Zone1 Which God?

Nice idea but I'm m certain there are other worlds with more impressive flying creatures and they all survive in this physical universe ( by design of the Creator Entity's mind ) without any help from the Creator.

Without any help?

That makes no sense in light of your previous statement that "the visitors are benevolent" and have directly assisted in the evolution of the species. And yes, they are far more impressive creatures who said that they were sent by God to teach humans how to be more than animals.

So make up your mind already. Time is running out. At least thats what I heard.
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At the judgment everyone is raised. Some will rise to eternal life and others will rise only to hear their doom, but its not for humans to decide or enforce who lives or dies dingbat. If God is God he's got it under control even if the tiny human mind can't comprehend how. And BTW it is the Christian dead, the dead in Christ, who will be the first to rise. If they rise to life and do what is right now and for the rest of their lives what justice would you apply? Anathema? 25 to life? electrocution? minimum wage? whipping? the rack? Iron Maiden? Lethal injection? Crucifixion?

what a guy!

Why not alert them to the truth and then give them a chance to repent and forgive them if they bear fruit worthy of repentance? Maybe you don't know the truth? Thats a problem. But not mine.

BTW they have not been forgiven since the time of Jesus. Have you never read a history book?
Your rantings are ludicrous to GOD. Everyone is eternal. Those who believe they are " saved " and condemn others that they are not are among the worst sinners we have on this planet. Good luck with your self-imposed isolation.
Without any help?

That makes no sense in light of your previous statement that "the visitors are benevolent" and have directly assisted in the evolution of the species. And yes, they are far more impressive creatures who said that they were sent by God to teach humans how to be more than animals.

So make up your mind already. Time is running out. At least thats what I heard.
Yes, fellow physical beings have helped us develop into the species we are today and that may well have been by design of the Creator or simply an endeavor they took upon themselves. You are the one speaking in absolutes There is no perfection and no absolutes in the physical world, once again possibly because of design or because change is the only constant in the physical universe
Yes, fellow physical beings have helped us develop into the species we are today and that may well have been by design of the Creator or simply an endeavor they took upon themselves. You are the one speaking in absolutes There is no perfection and no absolutes in the physical world, once again possibly because of design or because change is the only constant in the physical universe
See you later I've got to go to.a funeral.
Speaking in tongues for instance for me is to understand others even if you don't speak the same language.

There is no language that consists of squeaking and gibbering and jumping around for Jesus like monkeys. Praise God ! Thank you Jesus! Amen! I'm saved! Thats bread baked on human dung.

The strange unknown language is the language of the prophets which is figurative. When Jesus asked why they didn't understand him he was not squeaking and gibbering garbled sounds. He was talking in Aramaic. It is incomprehensible only to those who forget what they learned in grade school about fairy tales that use metaphors, analogies, homonyms, hyperbole, similes, etc.

People who globby globby derp derp ackthomaugh, twiddle jerp jerp. hee hee cakckle froomp! have gone insane, possessed by the jabberwocky, their rational minds have died. As Coroner, I have thoroughly examined her. And she's not only merely dead, She's really most sincerely dead.

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Your rantings are ludicrous to GOD. Everyone is eternal. Those who believe they are " saved " and condemn others that they are not are among the worst sinners we have on this planet. Good luck with your self-imposed isolation.

Pft. It may be ludicrous to you but to many Jews, Christians, Muslims, and even Atheists its not.

In fact everything that I have made known I have drawn from what Jesus taught without adding subtracting or changing a single word of scripture. Truth is I could not have revealed anything that had been buried in those words and hidden for millennia unless God first revealed it to me.

Isolation? don't know what you are talking about. Everyone is eternal? Where do you get this shit? Not everyone is granted immortality, not everyone will find a place in the world to come.

Only the righteous will, and no one who does not do what is right is righteous.

Behold! The armies of heaven are coming! The armies of heaven are coming! Pika atta leemo! lol
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There is no perfection and no absolutes in the physical world, once again possibly because of design or because change is the only constant in the physical universe

You are just wrong. some things are absolutely absolute, and there are many examples of perfection in the physical universe that are easy to see unless you are blind.
Sounds like you two are at an impasse. Best to just call it quits after all you're only talking about opinions.

