Where would a Liberal Democratic People's Republic of America be?

circle jerk belongs in the Coffee Shop

Yes you do.

mindless and incredibly sophomoric

That gives you more credit than you deserve, Dainty.

Not entering her on your list of Ignored Members gives her more credit than she deserves.

One still receives love notes in one's inbox, but deleting them without opening, like so much other junk mail, isn't difficult.

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of obamacare, a dimension of social assistance, a dimension of Value Added Taxes.

You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.

I'd miss the Califonia Coastline.


you know that map looks eerily like the map that shows the welfare capitals of america
It would be interesting to include a poll.

Given the choice, would you choose to llive:

a) In the Liberal Democrat People's Republic of America under existing and proposed government policy


b) In the other part of the country that operates under the Founder's vision for America?

What does that mean? how that would that differ from the America we currently live in?

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of obamacare, a dimension of social assistance, a dimension of Value Added Taxes.

You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.

I'd miss the Califonia Coastline.


you know that map looks eerily like the map that shows the welfare capitals of america

You mean this one? % households on Public Assistance?


Some, but not really all. Oklahoma and Appalachia are notable exceptions.

Hillbillys and Native Americans are unreliable Democrats.
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It would be interesting to include a poll.

Given the choice, would you choose to llive:

a) In the Liberal Democrat People's Republic of America under existing and proposed government policy


b) In the other part of the country that operates under the Founder's vision for America?

What does that mean? how that would that differ from the America we currently live in?

Do you mean where people are still divided by party over
federal govt controlling where the states answer to that as central power,
or the states being sovereign under the Constitution as the central authority
and the federal govt serves the people and states?

Or do you mean where people are taking advantage of the same divisive politics of
pitting the "house negroes" and "field negroes" against each other to keep
both enslaved and oppressed, but disguising class war as white vs black, rich vs. poor,
conservative vs. liberal, Republican vs. Democrat, where those who benefit from
the conflicts have no motivation to resolve anything?

Instead of using parties to lobby govt and use govt to push party agenda,
why not have parties pursue and pay for their own agenda,
leave opponents out of it and free to support their own policies,
and reduce govt costs by sticking to the limited functions in the Constitution.

Let the States people and parties handle the rest using private or public
resources and programs, working together,
where these groups and demographics may not be the same for the whole nation.
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It would be interesting to include a poll.

Given the choice, would you choose to llive:

a) In the Liberal Democrat People's Republic of America under existing and proposed government policy


b) In the other part of the country that operates under the Founder's vision for America?

What does that mean? how that would that differ from the America we currently live in?

Foxy is implying that the Liberal interpretation of the Constitution and its addendums is not the Conservative interpretation.

In actuality, I'm not certain any part of the country operates under the "Founder's Vision," given that slavery is illegal, women can vote, etc.

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