Where would we be if Trump were president?

5. We would not have left $85b of US military equipment in AFG for the Taliban.
6. Russia would NOT be negotiating the new Iran deal on behalf of the US
7. The Brits and French would not have held the US in CONTEMPT for bailing on AFG
8. The KeystoneXL pipeline would be complete adding 500,000 bpd of oil
9. Russia would NOT have invaded Ukraine. Saving ($$$$$$$$billions)
10. The FBI would not be investigating parents as "domestic terrorists"
11. Israel's EastMed gas pipeline would be under construction
12. ANWR would be under development
13. There would be no baby formula shortage
But you would be still talking shit...

None of the pipelines would be built... Isreal was pulling out of EastMed, US just made it look better for them...

Britian and French think the Trump Taliban deal was the source of the AFG problem... Lets be clear, UK and France think Trump was a idiot to sign that deal, they were just disappointed Biden didn't throw it totally in the bin... Biden wanted out and US was going home..
Nope... US would be no more energy independent that it is today... How many times do we have to explain it... US owns not one drop of oil when it comes out of a refinery... The Oil Company does..
The Oil Company sells it to whoever they like, transport is cheap... So US was and never will be energy independent unless it nationaises the oil companies in the US...
Sorry but if you were thinking different then just think how misinformed you are and then think who led you to this...

Again, no.. Illegals as you put them are actually refugees claiming asylum in many cases... These people are fleeing the violence and corruption initially caused by the US drug trade.
The recent surge, which is less than what was coming across the border than under Bush was caused by a further destabilisation of their home countries by US cutting funding to fight their own illegal drug trade.
Guess who cut that funding, which effectively moves the fight from central America to North America...

No... This inflation is a global issue... The spending thing can be blamed on Trump, Biden in his first year of office spent less than Trump did in his last year...
Trump actually increased the spending quite considerably when he took office... Again you have to look where you are getting you information from...

Simple question here... What President would sign a peace deal without safe passage for US and allies? Trump let 5000 Taliban loose and brought US military numbers to 2,500...
The deal was bad, very bad... The Afghan Government weren't even included...
Biden offered any US citizen who wanted to leave a way out.. No US Citizen one was left behind who wanted to leave...
This with the hand Biden was dealt was the outcome with the fewest casualties... Sorry, if you wanted a better outcome then how was Trump signing a deal like that...
I mean all true.. but why waste so much time telling it to that troll?
WTF are you talking about? If you went to trade in your car six months ago you got the highest used car price in history. Why is that? Because there is a shortage of cars which makes used cars much more valuable. I know people that traded in their old car for nearly the price of a new one same make and model. People who go to car dealerships that can't wait two, three or four weeks for a car take anything on the lot, thus increasing their value.

Do you really think that fuel prices doubled because we have too much of it? You're not very knowledgeable of economics, are you?

I'm talking about car shortage and energy shortages ARE NOT DUE TO AMERICAN LABOR SHORTAGES from a year ago.

American workers do not produce the car's computer chips and other globally sourced parts that halted and slowed the production lines.

Unemployment benefits did not cause that and you claiming that they did is INCOHERENT.

I hope you get that now and we do not have to go over this simple concept a few more times.
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I'm talking about car shortage and energy shortages ARE NOT DUE TO AMERICAN LABOR SHORTAGES from a year ago.

American workers do not produce the car's computer chips and other globally sourced parts that halted and slowed the production lines.

Unemployment benefits did not cause that and you claiming that they did is INCOHERENT.

I hope you get that now and we do not have to go over this simple concept a few more times.

Of course unemployment caused it. In our state they calculated that when payroll taxes are included, between state and fed unemployment, people were making 57K a year compared to working people. In our state the cost of living is reasonable, and there are a lot of people that do fine making much less than that. So people were making more money staying home than working.

Simple concept? A simple concept is that when less people are working, less things are made. This is something a 10 year old can understand. If you throw a paint party for your house, will you get more of it painted with three people or six?
Of course unemployment caused it. In our state they calculated that when payroll taxes are included, between state and fed unemployment, people were making 57K a year compared to working people. In our state the cost of living is reasonable, and there are a lot of people that do fine making much less than that. So people were making more money staying home than working.

Simple concept? A simple concept is that when less people are working, less things are made. This is something a 10 year old can understand. If you throw a paint party for your house, will you get more of it painted with three people or six?

Dumbass do you have some sort of A.D.D. condition?

Nothing you've just said explains wtf unemployment benefits have to do with chip and other foreign produced parts shortages that slowed vehicle production world-wide.


