Where's my Global Warming!

Tell us, though, how often you see causation without some correlation?

face it correlation never proves causation

without that basic understanding

your continuing ranting is pointless

non causa pro causa

You didn't answer my question. Not all correlation is due to causation (very little, actually) but all causation has correlation.

I am not arguing that the correlation proves causation, I am arguing that it most certainly does not preclude it and that an absence of correlation WOULD. Do you understand?
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Tell us, though, how often you see causation without some correlation?

face it correlation never proves causation

without that basic understanding

your continuing ranting is pointless

non causa pro causa

You didn't answer my question. Not all correlation is due to causation (very little, actually) but all causation has correlation.

I am not arguing that the correlation proves causation, I am arguing that it most certainly does not preclude it and that an absence of correlation WOULD. Do you understand?

the strict answer is no

causation does not necessarily imply correlation
post hoc fallacy below

a occurred then b occurred

therefore a caused b

True, however, A CANNOT be a cause of B UNLESS it does happen first.

Your probably going to hate me, but....

Switching cause and effect in quantum world? A causes B causes A

Oct. 2, 2012 — One of the most deeply rooted concepts in science and in our everyday life is causality; the idea that events in the present are caused by events in the past and, in turn, act as causes for what happens in the future. If an event A is a cause of an effect B, then B cannot be a cause of A. Now theoretical physicists from the University of Vienna and the Université Libre de Bruxelles have shown that in quantum mechanics it is possible to conceive situations in which a single event can be both, a cause and an effect of another one....

Although it is still not known if such situations can be actually found in nature, the sheer possibility that they could exist may have far-reaching implications for the foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum gravity and quantum computing.

In New Quantum Experiment, Effect Happens Before Cause | Popular Science

A real-world demonstration of a thought experiment conducted at the University of Vienna, has produced a result that is somewhat befuddling to people with what the lead researcher calls a "naïve classical world view." Two pairs of particles are either quantum-entangled or not. One person makes the decision as to whether to entangle them or not, and another pair of people measure the particles to see whether they're entangled or not.

The head-scratcher is: the measurement is made before the decision is made, and it is accurate.

"Classical correlations can be decided after they are measured," says Xiao-song Ma, the writer of the study. Entanglement can be created "after the entangled particles have been measured and may no longer exist."
The OP question was "where's my global warming?" based on the cold temperatures in the continental USA this winter. The question betrays massive ignorance about the meaning of 'global' and the difference between 'local weather' and 'global climate'. I'm not sure if some of the denier dingbats really comprehend that there is a big world outside the borders of the USA.

This article isn't intended as any kind of "proof" of AGW. It is just offered to provide some balance to the fact that parts of the continental US are unusually cold right now, by pointing out that many places in the world are very, very hot right now as well.

Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat
The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife, with bats dropping from trees and kangaroos collapsing

The Seattle Times
By ROD McGUIRK - The Associated Press
January 9, 2014
CANBERRA, Australia — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback and gardens are turning brown. While much of North America freezes under record low temperatures, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever. Weather forecasters in Australia said some parts of the sparsely populated Pilbara region along the rugged northwest coast were approaching 122 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday. Since Dec. 27, records have been set at 34 locations across Australia — some by large margins — where temperature data has been collected for at least 40 years mostly in Queensland and New South Wales states. Brazil is also sizzling, with the heat index reaching 120 Fahrenheit.

The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife. In Winton, famous for being one of the hottest spots in Queensland and where Australia’s unofficial anthem, “Waltzing Matilda,” was penned, a large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus have recently been found dead, said Tom Upton, chief executive of Winton Shire Council. At least 50,000 bats had been killed by the heat in the state’s southeast, said Louise Saunders, president of the Queensland animal-welfare group Bat Conservation and Rescue. Heat-stressed bats — including the black flying foxes, little red flying foxes and the endangered gray-headed flying foxes — cling to trees and urinate on themselves in a bid to reduce their body temperatures, she said. “As they succumb, they just fall in heaps at the base of trees,” Saunders said. “You can have 250 or more ... all dying at the base of trees.”
I guess I'm being punished for denying the "reality" of Global Warming.

