Zone1 Which God?

n ancient times it was the belief that consciousness, the soul, was seated in the organ of the heart.
Also an ancient times was that the soul/spirit was located in the gut, the center of the body. The Greeks had two locations, the mind/psyche the eternal life soul, and the heart which controlled the emotions.
It is now known that consciousness, the soul, is seated in the brain. So in scripture whenever they are speaking about whats going on in the heart they really are speaking about whats going on in the mind. There is no separate heart that is conscious of anything. Everything people think, feel, dream about, desire, all lies, deceptions, greed, etc., originates in the brain. Every action is preceded by thought, whether good or evil. To lose your soul is to lose your mind.
Rather, they are speaking of what is going on in the soul/spirit. The brain provides information, but unless there are two sides of the brain and it is an organ that argues with itself, there is something more within us that decides or chooses the assortment of information our brain provides.
If your mind has been defiled and contaminated by lets say impure thoughts there is no possible means of mind to mind communication with the mind that has retained its purity. Every blasphemous assertion is forever at enmity with every assertion of truth. Either you accept the truth or you don't. This who do will rise to eternal life, those who don't will not. The gulf that separates perversity from truth is as great as the gulf that separates the living from the dead.
I see it differently. It is not what the mind offers that contaminates, it is the act the spirit/soul chooses. God knows our spirits and the acts we offer to honor Him, acts of love. We either choose to love and honor God and one another (despite their beliefs) or we choose to view them with contempt. God knows our soul/spirit, whether it is filled with love and honor for Him and for our fellow man. Love is the truth God seeks.
People at peace do not attack or profane--even in social media--that which is holy to others.

Nonsense. What do you think that Jesus was doing? Why do you think he was reviled? Sheesh! Did you read the story? I am just alerting people in a drunken stupor that their house is on fire.

And I really don't give a shit if they are having some very vivid and pleasant kill me.

Given the commands and example set by Jesus wouldn't you do the same if you were awake?

You are talking in your sleep. Either wake up or just go back into a deep sleep and be silent.

You are embarrassing and discrediting and condemning yourself with your own words.
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That which in within you?
That which is in with people?
That which is in with some?
That which is in with ______________ . Fill in your own blank.
No, I am not a part of your 'we'. Satan has no place in me. Speak for yourself, not for any "we".

It's a matter of life and death. Remember? One way, one truth, and one life. Be one as God is one.
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BTW given the commands of Jesus wouldn't you do the same if you were awake?
Jesus' commission is to proclaim the good news and to love others as he loves us. There is no need to yell "fire" when there is no house on fire. That would not be loving.
What lie? If scripture is true than to perjure oneself in the name of God, like you do, or to worship anything made by human hands, like a matzo, statue, temple, Mecca, ideology, politician, talking serpent, or anyone, even Jesus, that is not God is idolatry, a clear violation of divine law under penalty of death, a curse, that requires no human element or action to enforce.

I see the dead in the markets. I have seen the dead walking around in an artificially induced state of mind that resembles a deep sleep, or death as the ancients called it, every single day since I was a child. I see the unburied dead praying to a lifeless matzo for spiritual life, desecrating the teachings of Jesus as if it was a religious duty, brazenly worshipping a nonexistent trinity, openly defying the Law of God, always on the prowl to beguile the gullible like a herd of insane zombies.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

In the very day that you set aside the instruction in divine law, the only way to maintain sanity and eternal life, and tried to get others to do the same, you died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you have been assimilated by a self negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness, and remain to this day in hades tormented day and night by reality which contradicts your irrational delusions like a consuming fire that will never go out.

If you don't believe me try to not speak in the plural when parroting the garbage that you have swallowed hook line and sinker. If you find that hard to do, you will have the proof of the truth in what I have told you. Then repent and renounce the false teaching, the flesh of swine, that has defiled and contaminated your mind. Or don't do anything at all. Its not my problem. Its yours.

My hands have been washed clean.
You are all over the place. So, a Synagogue or Jewish temple is then idolatry? I think you don't understand what it means to worship. Jews do not worship a matzo or their synagogue. Christians do not worship their churches nor their crosses. Nor do Muslims worship Mecca. Let me also clarify one other thing about Jesus Christ. He taught to worship the Father and do this in the name of Jesus Christ. But do not worship him. Believe in him and his missions. Have faith that the works of the Father in his atonement are true. But, that is not worship. A graven image is an idol—an object or image, such as a statue, that is worshiped as the representation of a deity or god. The word graven means “carved” or “sculpted.” Graven image refers to some kind of object or image that has been made to represent a god. Having a picture of the Father or the Son or the Holy Ghost doesn't mean it is being worshiped. It's the worship that makes it a graven idol. Having a picture or cross to remind us continually in our busy lives of God is not worshiping the picture or cross. I have a challenge with the Catholics on this because they will bow down and pray to a statue or cross. While they say they aren't praying to the cross or statue, it's very close. I remember a Mormon Missionary once saying that they went to a home of a member who had small statues of the Angel Moroni on their mantel above their fire place. The mad said that they prayed to the angel Moroni every day. Well, the Missionaries set them straight. The statute is not the problem. praying to the statute as if it were the angel is. But, they were converts from Catholicism. The members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints only pray to the Father in the name of the Son as Jesus Christ taught in the NT. They do not worship the Temple. They worship the Father in the Temple in the name of Jesus Christ for it is the House of the Lord. You are very judgmental person and will be judged accordingly.

When I say resurrection. That means Jesus died. His heart stopped and no more brainwaves. Not the stupid response of yours above.

