Zone1 Which God?

you are who embellishes themselves w/ the c-bible, written by the crucifiers.

jesus and those in the 1st century died for the prescribed religion of antiquity and those events - liberation theology, self determination -

nowhere found in your words, the false 10 commandment - you embrace and their uninterrupted history of persecution and victimization of the innocent, judaism.

No one can act on liberation theology, self determination, while they are in an artificially induced state of mind that resembles a deep sleep or death unless someone stronger, like a thief in the night, breaks into their captors fortress, overpowers him, and gags and binds him hand and foot.

Only then can the fortress be ransacked and the thief get away clean with all of his possessions.
No one can act on liberation theology, self determination, while they are in an artificially induced state of mind that resembles a deep sleep or death unless someone stronger, like a thief in the night, breaks into their captors fortress, overpowers him, and gags and binds him hand and foot.

Only then can the fortress be ransacked and the thief get away clean with all of his possessions.

im not sure, were you speaking of the crucifiers or yourself ...

* and sortof guessing - the religion of antiquity and the heavens blessings for a&e's journey being left out of the desert religions could implement both ...
im not sure, were you speaking of the crucifiers or yourself ...
Sheesh! Maybe you should try to read it again, but this time with your eyes opened.

* and sortof guessing - the religion of antiquity and the heavens blessings for a&e's journey being left out of the desert religions could implement both ...

Well one thing that I am sure of. You are confused. You rail on an on about the desert religion forgeries while citing A&E, a story from what you denounce as desert religion forgeries. Derp.

Sheesh! Maybe you should try to read it again, but this time with your eyes opened.

Well one thing that I am sure of. You are confused. You rail on an on about the desert religion forgeries while citing A&E, a story from what you denounce as desert religion forgeries. Derp.

A&E, a story from what you denounce as desert religion forgeries. Derp.

the desert religions butchered their a&e account, the beginning of life - to become incomprehensible and derogatory. the same murderer and liar that claimed etched tablets from the heavens with 10 commandments.

those same used by them to persecute and victimize the innocent while acclaiming endless gratification as their own reward.
Thank your for clearing that up for me even though you still did not answer my question about the Holy Spirit except by describing a feeling.

Irregardless, lol, what is Jesus talking about in John 14:15-25, and John 16:7-15?

An invisible ghost being sent by God to do some very specific things or another actual person?

My question now is how do you resolve Jewish messianic expectations with what Jesus said and did?

Do you follow the Divine commands, or do you think they were made obsolete when Jesus came?
I answered your question. The Holy Ghost is able to dwell with us all at the same time. However, only those who have been given the ordinance of the Gift of the Holy Ghost can have Him dwell with him. The good news is that the Holy Ghost can influence us when we ask God honest questions without a double mind. We may know when he is influencing us by a still small voice, a swelling in our hearts and by vision as I had.
Now, the Holy Ghost isn't invisible. He is a spirit personage. The Father and Son are now glorified men of flesh and bones. If you saw Him, he would have a body like ours except of spirit only. Spirit bodies are simply much finer than ours and thus with our earthly eyes unable to see Him. Only caught up in the spirit may we see Him.
I don't have a problem with Jewish laws. Most are traditions and have been fulfilled with Jesus Christ. There are commandments that are still in affect like the Ten Commandments. The two laws Jesus mentioned include those Ten.
I also believe the OT did prophecy the first and second coming of Jesus Christ.
Now, the Holy Ghost isn't invisible. He is a spirit personage.

If the Holy Ghost appeared at Pentecost how is it that your Ghost has not done even one of the three specific things that Jesus said the Spirit of truth, the Advocate, the Comforter, the Paraclete, or whatever you want to name him would be sent by God to do when he came? What is your Ghost waiting for? Has he been sleeping? On vacation? Maybe he didn't get the memo?

See John 16:7-15.

But I tell you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate (Avenger of Blood) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.

When He comes, He will confute the world about sin and righteousness and judgment: he will convince them about sin, by their refusal to believe in Me; about righteousness, by showing that I go to the Father when I pass from your sight; and about Divine judgment, by showing that the prince of this world stands condemned.

