Where is tucker Carlson?

Update: Tucky was allegedly besieged. A brief video posted on social media by a group calling itself “Smash Racism DC” showed people standing outside a darkened home and chanting. Carlson, in a phone interview with his network Thursday night, called the incident “chilling” and “upsetting.”

They were bad people who chilled and upset the media entertainer.

His employer released a statement:

“Recent events across our country clearly highlight the need for a more civil,
respectful, and inclusive national conversation.”
View attachment 537973
Hear, hear!

It's still hilarious that you think there is "diversity of thought" in left wing media. Um ... yeah ... moron, sure there is
It's still hilarious that you think there is "diversity of thought" in left wing media. Um ... yeah ... moron, sure there is
Not to mention that he claims to have intimate inside knowledge of the subject which is highly doubtful.

He seems to think that just because he says something it must be true and no other facts need to be considered.

Yes, the traits of a moron.
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Nor I. Yet ideological entertainers do seem to command a fan base.
There you go lying again. If you spend no money on cable, how do you know what he broadcasts?

Oh, I forgot you know everything, or at least make up lies to make it seem so.
Your problem is you follow the herd and do what you are told by your betters. Those being your masters.

Have you ever stopped to think., assuming that you can think, that your mental health issues come out only when you try to confront anyone with more intelligence than you?

And you continue to make false or assumptive claims. You are the one mentioning the CCP, which you apparently follow with zero questions.

As for problems, yours would be that you have no original thought, only those supplied to you. You are the herd and are to stupid to know it.

And exactly who are my masters? Put a name to it and name your masters also. ニ

When you guys get challenged, out comes the obligatory mental health scenario as if republicans have a mortgage on intelligence. You're a classic example of that being incorrect. After all, you did vote a tyrant into power and democracy got rid of the idiot.
Then you all scramble to get reasons as to why but none of you accept the people judged it for you. You didn't see it coming yet it's me who needs mental help??? Are your kidding. If your is IQ was any lower they'd have to water it every day.
Why is Brian Kilmeade filling in for Tucker Carlson? I can't find anything on net the and I don't recall being notified by Fox that he would not be there. Has he been taken off the air for his views or has he tested positive? I missed his last two shows so Maybe just can't find out what is happening.
Tucky is safe! Rumors that the entertainer was abducted by white slavers have been discounted.

He has been heard from, is at home, and on holiday.
View attachment 536968
This is the dictionary definition of an intellectual-one who disappears with 169 million dollars while his people suffer the consequences.
Ashraf Ghani had been the recipient of American taxpayer largesse, 2014-2021, but absconded after he was cut out of negotiations with the Taliban.
Screen Shot 2021-09-11 at 5.04.33 PM.png
Trump claimed the Taliban has been around for "a thousand years!" (the organization was founded in 1994), and lauded the group as being "smart" and having "good fighters."
“They will be killing terrorists. They will be killing some very bad people. They will keep that fight going!” Trump said, ... “now it’s time for somebody else to do that work, and that’ll be the Taliban!”

Trump speaks with Taliban leader​

“They’re looking to get this ended and we’re looking to get it ended. I think we all have a very common interest,” Trump said, referring to the long-running conflict in Afghanistan. “We’ve been there for 20 years. Other presidents have tried and they have been unable to get any kind of agreement.”
And exactly who are my masters? Put a name to it and name your masters also. ニ

When you guys get challenged, out comes the obligatory mental health scenario as if republicans have a mortgage on intelligence. You're a classic example of that being incorrect. After all, you did vote a tyrant into power and democracy got rid of the idiot.
Then you all scramble to get reasons as to why but none of you accept the people judged it for you. You didn't see it coming yet it's me who needs mental help??? Are your kidding. If your is IQ was any lower they'd have to water it every day.
First, you have no idea of who I voted for. Claiming you do is a lie meant to sooth your feeble mind.

Also, you may be ignoring it, but more and more proof of an invalid election is coming forth and you and your democratic masters just cannot stand that they may be proven to be liars and thief's and you still support them without thought.

Eloquent proof of y our mental shortcomings.

BTW, you of all people should not mention IQ since you show no evidence of having one.
Tucky is safe! Rumors that the entertainer was abducted by white slavers have been discounted.

