Which is better for black americans in your opinion?

Which is better for black americans?

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No need for him to pay up. He just needs to go on paying his taxes which the US would use to pay its debt.

And you figure out who collects this debt how?
I dont figure it out. People appointed to figure it out would do it. The only prerequisite would be that you were Black and descended from enslaved Blacks..

How do you prove that? Did the government own slaves?
I dont prove it. DNA and records prove it. I dont know if the government owned slaves I only know they allowed slavery and they benefited from it.

We have DNA from every slave? You can't be serious. You should be going after slave owners, government didn't own slaves. Slavery is proven bad ecomomics, was bad for country.
Who said we had DNA from every slave? Yes I am serious. Why do you think I'm not? No I should be going after the government for allowing slavery not the people that took advantage of waht was legal. I already told you history has already debunked your opinion.
And you figure out who collects this debt how?
I dont figure it out. People appointed to figure it out would do it. The only prerequisite would be that you were Black and descended from enslaved Blacks..

How do you prove that? Did the government own slaves?
I dont prove it. DNA and records prove it. I dont know if the government owned slaves I only know they allowed slavery and they benefited from it.

Sort of like welfare today
Whites on welfare dont benefit the government.

Everyone on welfare benefits the government. It's called having the voters by the short hairs. Ah, you want a cut in your check? Let me give a little tug and then see what you have to say ...
1. Jobs, opportunity and safety
2. entitlements, unfair advantage, continued ghetto housing, no jobs, failed incentives, illegal aliens and unvetted refugees

JW here. TIA

You can't possibly believe they're going to vote for Donald Trump, who has been endorsed by every white hate group in this country including the KKK--do you? Supporters who sucker punch blacks, and who throw them out of Trump rallies while the crowd goes wild with applause.

Good Luck with that one--LOL
I didn't even mention Donald lol

Did you actually think I was stupid enough to know that you weren't implying that?--LOL I know you're a Donald Trump supporter. And of course, blacks want good jobs just like everyone else does, and they'll get those jobs through Hillary Clinton. It's no "secret" that the best economy we had in this country was under a Clinton administration, a time when employers were begging for employees, middle class incomes were skyrocketing, and the middle class was investing in Wall Street.
You dont have to be aware of any even though I already told you they exist. Me telling you about my ancestors over and above the fact they were enslaved is a deflection I dont have the inclination to get into.

Who has these records? Enslaved by who specifically? For how long? What work did they do?
See post #161

Post #161 is nothing more than you claiming you should get something you didn't earn like the typical black person.
You should get some help with your reading comprehension if you think it says that.

"You dont have to be aware of any even though I already told you they exist. Me telling you about my ancestors over and above the fact they were enslaved is a deflection I dont have the inclination to get into."

It's the telling us about your ancestors and how you think you should be compensated for something you didn't do is just like the typical black who thinks they are owed something.
I didnt tell you anything about my ancestors other than to mention they were enslaved. Since the US allowed it and never paid my ancestors I am here to claim the debt if it is ever repaid.
The negro race is the White man's burden.
They are the 'Special Needs race' that must be given 'free shit' from to cradle to the grave.
And you figure out who collects this debt how?
I dont figure it out. People appointed to figure it out would do it. The only prerequisite would be that you were Black and descended from enslaved Blacks..

How do you prove that? Did the government own slaves?
I dont prove it. DNA and records prove it. I dont know if the government owned slaves I only know they allowed slavery and they benefited from it.

We have DNA from every slave? You can't be serious. You should be going after slave owners, government didn't own slaves. Slavery is proven bad ecomomics, was bad for country.
Who said we had DNA from every slave? Yes I am serious. Why do you think I'm not? No I should be going after the government for allowing slavery not the people that took advantage of waht was legal. I already told you history has already debunked your opinion.

You should be going after a government were everyone is dead for slavery when you weren't a slave? Well, makes as much sense as anything else you say.

Your great, great grandfather borrowed $50 from my Dad's great uncle, I want you to pay my money back. Where do I send you the bill?
And you figure out who collects this debt how?
I dont figure it out. People appointed to figure it out would do it. The only prerequisite would be that you were Black and descended from enslaved Blacks..

How do you prove that? Did the government own slaves?
I dont prove it. DNA and records prove it. I dont know if the government owned slaves I only know they allowed slavery and they benefited from it.

