Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

The guy assessed the situation and decided it was too risky to go in

What he heard was rapid gunfire and screaming. He had no idea how many shooters were inside and what weapons they had. All he knew was he is 54, has no relevant training and had a handgun with six shots

Does that make him a coward?

Fair point if that's all he had. Comparatively it was a pea shooter. I take back the term "coward" - but he could have done better than to stand in one spot.
The old scared fart earned 101,000 dollars in salary and overtime last year. Obviously the taxpayers didn't get their money's worth. He should have been fired just for not staying in top shape and for not packing at least a semi-automatic pistol
with a 14 round magazine. This guy is a microcosm of Trump. All ass and no action.

But even that pea shooter he had would have been effective in close quarters combat. Further, he should have been wearing body armor...especially on a cold winter day.
this was my question...these campuses can be huge
but this guy failed big time--not that he might not have been able to stop a lot of the killing---

...I've said many times---people, including some professionals, are not thinking reality....they think ''this could never happen to me'''....some of these ''guards''--cops don't care/get complacent doing the same boring thing day after day--year after year!!!!--this is ''natural''--human
....and when the REAL life shit hits the fan, you don't know how a human will react
...a lot of ''wanna-be'' heroes say I'll do this, I'll do that........

every guard/cop in a school since Columbine, should've been thinking every minute of every day that a shooting could occur

I was in a mall right after Christmas and it was crowded.....I always think of an exit/etc plan in case of a shooting.....I tell my kids all the time if something happens, first thing is not to panic
....a cop at the mall was on his toes, constantly checking everywhere--changing locations
....cops at schools need to be changing locations/etc...not sitting, getting bored in the same location
Yup, another cowardly conservative showing his yellow streak. They always expect someone else to do the fighting for them while they sit back and reap the rewards.

Here s a picture of the fat scared freak:


Scot Peterson...not a very brave man.

How do you know he's a conservative? Do you just blindly assume all cops are conservatives?

That was just a rhetorical question. We know you do, because you're a bigot.
He acted like a conservative when he froze, and he looks like Archie Bunker.
And yes I'd say with hesitation most cops are conservatives..even those corrupt Baltimore cops.
The guy assessed the situation and decided it was too risky to go in

What he heard was rapid gunfire and screaming. He had no idea how many shooters were inside and what weapons they had. All he knew was he is 54, has no relevant training and had a handgun with six shots

Does that make him a coward?

Fair point if that's all he had. Comparatively it was a pea shooter. I take back the term "coward" - but he could have done better than to stand in one spot.
The old scared fart earned 101,000 dollars in salary and overtime last year. Obviously the taxpayers didn't get their money's worth. He should have been fired just for not staying in top shape and for not packing at least a semi-automatic pistol
with a 14 round magazine. This guy is a microcosm of Trump. All ass and no action.

But even that pea shooter he had would have been effective in close quarters combat. Further, he should have been wearing body armor...especially on a cold winter day.

More fair points - The school resource officer when my daughter was in high school had a Glock - appeared to be 9mm x17 .. precisely what mine is.
"anti-American" is hording weaponry and spreading fear for the purpose of taking up arms against the US government.

the constitution has defines THAT as treason ^

NRA is pandering to IRRATIONAL BED WETTING fear of the US "government".

NRA laundered Russian money to prop up a populist useful idiot.

in the USA we live by rule of law and the well regulated militia IS local law enforcement.

Ha ha! You are truly a loon. No, Valerie, you should probably never be trusted with a weapon. You would hurt yourself or someone else. :)

your continued failure to articulate logically is typical of a gun clinging bed wetter. :itsok:

thankfully my gun ownership isn't left up to an amendment that reads:

"the judgement of emo loons, being necessary to the security of a free state"... :laugh:

Give it up. We are not going to give up even a SMIDGEN of our rights so that you can feel "safe." Suck it up and move on.

We are not going to give up even a SMIDGEN of our rights so that you can feel "safe."

Says the loon who wants conceal and carry to feel "safe". :laugh2:
Unless they release the video, we won’t know for sure.
I question whether he was there upon Cruz’s arrival on the campus. Rumor has it, down here, he was actually off site. And if you listen to the Sheriffs news conference he states “on arrival” the deputy proceeded to building 4, and then positioned outside that building where Cruz was shooting from.
Sun Sentinel-
“What I saw was a deputy arrive … take up a position and he never went in,”

I still question if he was there.
Why do you question it? a) there’s video of him standing there; and b) it’s an embarrassment for their office. Why would the Sheriff say his deputy stood at the back door and not go in to engage the shooter if it wasn’t true?
It was never reported that he was at building #12 when Cruz began firing. It’s been reported he arrived at the west end of the building about a minute after the shooting began. That’s why the terminology, “he arrived,” was used.

