Where's my Global Warming!

Lacking any actual science to support his denier cult delusions, JammedButtie stupidly posts pseudo-science and deceptive propaganda from dimwitted denier cult blogs and idiotically imagines that they are convincing evidence to non cult members. Lacking the intelligence necessary to rationally evaluate the evidence, JammedButtie moronically relies on the pre-digested misinterpretations of the facts fed to him by his rightwingnut puppet masters.

Anti-science, extremely ignorant, half-witted reality denying cultists like JammedButtie are very pathetic.
Lacking any actual science to support his denier cult delusions, JammedButtie stupidly posts pseudo-science and deceptive propaganda from dimwitted denier cult blogs and idiotically imagines that they are convincing evidence to non cult members. Lacking the intelligence necessary to rationally evaluate the evidence, JammedButtie moronically relies on the pre-digested misinterpretations of the facts fed to him by his rightwingnut puppet masters.

Anti-science, extremely ignorant, half-witted reality denying cultists like JammedButtie are very pathetic.

the "pseudo science" has been bought and paid for. And liberals nutjobs like you buy into the stupidity:cuckoo:
Spectacularly Poor Climate Science At NASA | Real Science

Dr. James Hansen of NASA, has been the world’s leading promoter of the idea that the world is headed towards “climate disaster.” There is little evidence to back this up.

In 2008, Hansen wrote about “stabilizing” the climate :

Stabilizing atmospheric CO2 and climate requires that net CO2 emissions approach zero, because of the long lifetime of CO2


Yet in 1999, he made it quite clear that past climate was not stable, and that there was little evidence to support that idea that the climate was becoming unstable.

Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed precipitately toward more extreme heat and drought. The drought of 1999 covered a smaller area than the 1988 drought, when the Mississippi almost dried up. And 1988 was a temporary inconvenience as compared with repeated droughts during the 1930s “Dust Bowl” that caused an exodus from the prairies, as chronicled in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath.

NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?
In that same 1999 report, he showed that US temperatures peaked in 1934, and declined through the rest of the century.


:eek:"Net Co2 emissions approach zero!!" this guy must be some kind of psychopath:cuckoo:
The entire world would need to cut co2 emissions from 36gt today to around 15gt by 2050 at least. At the same time as the population go from 7 to 9 billion people to stay below 2c...

This is what people like James Hansen are talking about.

Fusion is about the only way we're getting there.
Spectacularly Poor Climate Science At NASA | Real Science

Dr. James Hansen of NASA, has been the world’s leading promoter of the idea that the world is headed towards “climate disaster.” There is little evidence to back this up.

In 2008, Hansen wrote about “stabilizing” the climate :

Stabilizing atmospheric CO2 and climate requires that net CO2 emissions approach zero, because of the long lifetime of CO2


Yet in 1999, he made it quite clear that past climate was not stable, and that there was little evidence to support that idea that the climate was becoming unstable.

Empirical evidence does not lend much support to the notion that climate is headed precipitately toward more extreme heat and drought. The drought of 1999 covered a smaller area than the 1988 drought, when the Mississippi almost dried up. And 1988 was a temporary inconvenience as compared with repeated droughts during the 1930s “Dust Bowl” that caused an exodus from the prairies, as chronicled in Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath.

NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Whither U.S. Climate?
In that same 1999 report, he showed that US temperatures peaked in 1934, and declined through the rest of the century.


:eek:"Net Co2 emissions approach zero!!" this guy must be some kind of psychopath:cuckoo:

But to the libtard class clown we are the loons for not blindly accepting the decrees of their high priests of bullshit.
The entire world would need to cut co2 emissions from 36gt today to around 15gt by 2050 at least. At the same time as the population go from 7 to 9 billion people to stay below 2c...

This is what people like James Hansen are talking about.

Fusion is about the only way we're getting there.

I think he and his kind are full of shit..Co2 is good it's greening our planet:cool:
Lacking any actual science to support his denier cult delusions, JammedButtie stupidly posts pseudo-science and deceptive propaganda from dimwitted denier cult blogs and idiotically imagines that they are convincing evidence to non cult members. Lacking the intelligence necessary to rationally evaluate the evidence, JammedButtie moronically relies on the pre-digested misinterpretations of the facts fed to him by his rightwingnut puppet masters.

