Where Will Republicans Go?

Oh how fucking cute!! Another fake "I used to be a Republican"

We're broke as a nation because Obama must be paying you fuckers (Jake, bucs et.al.) to post here

You make it sound like it's some goddamned "honor" to have been a Republican - like it's some exclusive club only dickheads like you could possibly have been a part of. How the fuck would YOU know how someone voted 10 or 20 or 30 years ago and for what party? Tell me - how do you know what total strangers have done? And don't give me that psychobabble about "your former posts" or "I interpret that........" You couldn't interpret the directions on a gas pump.

Knobby because we're not stupid, we know what republicans believe and have believed and you dont fit any of them....so therefore you're full of shit. Many posters on here said they were Eisenhower, Ford, ect republicans and the part went away from them (like you have said) yet you dont believe in one thing a republican has EVER believed in.....so you're a phoney

Right. Based that on our MANY conversations, hey? I ask a question and as one would expect, if there isn't GOP playbook talking point recitings in it, it's suspected "liberal." You people really are sad. Shallow and pitifully uneducated.

Old republicans never die. they just fade away....

Actually, repuiblicans are not really disappearing. They just lead cloistered lives these days. You can find them in gated communities, the country club, and on the golf course. They will give up on trying the run the nation, and instead, elect themselves to run the homeowners association, Elks club, and Shriner's. There will always be a market for pale yellow polyester golfing slacks.

.so rich Democrats dont do the same thing?....

They're so clueless, they really think democrats dont do those things......LOLOLOL

One of these days they'll lean many of the 1% are democrats....

there was one poster here who said only a small amount of Democrats live in gated Communities....and actually argued that....

The ideals of democracy will outlive the rights attempts to kill it

You know what George Washington said about political parties, don't you? If not, look it up. Who said anything about democracy? I'm talking about the two bought and sold corporate political parties who are a total farce. Choice? We have no choice in who we vote for in the "money arms race" that is our so-called "elections."

both parties are held captive by the corporate lobbyists, each to a different extent, due to the current finance & incumbency rules.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

Oh how fucking cute!! Another fake "I used to be a Republican"

We're broke as a nation because Obama must be paying you fuckers (Jake, bucs et.al.) to post here

You make it sound like it's some goddamned "honor" to have been a Republican - like it's some exclusive club only dickheads like you could possibly have been a part of. How the fuck would YOU know how someone voted 10 or 20 or 30 years ago and for what party? Tell me - how do you know what total strangers have done? And don't give me that psychobabble about "your former posts" or "I interpret that........" You couldn't interpret the directions on a gas pump.

:rofl: pos-repped ;)
You make it sound like it's some goddamned "honor" to have been a Republican - like it's some exclusive club only dickheads like you could possibly have been a part of. How the fuck would YOU know how someone voted 10 or 20 or 30 years ago and for what party? Tell me - how do you know what total strangers have done? And don't give me that psychobabble about "your former posts" or "I interpret that........" You couldn't interpret the directions on a gas pump.

Knobby because we're not stupid, we know what republicans believe and have believed and you dont fit any of them....so therefore you're full of shit. Many posters on here said they were Eisenhower, Ford, ect republicans and the part went away from them (like you have said) yet you dont believe in one thing a republican has EVER believed in.....so you're a phoney

Right. Based that on our MANY conversations, hey? I ask a question and as one would expect, if there isn't GOP playbook talking point recitings in it, it's suspected "liberal." You people really are sad. Shallow and pitifully uneducated.


Look man you got served....fact is you are a faker, and I'll keep on letting you know.....that's how I roll.....and how did I not answer the question? I explained why you call yourself a republican yet dont believe in a single thing republicans do......it's really not that hard to smoke you guys out...it only takes a few posts. Atleast do some research if you're going to pretend to be a republican.
Knobby because we're not stupid, we know what republicans believe and have believed and you dont fit any of them....so therefore you're full of shit. Many posters on here said they were Eisenhower, Ford, ect republicans and the part went away from them (like you have said) yet you dont believe in one thing a republican has EVER believed in.....so you're a phoney

Right. Based that on our MANY conversations, hey? I ask a question and as one would expect, if there isn't GOP playbook talking point recitings in it, it's suspected "liberal." You people really are sad. Shallow and pitifully uneducated.


