Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

Are you wiping the angry spittle off your screen?
Says the delusional freak who thinks a wave of leftists is trying to take her little bullet-shooting dildo from her... got bars on the windows, yet?

Of course! Leftists show every day how they are anti American and anti rights. That is just a fact. I mean, anyone with EYES can see that much. :) It's quite clear what your end game is. You are not that clever.
The bottom line here is . . . NO. You do not get to make any decisions for me when it comes to my rights. You do not dictate to me anything at all. Your beliefs are no more important than mine, and you are not going to limit me based on the actions of some lunatic who wants to kill people and would use ANY means to do so. Fuck you.

They don't care about the lives
See, this is so asshole-ish of you. Of course I care about the lives...that's ALL I care about... It's you who ONLY cares whether or not you get to keep your little adorable gun on your waist, fooling you into feeling safer. And this despite not ONE person here suggesting that your gun be taken from you. It is YOU who is guilty of being the selfish, agenda-driven fuck.

This guy is a hoot. I can almost FEEL his anger. Lol! Dude, you should definitely not trust yourself with a gun. :)

Pssst. Russian trolls are posting anti-gun shit on here. You'd be surprised how many of them use the same names on other boards, including "Fort Fun Indiana". Russians aren't really as smart as our intel agencies would like us to believe.

Did you see how fast Brain357 disappeared? I found several Russian discussion boards where he was using the same name.

I'll also say this: Google translator is handy. :biggrin:
Wow, notice the close ties between the FBI agent (who looks like a middle east terrorist) and the douchebag Sheriff Israel in regards to a bunch of murders a year ago.

I don't know what you are talking about with this embarrassing behavior stuff.
Oh, then let me explain:

1) your incessant crybabying that everyone is trying to take your gun is absurd

2) You ignore any point anyone makes that is not a reflection of your own view, and then insert your own, madeup bullshit into their mouths instead

3) You argue against things nobody has said... like the crazy person on the corner, swatting at flies that do not exist

yes, your behavior is embarrassing, in my humble opinion. Have a good one.
Of course! Leftists show every day how they are anti American and anti rights
You know, you make yourself look stupid when you talk this way. yes, i would say the same to a liberal, condemning all white wingers like you in this same manner.
Sheriff Israel has learned that one of his deputies is a coward and two other deputies had previously let Cruz fall through the cracks.
L, Israel must resign. He is total fail and dead kids and adults are the consequence of his actions and inactions. So disgusting that POS does not apologize to the world and go back to his homeland or whatever.
As you might know, Ancestry dot com claims I am 7% Jew. BUT, if you deny Jewish collusion in America, you are denying very important aspects of society such as media, wall street, public schools, etc. That POS should not be sheriff and all of the employees hired when he was there need to be double checked.
As you might know, Ancestry dot com claims I am 7% Jew. BUT, if you deny Jewish collusion in America, you are denying very important aspects of society such as media, wall street, public schools, etc. That POS should not be sheriff and all of the employees hired when he was there need to be double checked.

Israel said he decided to suspend Peterson after viewing a video that showed the deputy did “nothing” during the rampage that killed 17 people. A former student Nikolas Cruz, 19, is accused of carrying out the attack with an AR-15-style assault weapon.

“What I saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of Building 12, take up a position and he never went in,” said Israel. The building is popularly known as “the freshman building.”

Israel said he would not release the video that shows Peterson’s actions at this time and may never do so, “depending on the prosecution and criminal case.”

Armed Officer Assigned To Stoneman Douglas Resigns Amid Shooting Investigation

I would love to see that cowardly scumbag prosecuted.
Israel said he decided to suspend Peterson after viewing a video that showed the deputy did “nothing” during the rampage that killed 17 people. A former student Nikolas Cruz, 19, is accused of carrying out the attack with an AR-15-style assault weapon.

“What I saw was a deputy arrive at the west side of Building 12, take up a position and he never went in,” said Israel. The building is popularly known as “the freshman building.”

Israel said he would not release the video that shows Peterson’s actions at this time and may never do so, “depending on the prosecution and criminal case.”

Armed Officer Assigned To Stoneman Douglas Resigns Amid Shooting Investigation

I would love to see that cowardly scumbag prosecuted.
Why? He did what you libs thought he should do: not use his gun.

Did you just get here, or did you somehow sleep through the Islamists attacks in places like Paris where fully automatic weapons were used.
Would you say those attacks qualify as a crime ?

Yes attacks done by a group of international terrorists. 9/11 didn't workout so great for us either did it? All it takes here is an angry kid. How many mass shooting have they had since btw? That was years ago.

Some of the Islamists who used automatic weapons in places where they are banned or heavily regulated were "angry kids".

You failed to answer my questions. How many have they had since? That was years ago. How many did they have before that? We have them regularly. And it doesn't take a group of international terrorists, just an angry kid.

"Years ago" ? Have you been in hibernation the last few years ? There have been numerous attacks in Europe where these people used banned weapons.
Jesus, where the fuck have you been ?
Well so now you have expanded to all of Europe have you? I thought we were discussing France. Please share all these attacks. Start with the most recent.

You've obviously been asleep.

Why has the AK-47 become the jihadi terrorist weapon of choice?

In the early years after 9/11 the suicide belt, the car bomb and the homemade explosive device were the weapons of choice for jihadis: hidden, brutal and hard to counter.
But as 2015 heaves to a close, its atrocities littered across the calendar – Charlie Hebdo, Sousse, Garissa, Tunis, Copenhagen and Paris – it is the AK-47 that has come to the fore.

Across Europe more terrorist attacks have been carried out with Kalashnikov-type assault rifles this year than with any other device. In the 13 November Paris attacks, suicide bombers killed few but gunmen killed many. Further afield, in Tunisia and Kenya, it was also automatic weapons that did the damage.

Why has the AK-47 become the jihadi terrorist weapon of choice?
As you might know, Ancestry dot com claims I am 7% Jew. BUT, if you deny Jewish collusion in America, you are denying very important aspects of society such as media, wall street, public schools, etc. That POS should not be sheriff and all of the employees hired when he was there need to be double checked.

Ancestry DNA is close to useless
Don't put much faith in it. It claims I am 19% Jewish even though all my ancestors came from western Europe

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