Which GOP candidate would do the BEST in a debate against Barack Obama--BE HONEST

Which GOP candidate would do BEST in a debate with Barack Obama?

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After watching Christy give the keynote speech at the Reagan Library tonight, I wish he'd run.

He would slaughter Obama in debate, and can definitely connect with the american people.

Unlike Obama, he doesn't bullshit. He doesn't lie through his teeth. He tells it like it is.

And one thing he does have, that this country needs, is a wicked sense of humor.
I don't think that any of the GOP candidates would be able to make Obama look bad. Obama is just too good a speaker.

Romney is also a really good speaker and I doubt that Obama could do much to make him look bad.

Newt might do O.K. up against Obama, but he has an awful lot of skeletons for Obama to bring out of the closet. He's also more likely than any of them to say something really stupid.
Well, Richard-H, it's really not about making Obama look bad. He does a fairly good job of doing that all by himself.

It's time to put President Obama on notice, that strength rests with the people in a country, and employment does that better than any other one item. That has been unaddressed on account of sticking too many anchors on bills, and the intention of the bill sinking with trillions given to campaign contributor marginal businesses instead of businesses that do positive things to strengthen free trade; a military that provides for the common defense, and inspiring Americans to work together, not pillory so-called "enemies" but to realize each side has limitations, and try to come up with a happy medium that puts people back on the job.

It must be done, but it can't be done by decimating the oil business and propping up energy businesses that cannot compete with China's slavery labory.

That's why I think Rick Perry would make a better President than anyone else in the field--he has a tried-and-true record of employing people, and that beats hands down a silver-tongued leader who thinks "It's so about me, I don't have to do anything but cater to the Americans in my base."

The trouble with that theory is, a president is elected to be President of the entire population, not just his voter base. This President has used the word "enemies" when he describes Republicans, it's starting to sound like the same broken record we heard a decade ago in the Middle East of leaders there taking the view that somehow people who did not agree with them were their "enemies" also. It isn't fitting.

What is fitting is Rick Perry's 500 batting average in employment. Texas was put up there by Rick Perry's pitching attitude of a no-hitter for unemployment. We want him to show America once again how talented all Americans are, put businesses back in business, so that they can hire once again.
I don't think that any of the GOP candidates would be able to make Obama look bad. Obama is just too good a speaker.

Romney is also a really good speaker and I doubt that Obama could do much to make him look bad.

Newt might do O.K. up against Obama, but he has an awful lot of skeletons for Obama to bring out of the closet. He's also more likely than any of them to say something really stupid.

But this thread is not who is the best speaker, but is about who would do the best against Obama in a debate.

After thinking about it, in my opinion, 'all of the above' could hold their own because Obama does not think well on his feet, does not speak well extemporaneously, and really is deficient in recall or having knowledge of complicated issues in the first place. Without a prepared group of facts on a teleprompter, he can really blow it fast.

For that reason, I won't really be surprised if his handlers don't allow any debates once the GOP nominee has been determined.

I agree Christie would be a killer debater. He is also a great speaker both from a script and extemporaneously.

I still think the best of the best in extemporaneous speech is Newt though.
Newt is a con man

You mean he says one thinga and does another? Like.... Obama?

Name one, Beckbot...

Didnt President Obama run on the promise to make job cration his number one priority on entering the Oval Office?

Then in those two years the Dems controled the entire federal legislative and executive branches, did he make job cration his number one priority?

Or did he shovel out trillions of US dollars to banksters, spend a year trying to force nationalized health care on us and trying to increase taxes one time after another?

Sounds alot like 'says one thinga and does another' to me.
I don't think that any of the GOP candidates would be able to make Obama look bad. Obama is just too good a speaker.

Romney is also a really good speaker and I doubt that Obama could do much to make him look bad.

Newt might do O.K. up against Obama, but he has an awful lot of skeletons for Obama to bring out of the closet. He's also more likely than any of them to say something really stupid.

I don't think they'll be asking personal marital problems' questions in a national debate--:lol: If Obama decided to throw caution to the wind and bring them up--he would probably get booed off of the stage.
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I think romey and gingrich in a debate will come off like obama in a debate...they are smooth, fairly intelligent....can put words together that seem to make sense....

whether this will be seen through by the republicans as being phony or as flip floppers, is another guess....

6 different--actual conservative people FOCUS groups picked NEWT GINGRICH as the winner in the Las Vegas debate this week.

Herman Cain is flaming out on his 999 plan. Perry no matter how much money he has--doesn't have snowballs chance in Haitti of winning this nomination now. His support has dropped off of a cliff.

