Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

The football coach, who was also a "security guard", was killed by the gunman. Where was his gun?

Maybe he was more the bouncer kind of security than the armed kind. I say that not because I have any info, but because they seem to quote or italicize the words, Security Guard, in print media often when referring to Coach. So, it's my best guess.
An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that accused mass murderer Nikolas Cruz managed to shoot up the Parkland high school without ever encountering the school resource deputy.

“He was on campus and he was armed,” Israel said. “At this point, the only thing I can tell you definitively is he never encountered Cruz.”

Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

Who was he? Where was he?

He was a pussy and has resigned.

Now, he should be charged as an accessory to multiple murders.

I dont know if thats possible but I'd be good with it.
I know dereliction of duty carries a hefty penalty in the Military.
He wasn't a security guard. He was a school resource officer, and he neglected his number 1 duty.

School resource officer - Wikipedia

School resource officers (SROs) are sworn law enforcement officers who are responsible for providing security and crime prevention services in schools in parts of the United States and Canada. This article is primarily about SROs in the United States.

The United States Department of Justice defines SROs as “sworn law enforcement officers responsible for safety and crime prevention in schools”.[1] SROs are typically employed by a local police or sheriff's agency and work closely with administrators in an effort to create a safer environment for both students and staff. The responsibilities of SROs are similar to regular police officers in that they have the ability to make arrests, respond to calls for service, and document incidents that occur within their jurisdiction. School resource officers typically have additional duties to include mentoring and conducting presentations on youth-related issues. SROs are not synonymous with school based law enforcement (SBLE) officers - which are typically employed by a school districts’ law enforcement agency, rather than local or city law enforcement - though they are often misused interchangeably.[2]
Schools should not be the front line in dealing with all of societies problems.

Funny. All of societies' problems begin in a school.
No they dont.

Absolutely they do. Schools aren't teaching kids common sense, accountability for their actions, or that there are consequences for their behavior. Public schools have become government-funded indoctrination centers where everyone get a trophy for participation and everyone is taught to be a victim.

It's far worse in the UK than it is here. What do you think one of the messages was in Pink Floyd's "The Wall"?
Sheriff Israel and the entire police dept. need to be investigated. The thing is the FBI should do so, but the FBI is protecting that corrupt dept. and the corrupt dept. is protecting the FBI. There needs to be a new federal agency to investigate local, corrupt police departments that are heavily involved in politics.
He’s thinking “I’m 54 and almost retired ! F that shit ! He’s got an AR. “

And now he is retired in disgrace with a pension and 17 fallen on his soul. I give him a month at the most before he puts the pistol barrel in his mouth and finally does the right thing...the fucking coward.
I wish MY thread hadn't been buried in with this one. Mine was focusing also on the COACH who saved lives and how if it was him who was in possession of a weapon, he probably could have done a better job than that stupid resource officer. This sucks and the spotlight has been totally taken off the HERO of this story.

An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that accused mass murderer Nikolas Cruz managed to shoot up the Parkland high school without ever encountering the school resource deputy.

“He was on campus and he was armed,” Israel said. “At this point, the only thing I can tell you definitively is he never encountered Cruz.”

Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

Who was he? Where was he?

He was a pussy and has resigned.

Now, he should be charged as an accessory to multiple murders.

That's an idiotic statement. Even the police have no constitutional duty to protect. Go look it up if your don't believe me.

Gawd, you knee-jerk anti-gun tards are so unhinged that you're attacking anything and everyone.
I wish MY thread hadn't been buried in with this one. Mine was focusing also on the COACH who saved lives and how if it was him who was in possession of a weapon, he probably could have done a better job than that stupid resource officer. This sucks and the spotlight has been totally taken off the HERO of this story.


Doc is on a rampage....he buries things that make him squirm.
An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that accused mass murderer Nikolas Cruz managed to shoot up the Parkland high school without ever encountering the school resource deputy.

“He was on campus and he was armed,” Israel said. “At this point, the only thing I can tell you definitively is he never encountered Cruz.”

Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

Who was he? Where was he?

He was a pussy and has resigned.

Now, he should be charged as an accessory to multiple murders.

That's an idiotic statement. Even the police have no constitutional duty to protect. Go look it up if your don't believe me.

Gawd, you knee-jerk anti-gun tards are so unhinged that you're attacking anything and everyone.

While true I still think he's a pussy and I hope he eats a barrel in guilt.
An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that accused mass murderer Nikolas Cruz managed to shoot up the Parkland high school without ever encountering the school resource deputy.

“He was on campus and he was armed,” Israel said. “At this point, the only thing I can tell you definitively is he never encountered Cruz.”

Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

Who was he? Where was he?

He was a pussy and has resigned.

Now, he should be charged as an accessory to multiple murders.

