Which GOP candidate would do the BEST in a debate against Barack Obama--BE HONEST

Which GOP candidate would do BEST in a debate with Barack Obama?

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Okay, Newt is winning and Romney is second. I voted for Romney and the reason is simple. Newt is extremely intelligent, but in a debate he would lose a lot of viewers who just aren't up to par with that type of intelligence. Romney, on the other hand, is just as intelligent, but he doesn't broadcast himself in that manner. He comes across as more everyday, and that works best with most viewers. So for me, Romney has the best shot in a debate. Not saying he would win, but he definitely has the best shot.

Oh, please. The Pundiots have credited every last debate to Romney, and yet he has yet to break out of the 25% prison he is in. He's not even making the sale to Republicans.

Here's Romney's problem. He's not likeable. He comes off like some weird Mormon robot.

He is likable to a lot of the Left and the left leaning MSM, however, which is why he is not being savaged like everybody else is or has been. They WANT Romney to be the nominee because they see him as less problematic for Barack Obama than ANYBODY else.

(The exceptions to that would be Palin, Bachmann, Cain who are all conservatives that the left dares not allow any traction whatsoever lest they encourage others of the liberal constituency to also wander off of their reservation.)

They wanted McCain in the last presidential election for the very same reason.

Once the nominee is selected, they fully expect to be able to sufficiently destroy Romney as they did McCain and re-elect Fearless Leader.
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In a debate? Gingrich, followed by Romney.

I have watched all of these debates--and have finally made a decision and today donated to Newt Gingrich's campaign. There is no one that has impressed me so much during the last 4 debates other than him--and I know that he has some personal marital problems--affairs--and has even made a couple of stupid ads with Pelosi over Global warming, etc.. I know his faults and the mistakes he has made.

In my opinion out of the candidates we have I believe that Newt Gingrich--no doubt in my mind that he would wipe the carpet in any debate with Barack Obama--and make the BEST President out of any other candidate that is on the stage. He has the best tax plan--and he has the best 21 century contract with America plan.

And YOU know it too.

You donated MONEY????? Good choice!!! :lol::lol::lol:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Obama will destroy these bought off charlatans...

I'm pretty sure about that. Unfortunately, we get a raw deal on the Presidential election side since the candidates now format their own debates--it used to be the League of Women Voters who set the format and the rules. How sad.

If you're a GOPster and you have 3 debates with Obama, tactically, what you should do is push him to the left in the first debate. Make him sound like the middle class's worst nightmare. In the 2nd and 3rd, moderate the stances and keep on harping on the chasm between Obama and the mainstream if you can.

In a one and done scenario; I'd take Newt to score the most points with his base; rich white guys. I'd pick Mitt to win over the most voters to the GOP side of the ledger. They're nuts for not embracing Mitt and with each passing day the GOP electorate are playing right into Obama's hands.

The two polls I have put on boards--are stating the if Obama had to face Newt Gingrich--those Greek columns' would come tumbling down within seconds and the Presidential teleprompter would explode--leaving Obama on the stage mumbling something incoherent.

As far as the chances of Obama winning a second term--about as much chance as Custer and 7th calvery had against the Sioux nation.

Care to make it interesting?
Obama could stay home and Gov. Romney could debate candidate Romney...between them, they've got all the positions covered.
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While not a fan Newt, I think if one were looking for a debate that had an air of intelligence about it, then he would most likely be the best one.
I thought this poll would be interesting. Now I don't want to vote for who you LIKE and or are supporting--I would like an HONEST answer from you to this poll.

The Question:

Which current GOP candidate would be the BEST at cleaning Barack Obama's clock in a debate with Obama.

Remember--be honest in your answer.--and then comment as to why you picked a certain candidate.

It took awhile but as we have seen Newt Gingrich-and because of his debate skills rises to the top of the GOP list.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Obama will destroy these bought off charlatans...

I'm pretty sure about that. Unfortunately, we get a raw deal on the Presidential election side since the candidates now format their own debates--it used to be the League of Women Voters who set the format and the rules. How sad.

If you're a GOPster and you have 3 debates with Obama, tactically, what you should do is push him to the left in the first debate. Make him sound like the middle class's worst nightmare. In the 2nd and 3rd, moderate the stances and keep on harping on the chasm between Obama and the mainstream if you can.

In a one and done scenario; I'd take Newt to score the most points with his base; rich white guys. I'd pick Mitt to win over the most voters to the GOP side of the ledger. They're nuts for not embracing Mitt and with each passing day the GOP electorate are playing right into Obama's hands.

The two polls I have put on boards--are stating the if Obama had to face Newt Gingrich--those Greek columns' would come tumbling down within seconds and the Presidential teleprompter would explode--leaving Obama on the stage mumbling something incoherent.

As far as the chances of Obama winning a second term--about as much chance as Custer and 7th calvery had against the Sioux nation.

Care to make it interesting?
You'd have to be retarded to vote for Gingrich and I share the same morals and ethics as conservatives.

Gingrich is no different than Obama, he has the potential to be just as bad...
You'd have to be retarded to vote for Gingrich and I share the same morals and ethics as conservatives.

Gingrich is no different than Obama, he has the potential to be just as bad...

Who has more command of the facts--and what goes on in Washington D.C. than Newt Gingrich? He really couldn't have stated it better than what he said today.

Gingrich sought Wednesday to portray his previous role as a sign of valuable experience.

"It reminds people that I know a great deal about Washington," Gingrich said Wednesday. "We just tried four years of amateur ignorance and it didn't work very well. So, having someone who actually knows Washington might be a really good thing."

Gingrich says he received Freddie Mac compensation - Yahoo! News
It would be fun to watch Newt debate himself on the merits of propping up Fanny and Freddie.
You'd have to be retarded to vote for Gingrich and I share the same morals and ethics as conservatives.

Gingrich is no different than Obama, he has the potential to be just as bad...

Who has more command of the facts--and what goes on in Washington D.C. than Newt Gingrich? He really couldn't have stated it better than what he said today.

Gingrich sought Wednesday to portray his previous role as a sign of valuable experience.

"It reminds people that I know a great deal about Washington," Gingrich said Wednesday. "We just tried four years of amateur ignorance and it didn't work very well. So, having someone who actually knows Washington might be a really good thing."

Gingrich says he received Freddie Mac compensation - Yahoo! News

Gingrich shut down Government and was kicked out of Washington. Who needs more experience than that?
In a debate, Gingrich would reduce obama to the stuttering fool we know him to be. As regards debating, Gingrich is the best of them all. He is more intelligent, has a more substantive grasp of the issues, and isn't prone to gaffes.

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