I just shoveled three inches of it off my driveway.

I just realized something. You haven't been putting on an act, as I first thought. You really _are_ as 'effin stupid as you appear.

Well, he is still five times smarter than you are, dipshit.

That's funny coming from someone like you, JammedButtie, considering that you are even more retarded than the Huffer (and that ain't easy).
Fun reading tonight how Massachusetts, that bastion of liberalism, is just about out of snow removal money with weeks and weeks of winter coming.

Is it all due to Global Warming? Is the travail due to Global Warming NOT?


It's because their crazed bureaucracy has imposed 33.5% higher licensing fees for the trucks that bear the plows and mandated $10,000 per vehicle automated sanding adjustment systems. Then they were surprised that a high percentage of the former contractors dropped out and the few remaining jacked up their bids almost in unison.

Thank God liberals ain't centipedes because the pain from their shooting themselves in each foot would be heart-wrenching to watch.
The OP question was "where's my global warming?" based on the cold temperatures in the continental USA this winter. The question betrays massive ignorance about the meaning of 'global' and the difference between 'local weather' and 'global climate'. I'm not sure if some of the denier dingbats really comprehend that there is a big world outside the borders of the USA.

This article isn't intended as any kind of "proof" of AGW. It is just offered to provide some balance to the fact that parts of the continental US are unusually cold right now, by pointing out that many places in the world are very, very hot right now as well.

Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat
The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife, with bats dropping from trees and kangaroos collapsing

The Seattle Times
By ROD McGUIRK - The Associated Press
January 9, 2014
CANBERRA, Australia — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback and gardens are turning brown. While much of North America freezes under record low temperatures, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever. Weather forecasters in Australia said some parts of the sparsely populated Pilbara region along the rugged northwest coast were approaching 122 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday. Since Dec. 27, records have been set at 34 locations across Australia — some by large margins — where temperature data has been collected for at least 40 years mostly in Queensland and New South Wales states. Brazil is also sizzling, with the heat index reaching 120 Fahrenheit.

The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife. In Winton, famous for being one of the hottest spots in Queensland and where Australia’s unofficial anthem, “Waltzing Matilda,” was penned, a large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus have recently been found dead, said Tom Upton, chief executive of Winton Shire Council. At least 50,000 bats had been killed by the heat in the state’s southeast, said Louise Saunders, president of the Queensland animal-welfare group Bat Conservation and Rescue. Heat-stressed bats — including the black flying foxes, little red flying foxes and the endangered gray-headed flying foxes — cling to trees and urinate on themselves in a bid to reduce their body temperatures, she said. “As they succumb, they just fall in heaps at the base of trees,” Saunders said. “You can have 250 or more ... all dying at the base of trees.”

You don't need to scream in bold. They can't learn. It's a "determined ignorance".
The OP question was "where's my global warming?" based on the cold temperatures in the continental USA this winter. The question betrays massive ignorance about the meaning of 'global' and the difference between 'local weather' and 'global climate'. I'm not sure if some of the denier dingbats really comprehend that there is a big world outside the borders of the USA.

This article isn't intended as any kind of "proof" of AGW. It is just offered to provide some balance to the fact that parts of the continental US are unusually cold right now, by pointing out that many places in the world are very, very hot right now as well.

Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat
The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife, with bats dropping from trees and kangaroos collapsing

The Seattle Times
By ROD McGUIRK - The Associated Press
January 9, 2014
CANBERRA, Australia — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback and gardens are turning brown. While much of North America freezes under record low temperatures, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever. Weather forecasters in Australia said some parts of the sparsely populated Pilbara region along the rugged northwest coast were approaching 122 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday. Since Dec. 27, records have been set at 34 locations across Australia — some by large margins — where temperature data has been collected for at least 40 years mostly in Queensland and New South Wales states. Brazil is also sizzling, with the heat index reaching 120 Fahrenheit.

