Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

Your self defense is up to you. The government is certainly not going to provide you with any guaranteed security or safety.

Not to mention, the government is run by an orange Nazi who is a racist and is in control of our law enforcement who also are hateful racists who like to kill unarmed black men.

You are asking me to give up my rights and have THEM protect me? :D Lol. Will your ridiculousness, mixed confused messages and complete illogical crapola never end? Please. Make it stop.
"anti-American" is hording weaponry and spreading fear for the purpose of taking up arms against the US government.

the constitution has defines THAT as treason ^

NRA is pandering to IRRATIONAL BED WETTING fear of the US "government".

NRA laundered Russian money to prop up a populist useful idiot.

in the USA we live by rule of law and the well regulated militia IS local law enforcement.

Ha ha! You are truly a loon. No, Valerie, you should probably never be trusted with a weapon. You would hurt yourself or someone else. :)
What is wrong with you? You just believe everything you’re ever told without investigating the truth, or lie about. I have already posted proof several times-


Again, a lot of people would agree with that. There are a lot of difficulties with regard to getting that kind of mental health information, because there's privacy laws, there are states not contributing to a national registry. Isn't part of the issue background checks? I mean you have 40% of sales that go on without any background checks. Are you prepared to back broader background checks, if you don't think that the ammunition road is the way to go?


We have backed the National Instant Check System. We have backed putting anyone adjudicated mentally incompetent into the system.

Mental Health and Firearms
Since 1966, the National Rifle Association has urged the federal government to address the problem of mental illness and violence. As we noted then, “the time is at hand to seek means by which society can identify, treat and temporarily isolate such individuals,” because “elimination of the instrument by which these crimes are committed cannot arrest the ravages of a psychotic murderer.”[1]

More recently, the NRA has supported legislation to ensure that appropriate records of those who have been judged mentally incompetent or involuntarily committed to mental institutions be made available for use in firearms transfer background checks. The NRA will support any reasonable step to fix America’s broken mental health system without intruding on the constitutional rights of Americans.
NRA-ILA | Mental Health and Firearms
December 23: Wayne LaPierre, Chuck Schumer, Lindsey Graham, Jason Chaffetz, Harold Ford Jr., Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd
I question whether he was there upon Cruz’s arrival on the campus. Rumor has it, down here, he was actually off site. And if you listen to the Sheriffs news conference he states “on arrival” the deputy proceeded to building 4, and then positioned outside that building where Cruz was shooting from.
I still question if he was there.
Why do you question it? a) there’s video of him standing there; and b) it’s an embarrassment for their office. Why would the Sheriff say his deputy stood at the back door and not go in to engage the shooter if it wasn’t true?
Good. Because they have been advocating for better background checks since at least 2012.
Whine and cry all you want. You are going to have a FIGHT on your hands. The NRA has the BEST lawyers and they will fight against you traitors to protect citizen's rights. :)

The NRA will win
They always do

Wait this thing out. In a few weeks nobody will care
Whatever petty gun regulations that are proposed will die in committee. Committees that are controlled by NRA dollars

Bullshit they have

They are advocating background checks with enough loopholes to drive a truck through

No background checks on private sales, no checks at gun shows, no sharing of data bases, nobody on the list who has not been convicted in a court of law, you can't ban sales to suspected terrorists on the watch list
I question whether he was there upon Cruz’s arrival on the campus. Rumor has it, down here, he was actually off site. And if you listen to the Sheriffs news conference he states “on arrival” the deputy proceeded to building 4, and then positioned outside that building where Cruz was shooting from.
Sun Sentinel-
“What I saw was a deputy arrive … take up a position and he never went in,”

I still question if he was there.
Why do you question it? a) there’s video of him standing there; and b) it’s an embarrassment for their office. Why would the Sheriff say his deputy stood at the back door and not go in to engage the shooter if it wasn’t true?
It was never reported that he was at building #12 when Cruz began firing. It’s been reported he arrived at the west end of the building about a minute after the shooting began. That’s why the terminology, “he arrived,” was used.
What is wrong with you? You just believe everything you’re ever told without investigating the truth, or lie about. I have already posted proof several times-


Again, a lot of people would agree with that. There are a lot of difficulties with regard to getting that kind of mental health information, because there's privacy laws, there are states not contributing to a national registry. Isn't part of the issue background checks? I mean you have 40% of sales that go on without any background checks. Are you prepared to back broader background checks, if you don't think that the ammunition road is the way to go?