That's an idiotic statement. Even the police have no constitutional duty to protect. Go look it up if your don't believe me.

Gawd, you knee-jerk anti-gun tards are so unhinged that you're attacking anything and everyone.

Wow. I just googled that and you are right. I never knew that. :eek-52:
An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that accused mass murderer Nikolas Cruz managed to shoot up the Parkland high school without ever encountering the school resource deputy.

“He was on campus and he was armed,” Israel said. “At this point, the only thing I can tell you definitively is he never encountered Cruz.”

Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

Who was he? Where was he?

He was a pussy and has resigned.

Now, he should be charged as an accessory to multiple murders.

That's an idiotic statement. Even the police have no constitutional duty to protect. Go look it up if your don't believe me.

Gawd, you knee-jerk anti-gun tards are so unhinged that you're attacking anything and everyone.

Wow. I just googled that and you are right. I never knew that. :eek-52:

You don’t HAVE to give up your life . I remember this story of a car that went into the harbor . Cops there just called for the dive team. They ain’t required to jump in.
An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that accused mass murderer Nikolas Cruz managed to shoot up the Parkland high school without ever encountering the school resource deputy.

“He was on campus and he was armed,” Israel said. “At this point, the only thing I can tell you definitively is he never encountered Cruz.”

Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

Who was he? Where was he?

He was a pussy and has resigned.

Now, he should be charged as an accessory to multiple murders.

That's an idiotic statement. Even the police have no constitutional duty to protect. Go look it up if your don't believe me.

Gawd, you knee-jerk anti-gun tards are so unhinged that you're attacking anything and everyone.

While true I still think he's a pussy and I hope he eats a barrel in guilt.

I do agree that they guy is going to have alot of weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life. But we all can't be heroes because sometimes it works out that way, sometimes it doesn't. That's just the way life is, I guess.
Even more reason not to give in to the leftist demands. The more I learn about them, the more evil they seem with their anti-American rights agenda.

How about the right of not to get shot to death by some super armed psycho ?
An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that accused mass murderer Nikolas Cruz managed to shoot up the Parkland high school without ever encountering the school resource deputy.

“He was on campus and he was armed,” Israel said. “At this point, the only thing I can tell you definitively is he never encountered Cruz.”

Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

Who was he? Where was he?

He was a pussy and has resigned.

Now, he should be charged as an accessory to multiple murders.

That's an idiotic statement. Even the police have no constitutional duty to protect. Go look it up if your don't believe me.

Gawd, you knee-jerk anti-gun tards are so unhinged that you're attacking anything and everyone.

While true I still think he's a pussy and I hope he eats a barrel in guilt.

I do agree that they guy is going to have alot of weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life. But we all can't be heroes because sometimes it works out that way, sometimes it doesn't. That's just the way life is, I guess.

I agree that not everyone is cut out or has what it takes to be a hero. That is why your self defense is your own responsibility.
Even more reason not to give in to the leftist demands. The more I learn about them, the more evil they seem with their anti-American rights agenda.

How about the right of not to get shot to death by some super armed psycho ?

There IS no right. There is no right to security. Your security can NEVER be guaranteed. Are you people REALLY this thick? Do you think life is a video game or something?
Wait. You trust the police to keep you safe? Why?
And you would trust teachers over the armed police presence on campus during a shooting?

Don't get me wrong. I think the error the deputy made is tantamount to cowardice. But if trained law enforcement can be ineffective in a shooting, what chance would you give Mrs. Hudson and her Fourth Grade class has? She's scared and dealing with two dozen scared ten year olds. Meanwhile she's packing a snub nose .38 and the guy with the AR is standing at the classroom door.

What cinematic situation does the gun lovers expect to happen?
Is it POSSIBLE for people to be this dumb? Is it? I can't even believe it.
An armed security guard never got the chance to stop the teen gunman who murdered 17 students and staffers at a Florida high school, authorities said Thursday.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that accused mass murderer Nikolas Cruz managed to shoot up the Parkland high school without ever encountering the school resource deputy.

“He was on campus and he was armed,” Israel said. “At this point, the only thing I can tell you definitively is he never encountered Cruz.”

Armed guard at Florida school never encountered rampaging gunman

Who was he? Where was he?

He was a pussy and has resigned.

Now, he should be charged as an accessory to multiple murders.

That's an idiotic statement. Even the police have no constitutional duty to protect. Go look it up if your don't believe me.

Gawd, you knee-jerk anti-gun tards are so unhinged that you're attacking anything and everyone.

While true I still think he's a pussy and I hope he eats a barrel in guilt.

I do agree that they guy is going to have alot of weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life. But we all can't be heroes because sometimes it works out that way, sometimes it doesn't. That's just the way life is, I guess.

If you're not willing to go in when the shit hits the fan you dont need to be a cop.
What if firefighters thought that way?

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