The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife. In Winton, famous for being one of the hottest spots in Queensland and where Australia’s unofficial anthem, “Waltzing Matilda,” was penned, a large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus have recently been found dead, said Tom Upton, chief executive of Winton Shire Council. At least 50,000 bats had been killed by the heat in the state’s southeast, said Louise Saunders, president of the Queensland animal-welfare group Bat Conservation and Rescue. Heat-stressed bats — including the black flying foxes, little red flying foxes and the endangered gray-headed flying foxes — cling to trees and urinate on themselves in a bid to reduce their body temperatures, she said. “As they succumb, they just fall in heaps at the base of trees,” Saunders said. “You can have 250 or more ... all dying at the base of trees.”

You don't need to scream in bold. They can't learn. It's a "determined ignorance".

The irony of that post from a far left Obama drone.
The OP question was "where's my global warming?" based on the cold temperatures in the continental USA this winter. The question betrays massive ignorance about the meaning of 'global' and the difference between 'local weather' and 'global climate'. I'm not sure if some of the denier dingbats really comprehend that there is a big world outside the borders of the USA.

This article isn't intended as any kind of "proof" of AGW. It is just offered to provide some balance to the fact that parts of the continental US are unusually cold right now, by pointing out that many places in the world are very, very hot right now as well.

Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat
The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife, with bats dropping from trees and kangaroos collapsing

The Seattle Times
By ROD McGUIRK - The Associated Press
January 9, 2014
CANBERRA, Australia — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback and gardens are turning brown. While much of North America freezes under record low temperatures, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever. Weather forecasters in Australia said some parts of the sparsely populated Pilbara region along the rugged northwest coast were approaching 122 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday. Since Dec. 27, records have been set at 34 locations across Australia — some by large margins — where temperature data has been collected for at least 40 years mostly in Queensland and New South Wales states. Brazil is also sizzling, with the heat index reaching 120 Fahrenheit.

The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife. In Winton, famous for being one of the hottest spots in Queensland and where Australia’s unofficial anthem, “Waltzing Matilda,” was penned, a large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus have recently been found dead, said Tom Upton, chief executive of Winton Shire Council. At least 50,000 bats had been killed by the heat in the state’s southeast, said Louise Saunders, president of the Queensland animal-welfare group Bat Conservation and Rescue. Heat-stressed bats — including the black flying foxes, little red flying foxes and the endangered gray-headed flying foxes — cling to trees and urinate on themselves in a bid to reduce their body temperatures, she said. “As they succumb, they just fall in heaps at the base of trees,” Saunders said. “You can have 250 or more ... all dying at the base of trees.”

You don't need to scream in bold. They can't learn. It's a "determined ignorance".

The irony of that post from a far left Obama drone.

Do you trust anything that comes from the nws or nasa?
I just realized something. You haven't been putting on an act, as I first thought. You really _are_ as 'effin stupid as you appear.

Well, he is still five times smarter than you are, dipshit.

That's funny coming from someone like you, JammedButtie, considering that you are even more retarded than the Huffer (and that ain't easy).

Thank you! If you think I am retarded then I must be doing something right!

The OP question was "where's my global warming?" based on the cold temperatures in the continental USA this winter. The question betrays massive ignorance about the meaning of 'global' and the difference between 'local weather' and 'global climate'. I'm not sure if some of the denier dingbats really comprehend that there is a big world outside the borders of the USA.

This article isn't intended as any kind of "proof" of AGW. It is just offered to provide some balance to the fact that parts of the continental US are unusually cold right now, by pointing out that many places in the world are very, very hot right now as well.

Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat
The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife, with bats dropping from trees and kangaroos collapsing

The Seattle Times
By ROD McGUIRK - The Associated Press
January 9, 2014
CANBERRA, Australia — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback and gardens are turning brown. While much of North America freezes under record low temperatures, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever. Weather forecasters in Australia said some parts of the sparsely populated Pilbara region along the rugged northwest coast were approaching 122 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday. Since Dec. 27, records have been set at 34 locations across Australia — some by large margins — where temperature data has been collected for at least 40 years mostly in Queensland and New South Wales states. Brazil is also sizzling, with the heat index reaching 120 Fahrenheit.