We have DNA from every slave? You can't be serious. You should be going after slave owners, government didn't own slaves. Slavery is proven bad ecomomics, was bad for country.
Who said we had DNA from every slave? Yes I am serious. Why do you think I'm not? No I should be going after the government for allowing slavery not the people that took advantage of waht was legal. I already told you history has already debunked your opinion.

Where do you get this DNA? This sounds expensive. Again where are these records?

Allowing? You need to go after who participated.

Slavery slowed our economy. It is not good.
Who has these records? Enslaved by who specifically? For how long? What work did they do?
See post #161

Post #161 is nothing more than you claiming you should get something you didn't earn like the typical black person.
You should get some help with your reading comprehension if you think it says that.

"You dont have to be aware of any even though I already told you they exist. Me telling you about my ancestors over and above the fact they were enslaved is a deflection I dont have the inclination to get into."

It's the telling us about your ancestors and how you think you should be compensated for something you didn't do is just like the typical black who thinks they are owed something.
I didnt tell you anything about my ancestors other than to mention they were enslaved. Since the US allowed it and never paid my ancestors I am here to claim the debt if it is ever repaid.

My ancestor was enslaved by the Romans, I want Italian Americans to cut me a check
I dont figure it out. People appointed to figure it out would do it. The only prerequisite would be that you were Black and descended from enslaved Blacks..

How do you prove that? Did the government own slaves?
I dont prove it. DNA and records prove it. I dont know if the government owned slaves I only know they allowed slavery and they benefited from it.

Sort of like welfare today
Whites on welfare dont benefit the government.

Everyone on welfare benefits the government. It's called having the voters by the short hairs. Ah, you want a cut in your check? Let me give a little tug and then see what you have to say ...
Welfare reciepents dont pay taxes. That doesnt benefit the government. Since whites use welfare and corporate welfare at an alarming rate that is not helping the government.However, this deflection has nothing to do with the OP. Its just another deflection.
See post #161

Post #161 is nothing more than you claiming you should get something you didn't earn like the typical black person.
You should get some help with your reading comprehension if you think it says that.

"You dont have to be aware of any even though I already told you they exist. Me telling you about my ancestors over and above the fact they were enslaved is a deflection I dont have the inclination to get into."

It's the telling us about your ancestors and how you think you should be compensated for something you didn't do is just like the typical black who thinks they are owed something.
I didnt tell you anything about my ancestors other than to mention they were enslaved. Since the US allowed it and never paid my ancestors I am here to claim the debt if it is ever repaid.

My ancestor was enslaved by the Romans, I want Italian Americans to cut me a check
Thats great. Let me know how many people get butt hurt over your opinion so we can laugh at them together. :laugh:
You only gave two options which is a sign of not having the intellect to know there is always....always a 3rd option. A combination of 1 and a part of 2 would be my vote.

If you have 1, you won't need 2.

That's ridiculous.
I need a part of 2 if I plan on being compensated for the 400 years of white affrimative action.

So why didn't you say in the first place by a combination of 1 and 2 you mean 2?
Because thats not what I meant. Why did you think I said a combination of 1 and 2 if I meant only 2?

Obviously when you're blaming someone's fortune on the 350 or so years before they were born, you're not exactly advocating personal responsibility
The question wasnt do I advocate personal responsibility?. Why do you guys always get confused when the OP is right there for you to read?
How do you prove that? Did the government own slaves?
I dont prove it. DNA and records prove it. I dont know if the government owned slaves I only know they allowed slavery and they benefited from it.

Sort of like welfare today
Whites on welfare dont benefit the government.

Everyone on welfare benefits the government. It's called having the voters by the short hairs. Ah, you want a cut in your check? Let me give a little tug and then see what you have to say ...
Welfare reciepents dont pay taxes. That doesnt benefit the government. Since whites use welfare and corporate welfare at an alarming rate that is not helping the government.However, this deflection has nothing to do with the OP. Its just another deflection.

When you say "rate" blacks use welfare at a higher "rate" than whites do. Do you know what that means?

And I oppose all welfare, including corporate welfare. I support free markets. Government should neither help nor harm it's businesses
I dont figure it out. People appointed to figure it out would do it. The only prerequisite would be that you were Black and descended from enslaved Blacks..

How do you prove that? Did the government own slaves?
I dont prove it. DNA and records prove it. I dont know if the government owned slaves I only know they allowed slavery and they benefited from it.