Newt Gingrich--in my opinion has won every debate. He is the statesman out of this group--very complimentary--certainly the most knowledgeable out of this group--and would clean Barack Obama's clock in any debate.

Gingrich was interviewed after this debate and stated he has had more money to come into his campaign in the last 4 days--than in the entire previous month.

Why the RNC has been so reluctant to back the BEST candidate out of the group--Newt Gingrich--is still beyond my comprehension.
I'm torn. Because all I can think of is who would win in my mind. If either Cain or Paul win the primary, I might have to vote GOP. Just not sure yet. They both seem to have some solid resolutions to the problems that America faces. The rest (in my mind) seem to be typical partisans. If neither of those win, will be voting for Obama.

No sense in making things worse than they are. :( Sad, but it seems that this is what it's come to.
I said Newt. Ron Paul would be awesome to see in a debate but you have to understand issues to understand RP and most people simply don't.

I would go with Gingrich then Romney.

Oh and as far as Ron Paul, it could be that there are people who understand the issues perfectly and simply have a different opinion.
I'm torn. Because all I can think of is who would win in my mind. If either Cain or Paul win the primary, I might have to vote GOP. Just not sure yet. They both seem to have some solid resolutions to the problems that America faces. The rest (in my mind) seem to be typical partisans. If neither of those win, will be voting for Obama.

No sense in making things worse than they are. :( Sad, but it seems that this is what it's come to.

Shoot your self in the foot or slam your dick in a door.......*snicker*

Not much of a choice I guess. :cool:
Which GOP candidate would do the BEST in a debate against Barack Obama--BE HONEST

Absolutely Herman Cain!

I think Newt, Cain, and Romney would do well but Romney has lost my support with his rude and argumentative performance during the debates. I don't care how slick he is, he's an asshole.
I'm torn. Because all I can think of is who would win in my mind. If either Cain or Paul win the primary, I might have to vote GOP. Just not sure yet. They both seem to have some solid resolutions to the problems that America faces. The rest (in my mind) seem to be typical partisans. If neither of those win, will be voting for Obama.

No sense in making things worse than they are. :( Sad, but it seems that this is what it's come to.

Shoot your self in the foot or slam your dick in a door.......*snicker*

Not much of a choice I guess. :cool:

No dick to slam in the door. That is, unless I've grown one in the last 5 minutes. That would be interesting. I would not be a good-looking man, though. I would probably look like Danny Devito. Too short to be desirable.
Which GOP candidate would do the BEST in a debate against Barack Obama--BE HONEST

Absolutely Herman Cain!

Com'on--hell would have to freeze over before you would ever vote for a republican. Who do you think you're kidding--:lol:

You're a confirmed Obamabot.
I think romey and gingrich in a debate will come off like obama in a debate...they are smooth, fairly intelligent....can put words together that seem to make sense....

whether this will be seen through by the republicans as being phony or as flip floppers, is another guess....

6 different--actual conservative people FOCUS groups picked NEWT GINGRICH as the winner in the Las Vegas debate this week.

Herman Cain is flaming out on his 999 plan. Perry no matter how much money he has--doesn't have snowballs chance in Haitti of winning this nomination now. His support has dropped off of a cliff.

Newt Gingrich--in my opinion has won every debate. He is the statesman out of this group--very complimentary--certainly the most knowledgeable out of this group--and would clean Barack Obama's clock in any debate.

Gingrich was interviewed after this debate and stated he has had more money to come into his campaign in the last 4 days--than in the entire previous month.

Why the RNC has been so reluctant to back the BEST candidate out of the group--Newt Gingrich--is still beyond my comprehension.

Well, let's see now.

Three wives. Messy divorces. Impeached a popular president for having sex with an intern while he was having sex with a lobbyist.

Ineptly run campaign, which he is only engaging in to impress the Trophy Wife.

Resigned from his position under pressure from his caucus.

I think this shows the absolute stupidity of basing this on "who does well in a debate".

We should base this on "who has the best record in actually governoring". And for that, you can reject the one-term governors and never run for office and crazy backbenchers.

The only guy with a proven record of actually governorning is Rick Perry.
I'm torn. Because all I can think of is who would win in my mind. If either Cain or Paul win the primary, I might have to vote GOP. Just not sure yet. They both seem to have some solid resolutions to the problems that America faces. The rest (in my mind) seem to be typical partisans. If neither of those win, will be voting for Obama.

No sense in making things worse than they are. :( Sad, but it seems that this is what it's come to.

