Where's my Global Warming!

So if you cant prove it then shut the fuck up, lying bastard.

Yes! A total meltdown! I score big! Woohoo!

Jim, you realize that you're just here for the amusement of the adults, right? Oh wait, you don't realize it. That's what makes it even funnier.

Oh, if anyone with a brain would like to read mockery of WUWT and their crazy dishonest ways going back for years, try these.


What'sUpWithThatWatts, et al.

Wott's Up With That?

Mockery, unfounded accusations, blowing smoke and whining like a little bitch; but no facts, no evidence, and no class...typical Warmista.
Temperature record with CO2 levels for the last 600 million years

Shows a stable climate for the last 200,000 years, until now. Way to go to prove our case.

That is hundreds of millions, not thousands, and the chart shows a variance of about 10 degrees C and we are on the lower part of the cycle, so why wouldn't anyone expct global temps to go back up?

Last 10,000 years

Deliberate cherrypick of one spot, thus fails hard. And it's truncated, probably deliberately so, to stop many years before the present. Extended up to 2013, that red line would be suddenly shooting up past -30, more or less in an eyeblink. Which would again prove our case.

So what contrary evidence do you have instead?

That's right....NONE!
I'll admit that the surface land hasn't seen warming in many years. This is what we call the pause.

We of course can argue about the total system when it has to do with the oceans.

What you call the pause, We call natural fluctuations in climate due more to solar activity and water vapor more than anything else, But they just make stuff up for things they cant explain.
I know I want MY Global Warming...schools closed here due to the freezing temps. :(

I'll admit that the surface land hasn't seen warming in many years. This is what we call the pause.

We of course can argue about the total system when it has to do with the oceans.

Since the AGW's are using the phrase 'Greenhouse gasses' the following analogy is appropriate, Matthew.

Say we have a greenhouse with a 20' high apex and a large 1,000 gallon water tank in the middle on the ground.

The temperatures inside go through basically four phases:

1) Morning; suns coming up and the temperatures at the apex rise first, the ground level temps climb next, then we see the water temperatures start to go up (after an initial continued decline prior to ground air temps warming up) as the lagging indicator.

2) Afternoon: all temperatures continue to rise at every level due to additional heat.

3) Evening: ground level temps fall first as what heat is still trapped rises to apex, apex plateaus for a while, and the water tank temperatures continue to climb until its temps are equal to the ground air, then it declines as well.

4) night time; all temps drop.

What we are seeing now is a distinct signature for phase 3.
I know I want MY Global Warming...schools closed here due to the freezing temps. :(


-7 where you are -23 windchill.

BUT, if you average that with the hot temps in Australia you will feel much warmer!


Ever hear the one about the statistician who had one foot in boiling water and one in ice water so he could feel comfortable in the average?
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I know I want MY Global Warming...schools closed here due to the freezing temps. :(


-7 where you are -23 windchill.

The "windchill" is the killer, more so than the actual temperature because a body can loose over 1500 watts per m^2 even in moderate winds.
It may also be what is killing the AGW doomsday prophecies which tell you that the 1.5 watts/m^2 heat the CO2 is preventing from being lost will warm the planet...and "prove" that with "computer models" where the wind does not chill anything.
I know I want MY Global Warming...schools closed here due to the freezing temps. :(


-7 where you are -23 windchill.

The "windchill" is the killer, more so than the actual temperature because a body can loose over 1500 watts per m^2 even in moderate winds.
It may also be what is killing the AGW doomsday prophecies which tell you that the 1.5 watts/m^2 heat the CO2 is preventing from being lost will warm the planet...and "prove" that with "computer models" where the wind does not chill anything.

Yeah -- actually I've been LOOKING for reports of sea ice building that even MENTION wind speeds, or currents or sea state or all the other DYNAMIC forces that move heat around. And it's silent.
Very few reports on sea ice reference anything other than the air temp trends..

