Where WERE Obama and Hillary During 13-Hr Benghazi Attack?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
No official answer was ever given. The answer had to piece-mealed together from timelines, remarks, and phone call records obtained through FOIA.

During the raid against UBL that resulted in his death, Obama and Hillary were posing in the War Room, watching the entire event go down live on video. Obama and Hillary were eager to get the credit for this operation, to be known for the ones to take down UBL, and wanted to be seen as the Commander and Chief at the helm during this historic event.

This was NOT the case on 9/11/12. In fact, while the news broke that the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years was under terrorist attack and being murdered, along with 3 other Americans, Obama did not want to be seen anywhere near the event, overseeing the 'fruits' of his and Hillary's ineptness and inability to keep Americans safe from a 'war on terrorism' he had declared no longer existed with an enemy he had declared was on the run. This would be bad for his re-election - as much as being seen overseeing the UBL raid would 'help' him, a video / photo of him watching the 1st US Ambassador being murdered for the 1st time in 30 years would definitely hurt him.


"Obama was never in the Situation Room at the White House at all that horrific afternoon and evening. But he was, indeed, in the White House during the entire massacre. Where was he, then, if he was in the White House but was not engaged with military brass in the Situation Room attempting to figure out how the ambassador and others could be rescued?

Normally presidents go immediately to the Situation Room for briefings, updates, and strategy sessions with military and senior administration officials when there is a direct attack against Americans, particularly an American ambassador or other members of the U.S. government.

In the case of Benghazi, the major focus would be on rescue. After all, there was plenty of time to do so. The siege against the Libyan consulate lasted for at least nine hours. U.S. fighter jets could have been present on the scene flying over the consulate within three hours. Even if the ambassador himself could not have been saved, there was a chance at the very least. And the others, perhaps, could have been rescued before being killed. At least we would have tried.

But Obama was not a part of these discussions at all, at least not in the Situation Room. So, where was he and what was he doing? It is to be remembered that according to decades of White House protocol, military strategy and not politics are discussed in the Situation Room.

At 5 p.m. both Panetta and Dempsey met with Obama at the White House for a meeting that had already been scheduled in advance. But the Libyan attacks took center stage, and Obama authorized Panetta and Dempsey to "take appropriate steps" to handle the situation. This would be the only time the two would have contact with Obama during the entire evening. They never spoke to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at all.

By 7 p.m. EST the protracted attacks at the Benghazi consulate were still ongoing. And where was Obama? He was in the White House, for sure, but holed up in the family quarters where he then stayed for the rest of the night.

How do we know? at 7 p.m., according to White House phone logs, Obama called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from a phone in the family quarters. Obama was concerned about reports that Netanyahu felt snubbed by Obama, particularly given that it was so close to the presidential election, and Obama desperately needed to count on the Jewish vote.

- While Ambassador Stevens and 3 Americans fought for their lives Barry was calling Bibi because he thought Bibi felt snubbed - NO CONCERN SHOWN FOR THE 4 AMERICANS AT ALL.

Obama / WH then lies/lied about making any more phone calls – It was jay Carney who eventually let the proverbial cat out of the bag:

“At 10 p.m. Obama made another call from the family quarters at the White House. But no one was willing to admit that he did so. For five months there had been multiple denials that Obama made any more calls after his conversation with Netanyahu. Even Chuck Hagel denied flatly that Obama made this 10 p.m. call when asked about it during Senate confirmation hearings on Hagel's nomination to become Defense Secretary. Further, the White House had sent an official letter to the Senate stating that Obama had made no phone calls at all the night of Sept. 11, 2012.

But it would be none other than White House Chief Spokesman Jay Carney who would later let the cat out of the bag. During a news conference Carney stated that Obama was in touch with his national security team constantly throughout the night, and that he had called Secretary Clinton at 10 p.m. to "get an update."

