Which Came First Creation Or Evolution?

The Bible is a book written by men,

The evolution of religion shows how then many gods theory of old morphed onto the one god theory of today

We discarded the old gods as we advanced as surely as we will discard the current one

>>The Bible is a book written by men,<<

That's not a complete statement. It is a book written by men whom God chose to write his "words" for him. If one reads Genesis, for example, it would be a story that would be difficult to fabricate by one author, let alone several unrelated authors. Why don't you read what Genesis says? It can only be written by one who was there. For those who have problems understanding the Bible due to atheism or other limitations, I recommend this version --
. This is just one book in the Bible of the Old Testament. The Book of Genesis is believed to be written by Moses.

Book of Genesis - Bible Survey

The rest of your comments have been debunked for centuries and is based on your assertions and nothing factual.

It is a book written by men and men period

WHat I have said is true

As a species we have moved from worshiping many gods to worshiping one as we have advanced and come to understand the natural world

We know that Thor doesn't cause thunder
We know that Poseidon doesn't cause hurricanes

We have discarded these gods and many others as we will surely discard the one that is left.

It's already happening

According to the story, God didn't appear to Abraham until after he discarded superstitious beliefs and became an atheist.
But what's the super dumbed down version of that story? Surely you must have one.

Blessed are the pure of mind, for they shall see God.
So you're saying that nobody ever, has seen god. I agree.
>>The Bible is a book written by men,<<

That's not a complete statement. It is a book written by men whom God chose to write his "words" for him. If one reads Genesis, for example, it would be a story that would be difficult to fabricate by one author, let alone several unrelated authors. Why don't you read what Genesis says? It can only be written by one who was there. For those who have problems understanding the Bible due to atheism or other limitations, I recommend this version --
. This is just one book in the Bible of the Old Testament. The Book of Genesis is believed to be written by Moses.

Book of Genesis - Bible Survey

The rest of your comments have been debunked for centuries and is based on your assertions and nothing factual.

It is a book written by men and men period

WHat I have said is true

As a species we have moved from worshiping many gods to worshiping one as we have advanced and come to understand the natural world

We know that Thor doesn't cause thunder
We know that Poseidon doesn't cause hurricanes

We have discarded these gods and many others as we will surely discard the one that is left.

It's already happening

According to the story, God didn't appear to Abraham until after he discarded superstitious beliefs and became an atheist.
But what's the super dumbed down version of that story? Surely you must have one.

Blessed are the pure of mind, for they shall see God.

In biblical times when a person heard voices he was considered holy

In modern times we know he's just nuts

Of course you are right, but among the Hebrew tribes if a person claimed to hear from God they were tested to see whether they were insane or not. Thats why his enemies accused Jesus of claiming equality with God. Even in first century Judea, just like now, anyone who claimed to be God was dismissed as insane.
Except that you are ignorant of God's revelation that came before the Bible. You touched upon it, but used it incorrectly.

God revealed to humans the general and special revelation. First, we see all of his creation -- the limitless sky, the earth, the plants and creatures on earth on how they work. Because these things exist, then God must exist as he's the one who created them. This is how humans came to understand God and his creation before the Bible -- general revelation. Thus, your argument shows that creation came first. Afterward, there was special revelation and this is how the Bible was written.

A less ignorant person would fall down on their knees and say my God this is the truth. How could I have been so blind? I will have faith and believe in God's creation.

Funny how you call people ignorant yet you are blind to anything but your own beliefs

This is what was revealed in the Bible. Isn't there some basic understanding of God just because we can't explain the limitless heavens and how things came to be on earth and how they work. Around 1850, the atheist beliefs of uniformitarianism crept into geology. It eventually led to evolution and suddenly God, the supernatural and the Bible was systematically eliminated from science. Up until then the Bible was accepted as science backed it up even though it wasn't a science book.

So what you said of amalgamation of all the gods that came before is wrong. That's what I am pointing out.

