Which Came First Creation Or Evolution?

The Bible is a book written by men,

The evolution of religion shows how then many gods theory of old morphed onto the one god theory of today

We discarded the old gods as we advanced as surely as we will discard the current one

>>The Bible is a book written by men,<<

That's not a complete statement. It is a book written by men whom God chose to write his "words" for him. If one reads Genesis, for example, it would be a story that would be difficult to fabricate by one author, let alone several unrelated authors. Why don't you read what Genesis says? It can only be written by one who was there. For those who have problems understanding the Bible due to atheism or other limitations, I recommend this version --
. This is just one book in the Bible of the Old Testament. The Book of Genesis is believed to be written by Moses.

Book of Genesis - Bible Survey

The rest of your comments have been debunked for centuries and is based on your assertions and nothing factual.

It is a book written by men and men period

WHat I have said is true

As a species we have moved from worshiping many gods to worshiping one as we have advanced and come to understand the natural world

We know that Thor doesn't cause thunder
We know that Poseidon doesn't cause hurricanes

We have discarded these gods and many others as we will surely discard the one that is left.

It's already happening

You did not answer who wrote Genesis for one. Second, you didn't answer how any man or men could write such a book without being there. Atheist Robert Crumb was going to make up some wacky illustration and story for the Book of Genesis. However, after reading what happened, he decided to do it straight. Imagine a dope fiend and hater like Crumb playing it straight. I first heard of the book of illustrations through George Lucas. He bought the original. I doubt he would have bought it had Crumb made it up. In this way, the Lord has influenced even the most jaded illustrator and defiler of the Word.

I doubt you have read the Bible and understand how it was written, so the rest of your ramblings can be ignored.

Oh I've read the bible New Testament old Testament and I've read the Koran

I minored in philosophy and did extensive readings on the history of religions and their evolution

I am particularly fond of the writings of Thomas Aquinas

And FYI Genesis was most likely written in the 5th or 6th century AD

No, Genesis was written between 1440 and 1400 B.C. in-between the time Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and his death. The Bible is witness to Mosaic authorship. What you state is wrong.

Prove it

The bible is book written by men edited by men distributed by men.
I think what it shows is Syriusly is concerned about going into the lake of fire.
Of course, not one rational person would believe that, and you don't, either. You're just not a very honest person. But that's okay in your eyes, because you are lying for baby Jebus.

I believe in final judgment as many other people. God is just like us and that we believe in justice. Otherwise, anything goes as long as I don't get caught. I can lie, cheat, steal, commit sin, murder and get away with it as long as I don't get caught.

We have Christians who take advantage of once saved, always saved (OSAS), but what they don't realize is if they're bad and assuming they are saved because of grace after putting their faith in Jesus, then they weren't saved to begin with. Thus, they end up in the lake of fire.

So, once again you are wrong and not very smart. Blaise Pascal said, "If you gain, you gain all. If you lose, you lose nothing. Wager then, without hesitation, that He exists." Blasie Pascal
Of course, we were talking about Syrius's beliefs, not yours. When I said "you don't believe it", I was referring to your shameless lie about what he believes. But thanks for the manifesto.
Yours doesn't fit the anthropic principle.

that must be some sort of joke as physiological life is present on planet Earth ... christianity begins with darkness that is not the case throughout the universe in its beginning everything was illuminated.

every generation has a messiah of one tone or another, Jesus was but one among many, the religion of Antiquity is alive, your hybrid is long deceased and without your book would not even exist. religion is spoken not read.

I believe in final judgment as many other people. God is just like us and that we believe in justice. Otherwise, anything goes as long as I don't get caught.

Blaise Pascal said, "If you gain, you gain all. If you lose, you lose nothing. Wager then, without hesitation, that He exists." Blasie Pascal


bond: anything goes as long as I don't get caught ...

