand ever ran all 4 of those would be put forth by the Uber wealthy officials.
Trump has filed all required financial disclosures, and all are available on line. Due to the number of legal entities involved and the complexity of the business structure, the disclosures are nearly worthless.

Nevertheless, the Leftists in our midst have made such a BIG DEAL out of Trump's refusal to publish his tax returns, the lack of any outrage about Bloomers' silence is a bit funny and more than a bit hypocritical.

I suspect the reason for both of them to remain private is basically the same. Once these large and complex document packages are published, the political enemies of both men will dispatch ARMIES of forensic accountants, looking not for the truth or a simplified picture, but for anything that can be used - even dishonestly - to paint them in a negative light.

The good thing for Bloomers is that this issue can no longer be used to "disqualify" him, since it has already been done by Trump, and Trump shows no sign of backing down.
Super rich Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has not yet released his tax returns as far as we know he is not being audited so why haven't they been released what is he hiding? Now granted Bloomberg much like Trump is under no legal obligation to make his returns public and it is still not a requirement to run for President but given how much outrage there was by many in and out of the media over Trump not doing this you would think we would see a tiny bit of outrage over this but nope nothing.
He is under pressure to release them, and he said he would. Give it time. The pressure will grow. You are a bit ahead of yourself on this "gotcha" point.

If he wins the nomination, he will release them. You can bet on that.
Maybe Maddow can to another game changing exclusive with Bloomtutds tax returns.
Super rich Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has not yet released his tax returns as far as we know he is not being audited so why haven't they been released what is he hiding? Now granted Bloomberg much like Trump is under no legal obligation to make his returns public and it is still not a requirement to run for President but given how much outrage there was by many in and out of the media over Trump not doing this you would think we would see a tiny bit of outrage over this but nope nothing.
He is under pressure to release them, and he said he would. Give it time. The pressure will grow. You are a bit ahead of yourself on this "gotcha" point.

Hope is all you gotz. Must be good dope....
Super rich Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has not yet released his tax returns as far as we know he is not being audited so why haven't they been released what is he hiding? Now granted Bloomberg much like Trump is under no legal obligation to make his returns public and it is still not a requirement to run for President but given how much outrage there was by many in and out of the media over Trump not doing this you would think we would see a tiny bit of outrage over this but nope nothing.
He is under pressure to release them, and he said he would. Give it time. The pressure will grow. You are a bit ahead of yourself on this "gotcha" point.

Hope is all you gotz. Must be good dope....
Good god, stop your incessant whining, ya freak...
Most hard working americans would condone highly of those forensic accountants. What would they find if every last rule was followed? Nothing. If you disagree you are for the plutocrats being able to hide things. That's dishonest.
Bloomberg should release every last cent and how it was gotten and where it is now. So should ALL other elected officials.
Super rich Democrat Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has not yet released his tax returns as far as we know he is not being audited so why haven't they been released what is he hiding? Now granted Bloomberg much like Trump is under no legal obligation to make his returns public and it is still not a requirement to run for President but given how much outrage there was by many in and out of the media over Trump not doing this you would think we would see a tiny bit of outrage over this but nope nothing.
He is under pressure to release them, and he said he would. Give it time. The pressure will grow. You are a bit ahead of yourself on this "gotcha" point.

Hope is all you gotz. Must be good dope....
Good god, stop your incessant whining, ya freak...

You and your ilk have been crying for his tax returns for years, you hopeless dolt!

If Bloomberg wins the nomination and doesn't release his tax returns, it will be fair to assume he is hiding something, just like our criminal president.

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