- Why would Obama/the WH want to hide the fact that her was did make several calls because he was ‘concerned’ for Stevens’ safety? To downplay the seriousness of the event, which could hurt his re-election chances? Perhaps it was to hide the fact that at 10pm that night he and Hillary concocted the ‘Video’ LIE, after which phone call Hillary began spinning the LIE as truth:

“Thus, the truth finally came out about the 10 p.m. conversation between Hillary and Obama. And why is that significant? Because shortly after that call, at roughly 10:30 p.m., Hillary issued a news memo on the attack which specifically blamed the massacre on an anti-Islamic film, an Internet video, made in the United States. She claimed that the inflammatory nature of the Internet video sparked outrage and spontaneous protests around the Muslim world. It was here, therefore, that the meme began that the consulate attack was spontaneous and perpetrated by protesters who had been offended by the video.”

- Americans were dying / dead, and they were still worried about Obama’s re-election, Hillary’s ass, and how to spin the story to save both.

"So, what was Obama doing throughout the night of Sept. 11, 2012 and likely into the wee hours of the morning on Sept. 12? He was developing campaign strategy in the family quarters of the White House, desperately attempting to figure out how to deflect attention away from his failed foreign policy and directing that attention squarely to an obscure Internet video that no one had even heard about in Libya, much less seen."

We now know where Obama was during Benghazi attack
Maybe they were playing golf. There's no way they were focused on what was happening, and were told there was no reasonable means of rescuing the victims as Hillary testified in front of the witch hunters last year.
I'm pretty sure most Americans have grown tired of Benghazi-arama and are wondering how the GOP could spend so much of tax payer money and produce nothing.
As a matter of fact, what the hell has the GOP accomplished governing? Just like Benghazi,, NOTHING!
I'm pretty sure most Americans have grown tired of Benghazi-arama and are wondering how the GOP could spend so much of tax payer money and produce nothing.
As a matter of fact, what the hell has the GOP accomplished governing? Just like Benghazi,, NOTHING!

Real Americans want to know why Americans were hung out to dry in Benghazi....far too many lies and the narrative kept changing
Maybe they were playing golf. There's no way they were focused on what was happening, and were told there was no reasonable means of rescuing the victims as Hillary testified in front of the witch hunters last year.
With the military, they say leave no one behind but Obama and Hillary will. A good reason she shouldn't be commander in chief.
I'm pretty sure most Americans have grown tired of Benghazi-arama and are wondering how the GOP could spend so much of tax payer money and produce nothing.
As a matter of fact, what the hell has the GOP accomplished governing? Just like Benghazi,, NOTHING!

I'm sure if one of your relatives been hung out to dry at Benghazi you'd be singing a different tune.

You'd be screaming for answers and not willing to let it go.

Its just a shame that no one at State will ever be held accountable for the gross negligence that was Benghazi.
Obama was with Reggie Love practicing his ball handling
He was probably preparing a couple batches of ebola to kill us all with right Frank?

I always find it amusing when people infected with Level IV pathogens are free to roam about the countryside. What's the worst that could happen, right?
They are so tuff, until a law abiding citizen walks in with a gun. Then they shit their pants.
The OP's cut & paste is from May 6th, 2014.
What did Gowdy and the committee find as a conclusive answer to the OP's question?
She was waiting for that 3am phone call. Only then would she spring into action.
I'm pretty sure most Americans have grown tired of Benghazi-arama and are wondering how the GOP could spend so much of tax payer money and produce nothing.
As a matter of fact, what the hell has the GOP accomplished governing? Just like Benghazi,, NOTHING!

Real Americans want to know why Americans were hung out to dry in Benghazi....far too many lies and the narrative kept changing
13 hours comes out Jan 12th. Look for it. :)
More people died as a result of Reagan's Benghazi (242) and under W's Bebghazis (60) and there were no politically driven (admitted by the GOP) witch hunts.
Just like the way the GOP has accomplished nothing governing, their multiple witch hunts have accomplished nothing.
Yet you people ignore the blatant incompetence and want them to continue on doing absolutely nothing.
No wonder America a huge majority of Americans fell Congress not doing their job.

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