- false religious beliefs will be caught in the end. there is no wager.
Yours doesn't fit the anthropic principle.

that must be some sort of joke as physiological life is present on planet Earth ... christianity begins with darkness that is not the case throughout the universe in its beginning everything was illuminated.

every generation has a messiah of one tone or another, Jesus was but one among many, the religion of Antiquity is alive, your hybrid is long deceased and without your book would not even exist. religion is spoken not read.

I believe in final judgment as many other people. God is just like us and that we believe in justice. Otherwise, anything goes as long as I don't get caught.

Blaise Pascal said, "If you gain, you gain all. If you lose, you lose nothing. Wager then, without hesitation, that He exists." Blasie Pascal


bond: anything goes as long as I don't get caught ...

- false religious beliefs will be caught in the end. there is no wager.


ZOMG. Non-sequitur alert.

For something that is supposed to be fake religion to you, you sure have been getting your panties in a bunch over it.
christianity begins with darkness that is not the case throughout the universe in its beginning everything was illuminated.

If everything was illuminated, then why do we have periods of dark and most of space is dark? During the daytime, I can't see the stars and planets with the naked eye, but I know they're there.
>>The Bible is a book written by men,<<

That's not a complete statement. It is a book written by men whom God chose to write his "words" for him. If one reads Genesis, for example, it would be a story that would be difficult to fabricate by one author, let alone several unrelated authors. Why don't you read what Genesis says? It can only be written by one who was there. For those who have problems understanding the Bible due to atheism or other limitations, I recommend this version --
. This is just one book in the Bible of the Old Testament. The Book of Genesis is believed to be written by Moses.

Book of Genesis - Bible Survey

The rest of your comments have been debunked for centuries and is based on your assertions and nothing factual.

It is a book written by men and men period

WHat I have said is true

As a species we have moved from worshiping many gods to worshiping one as we have advanced and come to understand the natural world

We know that Thor doesn't cause thunder
We know that Poseidon doesn't cause hurricanes

We have discarded these gods and many others as we will surely discard the one that is left.

It's already happening

You did not answer who wrote Genesis for one. Second, you didn't answer how any man or men could write such a book without being there. Atheist Robert Crumb was going to make up some wacky illustration and story for the Book of Genesis. However, after reading what happened, he decided to do it straight. Imagine a dope fiend and hater like Crumb playing it straight. I first heard of the book of illustrations through George Lucas. He bought the original. I doubt he would have bought it had Crumb made it up. In this way, the Lord has influenced even the most jaded illustrator and defiler of the Word.

I doubt you have read the Bible and understand how it was written, so the rest of your ramblings can be ignored.

Oh I've read the bible New Testament old Testament and I've read the Koran

I minored in philosophy and did extensive readings on the history of religions and their evolution

I am particularly fond of the writings of Thomas Aquinas

And FYI Genesis was most likely written in the 5th or 6th century AD

No, Genesis was written between 1440 and 1400 B.C. in-between the time Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and his death. The Bible is witness to Mosaic authorship. What you state is wrong.

Prove it

The bible is book written by men edited by men distributed by men.

Yes, Moses was a man, but the Bible states that God handed it down to him. Moses backs this up.

Absolute proof isn't there. God said as much since he is testing us just like he tested Adam and Eve. One has to take the leap of faith. And I've said it countless times that John 3:16 is a good starting place to believe. Then God reveals himself and enters your life and worldview.
I think what it shows is Syriusly is concerned about going into the lake of fire.
Of course, not one rational person would believe that, and you don't, either. You're just not a very honest person. But that's okay in your eyes, because you are lying for baby Jebus.

I believe in final judgment as many other people. God is just like us and that we believe in justice. Otherwise, anything goes as long as I don't get caught. I can lie, cheat, steal, commit sin, murder and get away with it as long as I don't get caught.

We have Christians who take advantage of once saved, always saved (OSAS), but what they don't realize is if they're bad and assuming they are saved because of grace after putting their faith in Jesus, then they weren't saved to begin with. Thus, they end up in the lake of fire.