Wrong. Don't be silly. The truth is not an opinion. Por ejemplo; when Jesus healed a blind man he first wrote something on the ground, made a paste of mud and spit, put that over the mans eyes, and then placed his hand over both eyes and asked him, "what do you see?". First the man saw trees, then when Jesus told him to take a harder look he finally saw men. The man described what he 'saw' with his eyes covered. Obviously this was a healing of perception, not sight, since in scripture many times men are compared to trees, as in Eden where there were many trees with fruit that is pleasing to the eye and good to eat, the fruit of the mind. This is the irrefutable truth. It is not an opinion. To assert by faith that vision was healed using mud and spit is pure stupidity.

If you don't believe me read the freaking story. The authors could not have been more obvious.

If God gave the Bible to mankind and asked everyone to write a book report about it, believers and unbelievers alike, everyone has missed the point, teaching, everyone has failed miserably.

Not to worry!

I have come, vorpel sword in hand, to slay the scarlet beast, the infernal jabberwocky.
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There is no language that consists of squeaking and gibbering and jumping around for Jesus like monkeys. Praise God ! Thank you Jesus! Amen! I'm saved! Thats bread baked on human dung.

The strange unknown language is the language of the prophets which is figurative. When Jesus asked why they didn't understand him he was not squeaking and gibbering garbled sounds. He was talking in Aramaic. It is incomprehensible only to those who forget what they learned in grade school about fairy tales that use metaphors, analogies, homonyms, hyperbole, similes, etc.

People who globby globby derp derp ackthomaugh, twiddle jerp jerp. hee hee cakckle froomp! have gone insane, possessed by the jabberwocky, their rational minds have died. As Coroner, I have thoroughly examined her. And she's not only merely dead, She's really most sincerely dead.

Is there something gone haywire between your ears? I agree with you. The churches that squeak gibberish is not speaking in tongues. And, who knows if he was speaking in Aramaic at the time. He could have been speaking in Hebrew or another language. He was speaking to the people in the various regions he preached and in their language. He didn't enquire about a language problem either. It was his messages that they didn't understand. He spoke in parables so that most would understand. But, also to exclude those who would not understand because of their pride and hatred towards Him. Can we move on now?
Is there something gone haywire between your ears? I agree with you. The churches that squeak gibberish is not speaking in tongues.

Ok good. and there certainly would be something going haywire in my brain if I didn't notice that you never explained what and in what way you learned from the Holy Spirit about a trinity.

Forgive me if I because of your lack of a response concluded that you were talking about that.

He didn't enquire about a language problem either. It was his messages that they didn't understand.
Right. But Jesus said believers will speak in an unknown tongue, a strange language.

Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for God is the source of my being. I have not come on my own; God sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! Can any of you prove me in the wrong? If I am telling the truth then why don’t you believe me? Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

So, if you have ears to hear, what was the truth that Jesus revealed?

He spoke in parables so that most would understand. But, also to exclude those who would not understand because of their pride and hatred towards Him.

OK. It also may have had to do with the fact that people were stoned, imprisoned, flogged, enslaved or killed daily for trivial reasons. There was no such thing as freedom of expression.

Can we move on now
sure, why not lets move on by going back. Will you try to answer my direct question truthfully this time? How did the Holy Spirit reveal a trinity to you? What or who do you think the Holy Spirit is?

Take your time.
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- the hobo way ... forgive them.
Why not alert them to the truth and then give them a chance to repent and forgive them if they bear fruit worthy of repentance? Maybe you don't know the truth? Thats a problem. But not mine.

while raining, does water run uphill - they've been made aware, hob ...

how about you - have you found the desert stone tablets etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments. very sad if you use those for your own deliberations and while your looking have you found anything written by jesus claiming to be a messiah.

or anything at all or from anyone else during that time ... or even today - what liberation theology, self determination survives the lite of day in any desert church.
while raining, does water run uphill - they've been made aware, hob ...
Maybe so, but when you plant a field of seeds do you expect to harvest a crop the next day?

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, and so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust; for they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts." This is where its at. A brief space in time. Now. Whats it to you to give the victims of mind control more time and space to digest the good news and adjust?

Whats your hurry to crucify the crucifiers. If I didn't know better I'd think you were filled with blood lust. Wait watch and see a new heaven and a new earth created right in front of your eyes.

Remember. At the resurrection, the dead in Christ, the ones you want to kill, will be the first to rise. And they all are like leaves on the tree of life; under solemn oath, under penalty of a death they will never want to return to, and a new covenant dedicated to the healing of the Nations.

how about you - have you found the desert stone tablets etched in the heavens w/ 10 commandments.

