Where Will Republicans Go?

Republicans should stop looking for a place to go and accept that we are a welfare state and will remain so for many years. Once they have accepted that, change tactics. Instead of trying to stop the welfare state from growing, obstruct it. Obfuscate it. Engage in small acts of rebellion every day. Become a termite eating the foundation of the structure. Democrats have a bare majority on a national level. On the state level they don't do so well. 30 states are republican controlled. Romney won 48% of the vote representing 57,918,703 votes to Obama's 60,810,997. The democrats can't possibly continue to control the nation with that many people who refuse to be controlled. Their majority is only 3% or less.

Sorry, all BS. Who started foot stamps? Nixon. They're all complicit. You vote for one party, you really vote for both.

Then every individual, engaging in some small act of rebellion every day, multiplied by millions should bring the whole thing down in a relatively short period of time.

That would be the best way and the only historically proven way.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

They won't go extinct. They will evolve into another fuckup.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

Oh another fake republican......man why cant you guys just be honest about who you are? Take a clue from the homo movement, just be yourself and be proud to be a commie.

Get fucked, thread highjacker and hater...........

He didn't high jack the thread he got it right.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

They won't go extinct. They will evolve into another fuckup.

That's what they're trying to do now, knowing the sheep will follow.
Oh another fake republican......man why cant you guys just be honest about who you are? Take a clue from the homo movement, just be yourself and be proud to be a commie.

Get fucked, thread highjacker and hater...........

He didn't high jack the thread he got it right.

I'm going to have to go with KnobbyWalsh on this one. Since when have liberals wanted to get it right? Getting it right is highjacking a liberal thread.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

They won't go extinct. They will evolve into another fuckup.

When the nation finally realizes obamacare is a failure I bet you'll try and blame Republicans for it's creation.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

So basically you started out not knowing shit and then learned a lot that was complete shit. Now you know a lot of shit. Congratulations.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

So basically you started out not knowing shit and then learned a lot that was complete shit. Now you know a lot of shit. Congratulations.
Which means he's full of shit.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

They won't go extinct. They will evolve into another fuckup.

When the nation finally realizes obamacare is a failure I bet you'll try and blame Republicans for it's creation.

They wouldn't do that. Can you think of any examples of when they've done that? I mean other than sequester. Or that Regime change in Iraq was a Clinton policy and the Dems went into the war arm and arm with Bush. Oh, and expanding sub-prime loans actually began under Clinton. Hmm...maybe hey would do that...
They won't go extinct. They will evolve into another fuckup.

When the nation finally realizes obamacare is a failure I bet you'll try and blame Republicans for it's creation.

They wouldn't do that. Can you think of any examples of when they've done that? I mean other than sequester. Or that Regime change in Iraq was a Clinton policy and the Dems went into the war arm and arm with Bush. Oh, and expanding sub-prime loans actually began under Clinton. Hmm...maybe hey would do that...


The ideals of democracy will outlive the rights attempts to kill it

Democracy is simply oppression of the majority. Actually in our case it's oppression of the plurality.

The reality is that we were created as a Republic. Power divided is power checked. It is actually the left who have successfully killed it and turned us into what there is no basis for, which is a democracy. Precisely so you can oppress the minority. That the minority are the achievers will be our downfall.

why do you hate the government our founders left us?

The ideals of democracy will outlive the rights attempts to kill it

Democracy is simply oppression of the majority. Actually in our case it's oppression of the plurality.

The reality is that we were created as a Republic. Power divided is power checked. It is actually the left who have successfully killed it and turned us into what there is no basis for, which is a democracy. Precisely so you can oppress the minority. That the minority are the achievers will be our downfall.

why do you hate the government our founders left us?

We aren't living the government our founders left us you ignorant twit.

The ideals of democracy will outlive the rights attempts to kill it

Democracy is simply oppression of the majority. Actually in our case it's oppression of the plurality.

The reality is that we were created as a Republic. Power divided is power checked. It is actually the left who have successfully killed it and turned us into what there is no basis for, which is a democracy. Precisely so you can oppress the minority. That the minority are the achievers will be our downfall.

why do you hate the government our founders left us?

The government we have has no resemblance of what the founders left us.
Try again.

The ideals of democracy will outlive the rights attempts to kill it

Democracy is simply oppression of the majority. Actually in our case it's oppression of the plurality.

The reality is that we were created as a Republic. Power divided is power checked. It is actually the left who have successfully killed it and turned us into what there is no basis for, which is a democracy. Precisely so you can oppress the minority. That the minority are the achievers will be our downfall.

why do you hate the government our founders left us?

It's not the government our founders left us with.....why do you love communism so much?
You guys do realise that the same lies Bush told us he also told congress right?
Democracy is simply oppression of the majority. Actually in our case it's oppression of the plurality.

The reality is that we were created as a Republic. Power divided is power checked. It is actually the left who have successfully killed it and turned us into what there is no basis for, which is a democracy. Precisely so you can oppress the minority. That the minority are the achievers will be our downfall.

why do you hate the government our founders left us?

We aren't living the government our founders left us you ignorant twit.

says you.

You are not very bright and march to whatever tune the right wing masters tell you to markch to

The ideals of democracy will outlive the rights attempts to kill it

Democracy is simply oppression of the majority. Actually in our case it's oppression of the plurality.

The reality is that we were created as a Republic. Power divided is power checked. It is actually the left who have successfully killed it and turned us into what there is no basis for, which is a democracy. Precisely so you can oppress the minority. That the minority are the achievers will be our downfall.

why do you hate the government our founders left us?

I love the government they left us. I hate the one you turned it into
Democracy is simply oppression of the majority. Actually in our case it's oppression of the plurality.

The reality is that we were created as a Republic. Power divided is power checked. It is actually the left who have successfully killed it and turned us into what there is no basis for, which is a democracy. Precisely so you can oppress the minority. That the minority are the achievers will be our downfall.

why do you hate the government our founders left us?

It's not the government our founders left us with.....why do you love communism so much?

your in a small group of Americans who think that.

Your incorrect and packed full of lies

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