We have backed the National Instant Check System. We have backed putting anyone adjudicated mentally incompetent into the system.

Mental Health and Firearms
Since 1966, the National Rifle Association has urged the federal government to address the problem of mental illness and violence. As we noted then, “the time is at hand to seek means by which society can identify, treat and temporarily isolate such individuals,” because “elimination of the instrument by which these crimes are committed cannot arrest the ravages of a psychotic murderer.”[1]

More recently, the NRA has supported legislation to ensure that appropriate records of those who have been judged mentally incompetent or involuntarily committed to mental institutions be made available for use in firearms transfer background checks. The NRA will support any reasonable step to fix America’s broken mental health system without intruding on the constitutional rights of Americans.
NRA-ILA | Mental Health and Firearms
December 23: Wayne LaPierre, Chuck Schumer, Lindsey Graham, Jason Chaffetz, Harold Ford Jr., Andrea Mitchell, Chuck Todd
I question whether he was there upon Cruz’s arrival on the campus. Rumor has it, down here, he was actually off site. And if you listen to the Sheriffs news conference he states “on arrival” the deputy proceeded to building 4, and then positioned outside that building where Cruz was shooting from.
I still question if he was there.
Why do you question it? a) there’s video of him standing there; and b) it’s an embarrassment for their office. Why would the Sheriff say his deputy stood at the back door and not go in to engage the shooter if it wasn’t true?
Good. Because they have been advocating for better background checks since at least 2012.
Whine and cry all you want. You are going to have a FIGHT on your hands. The NRA has the BEST lawyers and they will fight against you traitors to protect citizen's rights. :)

The NRA will win
They always do

Wait this thing out. In a few weeks nobody will care
Whatever petty gun regulations that are proposed will die in committee. Committees that are controlled by NRA dollars

Bullshit they have

They are advocating background checks with enough loopholes to drive a truck through

No background checks on private sales, no checks at gun shows, no sharing of data bases, nobody on the list who has not been convicted in a court of law, you can't ban sales to suspected terrorists on the watch list

We already know they are dishonest, lack integrity and are complete government lackeys. Nobody believes them or trusts any of the things they claim, so don't worry about it. :)
Fake news is reporting the armed security officer went to the building and didn't go inside while the shooting was going on. Coward. Just pathetic the failures from school police, local police and sheriffs, and FBI.

BIG FAT FAILURE at every stage.

While Fake News demonizes me and my gun for over a week.

Are you admitting to being a wife beater or mental patient who illegally purchased a gun?

peanut, you need a new hobby. You've been screaming all week the NRA is a terrorist organization. While the cops totally failed the community even after being called to his home 39 times and the FBI just fucked it off.

Cops and the fbi couldn’t do squat because of Florida’s gun nut laws .
what is a gun nut timmy?.....
If you want to protect your gun rights, fellow Americans, then you really MUST give to the NRA. They are the one organization standing between our rights and governmental taking one of our most important rights from us. This is WAR.

NRA has realized that promoting fear and paranoia among the gun owning millions is the easiest way to make money

They don't give a damn about making people safe.....they want them scared

Err. No they haven't. They are the one thing standing between people like you and my rights as a United States citizens. I am on the side of the NRA. I trust them more than I trust you or people like you. You have EARNED that distrust. :)
Liberals, just relinquish your rights to the government and you can feel safe. The rest of us will defend ourselves, thank you very much. :)

oh please, throw your ass in a firefight and you'd freeze just like the cop did ...

soooooooooooo much internet bravery ... RW's crack me up.
"anti-American" is hording weaponry and spreading fear for the purpose of taking up arms against the US government.

the constitution has defines THAT as treason ^

NRA is pandering to IRRATIONAL BED WETTING fear of the US "government".

