Which is better for black americans in your opinion?

Which is better for black americans?

  • Total voters
All I know is after 50 years of sucking up to the Democratic party blacks don't seem all that well off. Besides it looks like the Democratic party is finished using blacks and are focused on Hispanics now.
They are much better off than if they had voted for the Republicans. If they had done that all the gains from the Civil Rights struggle would have been rolled back.

Ahahaha please tell us about your alternate timeline viewing machine you libs are funny :laugh:
You get very silly when you cant think of something to say.

I find it hilarious that whenever its pointed out what a shit job Democrats have done for blacks their answer is always, if you think Democrats have fucked over blacks holy shit if they had voted for Republicans they would have been really really...really fucked over. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
The truth hurts you, dunnit. It's a simple fact the GOP is dominated right now by people who hate minorities.

Blacks should take option 3 until they are better served by one of the major parties.

Actually, everyone should abstain until we are better served. As long as both parties coddle and cater to the maniacs who have hijacked them, they should both suffer the consequences they deserve.

Could you name some of the people who "hate" minorities?
You only gave two options which is a sign of not having the intellect to know there is always....always a 3rd option. A combination of 1 and a part of 2 would be my vote.

False. There is no basis to claim that there is always at least 3 options to any scenario. Of course, if you have a third option, you're welcome to recommend it.
Bullshit. I already recommended it. Common sense dictates there is always more than 2 options. You must be a low level employee used to taking orders. People that make things happen always know there are more than 2 options in every scenario. Use your critical thinking skills.

No, that isn't critical thinking, it's called entitlement mentality.
Good old 'entitlement mentality'. The first words a negro baby learns from his 'baby-mamma'.......after "The welfare office is this way."
It probably slowed our economy.

And we paid for it with lots of death already. Civil war was payment. You are welcome.
It actually grew the economy into a world power.

No the civil war wasnt payment. It was a war. Maybe if Blacks had not fought in it and ensured a victory you would have a partial point. However, since none of that is the case you dont have a point. At least not a credible one.

So lots of people died and you don't care. Very classy.
Thats correct. I dont care. I know the only ones fighting for my ancestors to be free were the Black soilders and a few whites. The others were fighting to maintain the Union. Your deflection in the form of an accusation lets me know you are feeling anger in not being able to formulate logic.

Your ideas are comical? Who do you expect to pay and who you expect to recieve? And what good would it do anyone?
I never said my ideas were comical. I expect the US to pay and the descendants of the enslaved to receive. What good does it do for you to be paid for your work? Its not dependant on what one does with the benefit. The US has only the obligation to repay the debt not judge what someone may do with the proceeds.

So you expect someone to get what they didn't earn because of something that happened before they were born? Typical of your kind.
It actually grew the economy into a world power.

No the civil war wasnt payment. It was a war. Maybe if Blacks had not fought in it and ensured a victory you would have a partial point. However, since none of that is the case you dont have a point. At least not a credible one.

So lots of people died and you don't care. Very classy.
Thats correct. I dont care. I know the only ones fighting for my ancestors to be free were the Black soilders and a few whites. The others were fighting to maintain the Union. Your deflection in the form of an accusation lets me know you are feeling anger in not being able to formulate logic.

Your ideas are comical? Who do you expect to pay and who you expect to recieve? And what good would it do anyone?
I never said my ideas were comical. I expect the US to pay and the descendants of the enslaved to receive. What good does it do for you to be paid for your work? Its not dependant on what one does with the benefit. The US has only the obligation to repay the debt not judge what someone may do with the proceeds.

And we have records of that? Who were your ancestors and what did they do? For how long?

No to mention he's just plain wrong. Yes, debts transfer to the estate, but since there is no estate and certainly no established debt, its all nonsense.
The Civil War was over 150 years ago. The democrat party's effort to stop the Civil Right's act ended about fifty years ago. Black people are surgeons and Supreme Court Justices and executives. Isn't it time the left stopped playing the race card? Black people should be tired of the pandering by now.
You only gave two options which is a sign of not having the intellect to know there is always....always a 3rd option. A combination of 1 and a part of 2 would be my vote.

False. There is no basis to claim that there is always at least 3 options to any scenario. Of course, if you have a third option, you're welcome to recommend it.
Bullshit. I already recommended it. Common sense dictates there is always more than 2 options. You must be a low level employee used to taking orders. People that make things happen always know there are more than 2 options in every scenario. Use your critical thinking skills.

No, that isn't critical thinking, it's called entitlement mentality.
Good old 'entitlement mentality'. The first words a negro baby learns from his 'baby-mamma'.......after "The welfare office is this way."

