Where’s The Evidence?? Are You Kidding??

Because presenting the evidence is how you sway public opinion.

Said nobody in the fake news ever. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

So if the 'evidence' is so damning, why haven't Trump's lawyers presented it in court?

It would likely become public record at that point anyway.

Look I know you are reasonably intelligent from your posts so please stop asking this faux ignorant question. You know full well the attorneys are not going to present their evidence to the court until they are ready and they certainly are not going to release their evidence to the public before presenting their case to the court. :eusa_hand:

I laugh
Because presenting the evidence is how you sway public opinion.

Said nobody in the fake news ever. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

So if the 'evidence' is so damning, why haven't Trump's lawyers presented it in court?

It would likely become public record at that point anyway.

Look I know you are reasonably intelligent from your posts so please stop asking this faux ignorant question. You know full well the attorneys are not going to present their evidence to the court until they are ready and they certainly are not going to release their evidence to the public before presenting their case to the court. :eusa_hand:
Why would I stop asking.....when it stumps you guys so thoroughly?

For example......the 'Dominion servers' that were 'seized by the military in germany' and 'prove voter fraud'. Why hasn't that been presented to the court?

Sounds like quite the smoking gun.

How about testimony of the mob boss in phili that's working with the Justice Department that confirms that the mob worked with the Phili election officials to throw the state to Biden.

Surely that would be worth showing the courts.

How about the retired Air Force genereal who insists that the CIA hacked the election using their super computers.

It even sounds fancy! No?

Its almost like what Trump is telling you in public and what he can factually establish in court have nothing to do with each other!
Because presenting the evidence is how you sway public opinion.

Said nobody in the fake news ever. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

So if the 'evidence' is so damning, why haven't Trump's lawyers presented it in court?

It would likely become public record at that point anyway.

Look I know you are reasonably intelligent from your posts so please stop asking this faux ignorant question. You know full well the attorneys are not going to present their evidence to the court until they are ready and they certainly are not going to release their evidence to the public before presenting their case to the court. :eusa_hand:
Why would I stop asking.....when it stumps you guys so thoroughly?

For example......the 'Dominion servers' that were 'seized by the military in germany' and 'prove voter fraud'. Why hasn't that been presented to the court?

Sounds like quite the smoking gun.

How about testimony of the mob boss in phili that's working with the Justice Department that confirms that the mob worked with the Phili election officials to throw the state to Biden.

Surely that would be worth showing the courts.

How about the retired Air Force genereal who insists that the CIA hacked the election using their super computers.

It even sounds fancy! No?

Its almost like what Trump is telling you in public and what he can factually establish in court have nothing to do with each other!

^^^ now you are trolling for sure. Keep it up and you will land in the ignored lounge.
Because presenting the evidence is how you sway public opinion.

Said nobody in the fake news ever. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

So if the 'evidence' is so damning, why haven't Trump's lawyers presented it in court?

It would likely become public record at that point anyway.

Look I know you are reasonably intelligent from your posts so please stop asking this faux ignorant question. You know full well the attorneys are not going to present their evidence to the court until they are ready and they certainly are not going to release their evidence to the public before presenting their case to the court. :eusa_hand:
Why would I stop asking.....when it stumps you guys so thoroughly?

For example......the 'Dominion servers' that were 'seized by the military in germany' and 'prove voter fraud'. Why hasn't that been presented to the court?

Sounds like quite the smoking gun.

How about testimony of the mob boss in phili that's working with the Justice Department that confirms that the mob worked with the Phili election officials to throw the state to Biden.

Surely that would be worth showing the courts.

How about the retired Air Force genereal who insists that the CIA hacked the election using their super computers.

It even sounds fancy! No?

Its almost like what Trump is telling you in public and what he can factually establish in court have nothing to do with each other!

^^^ now you are trolling for sure. Keep it up and you will land in the ignored lounge.

Oh, no dude. There are threads for all of these accusations made by your ilk right here on this board:

The 'dominion servers' seized by the military.

And the phili mob boss:

And the retired air force general that insists it was the CIA that hacked the election:

And there are so, so many others. Its a batshit tsunami of hapless conspiracies backed by nothing.