Yes. When I was about eight years old I found them etched in my brain and so I always do exactly as God commands. The flesh of any unclean creature has never touched my lips, I never perjure myself in the name of the Lord, I never falsely accuse anyone, etc., You should try it. Its easy.

You want to be admitted into the everlasting? Do not incite murder. Learn to sing a new song.
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Ok good. and there certainly would be something going haywire in my brain if I didn't notice that you never explained what and in what way you learned from the Holy Spirit about a trinity.

Forgive me if I because of your lack of a response concluded that you were talking about that.

Right. But Jesus said believers will speak in an unknown tongue, a strange language.

Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for God is the source of my being. I have not come on my own; God sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! Can any of you prove me in the wrong? If I am telling the truth then why don’t you believe me? Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

So, if you have ears to hear, what was the truth that Jesus revealed?

OK. It also may have had to do with the fact that people were stoned, imprisoned, flogged, enslaved or killed daily for trivial reasons. There was no such thing as freedom of expression.

sure, why not lets move on by going back. Will you try to answer my direct question truthfully this time? How did the Holy Spirit reveal a trinity to you? What or who do you think the Holy Spirit is?

Take your time.
The reason why the people didn't understand him except for the believers is that the non-believers were kept captive by the religious leaders that were teaching falsehoods. False traditions keep people from hearing the Holy Ghost in order to know the truth. Same things happen today with false teachings of the Trinity. Like, the Father and Son are the same person. I would have trouble if I thought the Lord talked to himself when addressing the Father. So, when I prayed to Father in Heaven (God) for my friend to pull through her attempted suicide and I asked if Father would do so that if He had a Son, Jesus Christ, I'd follow Jesus Christ. The top came off my spiritual mind and the light and warmth of the Holy Ghost surrounded me and comforted me. I knew then. (Keep in mind, I was Jewish at the time) My friend should have died according to the doctor but she lived. So, this taught me that the Father has a Son, Jesus Christ. Thus, not the same person.
you also have a very limited form of communication - a bit vindictive ... displayed as your embrace of the crucifiers.
What you call "embrace of the crucifiers" is simply the process of separating the wheat from the chaff. There are many more 'crucifiers' that have been indoctrinated and deceived since birth than there are deliberate deceivers who lead smooth and easy lives off of the suffering of the deceived. Many more unjustly subjugated than there are subjugators. Many more murdered than there are murderers. Many more possessed than there are devils who use them for personal gain.

What I have shown has never been seen or heard of before. When God first opened my eyes to understand his Word I was given the time to purify and refine my own mind. How could I deny that time of metamorphosis to others. Even if it takes a day, a decade, or more, how is that vindictive?

Believe me, you all are better off hearing it all from me than from God who is not a human being.

My judgment is just. Even Jesus was given time to digest the revelation that he received from God and adjust his thoughts and actions after spending half of his life in darkness. And he did.

Many people who serve God poorly in the beginning manage to serve him well at the end of their life.

You are the one who seems vindictive. According to your stance you would have crucified Jesus when he was 29, before he spoke a single word in public, before he shared his Divine revelation.

Try to hear, try to think, and try to ruminate as if your life depended on it.... because it does.
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(Keep in mind, I was Jewish at the time) My friend should have died according to the doctor but she lived. So, this taught me that the Father has a Son, Jesus Christ. Thus, not the same person.

Thank your for clearing that up for me even though you still did not answer my question about the Holy Spirit except by describing a feeling.

Irregardless, lol, what is Jesus talking about in John 14:15-25, and John 16:7-15?

An invisible ghost being sent by God to do some very specific things or another actual person?

My question now is how do you resolve Jewish messianic expectations with what Jesus said and did?

Do you follow the Divine commands, or do you think they were made obsolete when Jesus came?
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A favorite challenge/throwdown by atheists is "Which God?", giggle, giggle.

I compiled the first answer I have ever seen. Please offer your suggestions
to add.

Which God?

“In God We Trust” – The Motto of the United States, found on every coin and every bill of currency

“God and My Right” – The Motto of Great Britain

Nature’s God, cited in America’s Declaration of Independence:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. “

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

“We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, . . . .And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

The U.S. Constitution was signed as follows:

“Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth.”

Named in the Supreme Court Opening Prayer: “God bless this honorable court”.