No, it's "the welfare on is be on the way".
So lots of people died and you don't care. Very classy.
Thats correct. I dont care. I know the only ones fighting for my ancestors to be free were the Black soilders and a few whites. The others were fighting to maintain the Union. Your deflection in the form of an accusation lets me know you are feeling anger in not being able to formulate logic.

Your ideas are comical? Who do you expect to pay and who you expect to recieve? And what good would it do anyone?
I never said my ideas were comical. I expect the US to pay and the descendants of the enslaved to receive. What good does it do for you to be paid for your work? Its not dependant on what one does with the benefit. The US has only the obligation to repay the debt not judge what someone may do with the proceeds.

And we have records of that? Who were your ancestors and what did they do? For how long?
What do you mean by "we"? You dont have anything to do with it. You just pay your taxes.

Well we as a country. Who has records? Who were slaves and for how long? You have records?

nothing is right. My ancestors weren't here till after slavery.
You only gave two options which is a sign of not having the intellect to know there is always....always a 3rd option. A combination of 1 and a part of 2 would be my vote.
Which items from Option 2 would you wish upon anyone:

1. Entitlements

2. Unfair advantage

3. Continued ghetto housing

4. No jobs

5. Failed incentives

6. Illegal aliens and un-vetted refugees

You only gave two options which is a sign of not having the intellect to know there is always....always a 3rd option. A combination of 1 and a part of 2 would be my vote.

You mean using
You only gave two options which is a sign of not having the intellect to know there is always....always a 3rd option. A combination of 1 and a part of 2 would be my vote.

If you have 1, you won't need 2.

That's ridiculous.
I need a part of 2 if I plan on being compensated for the 400 years of white affrimative action.

You're 400 years old?

The reason you say you need #2 is because you know you lack the ability to be successful on your own.
Who said I was 400 years old? Do you often have a hard time reading?

Typically white boy avoidance argument. They always claim I cant succeed without them. I you want to think that then have at it. To me it doesnt have anything to do with the point.

So you want to be rewarded for something that took place when you weren't alive? Typical of your kind boy.

If you could, you wouldn't need #2. YOU said you did and felt it was needed. If you are capable of doing it on your own, you wouldn't need #2.
No I dont want to be rewarded. I want what was owed to my ancestors. They didnt win a lotto. They worked. By force in a time without unions from sun up to sundown and rarely got a day off by force and threat of death, beatings, sold family members, and raped wives and daughters. Again I'm not concerned with what you think I need it for. The point is that its owed.
Thats correct. I dont care. I know the only ones fighting for my ancestors to be free were the Black soilders and a few whites. The others were fighting to maintain the Union. Your deflection in the form of an accusation lets me know you are feeling anger in not being able to formulate logic.

Your ideas are comical? Who do you expect to pay and who you expect to recieve? And what good would it do anyone?
I never said my ideas were comical. I expect the US to pay and the descendants of the enslaved to receive. What good does it do for you to be paid for your work? Its not dependant on what one does with the benefit. The US has only the obligation to repay the debt not judge what someone may do with the proceeds.

And we have records of that? Who were your ancestors and what did they do? For how long?
What do you mean by "we"? You dont have anything to do with it. You just pay your taxes.

Well we as a country. Who has records? Who were slaves and for how long? You have records?

nothing is right. My ancestors weren't here till after slavery.

You're white, fuck you, pay up.

You only gave two options which is a sign of not having the intellect to know there is always....always a 3rd option. A combination of 1 and a part of 2 would be my vote.

If you have 1, you won't need 2.

That's ridiculous.
Some people will have one and some people will need 2.

That's kind my point... if everyone had 1, there'd be no need for 2. But unfortunately, the political class need people ti have 2... they need a permanent underclass. Hence the push to legalize millions of illegals. Well, that and the unholy alliance between the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and business.
In a perfect world everyone would have employment and there would be no need for 2.
And yes, Whites love seeing an underclass of non Whites.

Why is race always brought into everything?

According to the media Hillary has been getting the Afro-American vote, what do they want in return?

Thats correct. I dont care. I know the only ones fighting for my ancestors to be free were the Black soilders and a few whites. The others were fighting to maintain the Union. Your deflection in the form of an accusation lets me know you are feeling anger in not being able to formulate logic.

Your ideas are comical? Who do you expect to pay and who you expect to recieve? And what good would it do anyone?
I never said my ideas were comical. I expect the US to pay and the descendants of the enslaved to receive. What good does it do for you to be paid for your work? Its not dependant on what one does with the benefit. The US has only the obligation to repay the debt not judge what someone may do with the proceeds.

And we have records of that? Who were your ancestors and what did they do? For how long?
What do you mean by "we"? You dont have anything to do with it. You just pay your taxes.