Anti-science, extremely ignorant, half-witted reality denying cultists like JammedButtie are very pathetic.

the "pseudo science" has been bought and paid for.

Hey KrokoKrap, it's good to see that you are finally waking up to the role the Koch brothers play in creating the retarded propaganda you try to push. Maybe I should rename you 'KochKrap'. It might be more appropriate.
I'm freezing are the Russian's right?...More arctic cold coming

New Ice Age to Begin in 2014

“Forecasters predict that a new ice age will begin soon,” says this article on russia-ic.com.

“Habibullo Abdusamatov, a scientist from the Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences considers that the sharp drop in temperature will start on the Earth in 2014.

“According to the scientist, our planet began to “get cold” in the 1990s. The new ice age will last at least two centuries, with its peak in 2055.

“It is interesting, that the same date was chosen by the supporters of the theory of global warming.

New Ice Age to Begin in 2014
Neither does anything you've said prove he's guilty of those things. And his work is heavily reviewed by most of the world's climate scientists. They don't seem to share your feelings about the man and they are able to judge the quality of his work FAR better than are you or I.

Samples and comments on Hansens 'adjustments' to the temperature data;

NASA GISS ? Adjusting the Adjustments « Climate Audit

As a simple exercise, I quickly revisited the everchanging Hansen adjustments, a topic commented on acidly by E.M. Smith (Chiefio) in many posts – also see his interesting comments in the thread at a guest post at Anthony‘s, a post which revisited the race between 1934 and 1998 – an issue first raised at Climate Audit in 2007 in connection with Hansen’s Y2K error.

As CA readers recall, Hansen’s Y2K error resulted in a reduction of US temperatures after 2000 relative to earlier values. The change from previous values is shown in red in the graphic below; the figure also shows (black) remarkable re-writing of past history since August 2007 – a rewriting of history that has increased the 2000-6 relative to the 1930s by about 0.3 deg C.


Hansen?s NASA GISS ? cooling the past, warming the present | Watts Up With That?
I ran a post yesterday, showing how the latest version of GISSTEMP had changed from using Hadley/Reynolds to ERSST for ocean temperatures, with the result that about 0.03C had been added to recent warming.

However, this is not the only change they have made to the historical temperature record in recent years. Climate4You, fortunately, archived the GISS data in May 2008. Comparing this dataset with today’s version, we can see that about 0.10C of warming, or more, has been added to temperatures in the last decade, compared to data up to about 1950.


NOTE: This is an actual snippet of code from the CRU contained in the source file: briffa_Sep98_d.pro

2; Apply a VERY ARTIFICAL correction for decline!!
4 yrloc=[1400,findgen(19)*5.+1904]
5 valadj=[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,-0.1,-0.25,-0.3,0.,-0.1,0.3,0.8,1.2,1.7,2.5,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6]*0.75 ; fudge factor
6 if n_elements(yrloc) ne n_elements(valadj) then message,'Oooops!'
8 yearlyadj=interpol(valadj,yrloc,timey)

So the fudge factor is adjusting each year by their calendar year starting with 1904, in five year increments. Note that starting in 1930 the function arbitrarily subtracts 0.1 degrees, then in 1936 it removes 0.25, etc. Then in 1955 it begins to ADD temperature adjustments beginning with 0.3, etc.

Is it any wonder we have 'global warming' according to these liars?

Just the name 'fudge factor' at line 5 should be a dead give away.[/QUOTE]

I said his work was fully supported by the world's climate scientists and you pull up a critique from Watts Up With That. Does anyone else see the problem here?
Neither does anything you've said prove he's guilty of those things. And his work is heavily reviewed by most of the world's climate scientists. They don't seem to share your feelings about the man and they are able to judge the quality of his work FAR better than are you or I.

Samples and comments on Hansens 'adjustments' to the temperature data;

NASA GISS ? Adjusting the Adjustments « Climate Audit


Hansen?s NASA GISS ? cooling the past, warming the present | Watts Up With That?
I ran a post yesterday, showing how the latest version of GISSTEMP had changed from using Hadley/Reynolds to ERSST for ocean temperatures, with the result that about 0.03C had been added to recent warming.

