Where would we be if Trump were president?

Making shit up is fun, huh? You forgot to mention every American would win the lottery and all diseases would be cured.
I actually think they don't even believe it. It's just bashing us with talking points, thinking it's going to do anything but make us sad for them.
Not just me. Several Republicans have said so. Then they walk it back when you guys start hammering them to be blindly loyal. I saw it a bunch of times over the past 5 years.

Are you one of those who think Biden stole it?

Yeah, they claim he's brain-dead but was the mastermind behind creating the country's most extensive fraud organization to steal the election which not only stole the election from Trump but did so, so amazingly, Democrats left no trail to be caught. :cuckoo:

Conservatives are more than just a few McNuggets shy of a Happy Meal.
Yeah, they claim he's brain-dead but was the mastermind behind creating the country's most extensive fraud organization to steal the election which not only stole the election from Trump but did so, so amazingly, Democrats left no trail to be caught. :cuckoo:

Conservatives are more than just a few McNuggets shy of a Happy Meal.
I just want to understand why they think we're going to believe it if they don't. And again, the evidence was irrefutable.. audit after audit, even one by a shill organization that should have just lied in Phoenix but agreed the vote counts were correct.

Oh well.
No fantasy you say...and then you follow it up with 10 points of pure fantasy.

Unemployment benefits expired in Sept 2021...and you think they are causing labor shortage now, 10 months later? How many times are you going to repeat this stupid nonsense?

Keystone XL pipeline was tied up in courts and would not transport even a drop of oil for years...and you think it has something to do with current world-wide energy prices? Again, baseless nonsense.

"costly regulation to oil drilling" - what new costly regulation would keep a company from drilling at $100+ a barrel? What the f are you talking about?

"Stopped new exploration and drilling on public land" - pure counterfactual bullshit. Biden's admin signed near record new leases on public land.

"Russia's new pipeline" - Nordstream II was never completed and was scraped all togather as soon as the war broke out, with Biden administration leading on implementing crippling sanctions on Russia that were unthinkable just a few months ago. US has banned all Russian imports while Germany and the rest of NATO countries are now looking to fully get off Russian energy....so what the fuck are you talking about?

"Russia would have never thought to invade Ukrane" - compeltely braindead stupidity, Trump response to Russian invasion was to flatter Putin on smart moves and suggest we should do that on our own border...and you think this degenerate would prevent something?

"inflation would be normal" - again, braindead fantasy. You trying to blame world-wide supply chain and inflation issues on a handful of illegals on American border is beyond ridiculous. How fucking stupid can you get?

You are so hopped up on partisan nonsense it's LAUGHABLE.

Yes, unemployment did expire in September of last year, but the payoffs were high enough where people living in their moms basement didn't need to go to work for months. Because warehouses were exhausted, much labor was needed to replenish them; more workers than we actually have. It may take another year even if the predicted recession takes place.

The US was energy independent under Trump. We went from that to begging Venezuela and OPEC for oil. The Keystone was just one of many anti-energy policies of Dementia that sent the market in a tailspin. What new costly regulations?

Trump was right when he said Putin made a smart move. He didn't think of going into Ukraine until our strong leadership left and we put a dementia patient in charge. Under DumBama they entered Crimea, under Dementia they invaded Ukraine, under Trump they sat back quietly and waited for the right time to make a move. I would also call that very smart. As always, Trump was right.

When government pays people more to stay home than work it forces industry to compete against government for labor. Much higher wages had to be offered to attract workers from the unemployment line. When the largest cost for employers (labor) increases dramatically, you have Congress spending money on pork, fuel prices double, you have all the ingredients for a 8.5% inflation rate which is why it's at where it is now. As I stated many times, I retired from the transportation industry. Our prices (like all carriers) reflected the price of fuel. My tractor-trailer got (city and highway) 6.5 mpg. When all these costs are included in products, you see that increase at your local stores, particularly gocery stores, thus inflation.
Yes, unemployment did expire in September of last year, but the payoffs were high enough where people living in their moms basement didn't need to go to work for months. Because warehouses were exhausted, much labor was needed to replenish them; more workers than we actually have. It may take another year even if the predicted recession takes place.

The US was energy independent under Trump. We went from that to begging Venezuela and OPEC for oil. The Keystone was just one of many anti-energy policies of Dementia that sent the market in a tailspin. What new costly regulations?

Trump was right when he said Putin made a smart move. He didn't think of going into Ukraine until our strong leadership left and we put a dementia patient in charge. Under DumBama they entered Crimea, under Dementia they invaded Ukraine, under Trump they sat back quietly and waited for the right time to make a move. I would also call that very smart. As always, Trump was right.

When government pays people more to stay home than work it forces industry to compete against government for labor. Much higher wages had to be offered to attract workers from the unemployment line. When the largest cost for employers (labor) increases dramatically, you have Congress spending money on pork, fuel prices double, you have all the ingredients for a 8.5% inflation rate which is why it's at where it is now. As I stated many times, I retired from the transportation industry. Our prices (like all carriers) reflected the price of fuel. My tractor-trailer got (city and highway) 6.5 mpg. When all these costs are included in products, you see that increase at your local stores, particularly gocery stores, thus inflation.

People who lived on unemployment, still don't need a job 10 months after it's gone?

You sound like a desperate fool, no one in economics believes such fantasies, no one.
Oh, you mean the largest super spreader event that Dementia conducted? You know, allowing millions of illegals to cross our border untested and un-vaxed, and then busing or flying them all over the country coast to coast?