We do know. The sheriff confirmed it.
He took up a defensive position behind a wall:


So much for the "good guy with a gun". :rolleyes:
More than ever, this reveals the need to get the weapons of carnage out of peoples’ hands.

Yeah, this guy could have done more than he did [edited out the term "coward"] - apparently he bunkered up behind a wall for a good ten minutes occasionally yapping on his radio while the shooting was going on. I can't imagine living the rest of my life with what he will.

But one also wonders how a school resource officer with a pistol (or even a long gun) feels going up against what he surely knew was an AK or something similar. For the most part, cops are outgunned by such weapons of war.

He didn't go in because the feds told him not to.

Had nothing to do with the weaponry.
He took up a defensive position behind a wall:


So much for the "good guy with a gun". :rolleyes:
More than ever, this reveals the need to get the weapons of carnage out of peoples’ hands.

Yeah, this guy could have done more than he did [edited out the term "coward"] - apparently he bunkered up behind a wall for a good ten minutes occasionally yapping on his radio while the shooting was going on. I can't imagine living the rest of my life with what he will.

But one also wonders how a school resource officer with a pistol (or even a long gun) feels going up against what he surely knew was an AK or something similar. For the most part, cops are outgunned by such weapons of war.

He didn't go in because the feds told him not to.

Had nothing to do with the weaponry.

He took up a defensive position behind a wall:


So much for the "good guy with a gun". :rolleyes:
More than ever, this reveals the need to get the weapons of carnage out of peoples’ hands.

Yeah, this guy could have done more than he did [edited out the term "coward"] - apparently he bunkered up behind a wall for a good ten minutes occasionally yapping on his radio while the shooting was going on. I can't imagine living the rest of my life with what he will.

But one also wonders how a school resource officer with a pistol (or even a long gun) feels going up against what he surely knew was an AK or something similar. For the most part, cops are outgunned by such weapons of war.

He didn't go in because the feds told him not to.

Had nothing to do with the weaponry.


Liberals, just relinquish your rights to the government and you can feel safe. The rest of us will defend ourselves, thank you very much. :)
Students can't arm themselves. That's the issue here, not you.
People have a romantic version of what a single guard with six shots in his handgun can do. Marshal Dillon always took out the bad guy with one shot. John McLain took out a whole team of terrorists with just his service revolver.

This 54 year old guard is tasked to break up fights in the school, escort unrulies off the premises, keep strangers off campus....fighting terrorists is not something he is trained for

In four minutes he heard carnage inside the building. Endless rapid fire shots, people screaming, total confusion
Is there one shooter inside or a team of shooters? Are the bad guys wearing armor? Where are they in the building? All he has is six shots

Do we really expect him to charge into the building based on no information and somehow come out alive?
Not one of the gun nuts here would have rushed to suicide in that building with a handgun against an AR-15.
I apologize if I am wrong, but this is the page I saw on the left, before it was pulled, as I immediately went searching and found it, when his name came out-

View attachment 178541

That is not him.
So much for the NRA's "good guy with a gun" bullshit. Apparently even good guys with a gun are afraid of the pure killing power of an assault rifle!!!!!
So now it will become "a good guy with an assault rifle."

First you have to be a good guy. The county is the bluest in Florida so where in the hell do you find enough good guys?
You’re looking for some red in Broward? Here, I found one for ya...

MAGA, baby!

That was his Instagram profile pic.
All ya have to do is click on the picture I posted and it takes you to an archive of his Instagram account. I use the archive because his account may be down or altered since then.

So yeah, that was indeed his profile pic.
The guy assessed the situation and decided it was too risky to go in

What he heard was rapid gunfire and screaming. He had no idea how many shooters were inside and what weapons they had. All he knew was he is 54, has no relevant training and had a handgun with six shots

Does that make him a coward?

Fair point if that's all he had. Comparatively it was a pea shooter. I take back the term "coward" - but he could have done better than to stand in one spot.
The old scared fart earned 101,000 dollars in salary and overtime last year. Obviously the taxpayers didn't get their money's worth. He should have been fired just for not staying in top shape and for not packing at least a semi-automatic pistol
with a 14 round magazine. This guy is a microcosm of Trump. All ass and no action.

But even that pea shooter he had would have been effective in close quarters combat. Further, he should have been wearing body armor...especially on a cold winter day.

Don't you turds all claim no one needs more than 10 rounds for self-defense?
People have a romantic version of what a single guard with six shots in his handgun can do. Marshal Dillon always took out the bad guy with one shot. John McLain took out a whole team of terrorists with just his service revolver.

