Where, oh where, is the Tea Party?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Within weeks of Obama's election, the Tea Party was out in force demanding tax reductions and a balanced budget. They stormed Washington opposing any expenditure that increased debt. They opposed raising the debt ceiling, disaster relief funding, they were enraged with Obamacare

Now the Republicans are in charge

They have done nothing that would reduce debt, they are looking to increase spending on infrastructure and the military. They proposed their own healthcare bill. The debt ceiling will need to be raised by the end of the year. Trump's budget adds $10 trillion to the debt

Yet, The Tea Party is strangely silent

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Within weeks of Obama's election, the Tea Party was out in force demanding tax reductions and a balanced budget. They stormed Washington opposing any expenditure that increased debt. They opposed raising the debt ceiling, disaster relief funding, they were enraged with Obamacare

Now the Republicans are in charge

They have done nothing that would reduce debt, they are looking to increase spending on infrastructure and the military. They proposed their own healthcare bill. The debt ceiling will need to be raised by the end of the year. Trump's budget adds $10 trillion to the debt

Yet, The Tea Party is strangely silent

Just because they aren't in the news doesn't mean they aren't doing anything.

USMB even gave the Tea Party it's own forum. Not much there where anybody is calling out the Trump administration for not balancing the budget
Within weeks of Obama's election, the Tea Party was out in force demanding tax reductions and a balanced budget. They stormed Washington opposing any expenditure that increased debt. They opposed raising the debt ceiling, disaster relief funding, they were enraged with Obamacare

Now the Republicans are in charge

They have done nothing that would reduce debt, they are looking to increase spending on infrastructure and the military. They proposed their own healthcare bill. The debt ceiling will need to be raised by the end of the year. Trump's budget adds $10 trillion to the debt

Yet, The Tea Party is strangely silent

Just because they aren't in the news doesn't mean they aren't doing anything.

Show me where anyone in the Tea Party has objected to what the Republicans are doing
Within weeks of Obama's election, the Tea Party was out in force demanding tax reductions and a balanced budget. They stormed Washington opposing any expenditure that increased debt. They opposed raising the debt ceiling, disaster relief funding, they were enraged with Obamacare

Now the Republicans are in charge

They have done nothing that would reduce debt, they are looking to increase spending on infrastructure and the military. They proposed their own healthcare bill. The debt ceiling will need to be raised by the end of the year. Trump's budget adds $10 trillion to the debt

Yet, The Tea Party is strangely silent



The Tea Party is busy gathering support for the Article V movement.

With the Pubes passing a repeal act when Obama could veto it but will not do so now because Trump would sing it, they now realize they have no representation at the federal level, and never will.

States need to rise up and overpower the Feds.
Within weeks of Obama's election, the Tea Party was out in force demanding tax reductions and a balanced budget. They stormed Washington opposing any expenditure that increased debt. They opposed raising the debt ceiling, disaster relief funding, they were enraged with Obamacare

Now the Republicans are in charge

They have done nothing that would reduce debt, they are looking to increase spending on infrastructure and the military. They proposed their own healthcare bill. The debt ceiling will need to be raised by the end of the year. Trump's budget adds $10 trillion to the debt

Yet, The Tea Party is strangely silent


Jesus have not been paying any attention at all?

The Tea Party got quickly usurped and gutted by the mainstream republicans to the point where asshole progressive republicans were calling themselves Tea Party guys.

When John Behnor was showing up at rallies, it was over.
Within weeks of Obama's election, the Tea Party was out in force demanding tax reductions and a balanced budget. They stormed Washington opposing any expenditure that increased debt. They opposed raising the debt ceiling, disaster relief funding, they were enraged with Obamacare

Now the Republicans are in charge

They have done nothing that would reduce debt, they are looking to increase spending on infrastructure and the military. They proposed their own healthcare bill. The debt ceiling will need to be raised by the end of the year. Trump's budget adds $10 trillion to the debt

Yet, The Tea Party is strangely silent



The Tea Party is busy gathering support for the Article V movement.

With the Pubes passing a repeal act when Obama could veto it but will not do so now because Trump would sing it, they now realize they have no representation at the federal level, and never will.

States need to rise up and overpower the Feds.