“No human society has ever been able to maintain both order and freedom…apart from the moral precepts of the Christian religion applied and accepted by all the classes.” – John Jay, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and Founding Father

“The Christian religion, in its purity is the basis and the source of all genuine freedom in government.” – Noah Webster

“The general principles on which the Fathers achieved independence were the only principles in which that beautiful assembly of young gentlemen could unite …the general principles of Christianity.” – John Adams

“If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.” – Daniel Webster

“Our Constitution was made only for a religious people. It is wholly inappropriate for the government of any other.” - John Adams

The consensus of humanity, as Christians constitute the largest group in the world. Consensus is relentlessly cited as “proof” of Darwinian evolution, as “proof” of climate change, but strangely it is pooh-poohed by those consensus folks when it comes to Christianity.

The Holy Bible is the best-selling book of all time.

"I say unequivocally that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt!" - Sir Lionel Luckhoo, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful attorney in history

“If you were to take the sum total of all authoritative articles ever written by the most qualified of psychologists and psychiatrists on the subject of mental hygiene--if you were to combine them and refine them and cleave out the excess verbiage if you were to take the whole of the meat and none of the parsley, and if you were to have these unadulterated bits of pure scientific knowledge concisely expressed by the most capable of living poets, you would have an awkward and incomplete summation of the Sermon on the Mount. And it would suffer immeasurably through comparison. For nearly two thousand years the Christian world has been holding in its hands the complete answer to its restless and fruitless yearnings. Here . . . rests the blueprint for successful human life with optimum mental health and contentment.” - A Few Buttons Missing: The Case Book of a Psychiatrist, by James T Fisher

Oxford University 1096 :

“The Lord is my light”

Harvard 1650:

through the good hand of God…

Brown University 1764:

Motto: In Deo Speramus, Latin for “In God We Trust”

Princeton University

Motto: “Dei sub numine viget”, Latin for “Under God’s Power She Flourishes”

University of Pennsylvania

“…hoping through the favour of Almighty God,”

"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." ~Dr. Robert Jastrow

“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1, validated by science only in the 20th Century
I am an atheist. I don't believe I have ever asked a Christian "which god?". I had to look it up to try to understand to what you were referring. As I understand it, this query would be a rhetorical one pointing out that there are a number of different gods in human culture, the Christian god, the Jewish god, the Islamic god, the Hindu pantheon, the Roman gods, the Greek gods, the Norse gods and so forth and so on. Your response seems to be a collection of statements, virtually all of American origin, which include some reference to the Christian god. I do not believe that you understand the purpose of the original query or that you have provided any sort of answer for the rhetoric.

So, the argument from my side would include a few points. An actual, omnipotent, omniscient god, creator of the universe and demanding worship should not have much difficulty having gotten what he wants from us. But he has not. Instead, humanity has come up with a variety of gods with a variety of characteristics. This is not supportive of the idea that the Christian god is the one and only.

And your argument seems to be that the dominance of Christianity in western culture means he must be the one and only. This seems to be no more than a loose version of religious nationalism. If this was the first answer you've ever actually seen, I think you haven't been looking.
What you call "embrace of the crucifiers" is simply the process of separating the wheat from the chaff. There are many more 'crucifiers' that have been indoctrinated and deceived since birth than there are deliberate deceivers who lead smooth and easy lives off of the suffering of the deceived. Many more unjustly subjugated than there are subjugators. Many more murdered than there are murderers. Many more possessed than there are devils who use them for personal gain.

What I have shown has never been seen or heard of before. When God first opened my eyes to understand his Word I was given the time to purify and refine my own mind. How could I deny that time to metamorphose to others. Even if it takes a day, a decade, or more, how is that vindictive?

My judgment is just. Even Jesus was given time to digest the revelation that he received from God and adjust his thoughts and actions after spending half of his life in darkness. And he did.

Many people who serve God poorly in the beginning manage to serve him well at the end of their life.

You are the one who seems vindictive. According to your stance you would have crucified Jesus.

Try to hear, try to think, and try to ruminate as if your life depended on it.... because it does.

My judgment is just ... how is that vindictive?
According to your stance you would have crucified Jesus.

you are who embellishes themselves w/ the c-bible, written by the crucifiers.

jesus and those in the 1st century died for the prescribed religion of antiquity and those events - liberation theology, self determination -

nowhere found in your words, the false 10 commandment - you embrace and their uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent, judaism.

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