Do you want to try to concentrate and this time ACTUALLY address what I say instead of posting braindead drivel?
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Nope... US would be no more energy independent that it is today... How many times do we have to explain it... US owns not one drop of oil when it comes out of a refinery... The Oil Company does..
The Oil Company sells it to whoever they like, transport is cheap... So US was and never will be energy independent unless it nationaises the oil companies in the US...
Sorry but if you were thinking different then just think how misinformed you are and then think who led you to this...

Energy independence is not defined as how much of your own fuel you can keep. Fuel is an international market, not a domestic one. Energy independence means if we import 19 million barrels of oil a day, and export 19 million barrels a day, we are energy independent. If we import 19 million barrels a day, and export 20 million barrels a day, we are the worlds provider of energy.

Even when we had more oil than we could use, we still bought oil from other countries. It's a normal process.
Of course unemployment caused it. In our state they calculated that when payroll taxes are included, between state and fed unemployment, people were making 57K a year compared to working people. In our state the cost of living is reasonable, and there are a lot of people that do fine making much less than that. So people were making more money staying home than working.

Simple concept? A simple concept is that when less people are working, less things are made. This is something a 10 year old can understand. If you throw a paint party for your house, will you get more of it painted with three people or six?
Oh, that's so nice of you! You're trying "logic" on a trump cultist. It's like watching kids fish in an empty pool.
And that route is trains which is much slower and more threatening to the environment than pipelines.
Can't be! They told us that was the reason we needed the first three or four legs of the Canadian Pipeline. Didn't they just keep using trains to export more oil though? Aren't they just going to do that again?
Energy independence is not defined as how much of your own fuel you can keep. Fuel is an international market, not a domestic one. Energy independence means if we import 19 million barrels of oil a day, and export 19 million barrels a day, we are energy independent. If we import 19 million barrels a day, and export 20 million barrels a day, we are the worlds provider of energy.

Even when we had more oil than we could use, we still bought oil from other countries. It's a normal process.
They're treating LNG as Crude oil and calling it energy independence. We've been oil dependent since before 1960.
It was just one more straw on the camels back. It didn't have to reduce anything. Fuel prices are controlled by the commodities market, and speculators seen the closing of the pipeline as evidence Dementia's threats were real. That's on top of his other actions that increased the price of our gasoline today.

The speculators saw that the inventories were depleting as the producing nations finally made all the cuts in production late in 2020 that they agreed to earlier in the year. Just as demand began to skyrocket as the world was returning to work.
The speculators saw that the inventories were depleting as the producing nations finally made all the cuts in production late in 2020 that they agreed to earlier in the year. Just as demand began to skyrocket as the world was returning to work.

Gasoline started going up within his first week of office, and you want me to believe it was some sort of coincidence? I passed my gas station just now. $4.79. Oh but that's a coincidence too. Forget all of Dementia's threats. Forget the Keystone. Forget his stopping new exploration and drilling, forget his royalty increases on oil companies. Forget all that. It has nothing to do with my station charging well over 100% more for gasoline than under Trump. All just dumb luck.

"The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland.
Can't be! They told us that was the reason we needed the first three or four legs of the Canadian Pipeline. Didn't they just keep using trains to export more oil though? Aren't they just going to do that again?

There would be no more need to use trains if the pipeline was built. Yes, they were using trains until that time. Now it's permanent.
There would be no more need to use trains if the pipeline was built. Yes, they were using trains until that time. Now it's permanent.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

No. There was/is/willnotbe any agreement to stop using trains when profit is on the line.
Gasoline started going up within his first week of office, and you want me to believe it was some sort of coincidence? I passed my gas station just now. $4.79. Oh but that's a coincidence too. Forget all of Dementia's threats. Forget the Keystone. Forget his stopping new exploration and drilling, forget his royalty increases on oil companies. Forget all that. It has nothing to do with my station charging well over 100% more for gasoline than under Trump. All just dumb luck.

"The best thing about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland.
Prices start going up in June 2020.

Neither Exploration nor drilling has been stopped. The rig count bottomed out at 250 active rigs in 2020. and has nearly tripled under Biden so far.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

No. There was/is/willnotbe any agreement to stop using trains when profit is on the line.

Profits are much better with pipelines. That's why they invested in it in the first place. No need to transport oil at a higher cost when you have the ability to transport oil and a much lesser cost.
The media that suppressed the Hunter Biden story effectively changed the course of America, and not in a good way. What would have been different if the media had been honest?

1) We would still be energy independent, and gas prices would be substantially lower, along with everything else dependent on transportation - like groceries.

2) The illegals would still be in Mexico, and not using limited resources - like baby formula - that Americans need.

3) Inflation would be lower, albeit still raised, since the last “print money” scheme otherwise deceptively called the infrastructure bill would not have happened.

4) We would not have abandoned thousands of Americans to the Taliban.
Inflation would still be high, the supply chain would still be fucked up, Covid would still be running rampant, gas would still be over five dollars.

And Putin would be in Kiev.

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