I still have much to tell you, but the burden would be too great for you now. However, when comes, who is the Spirit of truth, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will only tell you what He hears, and He will declare to you the things that are coming. He will glorify Me by taking from what is Mine and disclosing it to you. Everything that belongs to the Father is Mine. That is why I said "He will take from what is Mine and disclose it to you."

Your "Holy Ghost" brings the name of Jesus into disrepute among the intelligent by professing that Jesus claimed to be God which would make him insane. This does not glorify Jesus at all.

The Father and Son are now glorified men of flesh and bones.
Copra sanctum!

"God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind"

If you believe that God is flesh and bones, you might want to consider the remote possibility that you have been beguiled by the Nachash. Didn't you ever read the story of Adam and Eve? Damn.

I don't have a problem with Jewish laws. Most are traditions and have been fulfilled with Jesus Christ.

The traditions of men that Jesus denounced is what is known as the talmud. To fulfill the law is to do it. When Jesus said "it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” he was teaching anyone with ears to hear that the kosher law was not about food. But it is about what goes into your mind and out of your mouth. The flesh of clean or unclean creatures represents teaching; beliefs, ideas, ideologies, etc., the creatures described represent human archetypes. This only made the talmud obsolete, not the law itself. Jesus could not have made it any clearer that the law was eternal and will always be relevant as long as there are people on earth. See Matthew 5:17-20. The command to "Eat my flesh" was a direct order from the Son of God for believers to fulfill, comply with, Kosher law as Jesus did.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside even one of the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven."

To understand what Jesus meant by saying least see Genesis 3:14..
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the desert religions butchered their a&e account, the beginning of life - to become incomprehensible and derogatory.

ugh. Do you believe that the story of the Three Little Pigs is incomprehensible because pigs can't build houses or talk and derogatory because it demonized the big bad wolf?

Is the story The Pied Piper a forgery to you and just as incomprehensible? Guess what time it is...

Pop quiz; What do you get for pretending the danger is not real?
the desert religions butchered their a&e account, the beginning of life - to become incomprehensible and derogatory.
ugh. Do you believe that the story of the Three Little Pigs is incomprehensible because pigs can't build houses or talk and derogatory because it demonized the big bad wolf?

Is the story The Pied Piper a forgery to you and just as incomprehensible? Guess what time it is...

Pop quiz; What do you get for pretending the danger is not real?

their, the desert religions a&e version was written by a liar and murderer w/ an agenda to enslave by means of a religion those who would not follow them. or be sinners

a&e chose self determination and w/ the heavens blessing were sent on their journey ...
An Atheist won't ask "Which God?" for the simple fact that the Atheist does not allow for the existence of a "God"...
It's usually a response to someone who wants to enact their god's will via legislation. In that case "which god?" is nothing to giggle over. It's a very serious question.
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If the Holy Ghost appeared at Pentecost how is it that your Ghost has not done even one of the three specific things that Jesus said the Spirit of truth, the Advocate, the Comforter, the Paraclete, or whatever you want to name him would be sent by God to do when he came? What is your Ghost waiting for? Has he been sleeping? On vacation? Maybe he didn't get the memo?

See John 16:7-15.

But I tell you the truth, it is for your benefit that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate (Avenger of Blood) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.

When He comes, He will confute the world about sin and righteousness and judgment: he will convince them about sin, by their refusal to believe in Me; about righteousness, by showing that I go to the Father when I pass from your sight; and about Divine judgment, by showing that the prince of this world stands condemned.

I still have much to tell you, but the burden would be too great for you now. However, when comes, who is the Spirit of truth, He will guide you into all truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will only tell you what He hears, and He will declare to you the things that are coming. He will glorify Me by taking from what is Mine and disclosing it to you. Everything that belongs to the Father is Mine. That is why I said "He will take from what is Mine and disclose it to you."

Your "Holy Ghost" brings the name of Jesus into disrepute among the intelligent by professing that Jesus claimed to be God which would make him insane. This does not glorify Jesus at all.