So, once again you are wrong and not very smart. Blaise Pascal said, "If you gain, you gain all. If you lose, you lose nothing. Wager then, without hesitation, that He exists." Blasie Pascal
Of course, we were talking about Syrius's beliefs, not yours. When I said "you don't believe it", I was referring to your shameless lie about what he believes. But thanks for the manifesto.

Well, if Syriusly (not Syrius ha ha), doesn't believe, then I was right about him being atheist. If he's a believer, then he hasn't stated it. He's stated plenty of evolutionary thinking and beliefs though, so the evidence points to him being atheist and that I was right.
It is a book written by men and men period

WHat I have said is true

As a species we have moved from worshiping many gods to worshiping one as we have advanced and come to understand the natural world

We know that Thor doesn't cause thunder
We know that Poseidon doesn't cause hurricanes

We have discarded these gods and many others as we will surely discard the one that is left.

It's already happening

You did not answer who wrote Genesis for one. Second, you didn't answer how any man or men could write such a book without being there. Atheist Robert Crumb was going to make up some wacky illustration and story for the Book of Genesis. However, after reading what happened, he decided to do it straight. Imagine a dope fiend and hater like Crumb playing it straight. I first heard of the book of illustrations through George Lucas. He bought the original. I doubt he would have bought it had Crumb made it up. In this way, the Lord has influenced even the most jaded illustrator and defiler of the Word.

I doubt you have read the Bible and understand how it was written, so the rest of your ramblings can be ignored.

Oh I've read the bible New Testament old Testament and I've read the Koran

I minored in philosophy and did extensive readings on the history of religions and their evolution

I am particularly fond of the writings of Thomas Aquinas

And FYI Genesis was most likely written in the 5th or 6th century AD

No, Genesis was written between 1440 and 1400 B.C. in-between the time Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and his death. The Bible is witness to Mosaic authorship. What you state is wrong.

Prove it

The bible is book written by men edited by men distributed by men.

Yes, Moses was a man, but the Bible states that God handed it down to him. Moses backs this up.

Absolute proof isn't there. God said as much since he is testing us just like he tested Adam and Eve. One has to take the leap of faith. And I've said it countless times that John 3:16 is a good starting place to believe. Then God reveals himself and enters your life and worldview.

The bible cannot state anything the person writing it is the one making statements

And unlike you I tend to need proof.
You did not answer who wrote Genesis for one. Second, you didn't answer how any man or men could write such a book without being there. Atheist Robert Crumb was going to make up some wacky illustration and story for the Book of Genesis. However, after reading what happened, he decided to do it straight. Imagine a dope fiend and hater like Crumb playing it straight. I first heard of the book of illustrations through George Lucas. He bought the original. I doubt he would have bought it had Crumb made it up. In this way, the Lord has influenced even the most jaded illustrator and defiler of the Word.

I doubt you have read the Bible and understand how it was written, so the rest of your ramblings can be ignored.

Oh I've read the bible New Testament old Testament and I've read the Koran

I minored in philosophy and did extensive readings on the history of religions and their evolution

I am particularly fond of the writings of Thomas Aquinas

And FYI Genesis was most likely written in the 5th or 6th century AD

No, Genesis was written between 1440 and 1400 B.C. in-between the time Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and his death. The Bible is witness to Mosaic authorship. What you state is wrong.

Prove it

The bible is book written by men edited by men distributed by men.

Yes, Moses was a man, but the Bible states that God handed it down to him. Moses backs this up.

Absolute proof isn't there. God said as much since he is testing us just like he tested Adam and Eve. One has to take the leap of faith. And I've said it countless times that John 3:16 is a good starting place to believe. Then God reveals himself and enters your life and worldview.

The bible cannot state anything the person writing it is the one making statements

And unlike you I tend to need proof.
You mean like space and time had a beginning? Or that man came from dust?

Consider them proven.
Where did I say that? I am really curious because I don't remember saying that.