However, this is not the only change they have made to the historical temperature record in recent years. Climate4You, fortunately, archived the GISS data in May 2008. Comparing this dataset with today’s version, we can see that about 0.10C of warming, or more, has been added to temperatures in the last decade, compared to data up to about 1950.


NOTE: This is an actual snippet of code from the CRU contained in the source file: briffa_Sep98_d.pro

2; Apply a VERY ARTIFICAL correction for decline!!
4 yrloc=[1400,findgen(19)*5.+1904]
5 valadj=[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,-0.1,-0.25,-0.3,0.,-0.1,0.3,0.8,1.2,1.7,2.5,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6]*0.75 ; fudge factor
6 if n_elements(yrloc) ne n_elements(valadj) then message,'Oooops!'
8 yearlyadj=interpol(valadj,yrloc,timey)

So the fudge factor is adjusting each year by their calendar year starting with 1904, in five year increments. Note that starting in 1930 the function arbitrarily subtracts 0.1 degrees, then in 1936 it removes 0.25, etc. Then in 1955 it begins to ADD temperature adjustments beginning with 0.3, etc.

Is it any wonder we have 'global warming' according to these liars?

Just the name 'fudge factor' at line 5 should be a dead give away.

I said his work was fully supported by the world's climate scientists and you pull up a critique from Watts Up With That. [/quote]

If amateurs at WUWT can spot the problems then why don't the scientists in the industry?

Maybe because they fear losing funding if the scam is exposed?

And so what? If the facts are uncovered by WUWT or the faculty at MIT, facts are still facts, and you Warmistas have a steady pattern if ignoring the facts and diving straight into ad hominem attacks on the sources of the facts instead of the facts themselves.

Does anyone else see the problem here?

I see you are having a problem with the attributions, lol.
Neither does anything you've said prove he's guilty of those things. And his work is heavily reviewed by most of the world's climate scientists. They don't seem to share your feelings about the man and they are able to judge the quality of his work FAR better than are you or I.

Samples and comments on Hansens 'adjustments' to the temperature data;

NASA GISS ? Adjusting the Adjustments « Climate Audit


Hansen?s NASA GISS ? cooling the past, warming the present | Watts Up With That?
I ran a post yesterday, showing how the latest version of GISSTEMP had changed from using Hadley/Reynolds to ERSST for ocean temperatures, with the result that about 0.03C had been added to recent warming.

However, this is not the only change they have made to the historical temperature record in recent years. Climate4You, fortunately, archived the GISS data in May 2008. Comparing this dataset with today’s version, we can see that about 0.10C of warming, or more, has been added to temperatures in the last decade, compared to data up to about 1950.


NOTE: This is an actual snippet of code from the CRU contained in the source file: briffa_Sep98_d.pro

2; Apply a VERY ARTIFICAL correction for decline!!
4 yrloc=[1400,findgen(19)*5.+1904]
5 valadj=[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,-0.1,-0.25,-0.3,0.,-0.1,0.3,0.8,1.2,1.7,2.5,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6,2.6]*0.75 ; fudge factor
6 if n_elements(yrloc) ne n_elements(valadj) then message,'Oooops!'
8 yearlyadj=interpol(valadj,yrloc,timey)

So the fudge factor is adjusting each year by their calendar year starting with 1904, in five year increments. Note that starting in 1930 the function arbitrarily subtracts 0.1 degrees, then in 1936 it removes 0.25, etc. Then in 1955 it begins to ADD temperature adjustments beginning with 0.3, etc.

Is it any wonder we have 'global warming' according to these liars?

Just the name 'fudge factor' at line 5 should be a dead give away.

I said his work was fully supported by the world's climate scientists and you pull up a critique from Watts Up With That. Does anyone else see the problem here?[/QUOTE]

Most "Climate scientist" are bought and paid for
Global warming is returning by popular demand for a two day cameo here in KC. Bbq grills are sure to be fired up in its honor. I know my will be smokin tomorrow
Travelers deal with major snowstorm fallout


(CNN) -- There was a theme Tuesday to departure boards at airports along the East Coast: Canceled.

With almost 3,000 flights called off Tuesday, passengers had to change their plans for getting home, getting to meetings, getting on with their lives.