Copra sanctum!

"God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind"

If you believe that God is flesh and bones, you might want to consider the remote possibility that you have been beguiled by the Nachash. Didn't you ever read the story of Adam and Eve? Damn.

The traditions of men that Jesus denounced is what is known as the talmud. To fulfill the law is to do it. When Jesus said "it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” he was teaching anyone with e, ars to hear that the kosher law was not about food. But it is about what goes into your mind and out of your mouth. The flesh of clean or unclean creatures represents teaching; beliefs, ideas, ideologies, etc., the creatures described represent human archetypes. This only made the talmud obsolete, not the law itself. Jesus could not have made it any clearer that the law was eternal and will always be relevant as long as there are people on earth. See Matthew 5:17-20. The command to "Eat my flesh" was a direct order from the Son of God for believers to fulfill, comply with, Kosher law as Jesus did.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside even one of the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven."

To understand what Jesus meant by saying least see Genesis 3:14..
You are one who is unteachable and uncoachable. The fact is, the Holy Ghost has done all those things you speak about. I've already stated my proof of those. So, until you can accept what I write proving that the Holy Ghost is a gift from the Father and Son to those who have authority to give that gift, then you are arguing with yourself. When you want to debate instead of argue, let the rest of us know...
The God I worship is the Jewish God, the Christian God, and the Muslim God. We perceive of Him differently, but He is the same God.

I also study and respect the other great religions.
You are one who is unteachable and uncoachable.

You can't bullshit the person who knows the truth. You just can't do it. Your addled bullshit about the Holy Spirit couldn't beguile me when I was 8 years old. What chance does anyone have now? I know whats right and wrong and I am immune to the poison of whatever serpent murdered you.

The fact is, the Holy Ghost has done all those things you speak about.

No, your Holy Ghost has not convinced the Jewish people that Jesus was right. In fact what you profess to believe convinces the Jewish people that Jesus was insane. Maybe you were once Jewish, I doubt it, but you must not have been a very smart one much less religious.

When you want to debate instead of argue, let the rest of us know...

This is a debate, not an argument, about who Jesus said was going to be sent by God as the avenger of blood, a next of kin advocate for an innocent person or people falsely accused and put to death. A disembodied entity or a living person. I have made my point, presented my scriptural proof. You regurgitated the garbage you were fed by Rome and spoke about your feelings.

I'm satisfied.

BTW, How many of you are there?
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You can't bullshit the person who knows the truth. You just can't do it. Your addled bullshit about the Holy Spirit couldn't beguile me when I was 8 years old. What chance does anyone have now? I know whats right and wrong and I am immune to the poison of whatever serpent murdered you.

No, your Holy Ghost has not convinced the Jewish people that Jesus was right. In fact what you profess to believe convinces the Jewish people that Jesus was insane. Maybe you were once Jewish, I doubt it, but you must not have been a very smart one much less religious.

This is a debate, not an argument, about who Jesus said was going to be sent by God as the avenger of blood, a next of kin advocate for an innocent person or people falsely accused and put to death. A disembodied entity or a living person. I have made my point, presented my scriptural proof. You regurgitated the garbage you were fed by Rome and spoke about your feelings.

I'm satisfied.

BTW, How many of you are there?
This is hilarious!!! You don't know the truth and you cannot handle the truth!
Funny you say that my Holy Ghost has not convinced the Jewish people when your holy ghost has been around for centuries more. You didn't even catch yourself on that...
Your last sentences are worse than the first ones. Have no idea what you are talking about avenging the blood of Christ. Jesus taught that vengeance alone was the Father's. So, what are you blabbering about?
How man of who? Why does that matter? That was the same question the Jews said when Jesus walked the earth. It's funny how Catholics are all about safety in numbers while we are all about completing the mission of Jesus Christ.
Have no idea what you are talking about avenging the blood of Christ. Jesus taught that vengeance alone was the Father's. So, what are you blabbering about?