Sort of like welfare today
Whites on welfare dont benefit the government.
I wish the white trash freeloaders would quit being like the black freeloaders, too.
I do too. There ancestors had 400 years or so to build them a legacy. They are the lowest of the low.
1. Jobs, opportunity and safety
2. entitlements, unfair advantage, continued ghetto housing, no jobs, failed incentives, illegal aliens and unvetted refugees

JW here. TIA

You can't possibly believe they're going to vote for Donald Trump, who has been endorsed by every white hate group in this country including the KKK--do you? Supporters who sucker punch blacks, and who throw them out of Trump rallies while the crowd goes wild with applause.

Good Luck with that one--LOL
I didn't even mention Donald lol

Did you actually think I was stupid enough to know that you weren't implying that?--LOL I know you're a Donald Trump supporter. And of course, blacks want good jobs just like everyone else does, and they'll get those jobs through Hillary Clinton. It's no "secret" that the best economy we had in this country was under a Clinton administration, a time when employers were begging for employees, middle class incomes were skyrocketing, and the middle class was investing in Wall Street.
So what you mean is Obama 'the first negro president' actually was saving up all those great jobs for negroes until Hillary becomes president right?
And now you are going to list all these "good jobs" Hillary is going hand negroes with an average IQ in the low eighties.
Or was Hillary holding out on Obama? All the time she knew where the "good" jobs were but kept them a secret from Obama right?
If you have 1, you won't need 2.

That's ridiculous.
I need a part of 2 if I plan on being compensated for the 400 years of white affrimative action.

So why didn't you say in the first place by a combination of 1 and 2 you mean 2?
Because thats not what I meant. Why did you think I said a combination of 1 and 2 if I meant only 2?

Obviously when you're blaming someone's fortune on the 350 or so years before they were born, you're not exactly advocating personal responsibility
The question wasnt do I advocate personal responsibility?. Why do you guys always get confused when the OP is right there for you to read?

Personal responsibility was option 1, you didn't even recognize it?

And when were you a slave? you know it ended over 150 years ago. Why do I owe you money when I never had slaves and you were never a slave?
Things would improve quickly and significantly if the hardcore Left would stop expecting us to treat people differently based on the color of their skin.

American Blacks have been hamstrung by this for long enough.
I dont prove it. DNA and records prove it. I dont know if the government owned slaves I only know they allowed slavery and they benefited from it.

Sort of like welfare today
Whites on welfare dont benefit the government.

Everyone on welfare benefits the government. It's called having the voters by the short hairs. Ah, you want a cut in your check? Let me give a little tug and then see what you have to say ...
Welfare reciepents dont pay taxes. That doesnt benefit the government. Since whites use welfare and corporate welfare at an alarming rate that is not helping the government.However, this deflection has nothing to do with the OP. Its just another deflection.

When you say "rate" blacks use welfare at a higher "rate" than whites do. Do you know what that means?

And I oppose all welfare, including corporate welfare. I support free markets. Government should neither help nor harm it's businesses
Obviously by asking that question you dont know what I mean. However, like I stated its really just a deflection I wont entertain any longer.
Post #161 is nothing more than you claiming you should get something you didn't earn like the typical black person.
You should get some help with your reading comprehension if you think it says that.

"You dont have to be aware of any even though I already told you they exist. Me telling you about my ancestors over and above the fact they were enslaved is a deflection I dont have the inclination to get into."

It's the telling us about your ancestors and how you think you should be compensated for something you didn't do is just like the typical black who thinks they are owed something.
I didnt tell you anything about my ancestors other than to mention they were enslaved. Since the US allowed it and never paid my ancestors I am here to claim the debt if it is ever repaid.

My ancestor was enslaved by the Romans, I want Italian Americans to cut me a check
Thats great. Let me know how many people get butt hurt over your opinion so we can laugh at them together. :laugh:

Swish. no point is simple enough for you to understand, is it?

Let's start with the basics. Timmy has one book. You take it from him, then give it back. Now how many books does he have?
How do you prove that? Did the government own slaves?
I dont prove it. DNA and records prove it. I dont know if the government owned slaves I only know they allowed slavery and they benefited from it.

Sort of like welfare today
Whites on welfare dont benefit the government.
I wish the white trash freeloaders would quit being like the black freeloaders, too.
I do too. There ancestors had 400 years or so to build them a legacy. They are the lowest of the low.

Starting out, it's "their" ancestors, not "there" ancestors. Maybe if you worked harder in school you wouldn't need to be reimbursed for being a slave when you never were one and the people you want money from never owned slaves

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