Why hasn't all this damning evidence been presented to the courts?
As the KEEP FINDING errors, missing Votes, Votes from Dead People, “Glitches” in the machines, Poll watches testimonies, uncounted votes, etc.... The Socialist Democrats Keep saying “
“Where's the Evidence”?
And yet NO Trump Nazi Lawyer has been able to produce any of that "evidence" in a court of law, so yeah, Where's the evidence, and YOU are kidding!

You seem really uninformed,
Plus - there are no Nazi's involved - You lose.
You seem really BRAINWASHED, that is if you had a brain to wash!
There are ONLY Nazis involved in Tramp's attempt to steal the election. STOP THE STEAL!!!!!

Do you not know what a NAZI is ?
YOU are a Nazi Fascist in the flesh!

Your no means YES!

It does not.
You prove it again!
As the KEEP FINDING errors, missing Votes, Votes from Dead People, “Glitches” in the machines, Poll watches testimonies, uncounted votes, etc.... The Socialist Democrats Keep saying “
“Where's the Evidence”?
And yet NO Trump Nazi Lawyer has been able to produce any of that "evidence" in a court of law, so yeah, Where's the evidence, and YOU are kidding!
And what makes them nazis? You just throw that word around so easily. Kinda diminishes the meaning and seriousness of a group that wiped out shitloads of people?
Do you mean like when you Nazi/Fascists throw around Marxist/Sociaist/Communist?
As the KEEP FINDING errors, missing Votes, Votes from Dead People, “Glitches” in the machines, Poll watches testimonies, uncounted votes, etc.... The Socialist Democrats Keep saying “
“Where's the Evidence”?

Where's the evidence is the liberal narrative. No matter how much evidence is presented they will continue to ask where's the evidence because that's how liberal narratives work. Just keep spewing the lie until the masses assume its the truth.

You have to ask yourself.....if your 'evidence' is compelling as you imagine, why isn't it being presented in court by Trump's attorneys?

Or to the public for that matter. Certainly if they had any they would have presented it for the whole world to see. The fact that they haven't proves that they have none to show.

Why would they do that?

Because presenting the evidence is how you sway public opinion.

Public opinion is already with them
Though irrelevant
The courts will decide
The question will be is the scotus ready for 4 more years of leftwing violence if the election is decided fairly?
If not they will wash their hands of it

You can barely get a majority of Republicans to agree with the prevailing conservative batshit on 'election fraud'.

Approximately 3/4 believe that The President won.
Of Rethuglicans!
As the KEEP FINDING errors, missing Votes, Votes from Dead People, “Glitches” in the machines, Poll watches testimonies, uncounted votes, etc.... The Socialist Democrats Keep saying “
“Where's the Evidence”?
And yet NO Trump Nazi Lawyer has been able to produce any of that "evidence" in a court of law, so yeah, Where's the evidence, and YOU are kidding!
And what makes them nazis? You just throw that word around so easily. Kinda diminishes the meaning and seriousness of a group that wiped out shitloads of people?
Do you mean like when you Nazi/Fascists throw around Marxist/Sociaist/Communist?
Last I checked, there is a large contingency of democrats who openly call themselves socialists. There is a smaller contingency who openly call themselves communists.
And a whole bunch of the democrat agenda is straight up socialism. So labeling it as such is accurate.
Please show me the Republican platform that is similar to the national Socialists of Germany. Please explain how one can possibly look at conservative ideology and theory and find it compatible with national
I’ll wait.
As the KEEP FINDING errors, missing Votes, Votes from Dead People, “Glitches” in the machines, Poll watches testimonies, uncounted votes, etc.... The Socialist Democrats Keep saying “
“Where's the Evidence”?

Where's the evidence is the liberal narrative. No matter how much evidence is presented they will continue to ask where's the evidence because that's how liberal narratives work. Just keep spewing the lie until the masses assume its the truth. Liberal assholes do this because it's surprisingly effective.

Rank and file liberal assholes are very weak minded.

They are more like Borg controlled by a central cube that broadcast the narrative across subspace.

Or, anyone actually using their brain.

If the ''evidence' is so damning, so compelling, so game changing.......then why aren't Trump's attorneys using it in court? They've lost essentially every court case they've presented, so they could use a win.

Instead, Trump's attorneys are retreating from even the ALLEGATION of fraud, insisting its not part of their legal arguments.

^^^ hears the others.

"Hears", huh?

Sigh......I'm really barking up the wrong tree asking you guys to apply even basic common sense to this scenario, aren't i?