Michaele Bates was stuck at LaGuardia Airport in New York, wondering how she was going to get back to Atlanta to make her deliveries on Wednesday.

"I can't get out until Thursday," the small business owner told CNN. "I'm kind of wrecked, but you can't do anything about it. It's the weather."

It's the weather that was causing cities along the East Coast to shut down early Tuesday night as a major snowstorm hampered life and travel in states from North Carolina to Maine.

Winter storm warnings and watches were in effect for all or part of 13 states from the mid-Atlantic to New England. There was a blizzard warning for Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Some areas could see more than a foot of snow, CNN Meteorologist Jennifer Gray said. In New York, the wind chill might bottom out at minus 12 degrees overnight.

Washington, where even the White House took a snow day Tuesday, was expected to get at least 8 inches of snow, forecasters said. Snow also was falling in North Carolina, CNN affiliate WRAL reported.

The storm should push into the Atlantic Ocean on Wednesday morning, Gray said.

The areas that are frigid already and the eastern half of the nation will shiver through temperatures 10 to 25 degrees below average.

Canceled: Travelers deal with major snowstorm fallout - CNN.com
If amateurs at WUWT can spot the problems then why don't the scientists in the industry?

But the amateurs at WUWT are dishonest 'tards who got caught making crap up. For the hundredth time or so. And you kiss the asses of those liars, solely because your political cult tells you to.

Just making it clear where we each stand. The mainstream science side is honest, intelligent and independent, while your denialist cult is a gaggle of bitter deluded political extremists. Outside of the kook right fringe, denialism doesn't exist, because denialism is purely a political movement. In direct contrast, global warming science is non-political, crossing all political boundaries around the world.
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If amateurs at WUWT can spot the problems then why don't the scientists in the industry?

But the amateurs at WUWT are dishonest 'tards who got caught making crap up. For the hundredth time or so. And you kiss the asses of those liars, solely because your political cult tells you to.

Just making it clear where we each stand. The mainstream science side is honest, intelligent and independent, while your denialist cult is a gaggle of bitter deluded political extremists. Outside of the kook right fringe, denialism doesn't exist, because denialism is purely a political movement. In direct contrast, global warming science is non-political, crossing all political boundaries around the world.

:lol:That was a joke right? You made it funny. "Non-poitical":cuckoo:
Miss Global Warming Yet? If Not, Just Wait And You Might

Larry Bell



Within only about half of a 30-year-long climate period later media attention shifted to a new and opposite threat…one that set Al Gore’s pants on fire during his 1988 Senate hearings on the matter. By that time the United Nations had already determined that global warming was a crisis and that human fossil fuel CO2 emissions were the cause.

To avoid any doubt of just how bad conditions were and who was most responsible the UN convened an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which rapidly fixed blame on rich nations. From there the UN was less than a frenetic hop, skip and jump away from prescribing solutions. In short order they established a cap and trade program (the Kyoto Protocol) to tax carbon emissions, plus demanded additional economic penance from developed countries for all that climate damage their prosperity is causing.

Then everything ran into an unanticipated snag…that “best laid plans of mice and men going awry” conundrum thing. Just when those random noise data IPCC hockey stick chart-producing computer programs predicted carbon dioxide-driven temperatures going orbital and sea levels flooding Capitol Hill, something went terribly wrong. Yup, in case you noticed, global temperatures went flat, and have stayed that way now since the time most of today’s high school students were born.

Incidentally, we’re at that time now Al predicted in his December 10, 2007 “Earth has a Fever” Nobel Prize acceptance speech that Arctic summer sea ice could “completely disappear”. Instead, the Arctic actually gained 920,000 square miles of ice during 2013 over 2012, the largest year-to-year increase since satellite records began.

But if you thought global warming was scary, here’s an alternative to consider. Some really smart scientists predict that Planet Earth is now entering a very deep and prolonged cooling period attributable to 100-year record low numbers of sunspots. Periods of reduced sunspot activity correlate with increased cloud-forming influences of cosmic rays. More clouds tend to make conditions cooler, while fewer often cause warming.


During the mid-seventeenth century encroaching glaciers destroyed farms and villages in the Swiss Alps. Sea ice surrounding Iceland closed harbors to shipping. Boxed in and experiencing cereal crop farming failures, Iceland’s population fell by half.