Here for instance, is a 2012 paper explaining AntArctic sea ice builds to wind speeds and patterns..

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Pretty juvenile to be describing ice building and melting with TEMPERATURE as the ONLY factor that matters..
So what contrary evidence do you have instead?

Do keep up with the very basics of the science, will you please? Pretending that the real science is all a socialist conspiracy plays well with your cult, but most people aren't in your cult.


Did you draw that black line yourself?...What a wiki joke.:cuckoo:..it's -29 windchill here I'm freezing.
Temperatures aren't even measured correctly by these nutjobs anyone who believes that stupid chart were temperatures are way up is a brainwashed idiot:cuckoo:
-7 where you are -23 windchill.

The "windchill" is the killer, more so than the actual temperature because a body can loose over 1500 watts per m^2 even in moderate winds.
It may also be what is killing the AGW doomsday prophecies which tell you that the 1.5 watts/m^2 heat the CO2 is preventing from being lost will warm the planet...and "prove" that with "computer models" where the wind does not chill anything.

Yeah -- actually I've been LOOKING for reports of sea ice building that even MENTION wind speeds, or currents or sea state or all the other DYNAMIC forces that move heat around. And it's silent.
Very few reports on sea ice reference anything other than the air temp trends..

Here for instance, is a 2012 paper explaining AntArctic sea ice builds to wind speeds and patterns..

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Pretty juvenile to be describing ice building and melting with TEMPERATURE as the ONLY factor that matters..

It is juvenile and none of these "experts" have any actual experience, how thick ice does build when everything is factored in.
No matter how cold the air above the ice is, the water below the ice continues to dissolve it.
That`s why we have to scrape the snow off the ice roads on our rivers and lakes.


It`s not as if a chained up 180 000 pound Super B tanker truck would get stuck in a few inches of snow.


That snow layer would insulate the ice below it and it would get too thin for heavy loads very quickly.

A "temperature anomaly" of a fraction of a degree above "normal" matters shit as far as ice thickness is concerned when the wind blows and starts chilling everything which is exposed to it at a rate of over 1500 watts per m^2 as if it was 3 times as cold.

These 1500 watts of heat energy that the wind chill removes from the ground does not heat up the air by any appreciable amount either.
The higher the wind speed the higher the mass of air was which removed the energy from a square meter of ground...and the temperature is wattsec divided by the mass and the specific heat. The heat energy from that 1 m^2 can longer contribute to the 15 µm CO2 1.5 watt/m^2 "back radiation" but is removed at a rate ~ 1000 times higher by heat conduction and convection....which is the part where all these "energy budgets" and computer models are dead wrong:

The recent "polar vortex" resulted in wind chills of over -60 degrees in Canada and when that air mass which carried our Canadian "heat energy" got to New York it sure as shit did not warm them up.
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Global Warming religionists are dancing naked in the streets of Noo Yawwwwk to demonstrate that their faith will keep them warm. Importantly, though, they are not having intercourse in the streets as that would make them....well....a special kind of idiots.
Dr. Scotese is a geologist, not a climatologist. You are posting geological temperatures, not weather temperatures.

lol, you are so full of shit.
Looks like you're full of shit:


Lol, so you have to prove you don't understand science.

Any scientist can prove anything in any other field of science IF he follows the scientific method and has proper peer review. Of course the turf protection kicks in, but in theory it is true and once in a while you have cross pollination from one field to another.

In this case a geologist has taken ice core samples and derived the historical temp record, and it doesn't matter that he is a geologist putting out FACTS that impact climate science.

And this is a good thing for science as a whole because it helps to prevent an echo chamber effect of scientists telling each other what they expect to hear.

But then dumbshits like you will just keep on repeating ad hominem bullshit like you have been if you hear/read it from the authority sources you trust.

Because, deep down, you don't have the slightest clue what science is about, and it is NOT the sycophantic network of ass kissers you seem to think it is.

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