You spew the liberal narrative, we mock you. I think were were done here a few posts back.

Liberals wrote the Constitution. It is an anti-authoritarian document. You would suck up to the Crown.

We are a Liberal Democracy for a reason.
You say something like that, and then vote for the party’s big government and centralized control.
It’s truly incredible.
Maybe I’m missing something here, but the way I see it so far is that the main contention is that the voting software is the culprit. Forget all that wild shit like “the military seized servers” and “a mob boss rigged the election”. That to me sounds like bullshit thrown out there to muddy the waters and discredit actual concerns.
If the contention is that something is up with the software, how does one “present evidence” without actually examining the software? Looking at the actual software hasn’t been allowed. The best that can be done is looking at the statistical trends, which experts have looked at and have said it doesn’t add up.
Then there is the circumstantial evidence. Like for example Trump was winning in all of those swing states, they all at nearly the same time for some reason stop counting for an hour or so, and when they come back online suddenly Biden makes a magical
Surge and wins. Also the fact that every time their was a “glitch” or “human error”, it always favored Biden. Every time. What are the chances of that?
So it leads back to “what’s up with the counting software?”.
It seems like we are stuck in a circular argument of...
“The software is shady”
“Show us your proof”
“Ok, we need to examine the software to show you the proof”
“No, you haven’t shown us any proof”
“We need to look at the software for proof”
“No, you havent show us any proof”

And around and around we go.
As the KEEP FINDING errors, missing Votes, Votes from Dead People, “Glitches” in the machines, Poll watches testimonies, uncounted votes, etc.... The Socialist Democrats Keep saying “
“Where's the Evidence”?
And yet NO Trump Nazi Lawyer has been able to produce any of that "evidence" in a court of law, so yeah, Where's the evidence, and YOU are kidding!
And what makes them nazis? You just throw that word around so easily. Kinda diminishes the meaning and seriousness of a group that wiped out shitloads of people?
Do you mean like when you Nazi/Fascists throw around Marxist/Sociaist/Communist?
Last I checked, there is a large contingency of democrats who openly call themselves socialists. There is a smaller contingency who openly call themselves communists.
And a whole bunch of the democrat agenda is straight up socialism. So labeling it as such is accurate.
Please show me the Republican platform that is similar to the national Socialists of Germany. Please explain how one can possibly look at conservative ideology and theory and find it compatible with national
I’ll wait.
Tramp called himself a NATIONALIST, you can't get any more Nazi than a nationalist. And don't claim the German Nazis were Socialists, they weren't, they murdered Socialists and Liberals, they only took over the National Socialist Party to rise to power and then purged all the Socialists, just like the Trump Nazis took over the Republican Party and then purged all the Republicans (RINOS).
BTW, the Dems you mentioned call themselves DEMOCRATIC Socialists, who are completely different from the Socialists you dishonestly label them as, but you knew that when you lied about them. Do you like your Social Security and Medicare, you Democratic Socialist?
Maybe I’m missing something here, but the way I see it so far is that the main contention is that the voting software is the culprit. Forget all that wild shit like “the military seized servers” and “a mob boss rigged the election”. That to me sounds like bullshit thrown out there to muddy the waters and discredit actual concerns.
If the contention is that something is up with the software, how does one “present evidence” without actually examining the software? Looking at the actual software hasn’t been allowed. The best that can be done is looking at the statistical trends, which experts have looked at and have said it doesn’t add up.
Then there is the circumstantial evidence. Like for example Trump was winning in all of those swing states, they all at nearly the same time for some reason stop counting for an hour or so, and when they come back online suddenly Biden makes a magical
Surge and wins. Also the fact that every time their was a “glitch” or “human error”, it always favored Biden. Every time. What are the chances of that?
So it leads back to “what’s up with the counting software?”.
It seems like we are stuck in a circular argument of...
“The software is shady”
“Show us your proof”
“Ok, we need to examine the software to show you the proof”
“No, you haven’t shown us any proof”
“We need to look at the software for proof”
“No, you havent show us any proof”

And around and around we go.
Evidence of BDS only!
As the KEEP FINDING errors, missing Votes, Votes from Dead People, “Glitches” in the machines, Poll watches testimonies, uncounted votes, etc.... The Socialist Democrats Keep saying “
“Where's the Evidence”?