When Jesus was talking about God sending the Advocate (redeemer) it was a reference to this: The duty and right of the next of kin to avenge, vindicate, a falsely accused and innocent victim of slander, derision, and murder with which comes with specific legal powers and authority.

How man of who? Why does that matter? That was the same question the Jews said when Jesus walked the earth.

It matters because whenever a person speaks in the plural they either think of themselves as royalty or have abandoned their birthright as an individual who reflects the image and likeness of a "holy" (separate) God who is one in exchange for assimilation by a self-negating multiplicity and are unwittingly speaking for a crowd. Either way the prognosis is not good. Receiving the reward for violating divine law, the death, a curse, losing your soul, sanity, is undeniably a very significant and memorable, deeply personal and spiritual religious experience. It's just not a very good one.

BTW Jesus asked the Gerasene demoniac, not "the Jews", the same thing for the same reason. Remember? The "we are many" lunatic, Legion? If you don't believe me you can look it up.

It wasn't "the Jews" who asked Jesus that question. Now thats hilarious!

And if you are trying to pass yourself off as Jewish you going to have to try harder. Very sloppy.

while we are all about completing the mission of Jesus Christ.

We again? What name do you go by?

How many of you are there who thinks that Jesus didn't complete his mission when he said on the cross "It is finished" tetelestai, which is a legal accounting term meaning "debt paid in full"

You don't seem to even know what his mission was so how can y'all finish it?

You profess to believe that one God is three, the law is obsolete, "God and Jesus are glorified flesh and bone" and yet you find it too hard to believe that you, or y'all, have been deceived by a talking serpent. Have you forgotten that you are living in a lawless wilderness on earth? Damn.

Smarten up.
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So exactly what are you attempting to label people on the left as, fascists like Hitler, communists like Jesus, or socialists like so many others ( remembering that large parts of our government have instituted socialized institutions ).And except for the fascists why do you think they're so bad ?
Socialism/Marxism is popular with despots. Why? It is not because they are in love with the ideology, as they will gladly deviate from the said ideology when it interferes with their agendas. However, to even give socialism/Marxism and chance of succeeding, the state requires complete control over everything you say and do to make sure that all of your actions are deemed "socially acceptable" by the state.

Christianity has been dragged through the mud as well, specifically with Constantine combining Christianity with the state, which led to a whole host of abuses such as the Inquisitions and Crusades, but Constantine was not even a Christian. He continued to worship the pagan gods of Rome, even though it is rumored he converted to Christianity on his death bed.

The issue is that the politics of men is mankind at his worst in terms of behavior and actions. For example, without the state, mass genocide would not be possible, or it would be far harder to implement efficiently as Hitler did.

And looking at human history as a whole, such genocides seems to be more of a human condition than a freak occurrence in Nazi Germany that many believe it to be because they don't know world history.

But as Christ once said, "My kingdom is not of this world, nor can be". But the political fascism of mankind will not like you placing your loyalty and obedience to anything or anyone higher than themselves, which is why despots like Stalin and Mao would murder those who were religious.

And as we see in America, it may start out as the most free government the world has ever witnessed, but the nature of man is such that it will devolve into other despotic regimes of the past because man is his own worst enemy.
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The God I worship is the Jewish God, the Christian God, and the Muslim God. We perceive of Him differently, but He is the same God.

I also study and respect the other great religions.

I don't see how thats possible. The same God? No. The Jewish God says one thing, the Christian God says another, and the Muslim God says something else, each contradicting the other two.

If you have studied how do you resolve that fact?
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I don't see how thats possible. The same God? No. The Jewish God says one thing, the Christian God says another, and the Muslim God says something else, each contradicting the other two.

If you have studied how do you resolve that fact?

This is especially relevant when a political candidate believes they are a "vessel of god's will". I'd need to know more details before I could support such a candidate, and "Which god?" would be one of my first questions.
I don't see how thats possible. The same God? No. The Jewish God says one thing, the Christian God says another, and the Muslim God says something else, each contradicting the other two.

If you have studied how do you resolve that fact?
The Bible is rife with contradictions, not only between the Old and the New Testament, but within each.

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