Where we at on the “National Emergency” shit..border talk has gone quiet due to Russian Fairytales

and one of the things that amuses me is everyone crying and Wanting more laws , rules and regulation in this country of ABOUT 310 million legal citizens and millions of Foreign thinking illegal aliens Basic . [boy , has the country ever grown !!]
Yeah, you threaded the needle Pismoe. Unless you did a few tours in Nam.
Otherwise, you enjoyed about the best this nation will ever see.

There is only one way things can go given the political climate...and that's sharply down.
People are fooling themselves to think we can open the floodgates and dilute the culture and still have what this nation HAD.

Doesn't work that way. As the US lowers it's productivity and economic clout to spread resources to those looking for a free ride or to displace others, China is reinforcing it's borders and culture and as a result, the young Chinese totally own US students in higher education. And China's power and influence will grow whiles ours declines.

That's gonna bite America in the rear dreadfully over time. We used to attract the world's best because of our lawful, safe and prosperous society where justice prevailed.
(except for blacks up until about the 60's and 70's\|The only ones who want to come her now are the have nots, looking for some trickle down entitlements.

Yeah, all these ignorant little know it all progs children that have been indoctrinated will be suffering in a few decades. But they will still not be bright enough to realize they did themselves in. Instead they'll blame Trump, Bush or ANYTHING but themselves.

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