The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife. In Winton, famous for being one of the hottest spots in Queensland and where Australia’s unofficial anthem, “Waltzing Matilda,” was penned, a large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus have recently been found dead, said Tom Upton, chief executive of Winton Shire Council. At least 50,000 bats had been killed by the heat in the state’s southeast, said Louise Saunders, president of the Queensland animal-welfare group Bat Conservation and Rescue. Heat-stressed bats — including the black flying foxes, little red flying foxes and the endangered gray-headed flying foxes — cling to trees and urinate on themselves in a bid to reduce their body temperatures, she said. “As they succumb, they just fall in heaps at the base of trees,” Saunders said. “You can have 250 or more ... all dying at the base of trees.”

You don't need to scream in bold. They can't learn. It's a "determined ignorance".

What happened to temperature extremes just being 'weather' not climate?

Oh, wait, cold temps are merely weather while hot temps are climate; got it!

you stupid ****.
The OP question was "where's my global warming?" based on the cold temperatures in the continental USA this winter. The question betrays massive ignorance about the meaning of 'global' and the difference between 'local weather' and 'global climate'. I'm not sure if some of the denier dingbats really comprehend that there is a big world outside the borders of the USA.

This article isn't intended as any kind of "proof" of AGW. It is just offered to provide some balance to the fact that parts of the continental US are unusually cold right now, by pointing out that many places in the world are very, very hot right now as well.

Bats drop dead from trees: Australia sizzles under record heat
The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife, with bats dropping from trees and kangaroos collapsing

The Seattle Times
By ROD McGUIRK - The Associated Press
January 9, 2014
CANBERRA, Australia — Bats are dropping from trees, kangaroos are collapsing in the Outback and gardens are turning brown. While much of North America freezes under record low temperatures, the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the opposite extreme as heat records are being set in Australia after the hottest year ever. Weather forecasters in Australia said some parts of the sparsely populated Pilbara region along the rugged northwest coast were approaching 122 degrees Fahrenheit on Thursday. Since Dec. 27, records have been set at 34 locations across Australia — some by large margins — where temperature data has been collected for at least 40 years mostly in Queensland and New South Wales states. Brazil is also sizzling, with the heat index reaching 120 Fahrenheit.

The heat wave in Australia has taken a toll on wildlife. In Winton, famous for being one of the hottest spots in Queensland and where Australia’s unofficial anthem, “Waltzing Matilda,” was penned, a large number of parrots, kangaroos and emus have recently been found dead, said Tom Upton, chief executive of Winton Shire Council. At least 50,000 bats had been killed by the heat in the state’s southeast, said Louise Saunders, president of the Queensland animal-welfare group Bat Conservation and Rescue. Heat-stressed bats — including the black flying foxes, little red flying foxes and the endangered gray-headed flying foxes — cling to trees and urinate on themselves in a bid to reduce their body temperatures, she said. “As they succumb, they just fall in heaps at the base of trees,” Saunders said. “You can have 250 or more ... all dying at the base of trees.”

You don't need to scream in bold. They can't learn. It's a "determined ignorance".

What happened to temperature extremes just being 'weather' not climate?
Oh, wait, cold temps are merely weather while hot temps are climate; got it!
you stupid ****.

It takes a real imbecile like you, JammedButtie, to quote and comment on a post you either didn't read or can't comprehend. I said right up there at the top before the quoted article:
This article isn't intended as any kind of "proof" of AGW. It is just offered to provide some balance to the fact that parts of the continental US are unusually cold right now, by pointing out that many places in the world are very, very hot right now as well.

Passing temperature extremes are indeed just weather. However, when there is a consistent pattern over decades of more hotter weather than there used to be, with even hotter temperatures than there used to be, coupled with less colder weather than there used to be, with more unusually warm days in wintertime, and several times more record hot days than cold days for several decades, you've got some good strong evidence that the climate is changing and the planet is warming.

So, local weather is just weather, no matter if it is hot or cold weather, but long term patterns over decades of rising average global temperatures, changing weather patterns, changing rainfall patterns, changing seasonal timing and massive amounts of melting ice are evidence of global warming and climate change. Got it? LOL. Just kidding, Buttie. I know you're far too lost in mindless denial to ever 'get it'.
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