Shoot your self in the foot or slam your dick in a door.......*snicker*

Not much of a choice I guess. :cool:

No dick to slam in the door. That is, unless I've grown one in the last 5 minutes. That would be interesting. I would not be a good-looking man, though. I would probably look like Danny Devito. Too short to be desirable.

So size does matter???
I think romey and gingrich in a debate will come off like obama in a debate...they are smooth, fairly intelligent....can put words together that seem to make sense....

whether this will be seen through by the republicans as being phony or as flip floppers, is another guess....

6 different--actual conservative people FOCUS groups picked NEWT GINGRICH as the winner in the Las Vegas debate this week.

Herman Cain is flaming out on his 999 plan. Perry no matter how much money he has--doesn't have snowballs chance in Haitti of winning this nomination now. His support has dropped off of a cliff.

Newt Gingrich--in my opinion has won every debate. He is the statesman out of this group--very complimentary--certainly the most knowledgeable out of this group--and would clean Barack Obama's clock in any debate.

Gingrich was interviewed after this debate and stated he has had more money to come into his campaign in the last 4 days--than in the entire previous month.

Why the RNC has been so reluctant to back the BEST candidate out of the group--Newt Gingrich--is still beyond my comprehension.

Well, let's see now.

Three wives. Messy divorces. Impeached a popular president for having sex with an intern while he was having sex with a lobbyist.

Ineptly run campaign, which he is only engaging in to impress the Trophy Wife.

Resigned from his position under pressure from his caucus.

I think this shows the absolute stupidity of basing this on "who does well in a debate".

We should base this on "who has the best record in actually governoring". And for that, you can reject the one-term governors and never run for office and crazy backbenchers.

The only guy with a proven record of actually governorning is Rick Perry.

They said the same thing about Jimmy Carter.

I like Rick Perry, but debates are important. Your judgement is tested during a debate. If you preform like you don't know what you're doing maybe you should study a bit more or maybe practice like Mitt Romney.

In Romney's case it's difficult to not cover up the fact you're an over-bearing jerk that can't win an argument without shouting everyone else down.

Personally I don't give a flying-f how many wives you've had as long as it's not at the same time. Oh and btw, divorces are usually messy.
I know...what a shock.

Course libs tend to lie about what Clinton was impeached over.

Clinton was impeached for breaking the law, lying under oath, not screwing a 21 year old intern.
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They said the same thing about Jimmy Carter.

I like Rick Perry, but debates are important. Your judgement is tested during a debate. If you preform like you don't know what you're doing maybe you should study a bit more or maybe practice like Mitt Romney.

In Romney's case it's difficult to not cover up the fact you're an over-bearing jerk that can't win an argument without shouting everyone else down.

I think Jimmy Carter only served one term. I could be wrong, but it's too early to look it up.

I think Romney will grate on people the longer he is on the national stage. He's just not likable. I think the GOP establishment realizes it, which is why they are trying to front load the primaries and sandbag anyone else.

Personally I don't give a flying-f how many wives you've had as long as it's not at the same time. Oh and btw, divorces are usually messy.
I know...what a shock.

Course libs tend to lie about what Clinton was impeached over.

Clinton was impeached for breaking the law, lying under oath, not screwing a 21 year old intern.

But most Americans didn't see it that way. In a way, you have to give Clinton credit for brilliantly playing it. Because he wouldn't fess up, Ken Starr had to go into a six month panty sniffing investigation, which made it look like sex, not lying was the issue. By the time it was over, the sympathy was for Clinton because, honestly, most of us wouldn't want anyone looking at our private lives with that kind of scrutiny. Especially Newt, whose hands were not clean.
In a debate? Gingrich, followed by Romney.

I have watched all of these debates--and have finally made a decision and today donated to Newt Gingrich's campaign. There is no one that has impressed me so much during the last 4 debates other than him--and I know that he has some personal marital problems--affairs--and has even made a couple of stupid ads with Pelosi over Global warming, etc.. I know his faults and the mistakes he has made.

In my opinion out of the candidates we have I believe that Newt Gingrich--no doubt in my mind that he would wipe the carpet in any debate with Barack Obama--and make the BEST President out of any other candidate that is on the stage. He has the best tax plan--and he has the best 21 century contract with America plan.

And YOU know it too.
Cain or Paul...

Either one would make Obama look like a toddler...

I'd take Paul because I know what I'm getting but Cain is new.

Both have advantages, Paul is smarter, more established and has a more consistent voting record of the three, however Cain has a good resume as well and he is black and younger than Paul so the progressives cant say "you're a racist" or "your candidate will die" as they said with McCain.

Both would make Obamafuck look stupid in a debate and both could beat him in an election.

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