Where would we be if Trump were president?

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Trump is a billionaire real estate mogul, turned television star, who became president, and has a hot model wife.

I've seen him IN ACTION being who he is thru interviews on TV, in print, & hearing him on Howard stern several times - let me tell you how enlightening THAT was - one time, he was bloviating about how he would walk right into the dressing rooms unannounced for the 15 & 16 yr old contestants competing in his beauty pageant, while they were in various stages of undress - & 'line them up so he could inspect them '

anyhoo - not everyone knows who & what donny is - only the gold plated facade thru bullshit fluff pieces that would show what a big successful biznez man he is…. or worse - the fake reality show he had.

ummmm….. vile? imnsho…. whoring around NYC with his whore marla & making sure it was splashed all over the tabloids, knowing it was gonna be shoved in his still married to wife & 3 young spawn's faces…then there was the time he took them both on an aspen ski vacation & bragged how he enjoyed watching the cat fight when they both crossed paths with each other. or when he buffed a porn star, without protection, whilst his 3rd trophy wife/baby mama had just given birth to his 5th spawn; putting them both at risk for all kinds nasty STDs. lol… donny said that ' STDs were his Vietnam '

then there the case where he tried to steal an old woman's home & property thru eminent domain so he can bulldoze it & pave a brand new parking lot for one of his bankrupted casinos.

he lost.

hey! how's about the fact that he was also sued for fraud - ripping people off for tuition cash at his fake university?

& also that there 'charitable' foundation of his, having to close because donny used it as his own piggy bank? yaaaaaa….. & his first 3 spawn had to take classes on how to actually run a foundation - but are now not legally able to sit on ANY charity board in the state of NY again.

now those were going right to mind, & there are more - but I think that will do in proving just how vile donny is.
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Really? Americans were forced to fly home?

or they wouldn't be able to enter the country.

Could they be stopped from flying home?

of course not- but coming in without being on airplanes potentially quarantined & then be cleared to enter should have been the deal.

I don't care if you're emotionally or sexually confused, that's BS sister .. or brother or whatever the fuck you think you are.

lol ... lame.
ray ray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how the fuck are ya? never mind, i don't care.

anyhoo, had that damn virus not been given the opportunity to mutate, due to the incompetence of yer chosen one, nor the politicalizing of wearing mask, nor made scientists the enemy, nor held super spreading rallies to kick it all off...

it would have never skyrocketed.


Oh, you mean the largest super spreader event that Dementia conducted? You know, allowing millions of illegals to cross our border untested and un-vaxed, and then busing or flying them all over the country coast to coast?

According to Dementia, when the country had 220,000 dead Americans from covid, Trump should have "stepped down." Well, why didn't he follow his own standards? He had well more than that and he's still in the White House unfortunately. Oh, that's right, now things have changed. It's no longer the Presidents fault when it's a commie.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
The media that suppressed the Hunter Biden story effectively changed the course of America, and not in a good way. What would have been different if the media had been honest?

1) We would still be energy independent, and gas prices would be substantially lower, along with everything else dependent on transportation - like groceries.

2) The illegals would still be in Mexico, and not using limited resources - like baby formula - that Americans need.

3) Inflation would be lower, albeit still raised, since the last “print money” scheme otherwise deceptively called the infrastructure bill would not have happened.

4) We would not have abandoned thousands of Americans to the Taliban.

Where would we be if Trump were president?​

2 million less beaners
1/2 cost fuel
0% inflation
Nobody taking medicine they don’t want
Nobody falling from jet airplanes in Afghanistan
No young military personnel being blown up in Afghanistan
No 10 year olds being slaughtered in their classrooms by barely legal aliens
Nobody being maimed, raped and murdered in Ukraine
Babies would have a plethora of formula

It woulld totally suck...and Mac1958 would have to deal with the mean tweets.
The media that suppressed the Hunter Biden story effectively changed the course of America, and not in a good way. What would have been different if the media had been honest?

1) We would still be energy independent, and gas prices would be substantially lower, along with everything else dependent on transportation - like groceries.

2) The illegals would still be in Mexico, and not using limited resources - like baby formula - that Americans need.

3) Inflation would be lower, albeit still raised, since the last “print money” scheme otherwise deceptively called the infrastructure bill would not have happened.

4) We would not have abandoned thousands of Americans to the Taliban.
All hail the orange king and his evil spawn, ouday, cousay, and the blonde one he wants to bang.
Things would be great if Trump were still President. There is no fantasy about it. He would have never signed that unemployment addition which caused a supply chain shortage, a labor shortage, he would have kept the Keystone, not add dozens of new costly regulation to oil drilling, not stopped new exploration and drilling on public land, never signed off on Russia's new pipeline, Russia would have never thought about invading Ukraine which also would have kept fuel prices lower, he would have addressed the baby formula problem when it became known last winter, we would have a million or so less illegals in this country, our warehouses would be full, and our inflation rate at a normal 2% to 3%.

No fantasy you say...and then you follow it up with 10 points of pure fantasy.

Unemployment benefits expired in Sept 2021...and you think they are causing labor shortage now, 10 months later? How many times are you going to repeat this stupid nonsense?

Keystone XL pipeline was tied up in courts and would not transport even a drop of oil for years...and you think it has something to do with current world-wide energy prices? Again, baseless nonsense.

"costly regulation to oil drilling" - what new costly regulation would keep a company from drilling at $100+ a barrel? What the f are you talking about?

"Stopped new exploration and drilling on public land" - pure counterfactual bullshit. Biden's admin signed near record new leases on public land.

"Russia's new pipeline" - Nordstream II was never completed and was scraped all togather as soon as the war broke out, with Biden administration leading on implementing crippling sanctions on Russia that were unthinkable just a few months ago. US has banned all Russian imports while Germany and the rest of NATO countries are now looking to fully get off Russian energy....so what the fuck are you talking about?

"Russia would have never thought to invade Ukrane" - compeltely braindead stupidity, Trump response to Russian invasion was to flatter Putin on smart moves and suggest we should do that on our own border...and you think this degenerate would prevent something?

"inflation would be normal" - again, braindead fantasy. You trying to blame world-wide supply chain and inflation issues on a handful of illegals on American border is beyond ridiculous. How fucking stupid can you get?

You are so hopped up on partisan nonsense it's LAUGHABLE.
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You just can’t tell us how he was bad for you…and you can’t show us any proof to show that his supporters are white suppremacists?
We should go on because you said so?
Oh gosh. You are brainwashed my friend. He's an evil white supremacist. Knock it off!
Hahaha…yep, because you said so….hahaha….silly tard.
Not just me. Several Republicans have said so. Then they walk it back when you guys start hammering them to be blindly loyal. I saw it a bunch of times over the past 5 years.

Are you one of those who think Biden stole it?

Where would we be if Trump were president?​

2 million less beaners
1/2 cost fuel
0% inflation
Nobody taking medicine they don’t want
Nobody falling from jet airplanes in Afghanistan
No young military personnel being blown up in Afghanistan
No 10 year olds being slaughtered in their classrooms by barely legal aliens
Nobody being maimed, raped and murdered in Ukraine
Babies would have a plethora of formula

It woulld totally suck...and Mac1958 would have to deal with the mean tweets.

Making shit up is fun, huh? You forgot to mention every American would win the lottery and all diseases would be cured.

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