According to Dementia, when the country had 220,000 dead Americans from covid, Trump should have "stepped down." Well, why didn't he follow his own standards? He had well more than that and he's still in the White House unfortunately. Oh, that's right, now things have changed. It's no longer the Presidents fault when it's a commie.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland

his immigration policy sucks when it comes to covid - no doubt & will agree with you on that, raymond. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........................

now tell me how that excuses donny from jump street, where the incompetency started & has far more repercussions than illegals.

lol ... you are dopey.
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People who lived on unemployment, still don't need a job 10 months after it's gone?

You sound like a desperate fool, no one in economics believes such fantasies, no one.

Some didn't go back for a while but many did. However by then we were were depleted of products. It takes a long time to catch up. Until today there are items you can't find in the store, but it's better than it was a year ago. It will keep getting better at a snails pace unless something else goes terribly wrong. Right now the concern is interest rates which have to rise because of inflation. That could be a problem.
his immigration policy sucks when it comes to covid - no doubt & will agree with you on that, raymond. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........................

now tell me how that excuses donny from jump street, where the incompetency started & has far more repercussions that illegals.

lol ... you are dopey.

There was no incompetency on his part. He was a US President, not a God. Tell me how a US President is able to control a microorganism, a virus that nobody alive today has ever seen before.

This is not North Korea or Cuba. There is only so much control our President has because we are a country protected by a Constitution. Look at what they did in China. The government went out and put pad locks on the outside doors of peoples homes. Is that what you wanted?

There was no incompetency on his part.

there was bigley incompetance.

He was a US President, not a God.

donny said he was the chosen one.

Tell me how a US President is able to control a microorganism, a virus that nobody alive today has ever seen before.

control a virus? i never implied that, ray ray. what i said was donny's admin & HHS KNEW it was coming & REFUSED to acknowledge it .... REFUSED to allow the very people who deal with infectious diseases in meetings, making them 'classified' ... made the CDC the enemy, REFUSED to follow the recommendations to minimize the risks of contracting it & spread it. so let's start there.

This is not North Korea or Cuba. There is only so much control our President has because we are a country protected by a Constitution. Look at what they did in China. The government went out and put pad locks on the outside doors of peoples homes. Is that what you wanted?

remember when i said you = dopey?

yep. on steroids.
Some didn't go back for a while but many did. However by then we were were depleted of products. It takes a long time to catch up. Until today there are items you can't find in the store, but it's better than it was a year ago. It will keep getting better at a snails pace unless something else goes terribly wrong. Right now the concern is interest rates which have to rise because of inflation. That could be a problem.

Which items? Give me items that we are short on due to inedequate American labor force a year ago.

Oil/Energy? Nope.
Cars? Nope.
Real Estate? Nope.
Restraunts and Hotels? Nope.

I've just named you about 2/3 of inflation components

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Which items? Give me items that we are short on due to inedequate American labor force a year ago.

Oil/Energy? Nope.
Cars? Nope.
Real Estate? Nope.
Restraunts and Hotels? Nope.

I've just named you about 2/3 of inflation components


WTF are you talking about? If you went to trade in your car six months ago you got the highest used car price in history. Why is that? Because there is a shortage of cars which makes used cars much more valuable. I know people that traded in their old car for nearly the price of a new one same make and model. People who go to car dealerships that can't wait two, three or four weeks for a car take anything on the lot, thus increasing their value.

Do you really think that fuel prices doubled because we have too much of it? You're not very knowledgeable of economics, are you?

The media that suppressed the Hunter Biden story effectively changed the course of America, and not in a good way. What would have been different if the media had been honest?

1) We would still be energy independent, and gas prices would be substantially lower, along with everything else dependent on transportation - like groceries.
Nope... US would be no more energy independent that it is today... How many times do we have to explain it... US owns not one drop of oil when it comes out of a refinery... The Oil Company does..
The Oil Company sells it to whoever they like, transport is cheap... So US was and never will be energy independent unless it nationaises the oil companies in the US...
Sorry but if you were thinking different then just think how misinformed you are and then think who led you to this...

2) The illegals would still be in Mexico, and not using limited resources - like baby formula - that Americans need.
Again, no.. Illegals as you put them are actually refugees claiming asylum in many cases... These people are fleeing the violence and corruption initially caused by the US drug trade.
The recent surge, which is less than what was coming across the border than under Bush was caused by a further destabilisation of their home countries by US cutting funding to fight their own illegal drug trade.
Guess who cut that funding, which effectively moves the fight from central America to North America...

3) Inflation would be lower, albeit still raised, since the last “print money” scheme otherwise deceptively called the infrastructure bill would not have happened.
No... This inflation is a global issue... The spending thing can be blamed on Trump, Biden in his first year of office spent less than Trump did in his last year...
Trump actually increased the spending quite considerably when he took office... Again you have to look where you are getting you information from...

4) We would not have abandoned thousands of Americans to the Taliban.
Simple question here... What President would sign a peace deal without safe passage for US and allies? Trump let 5000 Taliban loose and brought US military numbers to 2,500...
The deal was bad, very bad... The Afghan Government weren't even included...
Biden offered any US citizen who wanted to leave a way out.. No US Citizen one was left behind who wanted to leave...
This with the hand Biden was dealt was the outcome with the fewest casualties... Sorry, if you wanted a better outcome then how was Trump signing a deal like that...

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