Well we as a country. Who has records? Who were slaves and for how long? You have records?

nothing is right. My ancestors weren't here till after slavery.
I already told you the records exist.

Doesnt matter if your ancestors were here during or after slavery. That has nothing to do with the fact the US still owes the debt.
Your ideas are comical? Who do you expect to pay and who you expect to recieve? And what good would it do anyone?
I never said my ideas were comical. I expect the US to pay and the descendants of the enslaved to receive. What good does it do for you to be paid for your work? Its not dependant on what one does with the benefit. The US has only the obligation to repay the debt not judge what someone may do with the proceeds.

And we have records of that? Who were your ancestors and what did they do? For how long?
What do you mean by "we"? You dont have anything to do with it. You just pay your taxes.

Well we as a country. Who has records? Who were slaves and for how long? You have records?

nothing is right. My ancestors weren't here till after slavery.

You're white, fuck you, pay up.

No need for him to pay up. He just needs to go on paying his taxes which the US would use to pay its debt.
Your ideas are comical? Who do you expect to pay and who you expect to recieve? And what good would it do anyone?
I never said my ideas were comical. I expect the US to pay and the descendants of the enslaved to receive. What good does it do for you to be paid for your work? Its not dependant on what one does with the benefit. The US has only the obligation to repay the debt not judge what someone may do with the proceeds.

And we have records of that? Who were your ancestors and what did they do? For how long?
What do you mean by "we"? You dont have anything to do with it. You just pay your taxes.

Well we as a country. Who has records? Who were slaves and for how long? You have records?

nothing is right. My ancestors weren't here till after slavery.
I already told you the records exist.

Doesnt matter if your ancestors were here during or after slavery. That has nothing to do with the fact the US still owes the debt.

Your ideas are comical? Who do you expect to pay and who you expect to recieve? And what good would it do anyone?
I never said my ideas were comical. I expect the US to pay and the descendants of the enslaved to receive. What good does it do for you to be paid for your work? Its not dependant on what one does with the benefit. The US has only the obligation to repay the debt not judge what someone may do with the proceeds.

And we have records of that? Who were your ancestors and what did they do? For how long?
What do you mean by "we"? You dont have anything to do with it. You just pay your taxes.

Well we as a country. Who has records? Who were slaves and for how long? You have records?

nothing is right. My ancestors weren't here till after slavery.
I already told you the records exist.

Doesnt matter if your ancestors were here during or after slavery. That has nothing to do with the fact the US still owes the debt.

And I asked who has them? I'm not aware of any. Tell us about your ancestors, what did they do?
I never said my ideas were comical. I expect the US to pay and the descendants of the enslaved to receive. What good does it do for you to be paid for your work? Its not dependant on what one does with the benefit. The US has only the obligation to repay the debt not judge what someone may do with the proceeds.

And we have records of that? Who were your ancestors and what did they do? For how long?
What do you mean by "we"? You dont have anything to do with it. You just pay your taxes.

Well we as a country. Who has records? Who were slaves and for how long? You have records?

nothing is right. My ancestors weren't here till after slavery.
I already told you the records exist.

Doesnt matter if your ancestors were here during or after slavery. That has nothing to do with the fact the US still owes the debt.

Did you have a question?
I wonder what his take is on the Ashanti War? I wonder if he's running around Africa demanding money from the blacks?

Shit, they'd slit his fucking throat.
I never said my ideas were comical. I expect the US to pay and the descendants of the enslaved to receive. What good does it do for you to be paid for your work? Its not dependant on what one does with the benefit. The US has only the obligation to repay the debt not judge what someone may do with the proceeds.

And we have records of that? Who were your ancestors and what did they do? For how long?
What do you mean by "we"? You dont have anything to do with it. You just pay your taxes.

Well we as a country. Who has records? Who were slaves and for how long? You have records?

nothing is right. My ancestors weren't here till after slavery.

You're white, fuck you, pay up.

No need for him to pay up. He just needs to go on paying his taxes which the US would use to pay its debt.

And you figure out who collects this debt how?
You only gave two options which is a sign of not having the intellect to know there is always....always a 3rd option. A combination of 1 and a part of 2 would be my vote.

False. There is no basis to claim that there is always at least 3 options to any scenario. Of course, if you have a third option, you're welcome to recommend it.
Bullshit. I already recommended it. Common sense dictates there is always more than 2 options. You must be a low level employee used to taking orders. People that make things happen always know there are more than 2 options in every scenario. Use your critical thinking skills.

No, that isn't critical thinking, it's called entitlement mentality.
Good old 'entitlement mentality'. The first words a negro baby learns from his 'baby-mamma'.......after "The welfare office is this way."

No, it's "the welfare on is be on the way".

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