The Bible is a book written by men,

The evolution of religion shows how then many gods theory of old morphed onto the one god theory of today

We discarded the old gods as we advanced as surely as we will discard the current one

>>The Bible is a book written by men,<<

That's not a complete statement. It is a book written by men whom God chose to write his "words" for him. If one reads Genesis, for example, it would be a story that would be difficult to fabricate by one author, let alone several unrelated authors. Why don't you read what Genesis says? It can only be written by one who was there. For those who have problems understanding the Bible due to atheism or other limitations, I recommend this version --
. This is just one book in the Bible of the Old Testament. The Book of Genesis is believed to be written by Moses.

Book of Genesis - Bible Survey

The rest of your comments have been debunked for centuries and is based on your assertions and nothing factual.

It is a book written by men and men period

WHat I have said is true

As a species we have moved from worshiping many gods to worshiping one as we have advanced and come to understand the natural world

We know that Thor doesn't cause thunder
We know that Poseidon doesn't cause hurricanes

We have discarded these gods and many others as we will surely discard the one that is left.

It's already happening

You did not answer who wrote Genesis for one. Second, you didn't answer how any man or men could write such a book without being there. Atheist Robert Crumb was going to make up some wacky illustration and story for the Book of Genesis. However, after reading what happened, he decided to do it straight. Imagine a dope fiend and hater like Crumb playing it straight. I first heard of the book of illustrations through George Lucas. He bought the original. I doubt he would have bought it had Crumb made it up. In this way, the Lord has influenced even the most jaded illustrator and defiler of the Word.

I doubt you have read the Bible and understand how it was written, so the rest of your ramblings can be ignored.
The Bible is not a science book, but there is science based upon the Bible.

Ever hear of Biblical archaeology? It is the only scientific pursuit that I know of that is based only on a religious text.

Biblical archaeology is not based upon religious fundamentalism. In fact, there are some who are not religious in any way. No, they just appreciate the historical information in the Bible that no other culture was able or willing to record in that region during those times. For example, only the Bible talked about the Philistines and for a long time science questioned their existence. However, they then began to read the scriptures and was able to locate where they were and found them.

You would do yourself well to stop ridiculing a book that has literally changed the world and which most religions are now based, and concede that it should be respected.

I actually like the Bible. I ridicule those who insist that the Bible must be interpreted literally. As a book with interesting stories that are sometimes related to actual history, and as a book of morality- some of which I agree with- it is certainly the single most important book in the world.

Biblical archeology is an interesting 'field'. Biblical archeology is mostly based upon proving that events in the Bible actually happened- it isn't really a 'pure' archeology. Which is why sometimes the results are questionable- because the persons doing the research have a bias in believing that what is in the Bible is true- so they tend to be biased in their interpretations of their results. That doesn't mean however that the research that they are doing is not valuable- only that their results have to stand up to the same scientific scrutiny as any other science, including peer review by those who are not 'biblical archeologists'.

So now you believe in theistic evolution? .

Where did I say that? I am really curious because I don't remember saying that.


Syriusly, I have to hypothesize. You're one of three based on what you said. Catholic? Don't think you're Catholic based on your comments, but may have been exposed to catholicism, i.e. comments against God. Deist? Don't think you're deist. Not enough wonder and appreciation of life. Most likely you're atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV. Now, if you are in the deist area, then it could involve theistic evolution, but that's just another word for everything left to lose. God doesn't play dice.

Hypothesize away.

When did I say that I believe in theistic evolution as you claimed?

I already did and so you're "atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV." I knew the rest was cover.
I actually like the Bible. I ridicule those who insist that the Bible must be interpreted literally. As a book with interesting stories that are sometimes related to actual history, and as a book of morality- some of which I agree with- it is certainly the single most important book in the world.

