Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

i noticed you failed to address my post confronting YOUR FEAR of the boogey man.
If you want to protect your gun rights, fellow Americans, then you really MUST give to the NRA. They are the one organization standing between our rights and governmental taking one of our most important rights from us. This is WAR.
You are crybabying endlessly about a boogeyman that does not exist.

What boogeyman am I crying about?

If you give an inch, they will take a MILE. Never forget that. They will never stop. They will never be satisfied until we are ALL sitting ducks. Don't give them that inch. Don't give them any room to move at all.

there is your boogeyman ^ which loons like YOU have an IRRATIONAL fear of
Anyways, one of your main gun control talking points (background checks) has failed miserably. Now you want legal and honest gun owners to bear the brunt of your fear and control issues. Too bad. We have nothing to do with these school shooting loons. We are SICK and TIRED of your crappy "solutions" which are nothing more than laws trying to control the actions of a psychopath. Fuck you.

gun owner who needs a mental health check ^

Who's going to do the mental health check on 100 Million people.

Who's going to write the standards?

Lunatic libtardos need to drop the gun control shit. The more they rail the more they piss off the people who have the power to crush their nonsense. There's 100 Million gun owners with 250 Million guns in red states, Trump won them all. 10 Democrats are defending Senate seats in red states Trump won. Democrat idiots know they're going to get their asses kicked. 13 of them voted against Obamakov's gun grab.

Drop it, or lose 10 more Senate seats. On further thought, rail on and we'll have machine guns to protect ourselves.
You are crybabying endlessly about a boogeyman that does not exist.

What boogeyman am I crying about?

If you give an inch, they will take a MILE. Never forget that. They will never stop. They will never be satisfied until we are ALL sitting ducks. Don't give them that inch. Don't give them any room to move at all.

there is your boogeyman ^

Well, you are like an ugly boogeyman. Your type are much more frightening than any mass killers.
America is a country built on rebellion and freedom fighters. You are not going to take our rights from us without a HUGE battle. Better come prepared. :D
The founders were very clear that they didn't want a standing army to invade upon the people's rights to bear arms. That is like THE most important of the Bill of Rights. Lol.
why did they include treason in the constitution if the 2nd means what you think it means?
The founders were very clear that they didn't want a standing army to invade upon the people's rights to bear arms. That is like THE most important of the Bill of Rights. Lol.

they wanted to preserve the right of free states from central federal authority.
The founders were very clear that they didn't want a standing army to invade upon the people's rights to bear arms. That is like THE most important of the Bill of Rights. Lol.

they wanted to preserve the right of free states from central federal authority.

Nope, the individual right is what they were concerned with. That is clearly stated over and over again in the federalist papers that you still have not read, obviously. :) There is no mistaking the purpose or the thought process behind it. It is clearly stated in the federalist papers.


Updated with additional details: “The shooter wore a gas mask, and he had smoke grenades; he set off the fire alarm so the kids would come pouring out of the classrooms and into the hall, and there the carnage began,” the senior senator from Florida Bill Nelson told CNN this evening, citing the FBI as his source.

I just gave you a video of the sheriff's presser from two days after the incident, dope. He says you're dumb as shit.

Where's your link?

So angry. Lol. Anyways, nobody is giving any rights up due to your fears. Fuck off and die. :)

I'm angry because you dumbshits deliberately post false information.

Well that is what it says on just about every link. Who cares if you're angry? Nobody. :D Go punch yourself or something.
Well that is what it says on just about every link. Who cares if you're angry? Nobody. :D Go punch yourself or something.

I gave you a video of the sheriff "dispelling rumors" from a week ago, retard.
If you want to protect your gun rights, fellow Americans, then you really MUST give to the NRA. They are the one organization standing between our rights and governmental taking one of our most important rights from us. This is WAR.

NRA has realized that promoting fear and paranoia among the gun owning millions is the easiest way to make money

They don't give a damn about making people safe.....they want them scared

They just played it again on Fake News. The fucking transcript on the screen with the mother's voice. Do your own due diligence and quit being a puss.

Post it up, loser.

You won't because it doesn't say what you claim.

I don't give a fuck what you think. I'm watching CNN all morning. Someone has to keep an eye on the terrorist's propaganda network.

Back up your claim loser. Show us what the results of that 911call were.