Where are they?

Under Obama they were storming Washington and demanding cuts in taxes and spending.
They were irate over Obamacare

Yet, they are strangely silent about Republican leadership
Within weeks of Obama's election, the Tea Party was out in force demanding tax reductions and a balanced budget. They stormed Washington opposing any expenditure that increased debt. They opposed raising the debt ceiling, disaster relief funding, they were enraged with Obamacare

Now the Republicans are in charge

They have done nothing that would reduce debt, they are looking to increase spending on infrastructure and the military. They proposed their own healthcare bill. The debt ceiling will need to be raised by the end of the year. Trump's budget adds $10 trillion to the debt

Yet, The Tea Party is strangely silent

Just because they aren't in the news doesn't mean they aren't doing anything.

Show me where anyone in the Tea Party has objected to what the Republicans are doing

Here is one from 2012
Tea Party objects to Republican jobs program for illegal aliens

This debacle just happened give them time.
They want politicians who stick to the constitution.
It doesn't matter which party their from to them.
Let's see: repeal obamacare, protect our borders, stop illegal immigration, halt the fiscal insanity, get the government off our backs.
It seems the tea party is alive and well in the person of Donald Trump.
Let's see: repeal obamacare, protect our borders, stop illegal immigration, halt the fiscal insanity, get the government off our backs.
It seems the tea party is alive and well in the person of Donald Trump.

In case you haven't noticed....none of that is getting done under Trump

Where is the Tea Party outrage that they were lied to?
Let's see: repeal obamacare, protect our borders, stop illegal immigration, halt the fiscal insanity, get the government off our backs.
It seems the tea party is alive and well in the person of Donald Trump.

In case you haven't noticed....none of that is getting done under Trump

Where is the Tea Party outrage that they were lied to?

I reckon it is better someone at least giving it lip service verses being ignored completely.

It's like child abuse. The worst form of child abuse is neglect. At least when they are being physically beaten they are being shown some attention.
Let's see: repeal obamacare, protect our borders, stop illegal immigration, halt the fiscal insanity, get the government off our backs.
It seems the tea party is alive and well in the person of Donald Trump.

In case you haven't noticed....none of that is getting done under Trump

Where is the Tea Party outrage that they were lied to?
6 months numbskull. He's 6 months in. You leftist wingnuts crack me up.
Let's see: repeal obamacare, protect our borders, stop illegal immigration, halt the fiscal insanity, get the government off our backs.
It seems the tea party is alive and well in the person of Donald Trump.

In case you haven't noticed....none of that is getting done under Trump

Where is the Tea Party outrage that they were lied to?
6 months numbskull. He's 6 months in. You leftist wingnuts crack me up.

Yes, but for them it seems more like 12 years.
Let's see: repeal obamacare, protect our borders, stop illegal immigration, halt the fiscal insanity, get the government off our backs.
It seems the tea party is alive and well in the person of Donald Trump.

In case you haven't noticed....none of that is getting done under Trump

Where is the Tea Party outrage that they were lied to?
Hey just today they deported a father of 4 who's been working here and paying taxes for 15 years.
The stated purpose of the Tea Party was to recruit conservative candidates and win elections. Republicans won almost every important election in the last eight years including the Special Election in Ga. which was a "must win" for democrats. That's where the Tea Party is. There is no question where left wing radicals are. They are smashing windows and torching cars and plotting to assassinate republican politicians.
Let's see: repeal obamacare, protect our borders, stop illegal immigration, halt the fiscal insanity, get the government off our backs.
It seems the tea party is alive and well in the person of Donald Trump.

In case you haven't noticed....none of that is getting done under Trump

Where is the Tea Party outrage that they were lied to?

They are steadfastly clinging to their sacred code,

never admit you were wrong.
Let's see: repeal obamacare, protect our borders, stop illegal immigration, halt the fiscal insanity, get the government off our backs.
It seems the tea party is alive and well in the person of Donald Trump.

In case you haven't noticed....none of that is getting done under Trump

Where is the Tea Party outrage that they were lied to?
Hey just today they deported a father of 4 who's been working here and paying taxes for 15 years.
If he was a responsible father, he would have made sure he was legal. Obama gave him the perfect opportunity.

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