Where would we be if Trump were president?

Trump is a billionaire real estate mogul, turned television star, who became president, and has a hot model wife.

What are you, the tranny who cleans tables at Taco Bell?

Fuck off loser.
Is is "hot model wife" giving him dancing lessons?I

Trump is a poster boy for what happens to people who refuse treatment for mental illness.
Things would be great if Trump were still President. There is no fantasy about it. He would have never signed that unemployment addition which caused a supply chain shortage, a labor shortage, he would have kept the Keystone, not add dozens of new costly regulation to oil drilling, not stopped new exploration and drilling on public land, never signed off on Russia's new pipeline, Russia would have never thought about invading Ukraine which also would have kept fuel prices lower, he would have addressed the baby formula problem when it became known last winter, we would have a million or so less illegals in this country, our warehouses would be full, and our inflation rate at a normal 2% to 3%.
I can’t even…
That would be China, Hunter and "the big guy's" business partner.

Nope, none of them presided over the U.S. during Trump's 4 years in office when we lost 2.6 million jobs. No other president left office with fewer jobs than when they started since Hoover. Trump owns that.
Nope, none of them presided over the U.S. during Trump's 4 years in office when we lost 2.6 million jobs. No other president left office with fewer jobs than when they started since Hoover. Trump owns that.
What's that got to do with Hunter and Brandon"s business partner creating and spreading the virus?
And yet he had less deaths under his watch than Dementia. Imagine that.

ray ray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how the fuck are ya? never mind, i don't care.

anyhoo, had that damn virus not been given the opportunity to mutate, due to the incompetence of yer chosen one, nor the politicalizing of wearing mask, nor made scientists the enemy, nor held super spreading rallies to kick it all off...

it would have never skyrocketed.


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