Where's the evidence is the liberal narrative. No matter how much evidence is presented they will continue to ask where's the evidence because that's how liberal narratives work. Just keep spewing the lie until the masses assume its the truth. Liberal assholes do this because it's surprisingly effective.

Rank and file liberal assholes are very weak minded.

They are more like Borg controlled by a central cube that broadcast the narrative across subspace.

Or, anyone actually using their brain.

If the ''evidence' is so damning, so compelling, so game changing.......then why aren't Trump's attorneys using it in court? They've lost essentially every court case they've presented, so they could use a win.

Instead, Trump's attorneys are retreating from even the ALLEGATION of fraud, insisting its not part of their legal arguments.

^^^ hears the others.

"Hears", huh?

Sigh......I'm really barking up the wrong tree asking you guys to apply even basic common sense to this scenario, aren't i?

You spew the liberal narrative, we mock you. I think were were done here a few posts back.

Liberals wrote the Constitution. It is an anti-authoritarian document. You would suck up to the Crown.

We are a Liberal Democracy for a reason.
You say something like that, and then vote for the party’s big government and centralized control.
It’s truly incredible.
If by "centralized" control you mean 153 million voters control, then you wouldn't be lying any more.
Ed, is it your intention to come across as a raging douche bag?
Because if it is, you have succeeded spectacularly.
I tried speaking you in an honest respectable manner. Your responses are both simpleminded and dishonest.
Being a nationalist, in that you put your country first, is the same thing as being a nazi?
Then you bring up social security and Medicare and whether I like them, as if that has any relevancy regarding my post that democrats push socialism. A very weak deflection.
And your coup de grace.... trying to refute that the democrat party is the party of big government and centralized control, by pointing out that half the population votes for them. That refutes what, exactly?
You’re either a combative asshole, not very bright, or both.
Either way, it demonstrated your not a serious person to bother trying to have a serious discussion with. If you had actual relevant points to make, or a thoughtful counter argument I would ha e gladly listened.
You don’t. Your retorts are essentially long winded versions of “oh yeah? Well fuck you!”
Have a great night.
Ed, is it your intention to come across as a raging douche bag?
Because if it is, you have succeeded spectacularly.
I tried speaking you in an honest respectable manner.
You can't post anything without lying.
American Nazis do NOT put country first, they put Tramp first and country last unless the country is Russia. And nobody knows that better than you.
Donald J. Trump

Look at this in Wisconsin! A day AFTER the election, Biden receives a dump of 143,379 votes at 3:42AM, when they learned he was losing badly. This is unbelievable!


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As the KEEP FINDING errors, missing Votes, Votes from Dead People, “Glitches” in the machines, Poll watches testimonies, uncounted votes, etc.... The Socialist Democrats Keep saying “
“Where's the Evidence”?
And yet NO Trump Nazi Lawyer has been able to produce any of that "evidence" in a court of law, so yeah, Where's the evidence, and YOU are kidding!
And what makes them nazis? You just throw that word around so easily. Kinda diminishes the meaning and seriousness of a group that wiped out shitloads of people?
Do you mean like when you Nazi/Fascists throw around Marxist/Sociaist/Communist?
Last I checked, there is a large contingency of democrats who openly call themselves socialists. There is a smaller contingency who openly call themselves communists.
And a whole bunch of the democrat agenda is straight up socialism. So labeling it as such is accurate.
Please show me the Republican platform that is similar to the national Socialists of Germany. Please explain how one can possibly look at conservative ideology and theory and find it compatible with national
I’ll wait.
Tramp called himself a NATIONALIST, you can't get any more Nazi than a nationalist. And don't claim the German Nazis were Socialists, they weren't, they murdered Socialists and Liberals, they only took over the National Socialist Party to rise to power and then purged all the Socialists, just like the Trump Nazis took over the Republican Party and then purged all the Republicans (RINOS).
BTW, the Dems you mentioned call themselves DEMOCRATIC Socialists, who are completely different from the Socialists you dishonestly label them as, but you knew that when you lied about them. Do you like your Social Security and Medicare, you Democratic Socialist?

How crazy fucking life is today -

One idiot rails against Government overreach and promotes the Party of over regulation
Several idiots Promote Socialism while referencing things that are not Socialism.

One huge problem is that Leftists rarely knows what words actually mean.
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