Your statement after "Try to hear" makes no sense whatsoever. Again, you are judgmental hand are spiritually dead at this point. Your hands are filthy. You need to repent and be baptized by one with authority and do so in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Your statement after "Try to hear" makes no sense whatsoever.

Thats on you. If scripture is true and God is God then you died and descended into the netherworld in the very day you set aside divine law and started teaching others do do the same (even if it was decades ago) which amounts to premeditated murder. If that makes no sense to you you might want to consider the remote possibility that your mind has been poisoned by a direct descendant of the ever elusive talking serpent of old, Thats should be clear enough for even a child to understand unless you have already devolved into a talking serpent yourself..
Jesus' commission is to proclaim the good news and to love others as he loves us. There is no need to yell "fire" when there is no house on fire. That would not be loving.
"They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events."
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Thats on you. If scripture is true and God is God then you died and descended into the netherworld in the very day you set aside divine law and started teaching others do do the same (even if it was decades ago) which amounts to premeditated murder. If that makes no sense to you you might want to consider the remote possibility that your mind has been poisoned by a direct descendant of the ever elusive talking serpent of old, Thats should be clear enough for even a child to understand unless you have already devolved into a talking serpent yourself..
Oh, the scriptures are true so far as they are translated and understood correctly. That's all on you for your inability to translate and understand correctly. You can start with going back to kindergarten and learn better reading comprehension. Learn what "vain" really means. And, come to a much better understanding about God and the Godhead.
Oh, the scriptures are true so far as they are translated and understood correctly.


They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events.

They pay no heed to the real hidden meaning of things but divert themselves instead with all kinds of iniquitous arcane lore. They do not know the hidden meaning of what is actually taking place, nor have they ever understood the lessons of the past. Consequently, they have no knowledge of what is coming upon them and have done nothing to save their souls from the deeper implications of present events.
Oh, you just have to follow me on everything. I know the meaning of those scriptures and you don't. You don't even understand what it means "vain images."
those were your christians, the nazi ... how innocent were any of them

You may not know this but many Christians were also slaughtered not to mention instrumental in defeating the pagan nazis who used patriotism and the appearance of Christianity to deceive.

Do yourself a favor and raise your eyes to see that many who call themselves white Christian nationalists now have been beguiled by and perpetuate the same evil antisemitic nazi propaganda which is hardly distinguishable from your own hateful denigration of desert religions especially Mosaic Law and bizarre call to bring the "crucifiers to justice". Blood thirsty hypocrite!

You have branded yourself a crucifier that you incessantly say should be slaughtered... breezy.

You are your own enemy dingbat. Learn to sing a new song. You have become what you hate.
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I know the meaning of those scriptures and you don't.

Right, mr 'the law is obsolete' godhead worshipper. lol... You are so very enlightened and wise.

And if that is true then you tell me, in the name of the living God, what is the good news of the kingdom? How does one receive eternal life? What did Jesus teach about the Divine commands?

Then I'll tell you, as dumb as I am. (I suggest that you don't gamble [with your life]. You suck at it.)

And I'm fine with dropping it all after that to let intelligent people decide the truth for themselves.

So here's an opportunity for you to boldly proclaim your so called faith and refute me. So testify!

But remember......

You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.
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Right, mr 'the law is obsolete' godhead worshipper. lol... You are so very enlightened and wise.

And if that is true then you tell me, in the name of the living God, what is the good news of the kingdom? How does one receive eternal life? What did Jesus teach about the Divine commands?

Then I'll tell you, as dumb as I am. (I suggest that you don't gamble [with your life]. You suck at it.)

And I'm fine with dropping it all after that to let intelligent people decide the truth for themselves.

So here's an opportunity for you to boldly proclaim your so called faith and refute me. So testify!

But remember......

You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say can and will be used against you.
Good grief! Their are books written on each subject. And you want me to answer in a few words? Well, here goes. We have living Prophets today and you don't. So, the good news of the kingdom is alive and well preparing for the 2nd Coming of Christ and the Millennium. The kingdom has been restored with all the saving ordinances and authority to perform these saving and eternal ordinances for life eternal in the Celestial Kingdom of God. The great news is Jesus is again teaching the divine new and everlasting covenants including that of eternal marriage. If you do not have this, then you do not have eternal life yet. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen...
I have learned from Experience that the Word I have read in the Bible (I have a DRB version, the best of all versions) are actually God's Word.

It would take all day today and tomorrow and etc to explain what I mean, but I read the Bible years ago and even though some things therein did not seem true, in time those things, and virtually everything.. were shown to me to be true

We are more human than we realize and it takes TIME and experiences to learn certain things... like that the Word really is the Word of God.

You may not know this but many Christians were also slaughtered not to mention instrumental in defeating the pagan nazis who used patriotism and the appearance of Christianity to deceive.

Do yourself a favor and raise your eyes to see that many who call themselves white Christian nationalists now have been beguiled by and perpetuate the same evil antisemitic nazi propaganda which is hardly distinguishable from your own hateful denigration of desert religions especially Mosaic Law and bizarre call to bring the "crucifiers to justice". Blood thirsty hypocrite!

You have branded yourself a crucifier that you incessantly say should be slaughtered... breezy.

You are your own enemy dingbat. Learn to sing a new song. You have become what you hate.

you've been fooled, moses has tricked you ...

On August 19, about 95 percent of registered voters in Germany went to the polls and gave Hitler 38 million votes of approval (90 percent of the vote). Thus Adolf Hitler could claim he was Führer of the German nation by direct will of the people.

stop lying for the crucifiers - for your own well being. the same as the 1st century, those who were innocent were who were persecuted by the nazi - christians.

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