In the late seventeenth century agriculture dropped off so dramatically that Alpine villagers lived on breads made from ground nutshells mixed with barley and oat flour. Famines claimed about ten percent of the people in France, Norway and Sweden, about one-fifth of those in Estonia, and one-third in Finland during the late 1600s.


Miss Global Warming Yet? If Not, Just Wait And You Might - Forbes



Miss Global Warming Yet? If Not, Just Wait And You Might

Larry Bell


Within only about half of a 30-year-long climate period later media attention shifted to a new and opposite threat…one that set Al Gore’s pants on fire during his 1988 Senate hearings on the matter. By that time the United Nations had already determined that global warming was a crisis and that human fossil fuel CO2 emissions were the cause.

To avoid any doubt of just how bad conditions were and who was most responsible the UN convened an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which rapidly fixed blame on rich nations. From there the UN was less than a frenetic hop, skip and jump away from prescribing solutions. In short order they established a cap and trade program (the Kyoto Protocol) to tax carbon emissions, plus demanded additional economic penance from developed countries for all that climate damage their prosperity is causing.

Then everything ran into an unanticipated snag…that “best laid plans of mice and men going awry” conundrum thing. Just when those random noise data IPCC hockey stick chart-producing computer programs predicted carbon dioxide-driven temperatures going orbital and sea levels flooding Capitol Hill, something went terribly wrong. Yup, in case you noticed, global temperatures went flat, and have stayed that way now since the time most of today’s high school students were born.

Incidentally, we’re at that time now Al predicted in his December 10, 2007 “Earth has a Fever” Nobel Prize acceptance speech that Arctic summer sea ice could “completely disappear”. Instead, the Arctic actually gained 920,000 square miles of ice during 2013 over 2012, the largest year-to-year increase since satellite records began.

But if you thought global warming was scary, here’s an alternative to consider. Some really smart scientists predict that Planet Earth is now entering a very deep and prolonged cooling period attributable to 100-year record low numbers of sunspots. Periods of reduced sunspot activity correlate with increased cloud-forming influences of cosmic rays. More clouds tend to make conditions cooler, while fewer often cause warming.


During the mid-seventeenth century encroaching glaciers destroyed farms and villages in the Swiss Alps. Sea ice surrounding Iceland closed harbors to shipping. Boxed in and experiencing cereal crop farming failures, Iceland’s population fell by half.

In the late seventeenth century agriculture dropped off so dramatically that Alpine villagers lived on breads made from ground nutshells mixed with barley and oat flour. Famines claimed about ten percent of the people in France, Norway and Sweden, about one-fifth of those in Estonia, and one-third in Finland during the late 1600s.


Miss Global Warming Yet? If Not, Just Wait And You Might - Forbes


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If amateurs at WUWT can spot the problems then why don't the scientists in the industry?

But the amateurs at WUWT are dishonest 'tards who got caught making crap up. For the hundredth time or so. And you kiss the asses of those liars, solely because your political cult tells you to.

Just making it clear where we each stand. The mainstream science side is honest, intelligent and independent, while your denialist cult is a gaggle of bitter deluded political extremists. Outside of the kook right fringe, denialism doesn't exist, because denialism is purely a political movement. In direct contrast, global warming science is non-political, crossing all political boundaries around the world.

Oh my the irony of that post.
If amateurs at WUWT can spot the problems then why don't the scientists in the industry?

But the amateurs at WUWT are dishonest 'tards who got caught making crap up.

Prove it.

And dont just quote some shill who hopes to get more grant money; show the numbers and where the lies are.

Just making it clear where we each stand. The mainstream science side is honest, intelligent and independent, while your denialist cult is a gaggle of bitter deluded political extremists.

Lol, anyone can google this stuff now, dude, your lies are easily found. It wasn't WUWT that fudged temperature data or faked results cherry picking their data, Einstein.

The changes Hanson made to HIS OWN TEMPERATURE records show what liars these people are.

Outside of the kook right fringe, denialism doesn't exist, because denialism is purely a political movement. In direct contrast, global warming science is non-political, crossing all political boundaries around the world.

Yeah, the Russian solar experts are right wing kooks, lololololo.

You really are a fool.

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