Biblical archeology is an interesting 'field'. Biblical archeology is mostly based upon proving that events in the Bible actually happened- it isn't really a 'pure' archeology. Which is why sometimes the results are questionable- because the persons doing the research have a bias in believing that what is in the Bible is true- so they tend to be biased in their interpretations of their results. That doesn't mean however that the research that they are doing is not valuable- only that their results have to stand up to the same scientific scrutiny as any other science, including peer review by those who are not 'biblical archeologists'.

So now you believe in theistic evolution? .

Where did I say that? I am really curious because I don't remember saying that.


Syriusly, I have to hypothesize. You're one of three based on what you said. Catholic? Don't think you're Catholic based on your comments, but may have been exposed to catholicism, i.e. comments against God. Deist? Don't think you're deist. Not enough wonder and appreciation of life. Most likely you're atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV. Now, if you are in the deist area, then it could involve theistic evolution, but that's just another word for everything left to lose. God doesn't play dice.

Hypothesize away.

When did I say that I believe in theistic evolution as you claimed?
You never stated or implied that. Bond is simply not a very honest person.

Since you are a liar, it means that "Bond is simply a very honest person." That's logical and sound reasoning.
I actually like the Bible. I ridicule those who insist that the Bible must be interpreted literally. As a book with interesting stories that are sometimes related to actual history, and as a book of morality- some of which I agree with- it is certainly the single most important book in the world.

Biblical archeology is an interesting 'field'. Biblical archeology is mostly based upon proving that events in the Bible actually happened- it isn't really a 'pure' archeology. Which is why sometimes the results are questionable- because the persons doing the research have a bias in believing that what is in the Bible is true- so they tend to be biased in their interpretations of their results. That doesn't mean however that the research that they are doing is not valuable- only that their results have to stand up to the same scientific scrutiny as any other science, including peer review by those who are not 'biblical archeologists'.

So now you believe in theistic evolution? .

Where did I say that? I am really curious because I don't remember saying that.


Syriusly, I have to hypothesize. You're one of three based on what you said. Catholic? Don't think you're Catholic based on your comments, but may have been exposed to catholicism, i.e. comments against God. Deist? Don't think you're deist. Not enough wonder and appreciation of life. Most likely you're atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV. Now, if you are in the deist area, then it could involve theistic evolution, but that's just another word for everything left to lose. God doesn't play dice.

Hypothesize away.

When did I say that I believe in theistic evolution as you claimed?

I already did and so you're "atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV." I knew the rest was cover.

Now you are bearing false witness.

You are going to your hell now.
Funny how you call people ignorant yet you are blind to anything but your own beliefs

This is what was revealed in the Bible. Isn't there some basic understanding of God just because we can't explain the limitless heavens and how things came to be on earth and how they work. Around 1850, the atheist beliefs of uniformitarianism crept into geology. It eventually led to evolution and suddenly God, the supernatural and the Bible was systematically eliminated from science. Up until then the Bible was accepted as science backed it up even though it wasn't a science book.

So what you said of amalgamation of all the gods that came before is wrong. That's what I am pointing out.

The Bible is a book written by men,

The evolution of religion shows how then many gods theory of old morphed onto the one god theory of today

We discarded the old gods as we advanced as surely as we will discard the current one

>>The Bible is a book written by men,<<

That's not a complete statement. It is a book written by men whom God chose to write his "words" for him. If one reads Genesis, for example, it would be a story that would be difficult to fabricate by one author, let alone several unrelated authors. Why don't you read what Genesis says? It can only be written by one who was there. For those who have problems understanding the Bible due to atheism or other limitations, I recommend this version --
. This is just one book in the Bible of the Old Testament. The Book of Genesis is believed to be written by Moses.

Book of Genesis - Bible Survey

The rest of your comments have been debunked for centuries and is based on your assertions and nothing factual.

It is a book written by men and men period

WHat I have said is true

As a species we have moved from worshiping many gods to worshiping one as we have advanced and come to understand the natural world

We know that Thor doesn't cause thunder
We know that Poseidon doesn't cause hurricanes

We have discarded these gods and many others as we will surely discard the one that is left.