If I gather it up will you promise to leave and never come back? The mother clearly states he's committed assault. Willing to take the bait, petunia? Has to be backed up with Mod notification and arbitration. C'mon pussy.
We know that the kid also had smoke grenades. They don't know where the hell he got those. IOW, these loons can get whatever they want.

I am digging in my heels on this issue. You are not going to take or infringe even a SMIDGEN on my rights because of the actions of some lunatic.

If you are afraid and don't like guns, then don't own one, but don't think for a second that you can dictate to me or anyone else about MY rights and MY choices.

Your choice to remain a sitting duck is your own, and you aren't going to force anyone else to be one.

your logic is flawed due to your emotions.

peaceful innocents in a free state are the ones currently being left as sitting ducks at the hands of those loons who currently can get pretty much whatever they want on demand.

local law enforcement IS the well regulated militia that is necessary to the security of a free state..

the scope of local law enforcement includes state permit and training requirements for individual ownership of weaponry according to their lawful purposes.

the scope of your state government's law enforcement, by the people for the people, includes being able to create ownership requirements and limitations.

Well, I've got some news for you. You can throw that "well regulated militia" shit out the window.

The Heller decision from the SCOTUS states individuals have the right to own a fire arm for self defense.

A little education goes a long way, get some.

If I gather it up will you promise to leave and never come back? The mother clearly states he's committed assault. Willing to take the bait, petunia? Has to be backed up with Mod notification and arbitration. C'mon pussy.


I've read it ,dope. I bet I know the story better than you do.

The mother didn't make the call. This came after she died.

Tell us what the result of that 911 call was.
We know that the kid also had smoke grenades. They don't know where the hell he got those. IOW, these loons can get whatever they want.

I am digging in my heels on this issue. You are not going to take or infringe even a SMIDGEN on my rights because of the actions of some lunatic.

If you are afraid and don't like guns, then don't own one, but don't think for a second that you can dictate to me or anyone else about MY rights and MY choices.

Your choice to remain a sitting duck is your own, and you aren't going to force anyone else to be one.

your logic is flawed due to your emotions.

peaceful innocents in a free state are the ones currently being left as sitting ducks at the hands of those loons who currently can get pretty much whatever they want on demand.

local law enforcement IS the well regulated militia that is necessary to the security of a free state..

the scope of local law enforcement includes state permit and training requirements for individual ownership of weaponry according to their lawful purposes.

the scope of your state government's law enforcement, by the people for the people, includes being able to create ownership requirements and limitations.

Wrong in so many ways it's not even funny. You don't understand your own rights! *points and laughs* :D The founders certainly did not want the government to be the ones with the guns. :D Lol.

in so many ways that you fail to articulate. you are not special, snowflake. :itsok:

You wouldn't understand anyways. Go read the federalist papers. Maybe that could teach an OLD DOG some new tricks? :D

still failing to articulate ^

if you understood the federalist papers, you'd understand the meaning and intention of the 2nd amendment, which you clearly do not.

well trained militia that is necessary to the security of a free state IS local law enforcement.

Wrong again. Go read the federalist papers. The founders made their feelings on the people keeping weapons quite clear. :) There is no way you can twist their actual words to fit your silly narratives here. Lol.

Great. They did not however, specify what those weapons must be.
That is not him.
Fake news is reporting the armed security officer went to the building and didn't go inside while the shooting was going on. Coward. Just pathetic the failures from school police, local police and sheriffs, and FBI.

BIG FAT FAILURE at every stage.

While Fake News demonizes me and my gun for over a week.
So much for the NRA's "good guy with a gun" bullshit. Apparently even good guys with a gun are afraid of the pure killing power of an assault rifle!!!!!
So now it will become "a good guy with an assault rifle."

First you have to be a good guy. The county is the bluest in Florida so where in the hell do you find enough good guys?
You’re looking for some red in Broward? Here, I found one for ya...

MAGA, baby!

That was his Instagram profile pic.
"anti-American" is hording weaponry and spreading fear for the purpose of taking up arms against the US government.

the constitution defines THAT as treason ^

NRA is pandering to IRRATIONAL BED WETTING fear of the US "government".

NRA laundered Russian money to prop up a populist useful idiot.

in the USA we live by rule of law and the well regulated militia IS local law enforcement.

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