Where is tucker Carlson?

Those demonic "leftists" that torment you aside, despite your hyper-partisan fanaticism, you can't document a single untruth that I have expressed.

President Biden received 51.33% of the popular vote and 306 electoral votes. Alleged stolen Landslides! are conspicuously lacking in credible facts and actual suspects - Not even one among the vast number of certifying Republican officeholders, auditors, and judges who supposedly conspired in the nefarious caper.

"Where is Tucky?" should replace "Lock her up!" as the pep rally incantation.

Rumor: The entertainer is being held hostage by dastards who are demanding ransom: Seventy-four dollars (or a Kitchenaid® 4-slice toaster) for his release; six-million bucks to keep him off the airwaves.
I admire your patience.
I admire your patience.
Dispirited resignation.

Passionate ideological dogma is no substitute for empirical data, but the aberrant derangement festers in some susceptible quarters.

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It could be a mutant form of babel fish.​

The Babel fish is yellow and leech-like. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix.

..............................................................................Douglas Adams​
Dispirited resignation.

Passionate ideological dogma is no substitute for empirical data, but the aberrant derangement festers in some susceptible quarters.

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View attachment 537776

It could be a mutant form of babel fish.​

The Babel fish is yellow and leech-like. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix.

..............................................................................Douglas Adams​
We see Progs everyday lying. Many of them. Biden's lies are whoppers. And they are big time in financial, economic, taxing, and taking the life of others as matter of fact as long as it promotes the Prog agenda and got installed as potentate.
We see Progs everyday lying. Many of them. Biden's lies are whoppers. And they are big time in financial, economic, taxing, and taking the life of others as matter of fact as long as it promotes the Prog agenda and got installed as potentate.
Your hyper-partisan compulsion t0 lash out incoherently with no credible documentation is chronic.

Just cast your eyes and imagination upward at that "big, beautiful wall" that Loser made Mexico pay for, and delight in your warm and cuddly feelings.

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If the mighty sailing man, the skipper brave and sure, and five passengers had not been salvaged so expediently, the popular series might have continued for years.

Do you have any conspiracy theories regard the Fox entertainer's mysterious evaporation?
No clue, I don't waste money on cable
Rubbish. Every time someone disagrees with you out comes the mental health issues.

And if did have masters which I don't,
Why wouldn't you have the same.
That crap about the CCP running Every thing us wearing thin.
Your problem is have have taken the Mickey out of you and you cant handle it. You're not smart enough. Follow the herd mentality of the intellectual pygmies in the Republican party. It's like they feed you every day and you suck it up like a sponge. Yoire hopeless.
Your problem is you follow the herd and do what you are told by your betters. Those being your masters.

Have you ever stopped to think., assuming that you can think, that your mental health issues come out only when you try to confront anyone with more intelligence than you?

And you continue to make false or assumptive claims. You are the one mentioning the CCP, which you apparently follow with zero questions.

As for problems, yours would be that you have no original thought, only those supplied to you. You are the herd and are to stupid to know it.
Your impotence in substantiating your fake accusation is blatant.

Your inability to cite and document any instance of my posting untruths is obvious
Once again, re-read your own posts, if you can stomach them.

This very post is an example your lies and untruths while you skip merrily along spreading your BS as wide as you can.

Fortunately, few if any believe anything that you post hence having to resort to personal attacks. Your posts and actions reek of failure and desperation to just once be taken seriously. In that effort, you fail. As usual.
Once again, re-read your own posts, if you can stomach them.

This very post is an example your lies and untruths while you skip merrily along spreading your BS as wide as you can.

Fortunately, few if any believe anything that you post hence having to resort to personal attacks. Your posts and actions reek of failure and desperation to just once be taken seriously. In that effort, you fail. As usual.
Flaunting your persistent impotence is futile. You are unable to cite and document a single false statement.
Where's Tucky? Was the Fox entertainer shanghaied by laskars? Abducted by the Black Hand? Is he now plying his trade in a Belarus bordello?

