Where Will Republicans Go?

Democracy is simply oppression of the majority. Actually in our case it's oppression of the plurality.

The reality is that we were created as a Republic. Power divided is power checked. It is actually the left who have successfully killed it and turned us into what there is no basis for, which is a democracy. Precisely so you can oppress the minority. That the minority are the achievers will be our downfall.

why do you hate the government our founders left us?

I love the government they left us. I hate the one you turned it into

prove you claim with facts

you never have ever done that
You guys do realise that the same lies Bush told us he also told congress right?

Actually congress knew that what Bush told them was true, or at least was consistent with US intelligence. The reality is your politicians lied to you when they said that Bush lied because they knew you would blindly believe them and not only let them off the hook but run around in a rabid frenzy.

They were right, weren't they "truthmatters?" Your username always cracks me up.
why do you hate the government our founders left us?

I love the government they left us. I hate the one you turned it into

prove you claim with facts

you never have ever done that

From the poster who claims she predicted the housing bubble and then went back to show her quotes, which were after the housing bubble had already burst.

Actually my evidence is the Constitution, which clearly defines a Republic and not a Democracy.
oh really please tell us what you were saying at the time?

the right was fighting all the way saying everything was fine
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When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

Gad I hate yet another fake Republican, what can't you people just be honest? Why must you pretend that the party of Lincoln has moved anywhere in the last 200 years? What might have changed is you. Go wherever you want why do narcissist like yourself think anyone gives a crap what you think?

If you have not noticed the Democrat party has been in control for the last 7 disastrous years. Two years after their take over the country was plunged into recession. After that their policies resulted in the weakest and longest recovery in history. Now in what the left praises as recovery the rich are the only ones doing well. But do people like you blame the majority party for the last 7 years, not only no by HELL no. That is why you are a fake. 7 years of Democrat rule and we are 6 trillion further in debt and you can do nothing but blame the minority party.

And in reality the only thing the left has won is the POTUS and that obviously was because Obama is black. Can't be for any other reason. Foreign policy, the economy, uniting the country, the number on welfare, etc etc none of those are better and all the left can do is say, if only we could do more of the same damn thing.

Never mind that the Republicans own the governorships.

Don't worry about where the party of Lincoln will go worry about yourself and go to the party of abortion an dependency.
oh really please tell us what you were saying at the time?

the right was fighting all the way saying everything was fine
That is the biggest LIE you have ever told on this forum.

Quite a claim. There's a massive body of work and stiff competition to clear that hurdle. I think she has pretty good plausible deniability that she doesn't even knows what she's talking about herself, which would fail to meet the basic tenant of a lie which would require knowing what she's saying isn't true.
why do you hate the government our founders left us?

I love the government they left us. I hate the one you turned it into

prove you claim with facts

you never have ever done that

Wow you think the same governement from the founders is the same now....HEy truth because you're so stupid, I'll help you out a bit....look at the amendments.....there's been a few since they started the government....and that's just a small, very small percentage of changes since the founding.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

Not sure why I have been seeing alot of this on the net latlely, The repubs do hold the house and are winning in northern states like the recall of walker and in mIchigan taking over detroit..
The last big party to break up was the whigs and that was over the slavery issue. The tea party has faded and OWS is long gone. Highly doubt you will see the republicans or democrats going any where.

The ideals of democracy will outlive the rights attempts to kill it

The ideas of socialism and dictatorship have been around for thousands of years. According to your logic, that means socialism and totalitarianism are good things.
I love the corporate bashing of the left. They make things we want and pay us to work there.....apparently liberals want to either go back to an agrarian economy OR (and this is my choice)...they want everyone to make the same money (communism) under the threat of violence if necessary
Democracy will exist until people decide they no longer want to form lynch parties.
oh really please tell us what you were saying at the time?

the right was fighting all the way saying everything was fine
That is the biggest LIE you have ever told on this forum.

Quite a claim. There's a massive body of work and stiff competition to clear that hurdle. I think she has pretty good plausible deniability that she doesn't even knows what she's talking about herself, which would fail to meet the basic tenant of a lie which would require knowing what she's saying isn't true.

I'm not going to even try to figure her out and what she thinks. It's a known facts democrats were the ones saying Freddie and Fannie were OK, and nothing was wrong with them.
I'll give her a chance to come back and say she was wrong, if she doesn't do that then she is in fact telling the biggest lie ever told in this forum.
In my opinion.
I'll give her a chance to come back and say she was wrong

I guess there's a first time for everything. Just because it hasn't happened in her first 60K posts doesn't mean it won't happen in the next one. I mean she's wrong all the time. It's admitting it that doesn't happen. Don't hold your breath while you're waiting. I mean you'd pass out before anything happened to you, but I hear you can end up with a nasty headache.

She's a monolith. I just screw with her.

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