Syriusly, I have to hypothesize. You're one of three based on what you said. Catholic? Don't think you're Catholic based on your comments, but may have been exposed to catholicism, i.e. comments against God. Deist? Don't think you're deist. Not enough wonder and appreciation of life. Most likely you're atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV. Now, if you are in the deist area, then it could involve theistic evolution, but that's just another word for everything left to lose. God doesn't play dice.

Hypothesize away.

When did I say that I believe in theistic evolution as you claimed?

I already did and so you're "atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV." I knew the rest was cover.

Now you are bearing false witness.

You are going to your hell now.

This time you don't understand English as in argument. You're the one who said hypothesize away. So I did..

No what I said- after you claimed some stupid thing about is:

Where did I say that? I am really curious because I don't remember saying that.

Since then you have run away from answering the question, leaving your initial statement to be the lie it always was.
Funny how you call people ignorant yet you are blind to anything but your own beliefs

This is what was revealed in the Bible. Isn't there some basic understanding of God just because we can't explain the limitless heavens and how things came to be on earth and how they work. Around 1850, the atheist beliefs of uniformitarianism crept into geology. It eventually led to evolution and suddenly God, the supernatural and the Bible was systematically eliminated from science. Up until then the Bible was accepted as science backed it up even though it wasn't a science book.

So what you said of amalgamation of all the gods that came before is wrong. That's what I am pointing out.

The Bible is a book written by men,

The evolution of religion shows how then many gods theory of old morphed onto the one god theory of today

We discarded the old gods as we advanced as surely as we will discard the current one

>>The Bible is a book written by men,<<

That's not a complete statement. It is a book written by men whom God chose to write his "words" for him. If one reads Genesis, for example, it would be a story that would be difficult to fabricate by one author, let alone several unrelated authors. Why don't you read what Genesis says? It can only be written by one who was there. For those who have problems understanding the Bible due to atheism or other limitations, I recommend this version --
. This is just one book in the Bible of the Old Testament. The Book of Genesis is believed to be written by Moses.

Book of Genesis - Bible Survey

The rest of your comments have been debunked for centuries and is based on your assertions and nothing factual.

It is a book written by men and men period

WHat I have said is true

As a species we have moved from worshiping many gods to worshiping one as we have advanced and come to understand the natural world

We know that Thor doesn't cause thunder
We know that Poseidon doesn't cause hurricanes

We have discarded these gods and many others as we will surely discard the one that is left.

It's already happening

You did not answer who wrote Genesis for one. Second, you didn't answer how any man or men could write such a book without being there. .

All sorts of books of fiction are written by men who were never there- Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Winnie the Pooh.

How could men write books like the Old Testament or the Veddas?

It could be divine inspiration.....or magic mushrooms....or just a very active interpretation of folk tales.
I actually like the Bible. I ridicule those who insist that the Bible must be interpreted literally. As a book with interesting stories that are sometimes related to actual history, and as a book of morality- some of which I agree with- it is certainly the single most important book in the world.

Biblical archeology is an interesting 'field'. Biblical archeology is mostly based upon proving that events in the Bible actually happened- it isn't really a 'pure' archeology. Which is why sometimes the results are questionable- because the persons doing the research have a bias in believing that what is in the Bible is true- so they tend to be biased in their interpretations of their results. That doesn't mean however that the research that they are doing is not valuable- only that their results have to stand up to the same scientific scrutiny as any other science, including peer review by those who are not 'biblical archeologists'.

So now you believe in theistic evolution? .

Where did I say that? I am really curious because I don't remember saying that.


Syriusly, I have to hypothesize. You're one of three based on what you said. Catholic? Don't think you're Catholic based on your comments, but may have been exposed to catholicism, i.e. comments against God. Deist? Don't think you're deist. Not enough wonder and appreciation of life. Most likely you're atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV. Now, if you are in the deist area, then it could involve theistic evolution, but that's just another word for everything left to lose. God doesn't play dice.

Hypothesize away.

When did I say that I believe in theistic evolution as you claimed?

I already did and so you're "atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV." I knew the rest was cover.

When did I say that I believe in 'theistic evolution' as you claimed?