Look man you got served....fact is you are a faker, and I'll keep on letting you know.....that's how I roll.....and how did I not answer the question? I explained why you call yourself a republican yet dont believe in a single thing republicans do......it's really not that hard to smoke you guys out...it only takes a few posts. Atleast do some research if you're going to pretend to be a republican.

Did NOT say I am a Republican now, never did. I said I WAS and in fact thought I was a Democrat too at one time when I was young and dumb and seen that both threw us under the bus. Re-read my OP. Your liberal witch hunt got off to a bad start by missing that.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

They won't go extinct. They will evolve into another fuckup.

When the nation finally realizes obamacare is a failure I bet you'll try and blame Republicans for it's creation.

I'll blame them for being stubborn fuckps when hey have shown support for the same thing that wasn't under obama.
When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

You need to make up your mind who you are...

There are enough two faced people on this board already...

See, there it is! You people think someone HAS to be "one" or "the other." Roughly 27% of voters claim Republican, little more than the same Democrat. That leaves a lot of people who claim to be affiliated to NEITHER. Or, in other words, people who have chosen to use their brains.

You people? Are you from another planet or country?

So which one of the following did you do, voted for Obama or voted for Romney or voted for Johnson or no one...

When I was younger and didn't know shit and needed a banner to wave, I waved the GOP flag. 30 some years later - already having left both corporate parties - they are barely beating on life support.

So if and when the GOP dies completely, and there's no signs that it won't, where will they go? New party of vibrant and well educated patriots instead of front-men for global wealth? New party with the same old irrelevant platform, just renamed? One of the existing third parties?

Here's hoping that in 10 years we can say the same thing about the Democrats for they seem to be on the same path of self-destruction.

Oh how fucking cute!! Another fake "I used to be a Republican"

We're broke as a nation because Obama must be paying you fuckers (Jake, bucs et.al.) to post here

You make it sound like it's some goddamned "honor" to have been a Republican - like it's some exclusive club only dickheads like you could possibly have been a part of. How the fuck would YOU know how someone voted 10 or 20 or 30 years ago and for what party? Tell me - how do you know what total strangers have done? And don't give me that psychobabble about "your former posts" or "I interpret that........" You couldn't interpret the directions on a gas pump.

If you're not getting paid to post here like the other guys youre just a sucker
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Oh how fucking cute!! Another fake "I used to be a Republican"

We're broke as a nation because Obama must be paying you fuckers (Jake, bucs et.al.) to post here

You make it sound like it's some goddamned "honor" to have been a Republican - like it's some exclusive club only dickheads like you could possibly have been a part of. How the fuck would YOU know how someone voted 10 or 20 or 30 years ago and for what party? Tell me - how do you know what total strangers have done? And don't give me that psychobabble about "your former posts" or "I interpret that........" You couldn't interpret the directions on a gas pump.

If you're not getting paid to post here like the other guys youre just a sucker

If someone's paying them to post, someone's wasting a LOT of money!
You need to make up your mind who you are...

There are enough two faced people on this board already...

See, there it is! You people think someone HAS to be "one" or "the other." Roughly 27% of voters claim Republican, little more than the same Democrat. That leaves a lot of people who claim to be affiliated to NEITHER. Or, in other words, people who have chosen to use their brains.

You people? Are you from another planet or country?

So which one of the following did you do, voted for Obama or voted for Romney or voted for Johnson or no one...

I voted for Gary Johnson. You?
See, there it is! You people think someone HAS to be "one" or "the other." Roughly 27% of voters claim Republican, little more than the same Democrat. That leaves a lot of people who claim to be affiliated to NEITHER. Or, in other words, people who have chosen to use their brains.

You people? Are you from another planet or country?

So which one of the following did you do, voted for Obama or voted for Romney or voted for Johnson or no one...

I voted for Gary Johnson. You?

Wasted vote, he never had a chance, thanks for re-electing Oblamer...

And you question who is using their brains...
You people? Are you from another planet or country?

So which one of the following did you do, voted for Obama or voted for Romney or voted for Johnson or no one...

I voted for Gary Johnson. You?

Wasted vote, he never had a chance, thanks for re-electing Oblamer...

And you question who is using their brains...

Fuck your mother you motherfucking putz! I voted for a guy with more American patriotism his his small finger nail than Obama and Romney have combined. YOU voted for Obama, bitch. You may have pulled the switch for Romney, and all that did was say "I'm cool with the new world order - same corporate government phoney choice." You vote Democrat or Republican, you vote for both. You're the sucker.

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