It's already happening

You did not answer who wrote Genesis for one. Second, you didn't answer how any man or men could write such a book without being there. Atheist Robert Crumb was going to make up some wacky illustration and story for the Book of Genesis. However, after reading what happened, he decided to do it straight. Imagine a dope fiend and hater like Crumb playing it straight. I first heard of the book of illustrations through George Lucas. He bought the original. I doubt he would have bought it had Crumb made it up. In this way, the Lord has influenced even the most jaded illustrator and defiler of the Word.

I doubt you have read the Bible and understand how it was written, so the rest of your ramblings can be ignored.

Oh I've read the bible New Testament old Testament and I've read the Koran

I minored in philosophy and did extensive readings on the history of religions and their evolution

I am particularly fond of the writings of Thomas Aquinas

And FYI Genesis was most likely written in the 5th or 6th century AD
So now you believe in theistic evolution? .

Where did I say that? I am really curious because I don't remember saying that.


Syriusly, I have to hypothesize. You're one of three based on what you said. Catholic? Don't think you're Catholic based on your comments, but may have been exposed to catholicism, i.e. comments against God. Deist? Don't think you're deist. Not enough wonder and appreciation of life. Most likely you're atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV. Now, if you are in the deist area, then it could involve theistic evolution, but that's just another word for everything left to lose. God doesn't play dice.

Hypothesize away.

When did I say that I believe in theistic evolution as you claimed?
You never stated or implied that. Bond is simply not a very honest person.

Since you are a liar, it means that "Bond is simply a very honest person." That's logical and sound reasoning.
At this point, after the constant stream of lies and hilariously dumb statements from you, I am content to let everyone else decide for themselves.
This is what was revealed in the Bible. Isn't there some basic understanding of God just because we can't explain the limitless heavens and how things came to be on earth and how they work. Around 1850, the atheist beliefs of uniformitarianism crept into geology. It eventually led to evolution and suddenly God, the supernatural and the Bible was systematically eliminated from science. Up until then the Bible was accepted as science backed it up even though it wasn't a science book.

So what you said of amalgamation of all the gods that came before is wrong. That's what I am pointing out.

The Bible is a book written by men,

The evolution of religion shows how then many gods theory of old morphed onto the one god theory of today

We discarded the old gods as we advanced as surely as we will discard the current one

>>The Bible is a book written by men,<<

That's not a complete statement. It is a book written by men whom God chose to write his "words" for him. If one reads Genesis, for example, it would be a story that would be difficult to fabricate by one author, let alone several unrelated authors. Why don't you read what Genesis says? It can only be written by one who was there. For those who have problems understanding the Bible due to atheism or other limitations, I recommend this version --
. This is just one book in the Bible of the Old Testament. The Book of Genesis is believed to be written by Moses.

Book of Genesis - Bible Survey

The rest of your comments have been debunked for centuries and is based on your assertions and nothing factual.

It is a book written by men and men period

WHat I have said is true

As a species we have moved from worshiping many gods to worshiping one as we have advanced and come to understand the natural world

We know that Thor doesn't cause thunder
We know that Poseidon doesn't cause hurricanes

We have discarded these gods and many others as we will surely discard the one that is left.

It's already happening

You did not answer who wrote Genesis for one. Second, you didn't answer how any man or men could write such a book without being there. Atheist Robert Crumb was going to make up some wacky illustration and story for the Book of Genesis. However, after reading what happened, he decided to do it straight. Imagine a dope fiend and hater like Crumb playing it straight. I first heard of the book of illustrations through George Lucas. He bought the original. I doubt he would have bought it had Crumb made it up. In this way, the Lord has influenced even the most jaded illustrator and defiler of the Word.

I doubt you have read the Bible and understand how it was written, so the rest of your ramblings can be ignored.

