Which comes first: Irrefutable proof...or an investigation toward that proof?

The right wingers' (aka, Trump lovers) mantra has been the same for several months now......"Where's the proof of Trump's wrong doings"???

Never stopping to "think" (for many right wingers to think, would be a novel undertaking) that FIRST there is exhausting and thorough investigations and SECOND, the offering of irrefutable proof that would either clear or condemn Trump.....

So, my dear right wingers, which comes first?

Poor thing, left with nothing but recycling your threads. You posted this same crap on Apr 21st with the same title. LMAO

Which comes first: Irrefutable proof...or an investigation toward that irrefutable proof?


indeed........and EVERY DAY (thanks to your beloved orange clown) the thread;s assertion becomes even more real........Thanks for following me around like a good Tigger should...LOL

Not everyone is as senile as you. And you fantasies aren't real, they're just figments of your imagination.

The right wingers' (aka, Trump lovers) mantra has been the same for several months now......"Where's the proof of Trump's wrong doings"???

Never stopping to "think" (for many right wingers to think, would be a novel undertaking) that FIRST there is exhausting and thorough investigations and SECOND, the offering of irrefutable proof that would either clear or condemn Trump.....

So, my dear right wingers, which comes first?

Poor thing, left with nothing but recycling your threads. You posted this same crap on Apr 21st with the same title. LMAO

Which comes first: Irrefutable proof...or an investigation toward that irrefutable proof?


indeed........and EVERY DAY (thanks to your beloved orange clown) the thread;s assertion becomes even more real........Thanks for following me around like a good Tigger should...LOL

Not everyone is as senile as you. And you fantasies aren't real, they're just figments of your imagination.


You know, Tigger, I may RE-POST some variation of this thread at a later date when more "interesting" revelations surface on the Trumpster's demise......Stay tuned and DO follow my threads....LOL
Even though this thread is about the various investigations of the Trumpster's KeyStone Kops administration, right wingers will bring up Clinton as their usual deflection.....

Can any of you right wingers state exactly WHAT secrets have placed this nation in danger because of Clinton's private server????

Take it from someone who has dealt with secure information every day for the last 36 years, it doesn't matter whether the data put in the clear was seen by anyone or not. What matters is that data was put in the clear where it could be seen. Playing fast and loose with secure data in and of itself will get me fired regardless of whether anyone else got their hands on it because of my screw up. It could be 20 or 30 years down the road before we know if Hillary's unsecured server gave up state secrets or not. But what we already know is that she ignored standard practice and protocol and used her own server with her own email address and put everything she did and touched at risk.

You know, Tigger, I may RE-POST some variation of this thread at a later date when more "interesting" revelations surface on the Trumpster's demise......Stay tuned and DO follow my threads....LOL

Yeah, Trump went down in flames yesterday, just like you Stalinists predicted..

Oh wait.....

Bet everything you own on it!! Bet the farm!!

He can't. The farm is a collective that is mortgaged at 3 times it's value... A good Stalinist like Shitflinger is not permitted to own anything. All assets are property of the group, to be used as the rulers say.
He does have a tendency of marrying communists

If Ivanka were a Communist, you would love her.

You Stalinist little fuck.

Don't look at me Comrade

It is Trump who has a long history of marrying communists. Has a Manchrian Candidate ring to it

Yeah, lying is just so very clever, Nazi boi. I know I'm impressed... :eusa_whistle:

Don't look at me Comrade

You are the one who voted for the Liar in Chief

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