Where Will Republicans Go?

I gave you undeniable facts that I was warning of a huge economic problem over a year before Bush had to tell the nation he screwed the country up.

right wing posters are right there telling me Im nothing but a doom and gloomer and everything is fine.

how can ayone take you idiots seriously when you just flat out deny cold hard undeniable facts?

You gave nothing but a link to a post you made
And here is what that link shows
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this is why this party will die if they dont lose these idiot voter block we talk to all day long here.

ther is no such things as facts to them
I proved that in mid 2007 I was warning of dire economic things coming.

Its dead on proved.

The econmy didnt crash until after Bush annouced it was going to crash in 9/08.

The comments by the right wing posters show they are denying anything is wrong.

how can you people expect anyone to not see you as idiots when you deny cold hard proven faccts?
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

Oh another fake republican......man why cant you guys just be honest about who you are? Take a clue from the homo movement, just be yourself and be proud to be a commie.

how is he a phony Buck?....i was a Democrat till about the mid nineties and then opened my eyes to their bullshit.....and did not care to go Republican,they were just as bad in their own way....so i just stayed away from both Parties......and they both still suck.....
You guys do realise that the same lies Bush told us he also told congress right?
Actually congress knew that what Bush told them was true, or at least was consistent with US intelligence. [crazy shit deleted to amplify even crazier shit]

No one can be this stupid.

So you are either a hook line and sinker moron or an anti-American Bush Leaguer.

US intelligence itself was not consistent. The evidence available at the time was not conclusive, which is why Bush sent his boy, Colin Powell, to the UN to beg for collaborators.

58% of Democrats in congress took the AMERICAN path and voted against killing Americans in Asian hellholes and breaking the budget.


But what did he LIE about? Ok, lets say evidence wasnt conclusive, but lets look at the facts shall we:

9/11 -we're attacked by terrorists in a clever and invonventional way to put fear into us in a multitude of things
Now months later we still have Iraq that has a dictator that has:
1)invaded another country at one point
2)used WMDs on his own people at one point
3)Was trying to buy uranium to start a nuclear program (liberals I guess think it was for peaceful purposes only, like they bought it from North Korea and Iran...I guess they'll never learn)
4)Has done state sponsored terrorism in the past and could be harboring terrorists...and we may or may not have known at the time what their disposition was.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Weekly Standard reports that, before the invasion of Iraq, Zarqawi ran a "terrorist haven" in Kurdish northern Iraq.[33] According to a March 2003 British intelligence report, Zarqawi had set up "sleeper cells" in Baghdad before the Iraq war. The report stated "Reporting since (February) suggests that senior al Qaeda associate Abu Musab al-Zarqawi has established sleeper cells in Baghdad, to be activated during a U.S. occupation of the city...These cells apparently intend to attack U.S. targets using car bombs and other weapons. (It is also possible that they have received [chemical and biological] materials from terrorists in the [Kurdish Autonomous Zone]),...al Qaeda-associated terrorists continued to arrive in Baghdad in early March

so yeah I think it was justified, but again WHERE did BUSH LIE?
I proved that in mid 2007 I was warning of dire economic things coming.

Its dead on proved.

Yes, in July of 2007 you had a quote predicting that. And as I told you I sold my house in Connecticut in ... June ... of 2007 for $100K less then it's peak value. Nice prediction. A little late, but hey. I predict that Obama will win re-election. You heard it here first. OK, well not first, but I did just predict it.
You guys do realise that the same lies Bush told us he also told congress right?
Actually congress knew that what Bush told them was true, or at least was consistent with US intelligence. [crazy shit deleted to amplify even crazier shit]

No one can be this stupid.

So you are either a hook line and sinker moron or an anti-American Bush Leaguer.

US intelligence itself was not consistent. The evidence available at the time was not conclusive, which is why Bush sent his boy, Colin Powell, to the UN to beg for collaborators.

58% of Democrats in congress took the AMERICAN path and voted against killing Americans in Asian hellholes and breaking the budget.


So what's your excuse then?