Every time you keep running away from your statement you are digging yourself into a deeper false witness hell.
Syriusly, I have to hypothesize. You're one of three based on what you said. Catholic? Don't think you're Catholic based on your comments, but may have been exposed to catholicism, i.e. comments against God. Deist? Don't think you're deist. Not enough wonder and appreciation of life. Most likely you're atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV. Now, if you are in the deist area, then it could involve theistic evolution, but that's just another word for everything left to lose. God doesn't play dice.

Hypothesize away.

When did I say that I believe in theistic evolution as you claimed?
You never stated or implied that. Bond is simply not a very honest person.

Since you are a liar, it means that "Bond is simply a very honest person." That's logical and sound reasoning.
At this point, after the constant stream of lies and hilariously dumb statements from you, I am content to let everyone else decide for themselves.

I think what it shows is Syriusly is concerned about going into the lake of fire. That is smart thinking. OTOH, you are not and that is not smart thinking ha ha.

I think what is shows is that James a constant bearer of false witness and is going to his own lake of fire.

Myself, I am looking forward to going to the Lake of the Ozarks....
We find science backs up the Bible, but science doesn't back up evolution. Thus, the first one is the truth and not the myth.

You whacky Christo Creation Cultists and your silly myths.

When it comes to 'theories'- certainly Creation myths came first- all sorts of creation myths around the world were created to come up with explanations of how the world was- the Bible was of course just one of thousands.

The Theory of Evolution came about after the concept of science was established and the Bible and other creation myths were shown to be out of step with scientific understanding.

Now the Theory of Evolution is the theory that best fits our knowledge for how life now exists on Earth, while the Christo Creation Cult theory just represents a fringe group of anti-science nutcases who believe that there were dinosaurs on an Ark that floated over Mt. Everest.

We already discussed this. The myths are found all around the world, so they had to come from something global in scale which validates the truth in the Bible.

As Dr. Morris correctly surmised, Satan's influence still remains with us as today's scientists will not peer-review God, the supernatural or any hypothesis based on the Bible such as Genesis. It wasn't like this before the 1850s. Creation scientists have to peer review their own work.

I will have to give you this. What's interesting is creation scientists cannot disprove evolution which means proving creation. They can only give evidence of creation and debunk ToE and evolutionary thinking. We can get close to having a smoking gun, but there won't be a final answer. God designed it that way. Thus, it's evolution trying to disprove creation which shows that creation did actually come first. The Bible describes evolutionists as, "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.” Romans 1:25

Notice God considers what Satan came up with as a lie. Even though that was not Satan's intent. He came up with a theory which is wrong, but considered a lie in the eyes of God.
Appeal to authority fallacy.

There was no ‘creation.’

There is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.
Yours doesn't fit the anthropic principle.

that must be some sort of joke as physiological life is present on planet Earth ... christianity begins with darkness that is not the case throughout the universe in its beginning everything was illuminated.

every generation has a messiah of one tone or another, Jesus was but one among many, the religion of Antiquity is alive, your hybrid is long deceased and without your book would not even exist. religion is spoken not read.

I believe in final judgment as many other people. God is just like us and that we believe in justice. Otherwise, anything goes as long as I don't get caught.

Blaise Pascal said, "If you gain, you gain all. If you lose, you lose nothing. Wager then, without hesitation, that He exists." Blasie Pascal


bond: anything goes as long as I don't get caught ...

- false religious beliefs will be caught in the end. there is no wager.


ZOMG. Non-sequitur alert.

For something that is supposed to be fake religion to you, you sure have been getting your panties in a bunch over it.
For something that is supposed to be fake religion to you, you sure have been getting your panties in a bunch over it.

it is a forgery that has done great harm by persecuting and victimizing the innocent, unlike you I am not mesmerized by it. the religion of Antiquity concludes when everyone alive is the same persuasion that can not happen with the desired outcome as long as the 4th century document intervenes on behalf of those that abandoned Jesus, the true religion in their hour of need.
You did not answer who wrote Genesis for one. Second, you didn't answer how any man or men could write such a book without being there. Atheist Robert Crumb was going to make up some wacky illustration and story for the Book of Genesis. However, after reading what happened, he decided to do it straight. Imagine a dope fiend and hater like Crumb playing it straight. I first heard of the book of illustrations through George Lucas. He bought the original. I doubt he would have bought it had Crumb made it up. In this way, the Lord has influenced even the most jaded illustrator and defiler of the Word.