U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers:

The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "
She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."
Vyskocil, an appointee of President Trump's, added, "Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson's statements as 'exaggeration,' 'non-literal commentary,' or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same — the statements are not actionable."

That has nothing to do with the point. There is no diversity of thought on fake news. Fox has leftists on all the time. You're stupid, a racist, brainwashed and a propagandist
Flaunting your persistent impotence is futile. You are unable to cite and document a single false statement.
Projection of your own faults and failures.

Document a single truthful statement that you have posted, not just a political message from your owners. You can't, because all you post is garbage.
Why is Brian Kilmeade filling in for Tucker Carlson? I can't find anything on net the and I don't recall being notified by Fox that he would not be there. Has he been taken off the air for his views or has he tested positive? I missed his last two shows so Maybe just can't find out what is happening.
Maybe he's out of the Country on special assignment sucking the ass of another foreign dictator, looking for pointers & talking points to impress his low I.Q. idiot viewers.
Maybe he's out of the Country on special assignment sucking the ass of another foreign dictator, looking for pointers & talking points to impress his low I.Q. idiot viewers.
Just got to love all these "maybes" that are put forth without any knowledge at all. Defines his haters perfectly as hoping for the worst and is their habit.
Why is Brian Kilmeade filling in for Tucker Carlson? I can't find anything on net the and I don't recall being notified by Fox that he would not be there. Has he been taken off the air for his views or has he tested positive? I missed his last two shows so Maybe just can't find out what is happening.
Probably on Vacation? Might be touring. I know he had a new book out
Maybe he's out of the Country on special assignment sucking the ass of another foreign dictator, looking for pointers & talking points to impress his low I.Q. idiot viewers.
What don’t you like about him?
Yes I understand that you drink liquid drano and take horse dewormer instead. Please, keep coming up with these "truths" they are wonderful! Doing society a favor!
This post doesn't help your case at all. In fact, it makes it clear that you are the one being sheepishly manipulated by media lies. First, Trump never said a single thing about consuming drano, bleach or commercial disinfectants. That has been established ad nauseum on here. He had been speaking about the study showing the disinfectant effect of UV light on surfaces contaminated by the virus. He then said it would be great if we could look into a way to get that into the body as a disinfectant. And sure enough, UV light is being studied for just that purpose in a number of medical applications, including blood treatment and devices that produce targeted UV light in the lungs for respiratory diseases.

Second, Ivermectin is approved by the FDA for human use, and it's also on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. You bought the horse dewormer manipulation hook, line and sinker, and yet you actually believe you have the judgment necessary to know who is and isn't lying? smfh.
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That has nothing to do with the point. There is no diversity of thought on fake news. Fox has leftists on all the time. You're stupid, a racist, brainwashed and a propagandist
Update: Tucky was allegedly besieged. A brief video posted on social media by a group calling itself “Smash Racism DC” showed people standing outside a darkened home and chanting. Carlson, in a phone interview with his network Thursday night, called the incident “chilling” and “upsetting.”

They were bad people who chilled and upset the media entertainer.

His employer released a statement:

“Recent events across our country clearly highlight the need for a more civil,
respectful, and inclusive national conversation.”
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Hear, hear!
Update: Tucky was allegedly besieged. A brief video posted on social media by a group calling itself “Smash Racism DC” showed people standing outside a darkened home and chanting. Carlson, in a phone interview with his network Thursday night, called the incident “chilling” and “upsetting.”

They were bad people who chilled and upset the media entertainer.

His employer released a statement:

“Recent events across our country clearly highlight the need for a more civil,
respectful, and inclusive national conversation.”
View attachment 537973
Hear, hear!
So these alleged people who attacked hi9m are doing exactly what you claim he is doing. Does that even penetrate your thoughts?

As usual, you present no facts to back up your hate, only "what you heard". Typical of your stupidity and your hate filled rants. A true leftist.

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