Where's my Global Warming!

But they aren't cooling at all. They have been warming and the rate at which they warm has been increasing since 1998. Does your aquarium in the greenhouse do that: Continue to grow warmer while its environment is cooling? Let's take an extreme. We'll start with the aquarium at 15C but we'll raise the air to 40C. Obviously, the aquarium begins to warm. We wait till the aquarium hits 20C and then begin to lower the air temperature to 20C over a period of a few hours. What does the temperature in the tank do. Since the air is still warmer than the tank, it continues to increase its temperature but it does so AT A DECREASING RATE.

It is not possible under the scenario you all are trying to push, for the temperature increase in the ocean to accelerate.

Besides which, as I've now stated numerous times. The radiative imbalance at the ToA is insurmountable evidence that the world is still accumulating solar energy. Until that stops, arguing otherwise is simply a waste of your breath.
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But they aren't cooling at all. They have been warming and the rate at which they warm has been increasing since 1998. Does your aquarium in the greenhouse do that: Continue to grow warmer while its environment is cooling?

Well actually yes, for the relatively short period in which the air temperature is still warmer than the water tank though the air temperature is going down. that means the tank is still warming while the air temperatures are cooling.

After the ground air temps and tank temps reach equality then the water tank starts cooling along with the air temps.
Snow Totals Piling Up Fast; 130 Year Old Record Falls « CBS Philly

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — The onslaught on Wintry Weather continues this morning. Snow is piling up fast across the Delaware Valley as our monster Nor’easter climbs up the Eastern seaboard.

And with the snowfall in the city of Philadelphia Thursday, a 130-year-old record was shattered. For the first time in the city’s history, there have been four 6+ inch snowfalls or more in season. In addition, we are now in the top 5 snowiest winters of all-time.

The storm has a history of producing historic snowfall and ice accumulations across the Southern United States and now it is blasting our region with blinding snow, heavy sleet, flooding rain and wicked winds.

This storm also adds insult to injury as hundreds of thousands of people just got their power back after last week’s crippling ice storm.

So in summer its Global Warming, in winter it's Climate Change I guess.
The E coast is freezing even as AZ and the W coast is having a heat wave.

GL:eek:BAL WEIRDING strikes again!
And what has all this cold weather in the US done to the global averages? Did I hear someone say "Nothing"? Bingo!
And what has all this cold weather in the US done to the global averages? Did I hear someone say "Nothing"? Bingo!

There is nothing about real drops in temperature that can keep AGW cultists from doctoring the temperature records with 'adjusted' data to show whatever the hell they want the data to show.
The bi-polar left calls it global warming in the summer and "climate change" in the winter so they have the argument surrounded. The US has 1/6 the population of the world so why doesn't the left get off their flabby asses and convince the other 5/6 of the world that they are changing the weather? Oh, is it about American decadence? That's another problem the anti-American global warmists will have to work out. It's a religion to these people. They have to disregard geological history and ignore what their own senses tell them and have faith in spite of evidence to the contrary.
I believe for the same reason the system changed in 1941. I don't know why you should have a problem with this idea. You're the one that's constantly pushing for non-linear response. Why does the Pacific switch from Nina to Nino? What causes the PDO? I would suggest that this is simply a multi-decadal oscilllation to which the system is subject under conditions of external warming.

The fact that no denier has been able to overcome is that persistent ToA imbalance. Until that zeroes, it is absolutely futile to claim that global warming has stopped.

Well if you are right about this being an effect of ocean oscillations and you probably are ,, then this would be a mighty powerful NEGATIVE feedback on warming. MOST of that swept away heat is never gonna leave Davy Jones from 700m deep..
Where's my Global Warming!

You're another moron, like Bill O'Reilly, who thinks the United States is the entire world.

Australia is dealing with the hottest weather on record currantly - 107+ degrees, forcing them to cancel sporting events.

BBC News - Heatwave halts Australian Open tennis matches

Australia's Horrifying Heatwave | TIME.com

Australian heatwaves more frequent, hotter and longer: Climate Council report - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Australian heatwaves getting hotter and longer, says Climate Council | World news | theguardian.com

Why are you so fucking ignorant, anyway? Is it from all the FOXNEWS?

Oh, and btw - a question mark, not an exclamation point, should be at the end of your thread title. But you're ignorant. Whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
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Where's my Global Warming!

You're another moron, like Bill O'Reilly, who thinks the United States is the entire world.

Australia is dealing with the hottest weather on record currantly - 107+ degrees, forcing them to cancel sporting events.

BBC News - Heatwave halts Australian Open tennis matches

Australia's Horrifying Heatwave | TIME.com

Australian heatwaves more frequent, hotter and longer: Climate Council report - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Australian heatwaves getting hotter and longer, says Climate Council | World news | theguardian.com

Why are you so fucking ignorant, anyway? Is it from all the FOXNEWS?

Oh, and btw - a question mark, not an exclamation point, should be at the end of your thread title. But you're ignorant. Whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

So, tell me Mr. "not ignorant".......what sort of temperature do you expect in a country that is 76% near desert/desert?:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Hope you were looking in the mirror when you made that incredibly stupid statement.
I'm quite sure the Australians KNOW what's normal in Australia and what is not.

We all have mirrors.
Where's my Global Warming!

You're another moron, like Bill O'Reilly, who thinks the United States is the entire world.

Australia is dealing with the hottest weather on record currantly - 107+ degrees, forcing them to cancel sporting events.

BBC News - Heatwave halts Australian Open tennis matches

Australia's Horrifying Heatwave | TIME.com

Australian heatwaves more frequent, hotter and longer: Climate Council report - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Australian heatwaves getting hotter and longer, says Climate Council | World news | theguardian.com

Why are you so fucking ignorant, anyway? Is it from all the FOXNEWS?

Oh, and btw - a question mark, not an exclamation point, should be at the end of your thread title. But you're ignorant. Whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

A bunch of idiot journalists repeating theories based on bad science does not equate to ignorance on the part of those who reject the bad science.

BTW, eat shit.
The science has been good enough to convince the scientists. What makes you think you know better?
I'm quite sure the Australians KNOW what's normal in Australia and what is not.

We all have mirrors.

That's good, for an OZie I guess, lol.

Point is Australia affirms a claimed pattern while another set of data suggests the theory invalid. That means the theory has problems at least.

If someone comes up with a theory and three thousand experiments support it, but ten disprove it, guess what Sherlock? The theory is disproven or at the very least any anomalies would show it needs revision.

The Anthropomorphic theory of Global Warming is in need of very heavy revision at a minimum.

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