Oh I've read the bible New Testament old Testament and I've read the Koran

I minored in philosophy and did extensive readings on the history of religions and their evolution

I am particularly fond of the writings of Thomas Aquinas

And FYI Genesis was most likely written in the 5th or 6th century AD

No, Genesis was written between 1440 and 1400 B.C. in-between the time Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and his death. The Bible is witness to Mosaic authorship. What you state is wrong.
So now you believe in theistic evolution? .

Where did I say that? I am really curious because I don't remember saying that.


Syriusly, I have to hypothesize. You're one of three based on what you said. Catholic? Don't think you're Catholic based on your comments, but may have been exposed to catholicism, i.e. comments against God. Deist? Don't think you're deist. Not enough wonder and appreciation of life. Most likely you're atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV. Now, if you are in the deist area, then it could involve theistic evolution, but that's just another word for everything left to lose. God doesn't play dice.

Hypothesize away.

When did I say that I believe in theistic evolution as you claimed?

I already did and so you're "atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV." I knew the rest was cover.

Now you are bearing false witness.

You are going to your hell now.

This time you don't understand English as in argument. You're the one who said hypothesize away. So I did.

You also may not understand science because it starts with hypothesis.

Instead, you weirdly replied that I bore false witness and concluded I will be going to hell. What kind of weirdo are you? That is such a weird reply that the statements itself become false witness. It is slander.

I'm sure Jesus will be able to tell what's in your heart and take appropriate action. That concludes my hypothesis.
Where did I say that? I am really curious because I don't remember saying that.


Syriusly, I have to hypothesize. You're one of three based on what you said. Catholic? Don't think you're Catholic based on your comments, but may have been exposed to catholicism, i.e. comments against God. Deist? Don't think you're deist. Not enough wonder and appreciation of life. Most likely you're atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV. Now, if you are in the deist area, then it could involve theistic evolution, but that's just another word for everything left to lose. God doesn't play dice.

Hypothesize away.

When did I say that I believe in theistic evolution as you claimed?
You never stated or implied that. Bond is simply not a very honest person.

Since you are a liar, it means that "Bond is simply a very honest person." That's logical and sound reasoning.
At this point, after the constant stream of lies and hilariously dumb statements from you, I am content to let everyone else decide for themselves.

I think what it shows is Syriusly is concerned about going into the lake of fire. That is smart thinking. OTOH, you are not and that is not smart thinking ha ha.
That is why I said in a flask...there was no bacteria in the flask until you placed it in there...therefor you created it in the flask...for something to evolve it must be created first...

Actually I think thats a really good analogy.
But that could mean it was created by physical forces, with no need for a magical sky wizard.

You always bring up the sky wizard. Nobody else. now go back to your green skinned aliens you swear must exist.
You always bring up the sky wizard. Nobody else.
Riiiight...except for all the people that have, right here in this thread about creationism. You sound kind of nuts.

I do? Tell me again about the alien life that must exist.
Yes, you sound nuts to say i am the only one bringing up the bronze age sky wizard...in a thread about creationism.

I think it likely that abiogenesis occurred more than once in the universe. Thats about it for the story.
I think what it shows is Syriusly is concerned about going into the lake of fire.
Of course, not one rational person would believe that, and you don't, either. You're just not a very honest person. But that's okay in your eyes, because you are lying for baby Jebus.

I believe in final judgment as many other people. God is just like us and that we believe in justice. Otherwise, anything goes as long as I don't get caught. I can lie, cheat, steal, commit sin, murder and get away with it as long as I don't get caught.

We have Christians who take advantage of once saved, always saved (OSAS), but what they don't realize is if they're bad and assuming they are saved because of grace after putting their faith in Jesus, then they weren't saved to begin with. Thus, they end up in the lake of fire.

So, once again you are wrong and not very smart. Blaise Pascal said, "If you gain, you gain all. If you lose, you lose nothing. Wager then, without hesitation, that He exists." Blasie Pascal

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