This 54 year old guard is tasked to break up fights in the school, escort unrulies off the premises, keep strangers off campus....fighting terrorists is not something he is trained for

In four minutes he heard carnage inside the building. Endless rapid fire shots, people screaming, total confusion
Is there one shooter inside or a team of shooters? Are the bad guys wearing armor? Where are they in the building? All he has is six shots

Do we really expect him to charge into the building based on no information and somehow come out alive?
Not one of the gun nuts here would have rushed to suicide in that building with a handgun against an AR-15.
Wrong. Concealed carry holders have enaged in gun battles with mass shooters on a number of occasions.
Unless they release the video, we won’t know for sure.
I question whether he was there upon Cruz’s arrival on the campus. Rumor has it, down here, he was actually off site. And if you listen to the Sheriffs news conference he states “on arrival” the deputy proceeded to building 4, and then positioned outside that building where Cruz was shooting from.
Sun Sentinel-
“What I saw was a deputy arrive … take up a position and he never went in,”

I still question if he was there.
Why do you question it? a) there’s video of him standing there; and b) it’s an embarrassment for their office. Why would the Sheriff say his deputy stood at the back door and not go in to engage the shooter if it wasn’t true?
It was never reported that he was at building #12 when Cruz began firing. It’s been reported he arrived at the west end of the building about a minute after the shooting began. That’s why the terminology, “he arrived,” was used.
Even if they release the video, it still might not show where he was before approaching building #12.
People have a romantic version of what a single guard with six shots in his handgun can do. Marshal Dillon always took out the bad guy with one shot. John McLain took out a whole team of terrorists with just his service revolver.

This 54 year old guard is tasked to break up fights in the school, escort unrulies off the premises, keep strangers off campus....fighting terrorists is not something he is trained for

In four minutes he heard carnage inside the building. Endless rapid fire shots, people screaming, total confusion
Is there one shooter inside or a team of shooters? Are the bad guys wearing armor? Where are they in the building? All he has is six shots

Do we really expect him to charge into the building based on no information and somehow come out alive?
Not one of the gun nuts here would have rushed to suicide in that building with a handgun against an AR-15.
Wrong. Concealed carry holders have enaged in gun battles with mass shooters on a number of occasions.
Link to someone armed with a handgun entering a building by themselves to engage a mass-shooter armed with a weapon like the one Cruz used...?
Fake news is reporting the armed security officer went to the building and didn't go inside while the shooting was going on. Coward. Just pathetic the failures from school police, local police and sheriffs, and FBI.

BIG FAT FAILURE at every stage.

While Fake News demonizes me and my gun for over a week.

Doesn't bode well for the idea of armed teachers when a trained cop doesn't even want to take that on alone.
But we hear constant stories of how teachers died shielding children. You seem to be saying that teachers are going to be cowards if we give them the means of protecting their students with more than just their bodies.
The guy assessed the situation and decided it was too risky to go in

What he heard was rapid gunfire and screaming. He had no idea how many shooters were inside and what weapons they had. All he knew was he is 54, has no relevant training and had a handgun with six shots

Does that make him a coward?

Fair point if that's all he had. Comparatively it was a pea shooter. I take back the term "coward" - but he could have done better than to stand in one spot.
The old scared fart earned 101,000 dollars in salary and overtime last year. Obviously the taxpayers didn't get their money's worth. He should have been fired just for not staying in top shape and for not packing at least a semi-automatic pistol
with a 14 round magazine. This guy is a microcosm of Trump. All ass and no action.

But even that pea shooter he had would have been effective in close quarters combat. Further, he should have been wearing body armor...especially on a cold winter day.

Don't you turds all claim no one needs more than 10 rounds for self-defense?
I never claimed that! So I guess I don't fit your turd description. But a pistol is more effective in close quarters combat where maneuverability is limited.
People have a romantic version of what a single guard with six shots in his handgun can do. Marshal Dillon always took out the bad guy with one shot. John McLain took out a whole team of terrorists with just his service revolver.

This 54 year old guard is tasked to break up fights in the school, escort unrulies off the premises, keep strangers off campus....fighting terrorists is not something he is trained for

In four minutes he heard carnage inside the building. Endless rapid fire shots, people screaming, total confusion
Is there one shooter inside or a team of shooters? Are the bad guys wearing armor? Where are they in the building? All he has is six shots

Do we really expect him to charge into the building based on no information and somehow come out alive?
Not one of the gun nuts here would have rushed to suicide in that building with a handgun against an AR-15.
Wrong. Concealed carry holders have enaged in gun battles with mass shooters on a number of occasions.
Link to someone armed with a handgun entering a building by themselves to engage a mass-shooter armed with a weapon like the one Cruz used...?

Find a case that is identical in every detail to the Douglas highschool shooting? Don't be an ass. You know that's never going to happen. However, there are plenty of cases where concealed carry holders dispatched an armed shooter in the middle of his assault.

Here Are 5 Times Concealed Carriers Have Stopped Mass Shootings

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