Where you in a coma from say 1987 to 2002?
I proved that in mid 2007 I was warning of dire economic things coming.

Its dead on proved.

Yes, in July of 2007 you had a quote predicting that. And as I told you I sold my house in Connecticut in ... June ... of 2007 for $100K less then it's peak value. Nice prediction. A little late, but hey. I predict that Obama will win re-election. You heard it here first. OK, well not first, but I did just predict it.

dear idiot your word is worth nothing
That is the biggest LIE you have ever told on this forum.

Quite a claim. There's a massive body of work and stiff competition to clear that hurdle. I think she has pretty good plausible deniability that she doesn't even knows what she's talking about herself, which would fail to meet the basic tenant of a lie which would require knowing what she's saying isn't true.

I'm not going to even try to figure her out and what she thinks. It's a known facts democrats were the ones saying Freddie and Fannie were OK, and nothing was wrong with them.
I'll give her a chance to come back and say she was wrong, if she doesn't do that then she is in fact telling the biggest lie ever told in this forum.
In my opinion.

I proved myself correct didnt I
I proved that in mid 2007 I was warning of dire economic things coming.

Its dead on proved.

Yes, in July of 2007 you had a quote predicting that. And as I told you I sold my house in Connecticut in ... June ... of 2007 for $100K less then it's peak value. Nice prediction. A little late, but hey. I predict that Obama will win re-election. You heard it here first. OK, well not first, but I did just predict it.

dear idiot your word is worth nothing

Even so I'm standing by it, Obama will win re-election.
I love the government they left us. I hate the one you turned it into

prove you claim with facts

you never have ever done that

From the poster who claims she predicted the housing bubble and then went back to show her quotes, which were after the housing bubble had already burst.

Actually my evidence is the Constitution, which clearly defines a Republic and not a Democracy.

you lied about me predicting the crash and I proved you a lair
Yes, in July of 2007 you had a quote predicting that. And as I told you I sold my house in Connecticut in ... June ... of 2007 for $100K less then it's peak value. Nice prediction. A little late, but hey. I predict that Obama will win re-election. You heard it here first. OK, well not first, but I did just predict it.

dear idiot your word is worth nothing

Even so I'm standing by it, Obama will win re-election.

You were saying robmoney would win by 5
This is the people we face country.

people who will lie straight into the face of facts.

really stupid and stubborn people who have nothing to offer this country
Sorry, all BS. Who started foot stamps? Nixon. They're all complicit. You vote for one party, you really vote for both.

Wait I thought you were a republican 30 years ago....so you must have liked food stamps, because if Nixon did it, that was over 30 years ago. And I'm curious what was the first republican you didnt vote for and why?

Haters are not part of this conversation. Find a hater-friendly thread, there's plenty.

if you dont answer questions it makes Buck look like he is right....just sayin....
I predicted the crash.

I was called names for my efforts by the right on here.

I proved it with undeniable FACTS.

your lies dont fly anymore
dear idiot your word is worth nothing

Even so I'm standing by it, Obama will win re-election.

You were saying robmoney would win by 5

I'm going with your system now, doing my predictions after events happen.

I'd like to call that in the last election, Reid actually will win re-election and hold onto his Senate seat. And the Dems will hold onto the Senate. I'm not seeing the Dems re-take the House though.

So what do you think of McGovern in 72? Does he have a chance?
Quite a claim. There's a massive body of work and stiff competition to clear that hurdle. I think she has pretty good plausible deniability that she doesn't even knows what she's talking about herself, which would fail to meet the basic tenant of a lie which would require knowing what she's saying isn't true.

I'm not going to even try to figure her out and what she thinks. It's a known facts democrats were the ones saying Freddie and Fannie were OK, and nothing was wrong with them.
I'll give her a chance to come back and say she was wrong, if she doesn't do that then she is in fact telling the biggest lie ever told in this forum.
In my opinion.

I proved myself correct didnt I
You proved that you are a liar.
Video: Democrats insist ?nothing wrong? at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac in 2004 « Hot Air

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