He has been heard from, is at home, and on holiday.
And once again you spread rumors that you make up and expect to be believed. The mark of a serial liar.
Ashraf Ghani had been the recipient of American taxpayer largesse, 2014-2021, but absconded after he was cut out of negotiations with the Taliban.
Trump claimed the Taliban has been around for "a thousand years!" (the organization was founded in 1994), and lauded the group as being "smart" and having "good fighters."
“They will be killing terrorists. They will be killing some very bad people. They will keep that fight going!” Trump said, ... “now it’s time for somebody else to do that work, and that’ll be the Taliban!”

Trump speaks with Taliban leader​

“They’re looking to get this ended and we’re looking to get it ended. I think we all have a very common interest,” Trump said, referring to the long-running conflict in Afghanistan. “We’ve been there for 20 years. Other presidents have tried and they have been unable to get any kind of agreement.”
And this supports your claims referring to this topic how?

Diversion by a moron at its best.
First, you have no idea of who I voted for. Claiming you do is a lie meant to sooth your feeble mind.

I know exactly how you voted and only a fool would think be I don't.

Also, you may be ignoring it, but more and more proof of an invalid election is coming forth and you and your democratic masters just cannot stand that they may be proven to be liars and thief's and you still support them without thought.

You are a liar. Two audits in AZ, one paid for by republicans, found nothing. Is that the evidence you are talking about?
Some evidence. Stick with that for a victory.

Eloquent proof of y our mental shortcomings.

BTW, you of all people should not mention IQ since you show no evidence of having one.

I know your derogatory intellectual remarks might silence most people but not me. You can deride me forever but it doesn't intimidate me. It shows your out of ammo. That's why I keep attacking.
You're on the back foot. Nothing to offer in defence.

So let go with another bile filled expose of your hate filled vocabulary. It's entertaining and you're volunteering me evidence of your capacity. Every time you reply I get another whack at you.

Does that sound like it comes from a the low IQ Democrat???
Keep going.
Considering that you know nothing about me, please continue your lying delusion.

Whereas I know exactly what you are, a fool who only believes what he himself says. And id constantly wrong at every turn. Demented.
Except he didn’t! There’s that one fact you ignore daily
He implied it. Did you see the look on Dr. Birx's face when that ignorant jerkoff Trump with his usual stupid mindless rant suggested disinfectants & lights are "something we should look into"? He looked right at Birx & said it because:

He implied it. Did you see the look on Dr. Birx's face when that ignorant jerkoff Trump with his usual stupid mindless rant suggested disinfectants & lights are "something we should look into"? He looked right at Birx & said it because:

Nope didn’t do that either, more facts you ignore
He implied it. Did you see the look on Dr. Birx's face when that ignorant jerkoff Trump with his usual stupid mindless rant suggested disinfectants & lights are "something we should look into"? He looked right at Birx & said it because:


I won’t defend or not defend the narrative you’ve chosen to believe, out of hatred for the man, other than to say that often things are used to combat terminal illness. Ever heard of chemotherapy?
I won’t defend or not defend the narrative you’ve chosen to believe, out of hatred for the man, other than to say that often things are used to combat terminal illness. Ever heard of chemotherapy?
And toothpaste
Not to mention that he claims to have intimate inside knowledge of the subject which is highly doubtful.

He seems to think that just because he says something it must be true and no other facts need to be considered.

Yes, the traits of a moron.

schmidlap specifically loves that there is zero diversity of thought in the leftstream media. He only wants to hear what he thinks.

To claim that is diversity of thought is deluded. And of course just as deluded is his stupid claim there is no diversity of thought on Fox, which has leftists on all day long.

Basically it comes down to schnidlap's sheepdom. "Diversity" is good, so in his mind Democrats are diverse, even if they aren't
This post doesn't help your case at all. In fact, it makes it clear that you are the one being sheepishly manipulated by media lies. First, Trump never said a single thing about consuming drano, bleach or commercial disinfectants. That has been established ad nauseum on here. He had been speaking about the study showing the disinfectant effect of UV light on surfaces contaminated by the virus. He then said it would be great if we could look into a way to get that into the body as a disinfectant. And sure enough, UV light is being studied for just that purpose in a number of medical applications, including blood treatment and devices that produce targeted UV light in the lungs for respiratory diseases.

Second, Ivermectin is approved by the FDA for human use, and it's also on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. You bought the horse dewormer manipulation hook, line and sinker, and yet you actually believe you have the judgment necessary to know who is and isn't lying? smfh.
I want you to take it.
He implied it. Did you see the look on Dr. Birx's face when that ignorant jerkoff Trump with his usual stupid mindless rant suggested disinfectants & lights are "something we should look into"? He looked right at Birx & said it because:

As are you for spreading falsehoods as truth.

Also off topic. Jerkoff.

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