I doubt you have read the Bible and understand how it was written, so the rest of your ramblings can be ignored.

Oh I've read the bible New Testament old Testament and I've read the Koran

I minored in philosophy and did extensive readings on the history of religions and their evolution

I am particularly fond of the writings of Thomas Aquinas

And FYI Genesis was most likely written in the 5th or 6th century AD

No, Genesis was written between 1440 and 1400 B.C. in-between the time Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and his death. The Bible is witness to Mosaic authorship. What you state is wrong.

Prove it

The bible is book written by men edited by men distributed by men.

Yes, Moses was a man, but the Bible states that God handed it down to him. Moses backs this up.

Absolute proof isn't there. God said as much since he is testing us just like he tested Adam and Eve. One has to take the leap of faith. And I've said it countless times that John 3:16 is a good starting place to believe. Then God reveals himself and enters your life and worldview.

The bible cannot state anything the person writing it is the one making statements

And unlike you I tend to need proof.

Tsk. You weren't paying attention regarding both of your statements.

Absolute proof isn't there, and even if there were, you wouldn't believe it such as the Resurrection. The Bible states people believed in Jesus performing miracles, but soon forgot since it didn't apply to their lives. What the Bible states how people will know the truth is eternal pain and suffering in the afterlife.

Also, the best atheist argument I heard was that even if hundreds of thousands of people witness a miracle, there would still be hundreds of thousands who didn't. Every atheist has to be convinced. Thus, eternal pain and suffering seems very convincing. I forgot. Why am I here again? ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!! I remember. Very effective.
Last edited:
Syriusly, I have to hypothesize. You're one of three based on what you said. Catholic? Don't think you're Catholic based on your comments, but may have been exposed to catholicism, i.e. comments against God. Deist? Don't think you're deist. Not enough wonder and appreciation of life. Most likely you're atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV. Now, if you are in the deist area, then it could involve theistic evolution, but that's just another word for everything left to lose. God doesn't play dice.

Hypothesize away.

When did I say that I believe in theistic evolution as you claimed?

I already did and so you're "atheist/agnostic covering up for homo/HV." I knew the rest was cover.

Now you are bearing false witness.

You are going to your hell now.

This time you don't understand English as in argument. You're the one who said hypothesize away. So I did..

No what I said- after you claimed some stupid thing about is:

Where did I say that? I am really curious because I don't remember saying that.

Since then you have run away from answering the question, leaving your initial statement to be the lie it always was.

It's not a short explanation, so if you have time, then we can discuss. The issue with theistic evolution and Catholics have been around since Darwin's time. You mentioned Catholicism and Genesis and that's how theistic evolution came into my mind from what you said.

The Catholics have a very strict Catholic doctrine or dogma about their theology. I do not think they changed their dogma about it and still back Genesis despite what the Pope was reputed to have said in major MSM about evolution in 1996. Furthermore, there are Christians like William Lane Craig thinks Genesis is figurative writings and believe in theistic evolution. There are parts of the Bible where only a figurative interpretation works such as one day = one year.

This is an example of a gross misinterpretation of Pope Francis which happens a lot.

Pope Francis Says Genesis Account Of Creation Is Not True • Now The End Begins
Conundrums, conundrums. Why is God such a prick? Because? Why does the church (catholic) hide boy molesters with all their might, and then so easily condemn abortion or the death penalty? Why do they support giving illegal aliens sanctuary? Wowsa, the Catholic church. Bastion of pedophiles, aren't they above criticism? I say with all the sarcasm I can muster.

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