Where is Trumps health ins plan , oh where oh where can it be


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
I'll give you a hint, he is reverting to the way it was before the ACA.
Neither of you probably had anything to do with health ins or you got it from work. You have no clue what it was before the ACA.
Where is Trumps health ins plan , oh where oh where can it be

Same place as Obama's! Or didn't you realize that Obama had absolutely nothing to do with the ACA, the democratic senate sponsored it, written largely by an outside company, and Obama just signed it into law. Better to ask the GOP where THEIR plan is for Trump to sign (he's expressed an interest and willingness), and its obvious the GOP hasn't got one and isn't going there, as there IS NO GOOD socialized medicine, and they don't want that festering time bomb in their lap.
I'll give you a hint, he is reverting to the way it was before the ACA.
Good because the costs were half what they are today and the treatment better...no one I know had been complaining about healthcare when Obama fucked it up...why did he do it? Why did he take on healthcare no one was having a problem with and fuck it up so bad? Why?
I'll give you a hint, he is reverting to the way it was before the ACA.
Good because the costs were half what they are today and the treatment better...no one I know had been complaining about healthcare when Obama fucked it up...why did he do it? Why did he take on healthcare no one was having a problem with and fuck it up so bad? Why?

I could be wrong, but I don't ever remember health care even being mentioned when Obama was running! I was totally surprised when after getting elected, out of thin air, they come up with healthcare reform!
I could be wrong, but I don't ever remember health care even being mentioned when Obama was running! I was totally surprised when after getting elected, out of thin air, they come up with healthcare reform!
Yep basically they turned the health insurance industry into a social program where the middle class hard working people are forced to pay the healthcare freight for the uninsured poor...it was doomed to fail and should have never passed muster at the supreme court....it was shameful that it survived SCOTUS review...it has hurt millions of people that pay through the nose for inadequate care....many have died needlessly....with sky high costs of medication...
I've said this here before...if I were a king of the United states Id have Obama drawn and quartered on national TV for what he did to our healthcare system....it will take 20 years to fix what he destroyed....
I'll give you a hint, he is reverting to the way it was before the ACA.

I wish. That would, at least, be a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, all he's done is tweaked things. The mandate is gone, but the subsidies are still in place.

Don't worry - Congress won't leave their buddies in insurance industry hanging. Their profits will continue to climb.

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