NRA laundered Russian money to prop up a populist useful idiot.

in the USA we live by rule of law and the well regulated militia IS local law enforcement.

Ha ha! You are truly a loon. No, Valerie, you should probably never be trusted with a weapon. You would hurt yourself or someone else. :)

your continued failure to articulate logically is typical of a gun clinging bed wetter. :itsok:

thankfully my gun ownership isn't left up to an amendment that reads:

"the judgement of emo loons, being necessary to the security of a free state"... :laugh:
"anti-American" is hording weaponry and spreading fear for the purpose of taking up arms against the US government.

the constitution has defines THAT as treason ^

NRA is pandering to IRRATIONAL BED WETTING fear of the US "government".

NRA laundered Russian money to prop up a populist useful idiot.

in the USA we live by rule of law and the well regulated militia IS local law enforcement.

Ha ha! You are truly a loon. No, Valerie, you should probably never be trusted with a weapon. You would hurt yourself or someone else. :)

your continued failure to articulate logically is typical of a gun clinging bed wetter. :itsok:

thankfully my gun ownership isn't left up to an amendment that reads:

"the judgement of emo loons, being necessary to the security of a free state"... :laugh:

If the government was to be protecting people, they surely wouldn't allow a special needs person such as yourself to have even a fork! :D Lol!
"anti-American" is hording weaponry and spreading fear for the purpose of taking up arms against the US government.

the constitution has defines THAT as treason ^

NRA is pandering to IRRATIONAL BED WETTING fear of the US "government".

NRA laundered Russian money to prop up a populist useful idiot.

in the USA we live by rule of law and the well regulated militia IS local law enforcement.

Ha ha! You are truly a loon. No, Valerie, you should probably never be trusted with a weapon. You would hurt yourself or someone else. :)

your continued failure to articulate logically is typical of a gun clinging bed wetter. :itsok:

thankfully my gun ownership isn't left up to an amendment that reads:

"the judgement of emo loons, being necessary to the security of a free state"... :laugh:

Give it up. We are not going to give up even a SMIDGEN of our rights so that you can feel "safe." Suck it up and move on.
Liberals, just relinquish your rights to the government and you can feel safe. The rest of us will defend ourselves, thank you very much. :)

oh please, throw your ass in a firefight and you'd freeze just like the cop did ...

soooooooooooo much internet bravery ... RW's crack me up.

Well, that would be MY problem then, I suppose. Not for you to concern yourself with. :) I will worry about me. You worry about you. Stay out of my business. I will stay out of yours.
The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know

If you want to protect your gun rights, fellow Americans, then you really MUST give to the NRA. They are the one organization standing between our rights and governmental taking one of our most important rights from us. This is WAR.

un-American loon is you. :itsok:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.


In 1995, former president George H.W. Bush resigned as a Life Member of the NRA in protest over the organization's recent statements.

FACT CHECK: Did George H.W. Bush Resign from the NRA?
People have a romantic version of what a single guard with six shots in his handgun can do. Marshal Dillon always took out the bad guy with one shot. John McLain took out a whole team of terrorists with just his service revolver.

This 54 year old guard is tasked to break up fights in the school, escort unrulies off the premises, keep strangers off campus....fighting terrorists is not something he is trained for

In four minutes he heard carnage inside the building. Endless rapid fire shots, people screaming, total confusion
Is there one shooter inside or a team of shooters? Are the bad guys wearing armor? Where are they in the building? All he has is six shots

Do we really expect him to charge into the building based on no information and somehow come out alive?
The Trump-Russia-NRA Connection: Here’s What You Need to Know

If you want to protect your gun rights, fellow Americans, then you really MUST give to the NRA. They are the one organization standing between our rights and governmental taking one of our most important rights from us. This is WAR.

un-American loon is you. :itsok:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.


In 1995, former president George H.W. Bush resigned as a Life Member of the NRA in protest over the organization's recent statements.

FACT CHECK: Did George H.W. Bush Resign from the NRA?

Oh well. The NRA is going to be getting a SHIT TON of money from 2A supporters. Get ready for it! :) I hope it really makes you and all of your fellow liberals VERY uncomfortable. *thumbs up!!*

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